Battle training and Karma
(Before we start, I would like to say... drawing is exhausting. I also needed to read a few stories to remember the timeline of what happened so some more procrastination. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!)
(Nobody POV)
"Hey Izu," Asriel called, leaning forward onto his desk, "Who do you think will be teaching this class?"
"Dunno," Izuku said to his brother. Most of the class was buzzing with excitement, this was the class they were waiting for, Heroics. The brothers were surprised by how early the class was, but chalked it up to excitement for the upcoming class. Unfortunately for them, the teacher had yet to arrive so they were left to kill time by themselves. It was school policy that the teacher's name was not to be paired with their class until the first official day of classes started, so nobody knew who the teacher was until they got to class.
"I AM HERE!" a familiar voice announced, "Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might boomed as he strutted into the classroom. "Woah it's All Might!" the brunette shouted. "Hey, that's his silver age costume!" A red-haired shark boy pointed out. "I can't believe All Might is going to teach us," a purple-haired girl said.
"Welcome to Foundational Hero Studies, one of the more important classes you will be taking here in UA. Think of of it as Heroing 101!" All Might said, placing his hand on his hips, "I am excited to see all of you young aspiring heroes, but now isn't the time for formalities, it's time to put on the hero you sent in," He pressed a button to reveal a giant box with 20 suit boxes in it. "These were made by the support course to match your quirks and abilities. Now, put them on and head to Ground Beta. Get to it! We don't have all day." All Might said before zooming off.
Asriel and Izuku were the first to make it to the training grounds. All Might stood there awkwardly, waiting with the two boys as the other students got dressed. All Might started fidgeting with his hands nervously, "So... what's your favorite color?" Izuku coughed into his hand in an attempt to hold back a laugh. Asriel gave him a short glare before turning to All Might. "We like yellow" Asriel responded with a warm smile. "Ah! I like yellow as well..." Izuku was struggling to keep his composure at this point.
A few minutes later the students trickled out, ending the awkward tension. "Woah! You two look so cool!" The brown-haired girl said. Izuku was wearing a green hoodie with a yellow hem, and a white undershirt with the deltarune on it. His light brown shorts had a small later strap to hold his gun, the gun of JUSTICE. On his hands were orange gloves with a black heart in the center, the gloves of BRAVERY. His usual red shoes were replaced with blue boots, the shoes of INTEGRITY. Around his neck hung the golden locket Asriel gave him for his birthday, which he now wears all the time. "Thanks. You know, I never got your name. I'm Izuku Dreemur," Izuku said. "Oh, I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Nice to meet you, Dreemur!" she said. "Ah, just call me Izuku. It'll get confusing when you meet my brother." he said with a relaxed smile.
(This is Izuku's hero costume. My art ^^^)
Uraraka tilted her head in curiosity, "You have a brother?" she asked. "Mhm, his name is Asriel, he's over there," Izuku said, pointing to his brother. Asriel was wearing a black shirt with black pants, and a blue cape with a rainbow scarf. His green belt was tied on with a Buttercup-shaped buckle. He had two red pouches on either side of his waist, most likely used for medical supplies and monster candies. They were both decorated with two white hearts, the left one was upside-down while the right one was right-side-up, representing a human and monster soul. His locket was hidden under the scarf, but Izuku could still see the chain around his neck, though it was hard to see.
(This is my redraw of Asriel's hero costume. Original will be at bottom. ^^^)
"Woah, so cool! He looks like a superhero!" she said with sparkles in her eyes. "Yeah, he's the coolest. But hey, you don't look too bad yourself!" Izuku praised. He looked at her costume and noticed that it was based on an astronaut with a helmet and bodysuit. The suit was mostly made of pinks, blacks, and whites, and had what appeared to be armored rings around her wrists, legs, and waists. "Haha, yeah I should've been more specific about the design. This skin-tight suit isn't really my style," she explained with a nervous laugh.
"Well they say the clothes make the pros, and boys and girls, I'd say you all nailed it!" All Might praised, giving a thumbs up with a bright smile. "Now let's get started you bunch of zygotes!" He pulled out some flashcards and read them aloud. "We will be doing inside battle training. You will all be separated into two groups, Heros and villains, and you will each work in pairs of two. The villain will enter the building and hide the bomb, it is their job to either capture the heroes or stall them long enough for the bomb to 'activate'. It is the hero's job to either find the bomb and disarm it or capture the villains in the time allotted."
"Your partners and role will be decided by drawing lots," All Might explained.
