Attack on Hosu and Stain
(Enjoy more calming music to write/read to. It really inspires the imagination.
You are welcome!)
(Author POV)
Hawks had taken the brothers to the nearest train station in hopes of speeding up the journey to Hosu. It was pretty far out and the train itself wouldn't get there until nightfall, but it was certainly faster than flying or running. Besides, if they did end up coming across the Hero Killer while patrolling the area (checking on Ilda) then they would need all the energy they can get. Unfortunately, Izuku and Asriel didn't get a chance to rest, as they were doing their best to keep fans from crowding Hawks and risk getting his wings hurt. Eventually, people calmed down enough for the boys to take a seat, but they were only allowed a few minutes of rest before people started getting loud about something else.
"Hey, look over there! A building just exploded!" "Where?" "What's going on?" "You're right, there's smoke!" "A fire?" people were saying. Hawks' feathers were ruffling, which meant danger was near. "Passengers, please hold onto your seats." a female voice said through the intercom. "Everyone get down!" Hawks shouted. However, it was too late as a hero came crashing through the wall. Only seconds later, a strange creature with four dead eyes and ghostly pale skin slammed onto the hero and pulled back the now open wall. "Nomu!" Asriel shouted, getting into a battle stance. "Kid, get down!" Hawks shouted as he jumped into the fray. Jumping on the seats, he sent out feathers to attack the Nomu and managed to push it off the fallen hero before he tackled the creature and sped straight into another building. "Hawks!" Izuku shouted.
"What's-" Izuku started, "-going on?" Asriel finished. Looking outside the giant hole in the wall that Hawks left out of, they saw a large orange glow in the distance.
Off in the distant glow, bright flames burned higher and higher as the sound of innocent civilians' cries echoed through the air louder and louder. 9 were dead, 13 were injured, and some had yet to be proven of either status. Nomus were running rampant and destroying everything in their path. One had arms for wings, like a pterodactyl, and the other was tall and thin, but still had a good amount of muscle to it. Maniacal laughter rang through the air, as a villain covered in hands stood atop a water tower, shaking with euphoria. "This is good! Let's make it flashy!" he cheered, increasing his hysteria.
(Narrator POV)
"What did you say? A villain attack?" Manual said into his intercom. "Tenya, let's go!" he commanded, running towards the orange glow in the distance. Even though they were quite a ways away, they could still feel the heat. The smell of ash and death grew stronger with every step they took, making Ilda want to run away. However, even if he came to Hosu to claim his revenge on Stain, he still came to UA to be a hero. And so he followed Manual into the flames.
Hotter, hotter, hotter, the fire burned. So hot, it burns, it's scalding, it's boiling, it hurts. But Ilda shall persevere, he has no choice after all. People are in danger and he needs to help. When they arrived on site, the smoke was suffocating and the screams were deafening, but the heroes must persevere. Ilda was filled with fear and his instincts screamed to run alongside the frenzied civilians, but he couldn't. Manual had assigned him the task of using his quirk to help people get to safety, which he shamefully obliged. Ilda believed that he should be fighting villains like the aspiring hero he was, but rescue was a part of heroics too if the USJ was anything to go by. No matter how loud his instincts were, be it the fire or the Nomus that caused their panic, he ignored them for the sake of the civilians.
However, a strangled noise from an alleyway made him stop in his tracks. Was this it? Was this the villain he was looking for? Against his better judgment and the orders he was given, he followed the sound. Passing alley after alley, he followed the sound of metal clashing and the muffled screams of fear, as it got louder and louder. Finally, he found the source of the sound, behind a green dumpster lay the motionless body of the Nature Hero: Native, his eyes bleary and unfocused as blood pooled underneath him. He wasn't very high on the rankings, but that wasn't Ilda's concern. Because above Native's body was a man in a torn-up red bandana that served as a mask.
Stain, the Hero Killer.
. . .
(Asriel POV)
Izuku had taken the initiative to go help Hawks in battle while I escort civilians to safety. We had both been given the ability to fight villains, on the pretense that they are a danger to us or there are no other heroes in the area. Should we see Ilda, we are to check on him and stop him if my bad feeling ends up being correct. Should we see Stain, we are not to attack unless in self-defense or defense-of-others. If he is not actively injuring a hero, we are to do our best to escape the situation but can try to save the victim if possible. These rules were set in place on our way to the station and revised upon arrival, and I intend to follow them... hopefully, none of these situations will happen, because I really don't like the thought of someone getting hurt. However, with the city on fire, and people running in fear, I am decently sure that all of those events will occur in the same time span it will take for this attack to end.
I ran into the flaming city and ushered people into the safer side of town while healing people who were too hurt to move. I carried people who couldn't walk and aided those who had inhaled too much smoke. I've never been good in hot places due to my thick coat of fur, but classes at Gaster's lab in Hotland along with the many puzzles we had to complete required to get there improved my heat resistance, so I would be fine in these flames for a little while. I won't overheat just yet, but I would prefer to be in the comfort of cold. Right when the screaming had lessened enough for me to tell that people were going in the right direction and would be okay soon, I heard the sound of what sounded like a sword battle in the distance.
