Chapter 7: Almost like a mo-
Hope you didn't think I'm dead. Uni is kicking my ass but at least procrastinating studying means I suddenly get a burst of energy to write. I hope an almost 4 thousand words long chapter is enough of a recompensation for months of silence
3rd POV
This morning started for Gaster like any other, a nice familiar routine he's found himself in for the past month. He woke up, brushed his teeth, then got dressed in his usual turtleneck sweater and black coat. Walking downstairs, he greeted his sons, going to the kitchen to start working on making some breakfast for them. After that, he'll check on the human and be off to work.
His phone rang. That was not part of his routine.
He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller, brow bones scrunching in concern when he saw it was from work. Nobody ever dared call him unless it was urgent. He answered said call, putting the phone up to his ear canal.
"This is the Royal Scientist W.D. Gaster speaking. What is the matter?"
There was a panicked, but relieved voice on the other side of the line. One he could recognise as a scientist working on the CORE. Not good then. Very not good.
"Dr.Gaster, it's an emergency! One of the CORE's unfinished chambers is overheating and we don't know what to do-" Before the monster could finish their sentence, Gaster was already beside his front door, hastily putting on his coat and trying to keep the phone from falling away from his ear holes with his shoulder. The panic at possible consequences the CORE overheating could have made him momentarily forget he could just use his magic for that.
"I will be right there. Evacuate the staff from that area and wait for me. Do not engage with it." He barely waited for the 'Yes Doctor' before he hung up, throwing his phone into his pocket afterwards to dress quicker.
In less than a minute he had his coat on and threw the door open, rushing out of his house. Hopefully Indarra will come soon. He doesn't like leaving his sons alone for long, especially not with that human around. Though, he has to admit, she has been... pleasant enough of a company. Even if she gets on his nerves.
Speaking of the devil, he saw Indarra walking from Waterfall and sighed in relief. His sons won't be alone for longer than a few minutes then. Good.
He ran past the fish monster, his coat flapping in the wind as he rushed through the street, squinting his eyes a little to stop the snow from falling into his eye sockets.
He got up to Waterfall before he remembered that he could teleport. Which he did immediately after, popping up in front of the entrance. A few scientists that were outside for a smoke break jumped in fear or surprise, to which he didn't even spare them a glance. He had bigger things to worry about.
He took a deep breath, slowing down and walking into the CORE, grabbing his lab coat and throwing it on while on the way. He got to the chamber, immediately knowing it's that one by the blaring red lights and alarms ringing through the hallways, grading on his poor hearing.
He paid them no mind, getting to the source of the problem and taking a deep breath. Alright, that's not that bad of a problem. He can fix it.
With that thought he got to work, deft fingers and additional hands summoned making it a much easier task as he identified the problem and then figured out a solution. He was the brightest mind in the underground after all, whatever the problem was, he could fix it, he was sure of it.
It took exactly 5 hours, 41 minutes and 28 seconds for him to identify the problem, figure out the solution and then put it in place.
The red lights and alarm that were blaring the entire time were finally shut off, their irritating sound and flashes gone and giving his poor skull a rest. With the problem taken care of, he could take a small break, one he for sure deserved. Especially since he was yet to have any breakfast and it was nearing noon.
Gaster walked out of the chamber, giving the few waiting scientists a nod to confirm they may go back to working on it without a fear for their safety. They rushed in immediately after it, eager to get back on track and keep the CORE working. He meanwhile went straight to his private office in the lab, eager to finally make himself a cup of coffee and work on what was supposed to be today's task.
Of course, since he just got comfortable behind his desk and started to sort through his papers while sipping his drink, the peace was not going to last at all. Asgore forbid he has any relaxation or time to work without something immediately going wrong.
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he sighed, then told whoever was on the opposite side of the door to enter.
A bunny monster walked in. Not a scientist, they lacked the coat or ID badge. Someone from outside the lab then, perhaps sent from the royal family then?
His suspicions are proven correct when the monster opens their mouth to speak.
"Doctor Gaster? The King and Queen request your presence at the castle whenever you're free"He nodded at the words.
"I will be there shortly, thank you for the relayed message." The bunny gave him a low bow and then walked out of the office, leaving Gaster alone again.
He sighed, shaking his head. At least this interruption was actually pleasant. It's always good to visit the royal pair. They're old friends, almost parental figures if he were to be honest. Not that he'll admit it to their face. Asgore will get way too smug over it.
