Well well well. Guess who finally decided to give this thing a rewrite? I know I said I won't be using this account anymore, but my love for Gaster has been in it's all time high recently and I need to distract myself from the stress of impending finals. And so, the fated rewrite of "Fallen Angel" is finally here!
Please note that like in the original, (y/n) will be refered to as she/her, but if there will be a need for such, I will gladly make separate google docs with a version of this fic that will have they/them or he/him instead.
Just like in the original, I do not own Undertale nor the characters present in it. It belongs to Toby Fox and the reader is you, therefore you don't belong to me either. Having said all of that, please enjoy the new and improved prologue of Fallen Angel!
2nd POV
The battlefield echoed with the sounds of metal clashing against metal, weapon against weapon. Magic crackled in the air, mixed with the screams of the fallen and wounded. The ground shone with blood and dust, bodies of soldiers in between grass like a twisted version of flowers.
Two sides clashed, both tired, both angry, both just as desperate to win. The only difference was that one party was losing.
The humans, as much as they were filled with determination, were losing ground. They were exhausted, their steps shaky and their attacks sloppy. This was the final battle, the final showdown over who lives and who dies. They had been confident they'd emerge victorious, but that confidence was cracking now.
They had thought that their prayers would be answered, that the benevolent God they worship would come to aid them in their time of need, but so far, there had been no sight of him. Will this be their end? Killed by monstrous creatures in a hopeless war?
The sun shone over the battlefield, casting a glow over the warriors, lighting up the faces of those soon to fall. This was their final stand. Their final moments before all would be lost.
A cloud obscured the sun, casting a small shadow against the ground. But, then the shadow grew, taking a shape that filled the two opposing sides with opposing feelings. The humans felt a rising ray of hope, a newfound determination rising in them at the realisation that they had been heard. The monsters, only pure terror.
It was no mere cloud that had obscured the sky. It was a pair of wings.
One after another more and more of those shadows were cast on the ground, obscuring the ground completely and surrounding the battlefield like a flock of vultures calling for death.
With a battlecry, the first of the angels flew down. You.
Your wings shone, almost fully golden and glistening from the sun rays behind you. Your sword burned with magical flames. Brighter and hotter than any normal blaze could ever be.
With deadly precision you slashed the unlucky monster under you, them not even having a moment to scream before their body was turned to dust and their soul shattered in front of you. As you rose back up to your full height, wings spread and armour shining, two different yells came from the two opposite sides.
One, hopeful and amazed. From a human soldier that had almost been killed by the same monster you struck down.
"It's the Golden Wing! We're all saved!"
The other, filled with fear and shaky. From a monster that had been mere centimetres away from the one that had been dusted.
"Run! The Golden Death is here! The other angels will soon follow!"
True to that word, your brethren soon followed your lead. Hundreds of angels that were circling above before flew down, their weapons of choice brandished, sharp and deadly. Each striking a monster in one blow with inhuman precision.
Some stayed in the air, pulling out their bows to rain arrows from above. Others kept to the ground, heavy axes or hammers causing chaos in the monster's lines as they went through them like cannon fodder.
The battle that had been going in the monsters favour turned around in one quick moment. The humans had protectors after all. Created by the God themselves, wells of strength enclosed in bodies modified by their power. Angels.
And out of all of them, you were the most known. A high ranked General, the one God favoured. The one who knew how to kill like it was nothing. Terrifying, yet majestic. Deadly, yet beautiful.
That description certainly fit you now. Your strength was rivalled by your agility. You went through the battlefield as if it was a dance instead. Your moves were dignified, your slashes elegant and precise. Where you turned, monsters would soon fall. Your armour, once shining, was now covered in dust and blood of the slain enemies.
The monsters cowered and ran wherever you approached, hoping to save their skin. They were too slow of course, the last thing they ever saw being your helmet and golden wings eclipsing the sun.