"But sir," A full suit of armor proclaimed hand raised, "wouldn't making teams this way be unorthodox?" it asked. Before All Might could respond, Izuku spoke up, "It's really not when you think about it. Heroes have to team up on the fly with whatever hero is nearby all the time. This method is just preparing us to learn how to work with people we don't know." Izuku explained. "Couldn't have said it any better myself Young Izuku!" All Might boomed. "Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining!" the armor said. 'This guy needs to loosen up.' Izuku thought to himself. "All right, let's get to it then!" All Might proclaimed, redirecting everyone back to the lesson.
Team A: Asriel Dreemur and Momo Yaoyorozu
Team B: Izuku Dreemur and Ochaco Uraraka
Team C: Denki Kaminari and Shoto Todoroki
Team D: Katsuki Bakugou and Ejirou Kirishima
Team E: Koji Koda and Tsuyu Asui
Team F: Mashiro Ojiro and Toru Hagakure
Team G: Tenya Ilda and Yuga Aoyama
Team H: Fumikage Tokoyami and Hanta Sero
Team A vs Team D (>:D hahaha revenge time)
Team B vs Team G
Team C vs Team E
Team F vs Team H
(Asriel POV)
I was wearing a blank face, but my mind was planning all sorts of things I could do to make "Ka-chan" suffer for all the bullying that villain gave Izu. 'Oh, I'm going to enjoy every second of this. I'll have to make sure to block the cameras when I find him. Maybe I can find a blind spot and torture him there. They won't know anything as long as I heal the wounds afterward. Man, Izu would be terrified of me if he knew what I was thinking right now.'
As I was planning this brat's demise, I saw him staring at the board, gritting his teeth. He probably wanted to match up against Izuku. Aw, too bad~ I found the Yaoyorozu girl and talked to her about the match. "Hey, I hope you don't mind, but if you happen to have a plan, can you change it a bit so I can fight Ka-Bakugou?" I asked "innocently". "Um, could I know why?" she said. "Oh, well he did something really mean to my brother a long time ago, and I wanted to... talk him about it. As long as I can get him alone for a bit, I'll go along with whatever else you have planned. Is that alright?" I said sweetly. Luckily for me, she agreed with the conditions.
'Perfect. I'm coming for you, 'Ka-chan'. You better be ready for this. Hehehe~"
(Izuku's POV)
When Asriel's match came up, I saw him planning with that Yaoyorozu girl and felt my heart swelled with pride. I then turned my attention to the spiky-haired blonde. He feels familiar somehow. And then there's that name, "Deku". Where have I heard that name before? Doesn't that mean useless? Was he calling me useless? Why? And most importantly, why does he act as if he knows me? 'I need to look into this. It would suck if this turned out to be someone important.' I thought to myself.
The timer began and Asriel walked into the building... alone? He started looking around and then yelled for the girl to enter. 'Ah, so he's using himself as a shield knowing very well how strong he is. I can't blame him for being confident in himself, but he needs to at least be a little cautious of new enemies he doesn't know anything about. At least he is making sure his partner doesn't get hurt, very selfless of him.'
I checked on the villain team and saw that the angry blonde had abandoned his teammate. Poor kid, he's gonna get wrecked. Rest in peace Shark Boy, you will be missed dearly. I continued to watch the heroes search the building for the building with caution while the blonde seemed to be hunting them down. Are they be careful to avoid him? That's smart, avoid all obstacles as best you can.
Unfortunately, the pomeranian caught them on the third floor and Asriel shouted at Yaoyorozu to run and find the bomb. I watched as Azzy ran around the floor and out of view of the cameras. The Bakugou kid followed soon after, and then there was silence. "Why is it taking so long? Were they talking or did Azzy already win?" They stayed there for a few more minutes before we all heard a loud explosion followed by a bright array of colors and stars. The cameras in that part of the building went black and we couldn't see anything on that floor. "What happened? Is Azzy okay?! No, he's okay, he has to be okay. He can't get hurt that easy, he's strong... he's okay he's okay he'sokayhe'sokayhe's-"
"Look!" I snapped my head over to the cameras on the fourth floor and low and behold, Yaoyorozu found the bomb. She radioed Azzy that she found the bomb, and he responded. So he's unharmed. "Okay, he's okay then. C'mon Azzy, hurry up and win this!' I cheered in my head. Yaoyorozu created some sticky tape and a bo-staff. She ran around the room, tape in one hand, staff in the other and created a web of tape while keeping Shark Boy's attention on her. Soon enough, Shark Boy was caught and she touched the bomb.
