Sports Festival and Todoroki
(I honestly couldn't for the life of me figure out the whole "secret love child" scenario. All Might and Izuku don't talk, so that's not on the list. So instead, I made things so much worse... this is gonna be wild.
Also, for those who can't take it, this chapter mentions child and domestic abuse. You have been warned.
So yeah, hope you enjoy it!)
"That guy's really strange, huh?" Asriel asked, tilting his head in thought. Izuku just laughed, "Yeah, he has weird questions. I certainly didn't take him to be the conspiracy theorist type," Izuku said, nonchalantly. Though the statement itself brought more questions than answers.
They just decided to forget about it for a while and eat their lunch before they ran out of time.
(Author POV)
Izuku was walking back to the stadium with his brother and friends. They had just finished getting lunch from the stalls and were trying to hurry so they weren't late. As they were saying their 'goodbye's and 'see you later's, Izuku was suddenly filled with a heartwarming nostalgia, which unfortunately reminded him of the nostalgic fear in the competition. A bone-chilling fear and overwhelming anxiety filled his soul as the other kids stared hungrily at his headband... that feeling... why was it so dreadfully familiar? And then there was Shoto Todoroki. Even weirder is what came after the 'staring contest'. Honestly, just because he was adopted and raised by monsters, doesn't mean he is one (though he sometimes wants to be).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flashback ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Izuku was nervous. He wanted to get back to his friends, but he gets dragged off by the third most powerful in the class, just to be glared at? It was uncomfortable being underneath his unsettling judgemental gaze. It was nothing like Sans' ability to see into one's soul. This stare was one of suspicion and distrust and it gave off cold intimidation. It was... unsettling. He just wanted this to be over so he could eat in peace with Hitoshi, Neito, Kosei, and Azzy.
"So... what did you want to talk about, Todoroki?" Izuku asked, trying to break the tension. Silence. "We should probably hurry up before the crowd gets too big. I don't want to miss lunch-" Izuku tried to explain but he was cut off by the other, who look suddenly very determined for some reason like he had come to a decision of some sort.
"I was overpowered," he said quietly. Izuku wasn't ready for that but stayed quiet because he had the aching feeling that Shoto wasn't finished and he didn't want to interrupt the half-toned boy. "So much that I broke my pledge." he continued. "Ilda, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, and the others... None of them felt it. At that moment, I was the only one who was overpowered. Only me, who had experienced that power firsthand..." he monologued(?) "What... do you mean?" Izuku asked nervously. "it means I felt something similar coming from you," Shoto claimed.
"Izuku, are you... secretly a Nomu?" he suddenly asked. Confusion. That was the only feeling Izuku could feel at the moment. Complete, utter confusion. After a few moments, the confusion turned into surprise, then horror, then disgust. Shoto genuinely thought that Izuku was a Nomu, and that threw Izuku through a number of flips. His poor mind couldn't wrap around why he would even think for a moment that Shoto would align him as a failed experiment of the League. How insulting! Izuku had risked his life for these people he didn't know, these people who clearly judged him all the time and avoid him even more so, were the people he defended!
"Well, are you?" he asked. Izuku practically exploded. "OF COURSE NOT! What in Asgore's great name made you think something as horrendous as that?!" he whisper-screamed. Shoto then went on to explain his tragic backstory. Apparently, there was something called a "quirk marriage" that he was "the product" of one. Quirk marriages were something that appeared in the second and third generation of quirks, about 200-ish years ago. People were selected to pair for the sole purpose of strengthening their quirks and passing them down to their children, forcing them into an arranged marriage.
In short, Shoto Todoroki's father had a fire quirk called "Hellflame", but overusing it would cause an internal meltdown. His solution? Quirk marriage to someone with an ice quirk. Enji Todoroki -also known as Pro Hero: Endeavor- purchased his "wife" for the sole purpose of giving birth to a child with "the perfect quirk". The red burn mark on the left side of Shoto's face was from his mother after his father had driven her insane. "'Your left side is unsightly,' my mother said as she poured boiling water on my face. Basically, I picked a fight with you to show my bastard father that I could be a hero without his quirk. I'm going to win first place without the use of his quirk."