He downed the rest of his drink quickly and placed the cup back on the desk, then gathered his papers that scattered around. He organised them and stood up afterwards. He took off his lab coat, then hung it on the chair and with that he was off.
He made his way to New Home on foot as opposed to teleporting, deciding that a nice walk after the morning's chaos sounded pleasant. It didn't take long, him knowing Hotland's puzzles by heart by now and easily navigating through them.
Soon he found himself in the white marbled city, weaving through streets and corners as he took the memorised path to the castle. The two guards outside bowed their heads when he passed by and he gave them an acknowledging nod.
The castle's halls were as familiar as ever, long and winding yet feeling homely with the soft yellows and golden flowers scattered around or hanging from the walls in fancy garlands.
Gaster soon found himself in front of the throne room and opened the door, walking in and kneeling down in front of the two figures sitting in the fancily decorated chairs. Asgore's serious expression immediately broke into a big grin as he stood up and walked over.
Gaster barely had time to rise up to meet him, already knowing what's coming. Two fluffy arms wrapped around him in a bone crushing hug as he got lifted into the air. Good thing he had no lungs to get smushed by it.
"Good to see you too, your majesties" He managed to say against Asgore's shoulder.
The goat monster laughed and put Gaster down, still towering over him by at least a head, even with the skeleton's impressive height.
"Gaster! I see you've got our invitation! How have you been, old friend?" Asgore's voice was warm as he spoke, the grin turning into a softer smile that made Gaster smile back. Asgore's optimism was contagious.
"I've been well, your majesty. A bit stressed over the CORE and some few problems we've run into, but otherwise well" He answered just as Toriel joined up with them, also getting off her throne.
"Perhaps we should discuss this over some tea? I've baked pie!" She suggested, her smile just as contagious as Asgore's.
"That sounds wonderful my Queen" His comment earned him a hard pat on the back from Asgore.
"How many times will we have to tell you that? Call us by our names!"
Gaster chuckled and gave them a nod. He will, today. Next time he visits they'll go through that same dance. It's tradition at this point.
The two goat monsters led him out of the throne room and through the corridors again, deeper into the more private corners of the castle where the royal family resided. They reached a small patio that led out into Asgore's private garden, where a round coffee table sat right in the middle, along with a few chairs. The teacups were already placed on it, the teapot steaming with freshly boiled water and the aforementioned pie taking the crowned spot in the centre.
He took his usual seat, the boss monsters on his right side as Asgore poured them all a cup of golden flower tea, his favourite. Toriel meanwhile cut the pie up into pieces and served them to everyone with a warm smile.
"Let's start with the important things. You mentioned problems with the CORE?" Gaster nodded at Asgore's question, taking a sip of the drink as he started to explain.
"We've had a few problems with calibrations and overheating in one of the newer chambers. I've taken care of them though and have already found a suitable solution." The king listened intently, the usual smile replaced with a more serious expression.
"And the solution is?"
"Ice. If I may, I'll make arrangements for Snowdin to build an ice mine. The blocks will be sent down the river, its temperature keeping it from melting, even when passing through Hotland. It will reach the CORE and be thrown into the lava, thus cooling the machine enough to not cause any problems" Asgore seemed satisfied with the answer as he hummed and took a sip of his own tea.
"Very well. That sounds like a reasonable solution. You may make the arrangements for it. How long do you suppose this might take?"
"A few months at most and the CORE will be fully functional and able to power up the entire underground for the years, maybe even decades to come." Asgore sighed softly at his words, staring at the golden coloured liquid in the teacup.
"Hopefully we will find a way to break the barrier before decades pass" Toriel put a loving hand on her husband's shoulder, pulling him into a gentle hug.
"We will find a way, my love. For now let's give our people energy to power their homes. Small steps." Asgore smiled, nuzzling into the touch and kissing her cheek.
"Thank you Tori, you are truly wonderful."
Gaster watched the scene with a tiny smile too. He could feel the love pouring off the two royals. If he were to believe in soulmates, those two would certainly be the proof of such existing.
Asgore turned to Gaster and suddenly he felt a chill down his spine at the mischievous grin he wore. He hoped to avoid any questions by eating a slice of the pie. It was a bad idea.
"So Gaster, how's the human doing?" He almost choked on said pie, barely managing to regain his posture and not have a coughing fit.
