Sports Festival and Kindness
(Hello everyone! I have finally gotten around to this. You'll never believe what happened lately.
I'm making some fanart of my favorite twitch streamers.
So anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.)
"And the winner is-
"THE DREEMURS!! It's UA's very first... TIE!!"
(Asriel POV)
I looked to my right to see my brother right at my hip, giving me a thumbs up and a huge grin. I stood there for a few moments before tearing up. "... Azzy? Are you okay? Look we can just share-" he said, but I interrupted his apology before he got the chance to think he did something wrong.
"yyYYEEEEESSS!!" I cheered as loud as I could. I finally won something! It might be a tie, but I'm just that much closer to beating my brother in something! I was practically dancing in place as Izuku broke into a laugh. Confetti fluttered all around us, fireworks exploded in the sky, the cheers of the crowd nearly equaled the loud bangs. It felt amazing! I tackled Izuku in a giant hug and twirled around laughing and crying. As soon as I stopped spinning around, Izuku wobbled a bit but pat my head and told me we'd share snacks after dinner. I could not be happier. This was almost as amazing as my first experience with the stars.
Soon after, the students on our tail made their way into the stadium one by one. In second place was Bakugou, and third was Todoroki. After that, a mix of 1-A and 1-B students made their way through the tunnel and into the stadium. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched Ilda have an existential crisis about losing first place even with a speed quirk. While I was on cloud nine, Uraraka had come to praise us for our win. Though the sentiment was appreciated, I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the bet, so I just told her it was a rivalry between brothers which she awed at. 'This is so embarrassing.' I thought to myself.
I tried my best to avert eye contact as Izu laughed at my nervousness, clearly laughing at my silent pleas for help. However, I looked over his shoulder to see Todoroki staring very hard at us and Bakugou gripping tightly to his arm, shaking all over. I would have thought he was in pain if I didn't know any better. He's mad. I couldn't help but smirk.
I was interrupted from my musings by Ms. Midnight announcing the final placements of the race.
. . .
(Author POV)
Midnight stood atop the stage, now with a microphone in hand to keep from straining her voice. "Now then, here is the second game! I wonder what it is! I wonder, I wonder~," She said. The wheel that would decide the next game spun around until it landed on... Cavalry Battle. "Participants can form teams of two to four as they wish. It's basically the same as a normal cavalry battle but the one thing that's different is that based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value. And the points for each person go up by five starting from last place. So 42nd place gets five points, and 41st gets ten points, so on and so forth," she explained.
"But that's not all!" she continued. "First place is an exception to this rule and is given... Ten million points!" she finished with a crack of her whip. Suddenly, all eyes were on the Dreemur brothers. Asriel was sweating bullets while Izuku was smirking. Asriel was absolutely terrified of the sinister stares pointed in their direction while Izuku was throwing a challenging stare right back. "That's right, Izuku and Asriel Dreemur, who tied for first place, are worth ten million points each!" she shouted.
The moment she said that a predatory aura washed over every student in the stadium. The heavy aura brought back a long-forgotten feeling of dread to Izuku. "This feeling..." Izuku whispered. It felt as if... he had felt this before. A sickening sense of nostalgia washed over him. The emotional part of him wanted to get rid of this feeling and push down whatever memories were slowly bubbling to the surface, but the logical part of him knew that these memories were important somehow. Izuku decided that he would focus on these emotions later, for now, he shook them off and tried to focus on the task at hand.
With his determination regained, he refocused his attention on Ms. Midnight who was explaining the rules. "The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total number of its members. Stolen members must wear the headbands above the neck. Additionally, even if you lose your headbands, as long as at least one of your team members still have theirs, you are not out!" she said. A collection of murmurs and whispers filled the air before Midnight cracked her whip to shut them up. "You can use your quirks in the game. However, this is still a cavalry battle so attacks that are intentionally aimed to make people fall off on purpose are a big no-go and will earn you a red card! It's the fastest way for you to get kicked out of the competition, so let's play nice everyone!" she warned. "Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Go!"
With the final words said, everyone got into their groups. Bakugou was surrounded by multiple people asking for him to be in their group, but he shooed them all off by asking for their names and quirks. Then Kirishima came along and got Bakugou to team up with him, truly an amazing feat. Tsuyu somehow managed to come up with a decent enough plan to convince Shoji to team up with her. Just about everyone was teaming up with their classmates, leaving the Dreemur twins on their own. Asriel tried to team up with Izuku, but the older brother rejected, saying that it would prevent anyone else from even getting a chance at victory so they both agreed to look for their own teammates.
Uraraka approached Asriel with the idea to run away the whole time and protect their points. Asriel, being the crybaby he is, exploded with happy tears. How he could cry so much was beyond anyone's knowledge, but Izuku was just happy that his brother had already made friends that trusted him. Not long after the -not cute- pink-haired dreadlocks girl approached him with her devices and said she would join up with him. Then came Tokoyami, completing their team.