Just as Shoto was walking away, Izuku spoke up. "Do you know how similar magic is to quirks? They're nearly identical. Everyone has their own type of power that makes them unique. Even monsters from the same family have slightly different attacks for each person. But, none of them are exact copies... nor can anyone force another to use their magic. The same applies to quirks. Everyone has their own unique and special quirk that belongs to them and only them. What was the name of your quirk again? 'Half-hot, Half-cold' you said? That doesn't sound like 'Hellflame' to me. Think what you want, but unless your quirk is suddenly an exact replica of his, one that he can control, then I would say... that it isn't right to call it 'his quirk'. So just know, that you aren't him, and he isn't you. Don't try to reject who you are, Todoroki," Izuku explained with a gentle smile.
The red-and-white-haired boy merely spared him a cold glance before walking away.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flashback End ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Izuku couldn't help but feel bad for the half-and-half boy. Not only did Shoto whole-heartedly believe that Izuku had multiple quirks -despite telling everyone that he was quirkless- but he also believed himself to be some sort of tool. Izuku let out a heavy sigh, catching the attention of his baby brother. "Hey Izu, what's up? You look stressed. Did you get another business call? Hey, don't worry about them, alright? Those annoying politicians can wait their turn!" Asriel cheered, attempting to lighten to mood. Izuku couldn't help but smile at his efforts but shook his head.
"No, it isn't them, don't worry. It's just... *sigh* let's talk about it later, kay?" Izuku said, trying not to bring up the whole "Are you a Nomu?" issue. He didn't think much of it before, but if the heroes suspected the young Todoroki to be right, what kind of chaos would break out? There's no telling what kind of fight would break out. If he couldn't convince them otherwise, he would have to show a physical report, then calm everybody down and worst of all, explain that Shoto is just a conspiracy theorist. If he were to say that last part, he would surely get laughed at, and then the worst would come and-
A shoulder landed on his shoulder. "Hey, nobody is gonna hate you okay?" a familiar voice said. Izuku spun around to see Hitoshi with a concerned gaze. Izuku stared for a moment before tapping his lips. "It wasn't on, to begin with. I know I don't need to use it on you, at least not yet, heh. Besides, I'm really worried about you here, kay? Look, I get it, kids can be mean but don't listen to them okay?" he explained. Izuku's eyes shifted to the floor as if it was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world right now. "Th- that's not it, Hitoshi. I... He thinks I'm one of those Nomu's that the League used to attack us at the USJ. I already told you that I was quirkless, and Neito even proved it when he couldn't use his quirk on me. And yet, Todoroki still thinks that I have multiple quirks," Izuku explained.
"Hito... what if.. what if he brings this to the heroes? What if they believe him? They'll take me away and hurt me, and more than that, without an ambassador to take the brunt of the politicians, the monster-human war will repeat all over again!" Izuku said, raising his head for Hitoshi's purple eyes to meet his emerald tear-filled ones. "I-I don't w-wanna lose my family! I-I've wor-ked s-so hard... I did e-everything for them. I... I hurt people for them. I.. I... *hic* I can't do this. I ne-eed t-to... I can't l-let him-" Warm... Izuku was wrapped in a warm hug before he could even process it, sobbing his heart out into his friend's arms. Again. He fell apart again.
(Shinsou POV)
"Shh, it's okay, Izuku. I can take care of this, you just calm down and let me take control, alright?" I whispered in his ear, stroking his back gently. I hadn't realized just how much pressure was on this poor child, and I felt guilty for it. I had been bullied and abused for my "villainous" quirk all my life, classmates, heroes, strangers, even my own parents! After an incident at school, they made me wear a muzzle to prevent me from using my quirk on anyone. If I suffered all of that because of my quirk. So what kind of hell could they possibly give to someone who just happened to resemble some random mon- villain's I reminded myself- quirk?
"It's okay, Izuku. I got this, trust me," I whispered gently. When he nodded into my shoulder, I stayed in the embrace for a few more minutes before his sobs turned into soft sniffles. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need a bit longer, or can you make it through this without me for a bit?" I asked. I wasn't about to leave him like this for some silly competition. He was my first real friend, and I got the sinking feeling that he felt the same about me and the others. He nodded again and let go. "Sorry, I probably got your suit all dirty-" 'NOPE! No more tears for you, Greeny!' "Hey, don't you apologize! I did this because you're my friend, and don't you think for a moment that I regret any this," I scolded, gripping onto his arms. "Besides, I probably would've got them all covered in dirt anyway, so don't sweat it," I joked. Luckily, that earned a smile out of him. Good.
