Chapter 1: Banishment
Surprise, double update! Oh boy am I glad to fix up the two chapters that bugged me the most. There's still a lot of things bad in the original, but at least I'll have some solace with the fact I'm fixing up the broken mess of a timeline the OG book had. This ain't fnaf, it's supposed to be understandable.
2nd Pov
The world whizzed by you as you flew above it. Your (e/c) eyes scanned the ground under you like a hawk's, no detail passing by you even with the high speed of your soaring. So far there was nothing of note, but you knew this was the forest a monster camp was in before it had been attacked. You needed to make sure there were no people left behind in the chaos of the fight.
The sound of a cry made you whip your head around, gaze falling upon a blood boiling sight. Three angels stood proud and tall, the front one with his weapon raised. Pressed against a rock, looking up at them, was a monster child.
You didn't waste any time, changing your trajectory and flying down, landing in between the kid and the trio. You unsheathed your sword, white flames bursting to life. With barely milliseconds to spare, you blocked the oncoming attack with your blade, the weapons clashing against each other and making sparks fly.
The angel who's blade you just stopped paled, his eyes widening in panic when they fell upon your face.
"General?!" He gasped, breaking the swordlock you both found yourselves in.
You narrowed your eyes, still holding your blade at the ready, your stance one of someone that will not hesitate to strike. Behind you the kid whimpered quietly, her face covered in dirt and tears, which just served to further your burning resolve to help.
"Elin. Lower your weapon now." The angel, who turned out to be your battalion's Commander, did as told, his hands shaking, making him take a few tries to sheathe the sword.
"What are you doing, General? Why are you protecting a monster?" His question went ignored by you.
You turned around instead, kneeling down in front of the kid and putting your sword away so as to not scare her. She was a small fox monster, her fur cherry red with black markings on her ears, tail and around her eyes. Her irises were bright and yellow-ish. They looked like two ambers, shining from the shed tears.
"Hey kid, you alright?" You asked softly, voice gentle and low.
She looked up at you, her hands buried deep in her tail as she stroked it, probably for comfort. She just shook her head and pressed herself against the rock behind her more, quivering from fear.
You took a few steps back to give her more space, barely acknowledging the fact that the three angels from your battalion were now gone. Probably went to tell THEM what you did. A problem for the future you. Right now you had to focus on getting the kid to not be terrified of you.
"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you and I won't let them hurt you either. What's your name, little one?" You raised your arms to show that you were not reaching for your weapon, your wings pushed against your back so they wouldn't be too intimidating.
She shook her head again, whining quietly, her ears flat against her head.
"Alright. No name then. How about I tell you mine? I'm (Y/n) and I'm here to take you to a monster camp" She paused at that for a second, her eyes briefly glancing up at you before lowering to the ground again.
"...I want dads back"
Your soul broke at the petrified tone of her voice. She looked to be around ten at most, which means she was born after the barrier was already in place. She probably never had a moment in her life where she didn't need to be constantly on guard.
"And I know where they are. I can take you to them, you just need to trust me for a minute, can you do that?" After a few seconds she gave you a hesitant nod.
You offered your hand, which she took and -luckily for you- allowed you to pick her up. Her fur was soft when she wrapped her little paws around your neck and pressed her muzzle into it. Once she was comfortable in your hold, you spread your wings, flying up to go take her to the nearest monster camp that you know her people fled to.
She tensed, her eyes snapping shut at the feeling of being in the air and you soothingly put your hand on her head, stroking in between her ears. It seems to work, as she soon relaxed again.
"M-my name is A-Amber" She whispered against your neck a few minutes into the flight.
"That's a pretty name. Fits you kid." That got a small smile out of her, her tail wagging a little.
"Dads picked it, said it's because of my eyes!" You mentally sighed in relief when she launched to talk about her dads, the encounter with those three angels for now pushed to the back of her mind. It meant she also didn't wiggle in your hold too much, which made the flight a lot easier than if she were shifting around.
Soon, you found your destination. Calling it a camp would be being gracious. It was simply a few tents strewn about, with crates and bags in between to fill the space and a dented cauldron in the middle, sitting on top of a campfire.
You landed in the shadows, away from the view of the monsters around the camp. An angel being spotted anywhere near it would send them in a state of panic and you didn't need to have that on top of your plate too.
Amber began squirming in your arms the moment you touched the ground, clearly having spotted her dads. Before she rushed off though she did give you a tight hug, her tail wagging and her ears perked up on her head.
"Thank you nice angel lady! You weren't scary like the others! Bye! Visit us sometimes I'll make dads make the tasty stew with rabbit meat!" With that, she was off, rushing through the thicket to get to the camp.
