Gaster's Analysis
(This chapter is kind of a mix between Izuku's life in the Underground and a rundown of his abilities. I wanted to make it a bit more fun than a simple list of things he can do.
Hope you all enjoy it!)
[Entry #1]
It's been a week since the Dreemur's adopted that human into their home. The child has settled in nicely. 'Izuku', as he calls himself, has begun to take an interest in magic. He is quite the clever child, and far more intelligent than an average child his age would usually be, especially when it comes to analysis. I wonder if he would be willing to join me in the lab to learn a few things. Perhaps I could even test his affinity for SOUL magic. If he is capable of using human magic, then this human might just be our ticket to freedom.
. . .
[Entry #2]
I have been invited to meet the human child, my two sons were asked to join for a "playdate". The king and queen wanted their two children to meet other monsters their age. As I talked with the King and Queen about the child's development, I was informed that the human - "Izuku" - has developed an interest in magic and wishes to learn it. I recommended they teach him the different types of SOUL magic so he could understand the concept of color magic. The meeting had turned into a visit when we had decided on a lesson plan for the two young princes.
I had noticed that during our conversation, Asriel was the shy one while Izuku was the bold one, contrary to the claims of the King and Queen. When Sans had approached the boys, Asriel had run to Izuku to take them back inside but Izuku had told him that he would take care of it. Izuku acted as a sort of shield for Asriel, as if Sans was a threat. He stood in front of Asriel as if he was facing a bully and preparing to fight. Sans had assured that he wasn't going to hurt them, but Izuku didn't back down until Papyrus had jumped into the conversation with his bright smile and bubbly personality. Upon seeing Papyrus' kindness, Izuku relaxed and chose to trust their MERCY, though he still acted as a mediator for Asriel to make his brother feel safe with a brave face, even though it was clearly fake.
It wasn't long before Asriel had calmed down enough to socialize with Sans and Papyrus. That was the moment that Izuku had let his guard down, even if not entirely. Eventually, Papyrus had invited them to play a game of tag and Izuku had agreed, even Sans joined the fun. I was happy to see the human accepting that monsters were different from the humans who hurt him. When it was time to go, the boys agreed to be friends and play again soon.
I'll have to make sure to bring the boys next time I visit the King for our business meetings.
. . .
[Entry #3]
A month has passed since the first playdate between the children and it appears the bond between Sans and Izuku has developed even further. Sans has become a good influence on Izuku, slowly teaching him how to be a good big brother and even nerding out with each other over Sans' science books. A mutual bond of brotherhood has branded their friendship in stone. I offered the King and Queen a higher education for the children, pointing out their surprisingly high intelligence and desire to learn. The Queen desired to give them basic education first, then she would put me in charge of his schooling while she is in charge of his magic control.
I informed Sans and Papyrus of the offer and asked if they wanted to take the classes as well, they gladly agreed. It was only a matter of time before the group began to spend even more time together during school and lessons, as well as leisurely after-school activities.
They are all growing up amazingly. Excellent. Truly excellent.
. . .
[Entry #4]
Two years have passed since Izuku fell and the two princes have begun training under Undyne now, along with his current curriculum. Izuku appears to be on a mission of some sort because there is no way the fire in his eyes is there for no reason. His burning desire to protect his brother is identical to Sans' in every possible way. It appears his DETERMINATION to get stronger has inspired the rest of his friend group to join the fight as well. Papyrus and Izuku want to join the Royal Guard, Sans and Asriel want to stay by their brother's side. The similarity between the children is uncanny.
He has learned basic color magic from the Queen and the King taught him to dodge. Undyne is currently teaching him hand-to-hand combat and summoning magic. Izuku is now capable of summoning items that relate to specific SOUL colors.
BRAVERY: Orange gloves that increase his physical strength.
JUSTICE: A yellow gun that shoots magical bullets.
KINDNESS: A green pan that he can use to deflect attacks, though he prefers to use it as a shield.
INTEGRITY: His signature red shoes turn blue and give him a major speed boost.
PATIENCE: A cyan knife that can turn the SOUL blue with a swing. He can also control the gravity of an object by stabbing it and can move it by pointing the knife where he wants the object to go.
PERSEVERANCE: Purple glasses that he can use to CHECK someone, allowing him to see everything about them. He also likes to summon a purple notebook when he wants to write down what he sees with the glasses.