Now that he's okay, I gotta text the others about what just went down. Once the rest of my class was informed, I told them my plan to talk to that Todoroki guy and make sure he keeps his mouth shut. Conspiracy theorist or not, I'm not letting this get out and become some stupid rumor. It's way too dangerous to just be some "silly joke", fake or not. I couldn't tell if this 'Shoto Todoroki' was insane, or just plain stupid, but I was not about to risk it. So with a newfound determination, I marched over to Neito and Kosei to help me come up with a plan.
. . .
"All right everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it our tournament style, one-on-one!" Present Mic announced. Well, that gives me a chance to get my plan in motion. One by one, all sorts of games were played. The scavenger hunt, the ball race, and a few others. While those were going on, the ones participating were in their own world trying to mentally prepare for the upcoming battle. When the minigames had finally ended, Pro Hero: Cementoss, finished readying the stage for the upcoming battles.
The matches were drawn by lots, and it was just my luck that I was going to go up against Izuku first thing. My plan relied solely on my loss, but I wanted to give him a fair fight, so when we were called to the stage, I was glad to see that fire in his eyes again. I knew he would bounce back, he always seemed so strong and sure of himself that it would be unfathomable to think he would stay sad for too long.
"Everyone! The finals that you've been waiting for are finally starting!" Present Mic said, waving his arms around excitedly like always. "Match number one- Our green-haired powerhouse, would you even believe he's quirkless? Izuku Dreemur!" he cheered. Shinsou kept a blank face, but he really wanted to yell at the comment. I couldn't even argue because I know very well that Izuku is strong, but did that jerk really have to call him out like that? What the hell is wrong with this guy? Is he trying to start a fight?
"Sorry, he hasn't really done much to stand out just yet, Shinsou Hitoshi!" he finished. "OI, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! HE GOT FIRST PLACE IN THE CAVALRY BATTLE!! I CALL BULLSHIT, THIS GUY IS BADASS!!" Izuku screamed back, and I nearly cried. God, I absolutely love this crybaby. I refuse to let anyone harm my new unofficial-bestie, this child deserves the universe and more. "Thanks, Izu, but 'ya know that you don't gotta stand up for me, right?" I said, activating my quirk. Part of me felt bad for doing this, but I wasn't about to be mean just to win this. He's already mad right now, and I don't feel like bullying my 'guardian angel'.
"OF COURSE I-" he started, his eyes suddenly going blank. "Seriously, thanks for all this. Now, walk out of bounds," I ordered. 'You better be as strong as I think you are, Izuku. Please win this!' I internally prayed. And my prayers were soon answered as he stopped just an inch away from the edge of the stage. He turned around, a grin spreading across his face. I grinned too and got into a battle stance. I knew he figured me out, and I also knew that I wasn't good at hand-to-hand combat, but I at least wanna look a little bit cool.
The laces of his shoes turned blue and before I got the chance to react, I was pushed out of bounds. It took me a moment to recover, but I just couldn't help but laugh. "Ha! Looks like you got me, not that I stood a chance anyway. Hey, keep your head up okay? I wanna see those fiery eyes when you kick that ice bastard's ass, yeah? And give that angry pomeranian a good scolding too," I told him. He laughed and nodded offering his hand for me to shake, which I gladly accepted.
"And with that epic display of good sportsmanship, Izuku Dreemur is the first to proceed to the next round!"
. . .
"Next up is Shoto Todoroki versus Sero Hanto!" Mic announced. "He's good! He's good! But what's with that plain face? From the hero course, it's Sero Hanto!" Mic 'asked'. "Well, that was rude," Sero muttered under his breath as he stretched his arms. "Versus- Taking second, then third in the prelims! You're pretty strong, kid! He wasn't in recommendations for nothing. Also from the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki!" Present Mic excitedly announced. "Ready?.. START!" Sero started off by quickly wrapping Todroki with his "tape" quirk. Sero could shoot tape out of his tape dispenser-shaped elbows.