I knew very well that sound wasn't Undyne or Izuku, because Izuku was supporting Hawks, and there were plenty of Heroes fighting off the Nomu, so Undyne wouldn't have been called in for this, so that leaves one person on my list. Ilda had found the Hero Killer. My worries were placed correctly because as soon as I started running towards the noise it made a sound I really didn't like. There was a sound of pain and the falling of armor (a familiar sound that Undyne had made plenty of times after their spars). Closer and closer I got, making turn after turn in the maze of dark alleyways and unknown corners, only following the sound of what sounded like a pastor preaching a sermon,' that must be Stain,' quickly followed by the sounds of an angry child 'And that would be Ilda.'
(Narrator POV)
Asriel had finally turned the corner he needed and saw Stain standing above Ilda, preparing to plunge his sword down into Ilda's throat. Not wanting to hurt either party, he summoned his sword and knocked Stain's sword away and into the wall. "Ilda' are you okay?!" he scream-asked. Stain, caught off-guard by the kindness shown to both parties, paused to watch the scene in front of him, sword long forgotten. "Dreemur, stay out of this, this is my fight!" Asriel waited for a moment to deflect any attacks from Stain, but to his surprise, Stain did not move. Instead, he looked to be watching Asriel's actions, similar to how Izuku would analyze his spars with Undyne. Now seeing Stain's intentions, he inched closer to Ilda while keeping a close eye on Stain. "I'm going to heal you now, tell me where it hurts," he said, hovering his hand (paw?) just above Ilda's back, preparing to move it wherever it was needed. He didn't dare take his eyes off Stain, in fear that he would attack... someone. There were three people in this alley, two of which were down, and the other in a state of temporary neutrality. "... He cut my shoulder, though it wasn't deep," Ilda finally replied. Asriel healed Ilda and carefully checked on Native as well, all while staying vigilant of Stain's every move. It wasn't hard to see the stab wound on Native's chest.
"Interesting... though, I guess being the brethren to our beacon of hope, I should have foreseen this kind of reaction from you. You two are related, after all, I should have expected his kindness to rub off on you. I will spare you, but the other two must die. Please move aside, young hero," Stain told him. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm going to have to decline your offer. Though I do appreciate the sentiment, please leave. I don't want to fight you, Stain," Asriel pleaded. "And I do not wish you to, but these two are fakes. False heroes scourge this society and curse this world with their wretched existence. They must be purged from this world, so we may be free of their influence. If you choose to get in my way, I will kill you. This is your final chance, child." Stain warned.
Asriel got rested his right hand above Native's chest and used his healing magic while pulling out his phone with the other. Keeping his hand hidden from view, he sent his location to all of Class-A, including Aizawa and Nezu who were also in the chat. Hoping for the best, he returned his phone to its holding place and got into a fighting position. "I want to be a hero, just like my brother. And being a hero means that you never abandon those in need, and always put others before yourself. Because meddling when you don't need to is the very essence of being a hero!" Asriel loudly proclaimed. Upon hearing these words, Stain grinned widely. He was filled with pride, knowing very well that he placed his trust correctly.
Asriel summoned his sword and dashed forwards. Their swords clashed and the fight began. Stain was strong, but Asriel was stronger. Despite Stain's best efforts to attack, he was blocked every time and pushed back. Every time Stain was staggered, Asriel took a chance to listen to the breathing of his friend. Bit by bit, Stain got far enough away for Asriel to jump back and summon a small barrage of star bullets to shoot him with. The spell wouldn't kill him, but it would do some damage, and would definitely hurt. Stain grunted in pain, and staggered just for a moment, but it was enough for Asriel to take the final blow. He raised his swords above Stain, an unreadable expression written on his face and...
Pinned him to the ground, the magic swords piercing the guards on Stain's wrist.
"I told you Stain, I don't want to fight you. But there are people in trouble, and I have no intention of leaving anyone behind," Asriel told him. Stain lay on the ground, eyes wide in shock. "... You spared me... I am a villain, yet you spared me..." Stain said, more to himself than Asriel. "Heroes don't kill. I am strong enough to win without killing, my brother has inspired me to do so. So yes, Stain, I will spare you. And I will SAVE you, along with every other villain I cross," Asriel told him, already looking for a rope to tie him up with. But before Asriel could find one, Stain had torn through the blades by abandoning the guards and dashing towards Asriel, who had lowered his guard.
Asriel had seen Stain's attack right when the blade was in front of his face, but there was a sudden flash of red and a burning heat that flashed them both. Stain just barely managed to dodge the attack and Asriel stumbled back, taking the surprise as a chance to see who shot the stream of flames. There, at the end of the alleyway, stood Izuku Dreemur, streaks of red flames surrounding his hand and swirling around his body. A starking contrast to the darkness of the alley. His burning eyes that glowed a furious blood-red sent a chilling FEAR into Stain's soul.
"Asriel, you really need to send more details in these kinds of situations. I was almost too late."
(Ok, I can't think of anything else for this chapter, but here ya go. I tried to write over the weekend, but couldn't think of anything to write, and watching the anime didn't help me think of anything to write, surprisingly enough.
I managed to add a lot of original content, and just skipped the interaction with Stain and Shigaraki because it really wasn't necessary and I just did not want the extra POV changes, and then I have to make flashbacks and scenery changes, and... it was way too much effort. Lazy writer moments.
So anyway, make sure you put your vote in the previous chapter down in the Author's Note because I love to hear your opinions. I also enjoy the thought of having my readers control bits and pieces of the story. Knowing that you enjoy the book makes me happy, so don't be afraid to speak your mind! ((but please don't be a bully about it))
And as always, Thanks for reading!)
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