DETERMINATION: This one is rather complex. He can summon a red knife, but any attack from the knife is overpowered and destructive, so he opts to use a red flame instead. He has also reported seeing a strange four-pointed yellow star in random locations. The star is apparently warm and can heal any and all injuries he may get from training.
Another piece of information that has surfaced is that his soul, which is normally red, will change color depending on the type of magic he uses.
. . .
[Entry #5]
Izuku snapped.
He and Undyne were training yesterday and Undyne said that he was holding back. She told him to close his eyes and think of something that makes him angry. She told him to take that anger and turn it into power, but not to lose control.
He closed his eyes and stood there for a few moments before he grits his teeth and began to shake. His body tensed and he began to cry, but there was something off about it. His tears were black and his mouth began to leak the same substance. When he opened his eyes, they were pitch black while the sclera was blood red. It was terrifying and it took about an hour for Asriel to arrive and stop his brother from killing Undyne.
After he had calmed down, he explained that the thing he hated most was actually a person. The human child that caused his fall into the underground was his childhood bully: Katsuki Bakugou ("Kachan" for short). When he opened his eyes, he wasn't in the training ground anymore, he was in the playground that he was always bullied in. In front of him was none other than "Kachan" himself, and Izuku lost control. He felt angry, sad, hurt, and... broken. He hated that feeling, and he hated "Kachan" for making him feel this way, so he attacked. He swung his knife over and over with the intent of making him suffer the same way Izuku did. Izuku felt lost, and the closer he got to stabbing his enemy, the more the darkness closed in.
I told him to hold out his SOUL and he obliged. I saw a faint black aura surrounding it and tiny black tendrils wrapping around it. I have named this new ability "HATE" and told him that he needed to learn how to control his bloodlust if he wanted to use that power on someone who truly deserved it but should save it as a last resort. He agreed and Undyne agreed to train this dangerous power as well to better control his emotions when using powerful magic.
HATE: A black void of darkness that consumes the mind, body, and SOUL.
*The first stage is the corruption of the mind. A boiling rage clouds the mind and grows into full-on insanity.
>The effect is random acts of violence that attack any living creature in sight. It removes all feelings of remorse and guilt and replaces these feelings with joy and greed.
* The second stage is the corruption of the body. This is the first part of the physical transformation.
>The first effect is the black substance that flows out of the eyes and mouth.
>The second effect is a black mask that covers the body
^ this factor also comes with a regeneration ability. Wounds and missing limbs will grow back instant.
* The final stage is the corruption of the SOUL. Black tendrils wrap around the soul and turn the person into a puppet to the strings of this virus.
>The effect is a black aura that strikes fear into anyone who encounters it.
Further investigation will ensue during training.
. . .
[Entry #6]
It's officially been 4 years since Prince Izuku fell into the Underground and he has finally finished his training and has been recruited into the Royal Guard alongside Papyrus. Sans and Asriel have become strong enough to fight alongside their brothers and have fulfilled their promises to stick by their brothers' side. Along with their new titles came their graduation. Sans and Izuku have actually asked to join me in the lab sometimes, and Izuku has offered me to study his soul further in case he can't calm down and needs a sedative to stop him, should his brother not be available. I agreed to the offer and have started the requested project.
After about a month of trial and error, the "antidote" was finally ready. Izuku allowed me to test it on him to see if it worked, and it did! We were ecstatic about the results and celebrated our success with dinner at Grillby's. Izuku told his friends about the project and its success. They weren't thrilled about Izuku willingly turning himself into a lab rat, but his reasoning for doing so was justified enough for them to accept his decision and congratulate us on our success.
I called some colleagues to help me duplicate the antidote so we had backup vials should we need them. It wasn't long before we had 10 full vials of the red liquid, and we even made darts and a dart gun to inject it from a safe distance. Izuku approved of the idea and told me that he would be glad to help with any future experiments if the need arises, a "thank you" for our help. I offered him a position as a Royal Scientist, but he dismissed the request and told me to hire Sans since he was more interested in the position. I was surprised to hear about Sans' dream job and agreed to Izuku's wish.
I hope that he wouldn't mind helping with the next experiment. The destruction of the barrier.
. . .