He dragged Todoroki to the edge of the ring, but before Todoroki reached the edge, he muttered a cold apology that didn't really look like he was sorry. He looked like he was more or less just taking his anger out on Sero and apologizing for making his classmate the victim, almost as if to say, 'this wasn't your fault, so don't take it personally'. Shoto stamped his foot on the ground and consumed Sero, along with half the stadium, in a giant freezing glacier. It was so violent that it shook the building, and you could even see the attack from outside!
Shivering and half-frozen, Midnight stood at the podium, waiting to check if the match is still on. "Sero, can you move?" he asked. "O-Of course not! Ow..." he managed to groan out. Midnight was paralyzed in ice but was still capable of claiming Shoto as the winner of the match.
"Poor guy," I thought to myself. And it seems like I wasn't the only one as the crowd began to cheer "good try"s and "Don't worry about it"s. We all knew the poor plain-faced boy didn't stand a chance against that beast. "sorry, I went overboard" he said, using his fire quirk to that the ice. 'That's a little more than just overboard!' I internally screamed. "I was angry," he said guiltily. 'Seriously? That much just because you were mad?!'
. . .
The rest of the matches weren't really that interesting, not including poor Ilda that was used as advertising for Mei's gadgets. The poor thing was absolutely humiliated and I had to hold back my laughter the whole time. Mei had equipped Ilda with some of her inventions to help with his quirk since he had overused it, however it turned out to just be an elaborate plan to show off her inventions. Ten minutes later once she had finished her.. presentation, she walked off the stage, letting Ilda win by default. The poor guy.
Soon enough, Monoma had been put up against Kirishima so it was an even match of willpower that lasted way longer than it should have and eventually came out as a draw that had to be decided by an arm wrestle once they had finished recovering. Kaminari was set up again by Kosei and had lost due to overusing his quirk. Kaminari had an electricity quirk, so when he use a large-scale electric shock, Kosei just blocked it with an air barrier and dragged the now braindead off-brand Pikachu out of bounds and off the stage. Asriel had been set up against Mina, that match was over before it even began. Yaoyorozu went up against Tokoyami and that was one of the shorter matches. Tokoyami just pushed her out of bounds. Bakugou had been set up against Uraraka and he practically bullied the poor girl.
Luckily, he absolutely destroyed the arena and it would take a while to repair, along with the unfinished battle between Kirishima and Monoma so I now had time to 'talk' to Todoroki. I was going to storm over to his waiting room when I saw Bakuou doing the same. I suddenly had an idea and followed him there. Unfortunately, I was wrong and he turned out to just be insulting Izuku, along with something about Izuku's memories. Does Izu have amnesia? When Izuku had told him that he had no memory of Bakugou being his "childhood friend", and the only "Kachan" he knew of was the one who chased him up Mt. Ebott. "Kachan is the one who tried to kill me, you're just some random bully that I have no intention of hanging around with," Izuku retorted.
Oh, I'm gonna kill this guy.
. . .
It was now the second round and it was Izuku's turn. He was set up to fight Todoroki and this battle was absolutely amazing. He showed off some new power that almost explained why Todoroki would assume he had more than one quirk. Not only did he have that super speed that made his shoes blue, but he also had super-strength that summoned some sort of orange gloves with black hearts on them, whatever that meant. Tokoroki was sending out attack after attack, filling the arena with ice, but he just dodged them until they were getting too big and too close to dodge. Every time it reached Izuku, it would be shattered into nothing with one punch. The shockwave of each punch pushed Todoroki further and further back until he was forced to create a small ice wall to prevent being pushed out of bounds by the sheer force of Izuku's attacks.
You're amazing, Izuku!
(Izuku POV)
This is getting nowhere!
It had been five minutes since the match started and Todoroki was keeping his promise so far- "only using his ice". I had wanted to preserve my magic, but every time I dodged, there was more ice waiting for me. It started small. A couple of normal ice attacks that I dodged with ease, only filling my shoelaces with INTEGRITY, but I had to increase my magic as his attacks got stronger, faster, wilder, and more unpredictable. He was getting desperate and I could see how much it was hurting him.
Every quirk has its drawback. Urarakas's quirk makes her sick when she uses it too much. Tokoyami's quirk was weak in the sunlight and was more useful for defense, but it got uncontrollably powerful in the darkness of night and would likely attack anything that moved. Nieto could only use his quirk for five minutes before he needed to touch that person again, or just use someone else's quirk. Kosei could only use the air in his lungs for his quirk to work, so whenever he ran out of breath he would get tired and- worst-case scenario- start coughing and wheezing. He also had asthma and his quirk was the only thing keeping it under control, so overusing his quirk was costly. As I was continuing to punch and dodge his attacks, I noticed his arms frosting over.
"Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power. Here comes the finishing ice attack!" Present Mic screamed into the microphone. Right as it was about to hit me, I summoned BRAVERY to its maximum strength and sent a powerful blow that shattered every piece of ice and cleared the arena. The blast was enough to push Todoroki to the edge of the ring, but he made a crystal of ice that caught him just fast enough to avoid his doom.
"you're trembling, Todoroki," I said. "Unlike Magic, which is an extension of your soul, quirks are an extension of your body, so the limit for a quirk is harsher on the body than magic. There's a limit to how much cold you're body can take, isn't there? And isn't that something that could be fixed with your fire?" I asked, raising my hand to reveal my bleeding knuckles. The ice was so hard that it had cut my hand, and the blast from punching it didn't really help.
"Everyone here is fighting with all they've got, and you think you can win with just half of your power? I'm even using two of my SOUL traits, at the same time, and at full power. You have pushed me this far, so why aren't you doing the same?! Come at me with everything you've got!" I screamed. "Did my old man pay you to say all that?" he said angrily, now running at me. "don't spew that bullshit at me!" he yelled. I let him get close so I could attack him easier, but I noticed his movements had slowed. The frostbite was getting to him.
Our dance of ice, dodge, and punch had resumed, a little weaker than before with each attack. Hit after hit he was blown back and a few more drops of blood dripped down my hand. With a powerful punch, Todoroki had slammed into another crystal of ice. He staggered back to his feet, and I used this chance to use KINDNESS to heal my wounds. "Why are you doing this? What drives you? Why are you so determined?" he asked. "Because I want to live up the everyone's expectations. I want to be able to smile in the face of danger. I want to listen to their wishes and answer their call. To be a true hero. I want to be The Symbol of Hope. I want to be their Angel!" I yelled in response.
Todoroki looked to be shaken by my response. 'Good, I can get through to him!' I thought, hope filling my heart. "There's no way I could understand your pain or your reasoning for doing this. But for you to become number one without giving it your all, to claim your petty revenge against your father and reject your quirk completely, that's absolute BULLSHIT!" I screamed. I was angry, I could feel it, but no HATE yet so that was good. "Shut up..." he said quietly, just enough for me to hear. I could see it in his eyes, he was breaking through his own HATE. His hatred, I could feel it cracking. And suddenly... it was hot. So very hot.
Fire. He was using his Fire.
"Even though I'm your enemy, you wanted to save me. Thank you, Izuku," Todoroki said, now grinning like a maniac. His smile was kind of scary, but it was true and genuine and that was enough for me. His ice came at me like never before and I had to put all my power into INTEGRITY to jump over it. I rushed down the ice and straight for him. I switched all my strength to BRAVERY, pulling back my fist for my strongest attack. His fire burned brighter than before. Hotter than Mom's, Dad's, heck even Asriel couldn't reach that temperature, and it was exhilarating.
He raised his hand and sent out an overpowering blast of flames. Cementoss threw up barriers, not that it did anything to stop the explosion that followed immediately after. Nobody knew if it was the sudden shift in temperature or the clash of attacks, maybe it was both, but the aftermath was catastrophic. The stage was destroyed, I was at nearing the edge of the arena, my red knife stabbing into the ground to keep me grounded with a green barrier behind me to keep me from flying back. As for Todoroki...
he had slammed into the wall of the arena, falling to the ground unconscious.
Once the smoke had cleared, I pulled myself up and looked over to Midnight. She declared me as the winner of the match and told me to take him to Recovery Girl: the school nurse. I gladly agreed and carried him to the nurse's office, bridal style. Recovery Girl had to wait 'till he was conscious before healing him because her quirk relied on the patient's energy. It wasn't so much a healing quirk, as it was a super recovery quirk. It basically forced the body to heal its own wounds naturally, but at a rapid pace faster than it would be when given time.
