Chapter 4: W.D. Gaster
If you want to know the sheer scale of this rewrite, with this chapter out, this book will officially be over 11k words long already. This is the longest chapter yet, with just around 3k words. It was one I was very excited to rewrite, so enjoy!
2nd POV
The figure talked with Sans, their magic letting you go as they fully focused on their son. Papyrus in the meanwhile turned to you, his eye sockets widening.
"UM...DAD?" He called out, to which the figure let out a humm to show that they were listening.
"I THINK SHE FAINTED" That got the attention of both Sans and his dad. They turned around and, sure enough, you were lying face down in the snow, it slowly turning red around you.
Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned quietly, sun streaming onto your face through the curtains. You sat up with a grumble and massaged your forehead, taking a moment to wake yourself up. You looked down afterwards, seeing that you were in a king sized bed, a soft blanket over you. Your outfit was different than usual, a fluffy (f/c) pyjama covering your body.
You sighed quietly and untangled yourself from the covers, your bare feet being met with a carpet. You minced towards the giant window on the opposite wall and looked out of it, though you already knew what the view would be. Just as you thought, you were met with a forest that soon morphed into plains, then a beach, then mountains and finally back to the woods. Even in your brain, you couldn't decide what you wanted and so it always ended up an ever shifting, everchanging mess of different desires.
There was always one constant in this though...
You turned around and walked out of the room, then down the corridor and took the stairs on your left, which led to the living room. It was big and cosy, with a couch and bookshelves being the centrepiece. They stayed the same, while the rest like the colours, decorations and small details changed with your every blink.
"Mum! There you are! We were starting to think you'd be sleeping till the afternoon!" You turned around and, just as you expected, you were met with a blurry outline. There were no features you could distinguish and the voice was echoey, sounding far away, to the point that you couldn't tell anything about it if asked.
Still, somehow you knew it belonged to your kid. The first time, it had you panicked and confused, but by now, it was almost welcome to hear someone call you 'mum', even if it was just a figment of your imagination.
"Yeah, you're lucky you woke up now mum. Dad was planning on splashing you with water!" Another voice belonging to another figure emerged from the kitchen, joining their 'sibling'.
You heard these exact same words so many times already, seen this entire thing play out more than you could count, yet it always made warmth blossom in your chest. The idea of having this, a family, people who you could love and be loved back by, was something that plagued your mind for decades now, ever before your angel life.
"Oh really? Why don't you two go make breakfast and I'll have a talk with your father then?" You answered as you usually did, these words being the ones that led this in the direction you liked the most.
Your two 'children' giggled and then went back into the kitchen, still snickering between themselves. You on the other hand walked over to a spot near one of the bookshelves and then mentally counted to five.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Two strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind you, pulling you closer and against someone's chest. You didn't fight it, melting into his embrace, your head falling back against his shoulder as he chuckled above you.
"Hello darling, I heard you wanted to have a talk with me. Well, I'm all ears." He said, his breath ghosting against your ear as he pressed you closer.
You rolled your eyes, your gaze falling lower to his hands. They were just as blurry as the rest of him always was, but it was not it that you were focusing on. It was the wedding ring sitting snugly on one of his fingers. Thick and gold, with arching patterns in it that created waves on its surface.
Your hand moved to his, your own wedding ring now in view too. It was thinner, with the front having a section crossing over each other in a similar pattern to the one on your 'husband's'. Along its entire length were small white crystals.
"Morning to you too" You answered instead.
He chuckled again and leaned down, kissing your cheek and then putting his chin on your head.
"Seems you got %#%&*!+ and +#=+ to make breakfast for once. Hungry?" The names were distorted to the point of being illegible. Another factor of your dreams. You had no one to actually fill in these roles that you craved to have in your life and so, they remained faceless, nameless and with indescribable voices.
You pulled away from his embrace, instead grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers together. Although his face was impossible to see just like with the other two, you knew that he was smiling at you. You both made your way to the kitchen where your 'children' were already sitting, the food ready on the table.
You sat down, your 'husband' taking the seat right next to yours, your hands still connected as you ate and joked around. It was peaceful. Just you, your family and no rush to be anywhere. A moment of calm, of a simple life where you don't have to worry about anything. The war, your duty, your choices, it all wouldn't matter in this life.
A life you will never have.
This, all of this, was an impossible dream. A mere fantasy of something you had always craved for, but of something that will never happen.