[Entry #7]
I had the bright idea to measure the strength of the barrier by asking Izuku to let me measure the power of his SOUL and compare it to the power of the barrier. After recording the power difference, I discovered that Izuku's soul was only a seventh of the barrier's magical power.
The only logical way to break the barrier was to attack it with seven human SOULs, but doing so would mean that we would have to kill a human, and I don't believe anyone wants that. We monsters hold high respect for Prince Izuku and quite a few monster children admire him enough to follow in his footsteps and train themselves to be stronger. Killing another human would be the same as threatening the Prince.
When I explained this to the Prince, he said that since he could use all seven soul traits, he should theoretically be able to attack the barrier with all seven traits. This is what inspired our next experiment. Artificial human souls with artificial SOUL magic. The first step to doing so would be to gather a larger enough amount of magic to create a blank canvas. An empty soul, a vessel. And so we got to work on the next experiment.
Sans wanted to join in as soon as he heard about the theory. It was about time I recruited him anyway, he is 10 years old now, about the same age as I was when I started out. I'm sure he can handle it.
. . .
[Entry #8]
The experiment was a major failure.
We used Izuku's SOUL trait magic as an example of what we needed to replicate, however artificial magic and real magic are not the same. We asked if he would allow us to extract a small portion of the magic and he agreed as long as the process was painless. He decided on using BRAVERY first since it was the easiest attack. We made a testing dummy he could use his magic attacks on and attached a tube to the dummy that connected to an extraction machine, and we were capable of absorbing the attack itself. However, when we tried to inject the magical energy into our first prototype of an artificial soul, the fake soul became unstable and shattered.
We tried making a more sturdy soul and retrying the experiment with a weaker attack, but that one shattered as well. Sans recommended an empty vessel, a husk of sorts, so we made a glass container shaped like a human soul. The container withstood the magic injection, but it did not match the measurements of a real soul so we tried injecting normal magic and it collapsed upon itself.
We tried time and time again to create the perfect artificial soul, but nothing worked. We were about to give up until our newest employee, Alphys, created a mechanical soul. We used her creation for the experiment and it held the magic perfectly. Instead of injecting normal magic into the soul, we asked Izuku to repeatedly attack the dummy with the same magic attack so we could extract nothing but pure SOUL magic.
By the time Izuku was too exhausted to continue, we managed to fill the soul with the same level of magic as Izuku's soul. Alphys was invited to the crew and her first assignment was to recreate the artificial soul. It took her a week to complete it and Izuku got a good break in the meantime, along with plenty of playdates with Sans and Papyrus.
We continued the experiments until we had seven artificial human souls. Once we finally had the finished product, we brought them to the barrier and we initiated the attack. Upon attacking the barrier, we slowly began to move the barrier. It rippled and even cracked a little, but when the souls had run out of magic energy, the barrier remained in its place and then began to heal itself.
All of our progress for nothing. Yet Izuku refused to give up. I now understood his goal. He has been training this hard to break the barrier. He wants to free monsterkind.
His DETERMINATION inspired us to keep going. We can't give up. We need to Stay Determined.
. . .
Izuku has reported a new ability. He fell ill after overworking himself during training. He had been trying to use multiple SOUL traits at the same time instead of just one at a time. After summoning two traits, BRAVERY and INTEGRITY, he reported an immediate wave of exhaustion. He passed out from the stress and was bedridden until today. He had reported feeling a burning heat throughout his body, which was very new compared to the usual exhaustion. After three days of a terrible fever, he said the pain suddenly disappeared. He appeared in a dark place with the four-pointed star. He said that the four-pointed star had always given two options. SAVE and LOAD. However, when encountering it in the black place, it gave him two new options. CONTINUE and RESET. He decided on the first option, having a bad feeling about the second one, and appeared back at the training field. It was the day before the experiment that got him bedridden.
Izuku can go back in time. He can cheat death.
This new ability opens so many new doors. The possibility of breaking the barrier has just increased.
I have an idea.
. . .
[Entry #10]
Yet another failure.
Instead of creating a human soul, we extracted a small portion of Izuku's determination. This time, we pulled the team together and got to work on our next experiment. A time machine. Powered by magic and directed by DETERMINATION, we created our first prototype. A phone that can communicate with someone from the future, more specifically, tomorrow. Sans tested it out by calling Izuku's number and making a joke about a fridge. I scolded him for not taking this seriously.