Unfortunately, I was given a stern talking to for going this far, along with some of her special gummies to restore my stamina. I had to rest and eat in order to regain my energy, so I went on a search for Azzy to ask if he wanted to join me. It wasn't hard to find him, as he was hanging out with his friends. They ended up joining the 'snack time' alongside us as we both replenished our energy. "Yo Izuku, that match was crazy! What kinda moves did you use? You said you can use magic so what kind of magic was that?" Uraraka asked. Ilda agreed, saying that he had only seen the different types during the quirk test on the first day of school. Even Asriel was curious!
"Well, it was something I had been working on for quite a while. When I had turned eleven I had officially started training to use all of the SOUL traits. It was a plan that I and a few of the other scientists came up with after I had started training my magic. Basically, our plan to break the barrier was to use my SOUL magic as a replacement for human souls. You see, the barrier was powerful and the only way to break it was to attack it with seven human souls of each trait, so my plan was to master all the traits and use all of them simultaneously to attack the barrier by myself rather than use the souls of other humans." I explained. I looked over at them to see their faces filled with pure curiosity. I chuckled at their innocent faces and continued my explanation.
"BRAVERY, JUSTICE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, INTEGRITY, PERSEVERANCE, and my SOUL trait, DETERMINATION. Each trait has its own magic type. BRAVERY summons orange gloves that give you super strength. JUSTICE summons a yellow gun that attacks the SOUL with magic yellow bullets. KINDNESS summons a green pan that acts as a shield and a healing spell, but it can also make magical food that heals others. PATIENCE summons a cyan knife that uses blue attacks. Blue attacks can manipulate gravity and use blue attacks. INTEGRITY summons blue shoes that increase your speed and jump height. PERSEVERANCE summons a purple notebook that traps your soul in a purple string, immobilizing the enemy and glasses that read your opponent's soul and give you information about them. Last but not least, DETERMINATION. That one is a bit complicated because it has a few different abilities," I explained. The last one caught their attention the most, as expected.
"It can summon a red knife that shoots overpowered attacks that float in the air before shooting at the enemy like a missile. It can summon a red sword that has equally powerful attacks that usually come in the form of either a normal sword or explosions if you stab it into the ground. It can create a red shield ten times stronger than KINDNESS. And last but not least, the most powerful ability of all. It's one that I have sworn to never use unless there is a major emergency that would threaten my family in a catastrophic way," I told them, letting the last piece of information remain in the tense atmosphere. "... Time travel. The ability to turn back time upon death, and RESET time back to when I first fell into The Underground. I know, it's terrifying."
The three let out audible gasps and sparkling eyes that shone brighter than the sun. I laughed at their reactions, snapping them out of their trance. "THAT IS SO OVERPOWERED, IZUKU!" Uraraka explained. Asriel was nodding his head at an impossible speed and Ilda looked to be processing all of this information. These reactions continued for a few minutes before Ilda told me to be careful with the RESET. I told him that I knew about the risks and already made a promise to only use my red flames and sword; and my red knife in emergency situations.
"Oh, there is one more I forgot about. It's beyond dangerous and would most likely kill a lot of people if I lose control of it. It was developed during my training with Undyne, and if it wasn't for Azzy here, I would have killed her. It's called HATE. So far, I have good control of it, but if you see my eyes, face, and any of my body turns black, that's what it is. It's deadly and destructive and it multiplies all of my attacks many times over. If you ever see it take over my body... run. The only ones who can stop me are Azzy and Professor Gaster. I asked Gaster to create an antidote in case Asriel doesn't get to me on time, and we've tested it to prove that it works," I finished.
As expected, the last one filled them with fear, but they agreed to my command now understanding the severity of the 'virus'. "Good, I'm glad I can trust you to know what to do," I said with a smile. Ilda was the first to speak up this time. "Of course! As the class representative and your friend, I have to make sure that you and everyone else is safe! I will make sure to follow the correct procedures in the event of this situation!" he exclaimed, chopping his arms faster than usual to prove his point. Uraraka nodded as well and agreed to do the same.
I smiled and we all went back to the stadium with our food.
. . .
(Okay! I was going to continue, but the chapter would be too long so I am gonna move the chapter down. This is about the time where Bakugou and Izuku fight anyway, so plays perfectly into my next chapter.
I'm gonna make Bakugou bring back Izuku's memory, naturally, in the form of screaming and explosions.
So, with that in mind, I'll see you in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!)
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