. . .
While Asriel had gotten his team, Izuku was glancing around the stadium when a slick-haired blonde approached him. "Hey, hey! You're that cocky 1-A kid, right? You're coming with me," he said, holding out his hand. Izuku gave a warm smile and took the hand, presuming this was the poor blonde's pitiful attempt at being nice. Izuku disregarded the rude words and introduced himself as he walked over to the blonde's group. The group consisted of the blonde (now named Neito Monoma), that purple-haired insomniac from before, and a brunette.
Izuku found out that the brunette had an invisible barrier quirk (insert bad memories) called "solid air". He can solidify air to form walls or footholds but the size depends on lung capacity, as he needs to exhale the air he solidifies. The blonde that dragged him here had a copy quirk. He could use the quirks of anyone he touched for five minutes. The tired purple-haired boy had a mind control quirk that was called "brainwashing" for some odd reason, but it was response-based. Answering a question didn't really sound like brainwashing to Izuku, though.
"Hey, thanks for letting me in. I'm glad we got over our differences! My name is Izuku Dreemur, and I'm quirkless," Izuku said gently. Asriel said he should be more friendly that way he'll make his own friends.
Their reaction was immediate. "Quirkless?! But what about the race?! There is no way you could possibly be that powerful without a quirk!" the brunette exclaimed. It looks like he wasn't the only one surprised by this revelation as Monoma flexed his hands, trying to use Izuku's non-existent quirk, obviously failing. "Haha yeah, sorry for the disappointment, I know I'm not what you were expecting. I was using magic during the race," Izuku explained, hiding his anger at the insult with "shy" laughter a "warm" smile. "No no no, that's not what we meant! We were just amazed at your strength and speed! It was so epic dude!" the brunette explained. The purplette nodded in agreement, giving a thumbs up. "Yeah, you and your brother were super cool out there. Man, with power like that, I can't even imagine what kind of god you would be with a quirk. By the way, my name's Shinsou Hitoshi. Nice to meet you, Izuku." 'Shinsou' said, holding out a hand which Izuku gladly shook. Suddenly feeling rude for not doing the same, the brunette introduced himself as Kosei Tsuboaraba, which Izuku decided to call "Kosei".
Izuku decided that these humans were okay enough to be friends with. They all agreed to trade numbers later and got in position for the game.
. . .
(Asriel POV)
The timer for the teams went off, indicating that time was up and that the battle had begun. I was going to be the rider, Uraraka, and the crazy machine girl - 'Mei Hatsume' I reminded myself - and Tokoyami was going to be the horses. I look around the stadium at the teams and see my brother with some kids from that 1-B class. I found it ironic, but he was smiling so I guess he was happy. 'Why doesn't he smile like that around our classmates?' I thought, wondering his thought process. I wondered and wondered, thinking back to all his interactions with them and I couldn't think of anyone other than Uraraka and Ilda that actually tried to befriend him. I had invited Ilda and Momo to our home but both refused due to training and studies, so they never actually bothered to hang out with him. Uraraka seems more interested in becoming friends with me than with Izu...
Do they even consider him a friend?
I should probably ask later, but for now, I have a competition to win. Mei had supplied Uraraka with a pair of her extra air-jet boots, and me an air jet backpack. We planned to keep running away until the timer ran out. I knew I could probably take on everyone here, but I don't wanna hurt anybody, especially my friends, so I opted to keep my distance from everyone and do my best to protect my classmates. I also want to preserve my magic for later, just in case me and Izu have to fight for the top spot. If I want to stand by Izuku in a fight, I need to prove that I can be stronger. But it's not just strength with him, he's also a genius, a prodigy even. If I don't combine my brain with my brawn, then I'll never catch up to him.
I can do this.
. . .
(Author POV)
The bell rang and the chaos began.
As expected, everyone attacked Asriel and Izuku right off the bat. Someone used their quirk to soften the ground under Asriel's team. Asriel used the jetpack that Hatsume had given him to blast the team into the air and out of the trap. Tokoyami used his quirk, Dark Shadow, to defend the team from the incoming air attack that one of their classmates, Kyoka Jirou, had shot at them. A few seconds had passed since they entered the air, and Uraraka had declared that they were landing.
The people who weren't chasing Asriel were chasing Izuku. There were two different million-point headbands so that was two chances to get first place, but the contestants quickly realized how pointless it was to aim for the two. Asriel's team kept flying too high for them to reach, and Izuku's team kept zooming past everyone too fast for anyone to catch. What makes things worse is that both teams had grabbed a headband or two. This was actually just to ensure that they passed if anyone did manage to get their headbands.