"(Y/n) has been doing well. The wound is healing quite well as I suspected it would. She's yet to cause any major problems. In my estimations in a few days she will be... Healed." He trailed off at the last sentence, his voice growing quieter.
He didn't want to admit it, but the human, albeit irritating with her sarcasm and talking back, was good company. It was entertaining to irritate one another and he realised that he was actually looking forward to the hours when he changes her bandages, because, most of the time, it would end in an interesting conversation or at least in some refreshing banter.
He just hoped that the King and Queen did not hear the way his tone shifted. He didn't fancy being teased about it today.
Unluckily for him, the two did pick up on the subtle change. Asgore turned to Toriel with a small smirk, one she returned, then back to Gaster. A smug look crossed the goat monster as he leaned forward in his seat, placing his arms on the glass table.
"Have you finally warmed up to the human Gaster? The previous times we'd ask about her, you'd refuse to even use her name. You'd just say 'human' or 'it'. What's with the sudden change? Is she perhaps growing on you?" Asgore blinked innocently as he asked that, acting like it was the most logical thing to ask.
At Gaster's very offended look -blank face, eyelights gone with the sockets slightly narrowed and mouth in a very thin line-, Toriel bursted out laughing, almost falling off her chair in the process.
"No! Of course not! I would never grow attached to some human! She was simply nagging me so much about using her name that it turned into a habit!" It wasn't a lie, at least not an outright one, but it wasn't the full truth either.
Asgore's smirk just grew wider and Toriel joined in with the same expression. Oh no.
"We never said anything about you growing attached, Gaster, just that you may have warmed up to her" Toriel's voice was smug as she spoke, her words making Gaster pale a bit, if that's even possible for an already white skeleton.
"Toriel please! I have no idea what you're trying to imply right now!" He crossed his arms, looking away from them with a huff and summoning an additional hand to bring the teacup to his mouth and sip on the, slowly cooling down, tea.
The two goat monsters laughed again, sharing a look between themselves that Gaster could only define as trouble.
"Alright. If you say so, Gaster." Asgore finally said, though Gaster did not like the tone one bit.
"I do say so, your majesty." Gaster grumbled, the usage of his title making the goat monster roll his eyes affectionately.
"Very well, we may leave it then, for now at least"
Somehow, Gaster had a feeling that this was going to become the topic of gossip between the royals.
Beforelong the topic shifted to something else, then another thing, and another, the three monsters conversing comfortably while enjoying a perfectly baked pie.
It was easy to lose track of time in such good company, Asgore and Toriel being one of the few monsters Gaster was truly comfortable around. By the time they had realised they'd been talking for hours and the tea had gone ice cold, it was already way past his work time. He should have been home long ago.
He was all but ushered out of the castle by the two goat monsters, who knew he would probably be worried for his kids.
Gaster bid them goodbye, getting another bone crushing hug in the process, and then started walking back home. He could teleport, but he felt like taking another walk, his mind going back to one of the topics Asgore and Toriel talked with him about. He didn't want to shortcut home with a mess in his head.
Said topic being the human.
As he gracefully went through the puzzles in Hotland yet again, his thoughts were consumed by questions.
What will he do with her once she's healed? That was the most prominent one. She was basically almost healthy, the few more days mentioned to the royal pair being the last stretch needed to make sure she is back to full strength. She won't need to stay with them once she's fine, he did take her in only because Papyrus had begged him to and he couldn't break his son's heart by leaving her to die.
Then again, he does enjoy her company, as annoying as she may be sometimes. He's grown... accustomed to having her around. He could let her stay with them, but she could do something, hurt his sons or worse. He didn't want to take that chance. Then again, there was also the option to bring her to Asgore and Toriel, let the royal pair take care of her if they are so quick to like her. But it would raise the exact same concerns, he can't risk the life of the two monsters leading everyone. It would throw everything into chaos.
With a loud sigh, he sped up his steps, staring at the shining crystals embedded in Waterfall's walls and ceiling.
He shook his head, deciding to leave the topic for now. He had a few more days to think about this, he'll figure something out for sure. He's not the smartest mind in the underground for nothing.
The waterfalls and black stones turned into snow and mist as he stepped over the threshold from Waterfall to Snowdin, the cold air weaving in between the trees and cooling the place down enough for ice to form.