The very next day, Izuku came by the lab and repeated the joke to Sans, which began a pun off about food. So the experiment was a success, regardless of the chaos created in its wake. This implied that we could go to the future, which made us wonder if we could go into the past. Izuku heard of our experiment and recommended that he be the one to do it since he had been to the past once before, and could most likely meet his past self and report it back to us. We agreed and sent him through as soon as the machine was complete. Curious about whether we had succeeded in our project we talked to Asriel and Sans to ask if Izuku had ever mentioned an older version of him. Asriel was confused, but Sans laughed. Sans laughed because, yes indeed he had mentioned it during their second playdate... which was 4 years ago.
We could go back in time. This means we could go back to before the war and prevent monsters from being trapped underground. Izuku didn't like the idea of it, as this would mean that he would have never met the monsters if monsters were on the surface. This also means that we would have never met him and this future would cease to exist.
We shut the project down.
. . .
[Entry #11]
We don't know what else to do other than wait for Izuku to finish his new training regimen.
His plan is to master using multiple traits at once until he can use all of them at once. He thinks that if he masters this ability, he can attack the barrier on his own and shatter it. He is our only hope now.
. . .
[Entry #12]
5 years since the fall.
Izuku has mastered the ability and stood in front of the barrier.
The barrier cracked and shook violently... but it did not break. However, it seems to have weakened significantly.
. . .
[Entry #13]
8 years since the fall. The children are 14 now.
It was just a normal day, the same routine as always. However, upon arriving at the lab, I found it to be empty. I was just about to clock in when I got a call from Sans and Papyrus telling me that I needed to get to the castle immediately. I teleported to the King's garden thinking the worst had happened, only to be met with the King and Queen inviting me to the barrier.
The barrier was gone.
They didn't know how it was possible, and honestly, neither did I. Sure we had begun the experiment on how Izuku could use his SOUL magic to attack the barrier, but that method didn't work. We tried making artificial human souls and filling them with the different SOUL traits, but the souls shattered as soon as the magic was introduced to them. We even tried using artificial determination to access the four-pointed star, but it appears that only Izuku is capable of doing so. Though it was capable of powering the time machine, which we decided not to use. Even Izuku's attempts of breaking the barrier at full strength didn't work. None of the experiments had succeeded so far, so how was this possible?
The last attack on the barrier had weakened it. Had Izuku attacked it again? He had been training extra hard since that day, harder than ever before. Asriel had been training alongside him so as not to fall behind. Those two are most likely miniature gods at this point. Perhaps that's how the barrier was broken.
Perhaps it's best not to question it any further. The barrier is gone now. Our dream is now a reality. The monsters are free. Perhaps we should just enjoy the stars that now paint the sky. Indeed, that sounds like an excellent idea.
A new future awaits us.
The heroes were reading these entries and taking note of everything. They now understood just how powerful Izuku had become and what things he was capable of. They now understood how he did what he did at the USJ.
Nezu was going to make sure that Izuku got the best break he could ask for. He deserved it.
What confused him was why Izuku would choose to be an experiment, but after witnessing his love for his brother, what he gained from it, and then learning of his goal, he understood. At least Dr. Gaster was kind enough to make sure to never once bring harm to the boy and to be careful with every single experiment. Nezu was glad that Izuku was treated with kindness and respect every time and even happier knowing they never pushed him to do something he didn't want to do.
Dr. Gaster was far kinder than the humans who experimented on Nezu, and he almost wishes that Gaster would have been the one to experiment on him instead of those humans. At least then it wouldn't have been so painful and traumatizing.
Nezu decided to hire Gaster as a science teacher if he was willing. Luckily for him, Gaster agreed so long as he could still work as a principal for the school in Newer Home. Nezu agreed to the terms and was hoping that he could see just what made Izuku trust this man so much.
(And that is all. I hope you all liked my explanation of Izuku's powers, I tried to make it as fun as I could so it wouldn't be boring. I thought I could kinda turn it into a chapter as well so it would play a role in the story instead of just being a list of things Izuku could do.
As for Asriel's powers, his are all of his canon attacks so those who know what they are shouldn't be in the dark, but if you are...
Here is a list of his attacks.
Hope that helps.
Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you liked this chapter. I'll see you sooner my lovely readers!)
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