With the angels involved, the monsters fell back into a mountain, hoping to regroup and survive. That was their biggest mistake. One soon to be their last. Wizards that had stayed back for the majority of the battle now stepped forward, sparks dancing on their fingertips as they chanted a spell. The angels specialising in magic joined them and with that, the fate of the enemy army was sealed. Literally.
A barrier rose from the ground, white and glowing, pure energy that now cut off the monsters' escape from the mountain they had no idea would be turned into their crypt.
The war was over.
Without a word spoken, you spread your wings and sheath your sword. The humans gaze at them in awe, the way the gold on the feathers seemed to swirl in the sunlight a mesmerising sight. You took off into the sky, the other angels following, just as silent, just as fast.
And just like that, as if the angels were never there, you vanished into the ether. Your job was done.
The angels did not celebrate.
You did what you were made to do -save the humans- and then you went back to the ether. Simple as that. There was no cause for celebration, no cause for happiness. That was not your kind's war. Those were not your enemies. The monsters were simply an obstacle in humanity's way and so you removed them from the equation before they could become a problem to those who followed your God.
At least, that was what you were supposed to think. One of the few things you were allowed to think. In the angel ranks there was no room for individual thinking after all. Though your free time was not monitored -God was lenient if you were of a higher rank-, obvious hobbies or opinions were still frowned upon. They distracted you from your purpose, from the one thing you were brought back for.
Protecting the humans.
Yet, as you watched the small remaining groups of monsters scatter around -it was impossible to seal an entire species all at once, no matter how good the plan is-, you started to feel... something. An uncomfortable twist in your gut that grew larger with each passing hour as you observed the creatures try to make do with their newfound situation.
You were not supposed to feel anything for their plight and yet, you couldn't help but sympathise with them. They just lost everything to circumstances they had no way of preventing. Most of their people were now sealed away under a mountain, to be forgotten and to rot. Those who weren't, now had no chance of fighting back and will have to hide away in the shadows, fighting over scraps to survive. Families were probably separated, loved ones were lost and it was all because the humans had something the monsters didn't, a God.
Finally, you realised what that twisting in your gut was.
Guilt over your hand in this. Those monsters, they were just like the humans you swore to protect. The only difference was how they looked.
Guilt... you hated feeling it. You hated how it tightened your entire chest, how it made it hard to breathe. You hated how it made it easy to clearly imagine humans in this exact same position as the monsters now, children cowering away while the adults try to helplessly protect them from the now overwhelming forces of the victors. You hated how it was making you want to go against everything you've known just to make it stop.
It didn't want to go away either. Even if you tried to ignore it, you'd always end up feeling it when your mind was empty, when the distractions ran out. With every day, it was getting stronger and stronger, overtaking the once crystal clear sense of purpose and of duty towards the humanity you once felt.
What the monsters have been put through... it wasn't fair. They didn't deserve to be locked up. They didn't deserve to now be hunted like animals so the strays are either caught and brought to the mountain, or killed on the spot. They were just trying to survive, like humans...
Exactly a year after the war had ended, you made your decision, one that would shape the rest of your life in ways you could never imagine.
The humans had their angels, their protectors, it was time for monsters to have one too.
"Late at night I could hear the crying-"
Oh boy it's good to be back. Did you miss me? No, this is not a joke. I will be rewriting all 42 chapters of the Fallen Angel. Most plotpoints will stay the same, though I will fix things that have been bugging me for over 2 years now, mainly the timeline issues and a few of the moments that I did not like in the original.
If you're new here and never read the OG book? Good. Welcome to the better version of it. The OG was written over the span of almost 3 years and started when I was 14. I promise this will be better.
If you're one of the old readers coming back to see me? It's good to have you here again and I hope you'll enjoy it as much, if not more, than the original book.
Let the old, yet new adventure begin!
(I didn't miss fighting with the formating of this god forsaken site trying to get this chapter to look the way it should was a NIGHTMARE)
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