You might have wanted a family, but you lost the chance to have one the day you died and chose to become an angel.
You woke up, again, but this time it was real.
You knew that because the moment you tried to sit up pain flared from your side and through your entire body, making you collapse back into the bed. At least you weren't out in the snow, as it was warm wherever you have been taken to and you could feel the smooth texture of a blanket covering you, along with a mattress under you.
You opened your eyes, finding yourself in a small and plain room. From the position you were in you could see the bed, a small bedside table with a lamp on top of it and a wardrobe further away pressed against a wall.
"I see you're finally awake, human." A deep voice came from behind you and you flinched, your head whipping around.
In the doorway stood a skeleton monster. He was tall, so much so that he was almost hitting his head on the doorframe, and slender, his arms crossed behind his back. He was wearing a black coat that was almost long enough to reach the floor with an eton collar and notch lapels. Under it was a mushroom grey turtleneck with thin vertical stripes. What was the most captivating however, was his face. His eye lights were white like Sans' with cracks coming from the eye sockets. The one on his left was going down, while the one on his right was going up.
You froze, your mind reminding you of the shadowed figure you had seen moments before you were thrown against a tree and almost died. A silhouette that fits perfectly with the monster standing before you.
Either he didn't notice your discomfort, or simply didn't care for it, as he walked over in three long strides and leaned over you. Your brain went into fight or flight response and your entire body stiffened, your shoulders raising and your hand instinctively going to your hip, where usually you had your sword hanging from your belt. It wasn't there now, of course.
The skeleton rolled his eyes at you with a huff, one of his hands coming to take the covers off you. It had long fingers and a hole right in the middle of its palm. Something you've never seen in any of the monsters.
"I need to check your bandages, human. So kindly stay still before you reopen your wound and make a mess." He spoke, his voice low and harsh.
You glared at the monster, but couldn't really fight him, so you let him do so, mentally saying a few words of choice that would have made God throw you out a lot sooner.
He put the sheets away, surprisingly gently, but maybe it was simply because he didn't want to deal with irritating the wound. You were calm up to that point, because the cover being away allowed you to see that you were not in your previous outfit.
"What the?! Did you-" Before you could finish he cut you off with a scowl.
"Magic. I have no desire to look at your body. Now stop moving and let me inspect the wound." You growled under your breath at his words, but stayed still.
His phalanges hooked under your shirt and lifted it just enough to see the bandages around your torso. He unwrapped them, uncovering the giant wound. Your eyes widened at the sight. It was deep, deep enough to leave a permanent scar on you, with jagged edges because of the way the branch broke off.
Looks like the legendary Golden Death, the terror of monsters, was defeated by a tree.
He touched it and with the skin still being tender and barely healed over, it stung a lot. You hissed at the pain, shooting him a glare while he turned away to write something down in a clipboard he must have brought with him. He barely paid you any mind, simply raising a bone brow with an unimpressed look.
"Glaring will get you nowhere. Believe me human, had it not been for my sons, I would have left you in that snow to die." The words sent a chill down your spine that you tried to suppress, your breath hitching. So, the boys did have a family. A father that had almost killed you and would have done so had it not been for the kids.
You turned your head away with a huff, trying to mask the fact that you've gotten nervous. You willed your expression into staying neutral as he began to reapply ointments to your wound, not wanting to show any weakness around the skeleton. He was intimidating and, right now, had the upper hand. As much as you hated it, you were at his mercy and antagonising him would be a bad idea. Even if he was being an ass.
"Like it would matter to someone" You didn't mean for that to be said out loud, but the thought had suddenly hit you and you didn't have time to bite your tongue.
It was the truth though. With you being banished from the angels, there would be no one to mourn your death. Nobody will care, because to humans, you don't exist and to God, you're a traitor.
"So, the little human felt unloved and wanted to gather attention by jumping in here. How interesting." He scorned while starting to reapply your bandages, the last part being said with a heavy dose of sarcasm.
You bristled at his audacity, too stunned by the blatant disrespect to speak for a good few seconds.
"Excuse me?! For your information, I did not jump in here to 'gather attention'! And this 'little human' has a name, thank you very much!" You answered him angrily, trying to sit up swiftly to be on eye level with him.
It was a very bad idea. You let out a loud hiss, the movement jolting the wound and causing a wave of sharp pain to go through your entire midsection. A fact at which he scoffed with an unamused look.