As for Izuku, he was filling the soles of his shoes with INTEGRITY to boost his speed, but he refrained from filling his shoes so he didn't throw his team around. Kosei was making air barriers to protect the team from attacks and blew away anyone that got too close. Shinsou was distracting some of the contestants who weren't focused on them and making them hand over their points. Monoma wasn't doing much, but he was still doing his best to keep up with the others. Everyone was playing their part perfectly, and that was all they needed to get to the next round.
Both brothers kept this strategy going until Bakugou got involved. Bakugou was frothing at the mouth, glaring at Asriel and swearing revenge on him for embarrassing him in the battle training, despite the fact that nobody saw the one-sided beatdown Asriel gave him. Bakugou had blasted himself up into the air to chase after Asriel and try to steal his headband, but Tokoyami defended against his attack and he fell back down, saved by his team who caught him before he could touch the ground.
Luckily for Izuku, Shinsou took this as an opportunity for more points as he stole Bakugou's headband the moment he had collected himself from the fall. "Class A is too simple-minded," Shinsou taunted. Bakugou, being Bakugou, immediately started yelling at Shinsou but immediately fell silent from being caught in Shinsou's quirk. Izuku already knew how hot-headed his classmate was and warned the team to hold on as he increased his magic output to go faster. Unfortunately for Shinsou, he had caught Bakugou just before he let off an explosion, thus making Bakugou attack himself, snapping himself out of the trance he was stuck in before Shinsou could make him hand over the other headbands.
The moment Bakugou even flinched in their direction, Izuku bolted away twice as fast as before, filling both his shoelaces and soles with INTEGRITY so as not to 'teleport' his teammates into the side of the arena. It caught everyone by surprise, now seeing that he was actually holding back. When Izuku had slowed down enough for Shinsou to question why he was holding back, Izuku pointed to his mouth, letting Shinsou know not to use his quirk. Shinsou gave a curt nod and turned off his quirk, now understanding that he could likely just persuade Izuku to do what he wanted if he just asked nicely.
"I was holding back because I didn't want to hurt you guys."
Shinsou wanted to scream. He could genuinely see the innocent concern in those eyes. Izuku was truly worried about them and that hurt his heart, mainly due to the overwhelming happiness of someone caring for him. Shinsou knew he wasn't the only one thanking the universe for this pure child's existence, as the other two in the party were making equally "ugly faces". Monoma was internally promising to convince Izuku to join the Class B family, even if he spent his entire school life doing it.
While they were calmly talking, Bakugou was screaming like a child that got possessed by a demon and blasting his way in their direction. This time, Monoma was the one to protect the team. Izuku maneuvered the team just enough for him to allow Monoma to copy Bakugou's quirk while also dodging the explosive attack. Monoma blasted Bakugou back to his team right as Todoroki had shown up in Izuku's field of vision. In a matter of seconds, Todoroki had encircled Izuku's team in a barricade of ice, isolating the two teams.
Izuku knew Todoroki's plan but he also knew his weakness. Izuku had watched the battle trials and knew very well that Todoroki had never once used the fire part of his quirk: half-hot, half-cold. Todoroki's left side shot out ice, and his right shot fire. However, despite the amazing power, he still seemed to refuse his right side. Izuku took this to his advantage by staying to the right of Todoroki's line of attack. He didn't show all of his cards just yet, so he planned to keep dodging until the time ran out. He knew it wouldn't be much longer until-
"One minute left!" Present Mic announced.
Well, that confirms his suspicions. Izuku's internal clock was about to go off and he could practically sense the 'alarm' about to go off. Suddenly, Ilda crouched into a sprinting position. Izuku immediately caught onto what he was doing and boosted his magic to fill his shoes. "HOLD ON TIGHT!" he commanded. Ilda's quirk was "Engine". There were engines in his lower calves that increased his speed, earing I'm the nickname "Sonic" from Bakugou, much to the confusion of Izuku who had never played any video games aside from the digital puzzles in Hotland.
Suddenly understanding just what was going to go down, all three of Izuku's teammates clung to the green-haired ambassador like koalas. Everyone had seen what his "blue shoes" did when he zoomed past all the contestants in the preliminaries. The moment Ilda burst forward with his quirk, Izuku did the same. Unfortunately for them, Ilda could only use this move once as his engines had been overheated. The sudden spurt of power overworked his quirk, causing the engines to steam.
When the two teams scanned each other, they saw that Todoroki was holding a 610 point headband... and that Izuku was still wearing his million-point headband with a sly grin spreading across his face. A deep, low chuckle slid out of Izuku's throat like a venomous tar; dark and ominous. "heh... you really thought I would just stand there and take it?" he asked, slowly looking up to reveal his eyes glowing a toxic green. The air was filled with a new kind of cold, one that even Todoroki couldn't imitate. It was a cold that seeped into your bones and shook your soul. It was the same chill that Izuku used on the 8th fallen human when he killed them, but nobody would know that. Todoroki was so scared that he had activated his fire without even realizing it, but once he did he immediately stopped.