"Yaoyorozu has captured the bomb. HERO TEAM WINS!!"
And just like that, it was over.
(Asriel's POV)
Before the match started, I wanted to give Yoayorozu some info to help her plan. "Hey Yaoyorozu, before we start, I have some info of Bakugou. Izuku told me a long time ago that he is obsessed with winning and will do anything to win. He doesn't care who he hurts in the process, and that includes teammates. He'll most likely abandon his post in hopes of taking us down on his own, leaving his teammate defenseless and alone."
"I see, that makes things much easier," she said putting a balled-up hand to her chin, "In that case, I want to you to go in first and survey the area. When it's safe, let me know so I can come in and ready some traps in case he decides to ambush us. We'll try to avoid him if possible, but if he finds us, I want you to distract him while I deal with Kirishima," she explained. 'Perfect! This is exactly what I had hoped for! With a plan like this, I can only hope that he finds us. And then... I'll claim vengeance for my brother's pain.' I thought to myself, though I didn't show it.
"No problem, I'm strong enough to handle that angry pomeranian," I assured her, "You just get to the bomb and win this for us, kay? I believe in you!" I said, giving a thumbs up to show I was rooting for her. "She looked at me for a moment and nodded with a determined smile plastered on her face. "Time's up! Heroes, please enter the building." All Might announced. "Okay, let's go."
~~~(Timeskip brought to you by Asriel designing his OC)~~~
It wasn't long before we encountered Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu wished me luck as she ran to find the bomb. "Time to get this party started. >:)" I whispered, an evil, malicious smirk making its way to my face. I led Bakugou all around the floor, looking for blind spots along the way and I finally found a hall with no camera, 'Perfect~'. And all I had to do now was wait. "THERE YOU ARE, GOAT BOY! Thought you could hide from me? HAH! You're as pathetic as that useless Deku," He mocked. Oh, this guy is gonna get a whole lot more than a beating.
I let out a dark chuckle. "You thought I was trying to hide? You IDIOT, you really think I would run away from someone so weak?" I taunted, chuckle turning into a crazed laugh, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. I was just waiting for you to fall into my trap," I said with a psychotic grin. Oh, this was going to be very, very fun. "HAH?! What are you talking about, as if I would-" "Oh but you did, 'Ka-chan'~. If you noticed, this hall doesn't have any cameras. I'm really glad that Izuku doesn't remember you, otherwise he'd get upset about what I'm about to do. Hehehehe~"
Bakugou gritted his teeth as his eyes scanned the area only to see that I was right. "I led you here on purpose, 'Ka-chan'," Bakugou was angered by the childish nickname that Izu came up with. "STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT YOU FURRY BASTARD!" he shouted. "Oh?~ Are we getting upset now? Over a stupid nickname? Why do you want me to stop using it? Is it because it reminds you of him?" "SHUT UP!" He argued. Are those tears? He doesn't really miss him does he? "Why do you care so much huh? Do you really miss my brother or are you just guilty that you made him fall?" I asked, no longer standing on the wall. Now standing casually in the center of the hall, I stared at him with a sickening grin. I could see him trembling. 'That's right 'Ka-chan', be scared. Be very scared.'
"Now don't get me wrong, Katsuki. I'm very grateful that you chased him up that mountain or else I never would have been blessed with such an amazing brother. But the real question is...
Do you still wanna fight me? Because, if you do... well, buddy, we're gonna have a great time. =)"
Angered by my taunts, Bakugou came running towards me, propelling himself with explosions. I merely sidestepped his attack and grabbed his leg as he was passing me. I used his leg to slam him into the ground so hard that he spat blood. Not wanting him to fall unconscious, I healed him and continued my "game" a few more times. After regaining his ability to walk, he tried to attack me with his explosions, but I merely blocked it with a barrier and sent him a blast from my rainbow laser gun.
The one-sided beatdown lasted for another 3 minutes before it was announced that we won. I was kind of bummed that it didn't last any longer, but I can only hope that the pomeranian learned his lesson. "Let's do this again sometime, 'Ka-chan'. I can't wait to finish this battle, or should I call it a beating? I remember Izuku saying you did the same to him when you two were younger. Well, call it whatever you like; but if you ever mess with my brother again, I'll be sure to finish the job next time." I said, walking away from the unconscious body covered in blood. I made sure to heal his wounds so they couldn't blame me for going overboard.
And with that, it was over
(It took me ages to make this chapter because of a lack of motivation and having to draw their hero costumes for this chapter. I need a game recharge and music. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!)
Here is the original. I think I have improved quite a bit.
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