"I suggest you stop moving around so much, human. Unless you'd rather reopen your wound and bleed out, in which case be my guest. It would certainly make this a lot easier for me." He put emphasis on the word 'human', clearly doing it solely to annoy you, which was definitely working.
You grumbled under your breath, saying a string of words that should not be named because Wattpad would move this book from the 'all ages' section.
"Well then, monster, it seems you have hearing problems so I'll oh so graciously repeat myself. First, I have a name and it would be (y/n), so it would be appreciated if you used it. Second, we both wouldn't be in this situation if someone didn't immediately throw me at a tree instead of talking like civilised people" You shot back, staring him down in challenge. It might have not been the brightest idea to reveal your name, but with you being stuck in the underground, you really had nothing to lose out of this. Besides, you were pissed and the only outlet for your anger was the skeleton.
Said skeleton's grip on the roll of bandages tightened and he paused for a second, taking a deep breath. Then, he continued on with the task of wrapping your torso in the gauze with a steady, calmer movement.
"If you are some human spy, then you need to find a job you're actually good at. If not, then you shouldn't have left your village." Although the words were not as mocking as all the previous ones, somehow it was these two sentences that hit you the most.
Because you couldn't. You couldn't go back. Your old life was gone, blown away in the wind like a dandelion seed. You were scared, alone and at the mercy of a monster who wouldn't have thought twice about ending your life had it not been for his sons. It was overwhelming and, for the second time in such a short time period, you started to truly regret your choice.
You could have had a comfortable enough life. With a high position came many privileges other angels didn't have. You could have lived it out as a hero of the people. A figure of importance that legends would have been written of for years to come. You could have had it all, or at least as close to all as an angel could have. But you threw it all away and for what?
That thought halted you.
For what? The image of Amber popped into your head. Of her terrified eyes and small form staring up at three angels about to kill her. Of those same eyes sparkling as she spoke of her dads, the love all three hold for each other apparent in her every word. Of the relieved cries from said fathers once she was brought to them safe and sound. That was what you threw it all away for. For the monsters that didn't deserve to be locked away under a mountain to rot. For the families broken up by a war that shouldn't have happened in the first place. For the children that were born into a life full of fear and uncertainty.
They had gone through everything, so you shouldn't blame him for being angry at the fact he now has to take care of a 'human'. For all you know, he could be one of the monsters that had been alive before it started, had watched his old home be torn away from him and replaced with the cold stone of the mountain. His reaction to seeing you beside his children was justifiable, maybe a bit of an overkill at most.
When you finally came back to reality, the skeleton was already done with patching you up, fresh bandages wrapped around your torso. He was not paying any attention to you, focused solely on the clipboard in his grasp, slender fingers holding a pen as he noted something down.
"You never told me your name" You spoke up, the sound of writing stopping as he looked up from his task.
"And why would I tell it to you?" He responded, resuming his previous task.
"Well I told you my name, didn't I?" You tried being polite, hoping that maybe he'd be more approachable if you showed some goodwill.
"And I never asked for it." Scratch every single revelation you had about this man. He was still a jerk.
"Let me put it this way then. Your sons, or at least the younger one, clearly likes me, so he'd be very sad if I die. So you will have to take care of the wound that you made, at least until it heals. Said wound is big, so it's going to take some time before I'm able to be on my own. Which means that we are stuck with one another for the foreseeable future. Unless you'd like me to just call you monster the entire stay of course." You gave up the whole nice act, your temper way too short to deal with him. You almost died, you had no patience for this.
He put down the clipboard with the pen on top of it, raising to his full height. Which was probably around 2 metres, so it was very much intimidating.
"I suppose it will not hurt. Very well then (y/n)."
He smirked, his eye lights beginning to glow. The white got surrounded by blue on the left and red on the right, bathing his skull in the colours. He bowed mockingly, one hand behind his back and the other on his chest, not breaking eye contact with you as he did so.
"Doctor W.D. Gaster. The Royal Scientist, at your service."
Before you could answer he turned around on his heel, striding out of the room. He paused in the doorway only for a moment to look over his shoulder.
"Dinner will be in an hour."
And without another word he walked out, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
"How did you hide it all for so long-"
I forgot just how fun it was to write their early banter. These two were so sassy for the first few chapters they knew each other! I may have dialed it up even more in the rewrite. What can I say, I adore some good back and forth. Hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it!
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