"You idiot! Of course, I would dodge that, that's the obvious answer! What I can't believe is how pathetically naive you are to believe that you could win this~. No, I still have a game to play with Azzy, and I refuse to get the smallest piece of mom's pie." Izuku 'taunted'. Before anyone could question the last part of his speech, the bell rang and the end of the competition was announced. In first place was Asriel's team, second place was Izuku's team, third place was Bakugou's team, fourth place was Todoroki.
It was at this moment that Shinsou realized that two of their other headbands were missing. Apparently, Bakugou had managed to grab them when Monoma blasted him. He had missed the million-point headband, but he had grabbed just enough to earn him third place. Moments after this realization, they heard a familiar screech and looked over to see the demon in question screaming at the ground. He looked like a child throwing a tantrum.
"Now, we'll take an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities!" Present Mic announced. "Hey, Eraserhead, let's go grab lunch," he said to the assistant commentator. "I'm going to sleep," the tired hero responded. Izuku was about to leave to retrieve his brother when he got held back. "Hey, Izuku, you wanna get lunch together? I'm sure one of the stalls has some sweets we could buy," Kosei asked, pointing his thumb in the direction of the exit. "I hope that would sate your sweet tooth, for now, seeing as pie is your only motivator and all.~" he continued. Shinsou and Monoma chuckled but agreed nonetheless.
Izuku was surprised by the action but smiled and nodded. "Sure, let me go get my brother first. I wanna introduce him to you guys. He's always bugging me about making friends, so I wanted to make sure he wouldn't drag me into his group," he explained. They nodded and let him go, promising to meet up at the exit. Izuku ran towards Asriel to let him know of his new development. Asriel was beyond excited to meet his brother's new friends, but Izuku was dragged off by Todoroki before they could do anything.
Asriel went off to the exit, wondering where his brother's new friends would be. It wasn't long before Shinsou saw Asriel and let the others know of Asriel's presence. "Hey! Class A angel, over here!" Kosei called, causing the other two boys to break out in laughter while Asriel was stuck in a spot of both confusion and embarrassment. If his flustered expression was anything to go by, it was easy to tell that Asriel had never been called that by anyone and didn't know about the rumor running around the school.
Disregarding the strange compliment, he ran over to the group of Class B boys. "So you're Izuku's brother huh? Hey, speaking of which, where is he?" he asked. Suddenly realizing the absence of the green-haired boy's presence, they began looking around to no avail. Asriel knew his brother well enough to know that he wouldn't just ditch out on a chance to hang out with friends, so he knew something was wrong. "That's weird..." Asriel muttered. "What is it? Is this a bad thing?" Shinsou asked, no longer laughing. "No, Izuku never turns down a chance to hang out with friends, and it's even less likely that he'd be late. Izuku is never late, especially to playdates! Something is off... we should look for him." Asriel explained, looking left and right trying to spot his brother in the crowd.
"Hey there, calm down. I'm sure he just got lost in the crowd, let's wait for him a little longer. If he doesn't show up in the next five minutes, then we'll go looking for him. Sound good?" Monoma said, trying to ease the goat-child's concern. "Okay..." he complied. The offer hadn't settled his worries, but that wouldn't stop him from getting to know Izuku's new friends. Asriel was beyond grateful that there was someone in the school that accepted Izuku for who he was, and the more they talked, the more Asriel understood why Izuku trusted them.
They had lost track of time in their talk and before they knew it, ten minutes had passed and Izuku still hadn't returned. Asriel wasn't going to wait any longer. "Alright, it's been way too long, where is he?" he questioned, now twice as worried as before. Just as he said that he heard his brother calling out to him. "Hey! Sorry, I'm late, Todoroki wanted to talk to me," Izuku explained nervously. "So, you guys ready for lunch? We should hurry before all the food gets eaten, haha," he said. Kosei and Shinsou looked confused, but Monoma was angrily ranting about how rude it was to interrupt someone when they're clearly trying to do something. "That guy's really strange, huh?" Asriel asked, tilting his head in thought. Izuku just laughed, "Yeah, he has weird questions. I certainly didn't take him to be the conspiracy theorist type," Izuku said, nonchalantly. Though the statement itself brought more questions than answers.
They just decided to forget about it for a while and eat their lunch before they ran out of time.
(Okay, this one honestly took a while because I couldn't think of what to write. The beginning of the book was easy because it was in a dream so I already knew what to write, but now I'm just winging it so this is all just creativity that is relying solely on my low motivation.
I'm not motivated to do much of anything really. I'm such a potato.
So anyway, thanks for waiting and I hope you liked this chapter.
See you soon!)
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