He slowed his steps to a more leisurely pace now that he was home, the familiar building already in his view. A few people glanced at him as he walked by and gave him a small nod, but generally didn't bother to speak to him. He didn't mind whatever reputation those people made up about him. It just meant no one bothered him and he was very much okay with that.
He opened the front door to his house, already bracing himself for the impact of Papyrus running at him at top speed and screaming 'Papa!' with the biggest grin possible.
He waited. Nothing as such happened. Papyrus didn't run up to him. Indarra didn't yell a loud greeting from the kitchen or somewhere in the house. Not even Sans appeared for a moment just to say hello. Nothing.
His metaphorical blood ran cold, worry coursing through him as he threw off his coat and boots, then rushed deeper into the house. His kids wouldn't fall asleep without a bedtime story and Indarra, as good at telling them as he was, didn't have stories that could work as one to sleep to. They were all loud and chaotic and war related. So it was impossible that it was the answer. Which means Indarra must have left at some point without notifying Gaster about it.
The human
That thought made him pale, if that's even possible, his legs moving before he could gather his mind. He ran up the stairs a few steps at a time, looking for the scene of what he was already convinced must be murder. Fear coursed through him, pure panic at the idea that instead of his two sons, the lights in his life, he'll find scattered dust.
The sounds of quiet snoring made him stop in his tracks, head whipping towards the door to his sons' room so fast he almost dislocated it from his neck. He slowly leaned closer, pressing an ear hole to it. Perhaps he misheard?
The same quiet snore he could immediately recognise as Papyrus' made him sigh in relief, then slowly open the door. He was met with an opposite view of what he had expected to find.
There was the human, laying in the bed, hair a mess on the pillow and the covers thrown over her like an afterthought, some book still clutched in her grasp. Papyrus was nuzzled up to the crook of her neck, tiny hands squeezing her shirt as he slept, making tiny snores every few seconds. Sans was laying on her arm, also asleep soundly, comfortably covered by the blanket and curled into a ball.
A smile crept onto Gaster's face before he could stop himself, the fear already forgotten as he stared at his children safe and sound. A thought crept to the front of his mind.
Almost like a mo-
He didn't let himself finish it, shaking his head to dispel it as quickly as it came. With a quiet sigh he raised his arm, magic wrapping around the human's body as he used it to raise her out of the bed, hopefully without waking her.
Sans shot awake, one eye light flaring blue and yellow, only for the glow to dim and disappear once he realised it was just his dad. Gaster gave his son a soft smile and muttered a quiet 'it's fine son, go back to sleep', to which the older of the two siblings nuzzled back into the bed, pulling Papyrus into a hug and quickly falling back asleep.
Gaster chuckled at that and then left the room, the human floating out of it before him as he watched to make sure she wouldn't hit her head on the doorframe.
She didn't wake up, luckily for him, continuing to sleep soundly, body limp in the magic's hold. As he took her to her room however, he noticed something. Something interesting to say at least.
A black line, barely peeking out from under her shirt, one that from the shape of it, must continue along a part of her back, if not the entire thing. He silently raised a bone brow at that, deciding that he will go to the library or dump at some point to research more into humans and what that could mean.
He got to her room -when did he start thinking of it as hers and not a guest bedroom?- and then laid her gently into the bed. He summoned an additional hand that covered her up in a blanket, simply because he remembered that humans were bad with temperatures, nothing else.
He left the bedroom soon after, going back down to the kitchen as realisation hit him that he hadn't eaten almost anything today, other than Toriel's pie and a few cups of coffee and tea.
He made his way towards the fridge, expecting he'll have to quickly make something for himself, only for a shape on the counter to catch his attention. That wasn't there in the morning.
Curious, he instead turned his attention to the wrapped up object, taking the casing off only to see it's a big portion of (f/f). Beside it was a note, one which he picked up to skim through quickly.
'The babysitter left early and didn't make anything for the kids to eat, so I made (f/f). I figured you must have been in a rush to leave so fast and left you a portion for when you come back.'
'Enjoy! (Y/n)'
Gaster found himself smiling because of the human for the second time today, his mouth watering at the, frankly delicious looking, food. He put the note down and made a mental note to thank her for this at some point.
As he heated up the food, a thought coursed through his head, one he didn't try to disagree with this time.
Maybe this human isn't so bad after all...
"A fallen angel-"
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