You stayed only long enough to hear the relieved voices of her dads before flying away, making your way back to THEIR kingdom. You knew what would await you when you got there, but somehow, it didn't fill you with fear like it once did.
The heavenly gates stood open when you flew up, what once filled you with awe and wonder at the intricate design that seemed to be made from the sunlight itself, now filled you only with disgust towards what THEY made you do under the guise of protecting humanity. In front of it was your entire battalion. Dozens of eyes set on your form with different expressions on their faces. Some were of anger, some of satisfaction, some of indifference. Barely a few held any sadness or compassion towards what will happen to you. Most will probably take it as an opportunity to get inTHEIR good graces.
Speaking of THEM, God floated at the front of the formation, right in the spotlight of course. Their face evershifting, never setting on one form. You knew that humans saw whatever they believed God looked like. Angels were cursed with the knowledge of their true form, which was the lack of one. A shifting mass that could never decide on what they could deem a 'perfect' look for a God.
You took a deep breath, forcing down the drilled in fear of their being. You raised your head, chin up and posture straight as you came to a stop right in front of them, a defiant look in your eyes. You were not going to bow down anymore.
"You've betrayed us, Golden Wing." Their voice was neither male, nor female, yet both at the same time. Far away, yet close. Nowhere, yet everywhere. It dug into your head like thin spikes, quiet yet so booming, demanding your attention and respect.
"I've betrayed nothing. Angels were made to protect, I'm simply doing what I've been created for" Your words seemed to anger them, their hand raising and slapping you.
You stumbled back, needing a second to straighten your flight again. The strike did not sting as humans would often describe such a hit as. No, this one burned, spread like wildfire through your cheek and half of your face. As if acid had been poured under your skin.
"You have been made to protect the humans. Not monsters. They had been a danger to humanity, so they had to be disposed of. Let go of your foolish empathy at once, or the consequences will be dire." They did not yell, did not anger. Their voice was levelled, emotionless, as if this entire thing was merely an inconvenience at best for them.
"I will do no such thing. The monsters did not deserve their fate and they surely do not deserve to still be hunted down years after they lost the war!" Your voice on the other hand shook while you spoke, trying to convey all your feelings in your words, hoping to get through to anyone. If even one angel started questioning God's decisions, it would all be worth it.
"If you think so highly of them, I will let you meet them on a very personal level." The words sent a shiver down your spine. The tone was just as emotionless as before, but behind those evershifting eyes hid cruelty and coldness that terrified you.
They outstretched their arm and one of the angels around you flew over. Only now did you notice that there was a sceptre in their hands, God's sceptre to be more precise. Giant and made out of pure gold, spiralling with patterns too tiny to see with the naked eye. Its tip was sharp and pointed, you had no doubts it would rip through skin and bone like it's nothing if they chose to attack. God took it from their grasp, pointing it straight at your chest and something in the atmosphere shifted.
The air felt heavy now, thick with magic that started to surround you like a dome. It was beginning to get hard to breathe, your wings being harder and harder to move with each passing second. It crackled with the energy, the sky itself darkening, as if God was taking the light away from it to make themselves shine instead.
"For your treachery and deception-" Their voice was louder now. They did not raise it at all and yet it pierced straight through your skull as if they were yelling every word. They were like thousands of tiny knives digging into you from the inside. "-I, the God of this universe, banish you from the ranks of my angels. You are to be known as the fallen angel, the one that had betrayed everything we stood for and chose the enemy over your own kind. You do not deserve your powers. They will be stripped from you for what you did. If you ever prove yourself worthy to re-join us, you will be graciously given them back."
Pure energy shot from the sceptre, cracking like lightning and yet glowing almost blindingly. It surrounded you from all sides, cutting you off from any attempt to escape. When it touched you, it was pure agony. As if your entire being was ripped apart, piece by piece, as if it had latched onto your very soul and was draining it from everything it has. You wanted to scream, the pain unlike any you ever felt before, but you couldn't even open your mouth. It was holding you frozen still, stripping you from your armour. It burned, it burned so badly you could swear it set your wings on fire. You couldn't breathe anymore, couldn't keep yourself afloat in the air, the only reason you haven't fallen yet being the energy holding you up. You wanted to lose consciousness so badly, to be given relief from the agonising pain, but they didn't even grant you that. Your eyelids were kept open, you were conscious for the entire thing, a form of punishment inside the punishment. A power play against you, to remind you who exactly you had gone against.
"You had so much potential, Golden Wing. I am disappointed to see you waste it" Were the last words you heard before you were finally given the relief of the energy subsiding.
Your body plummeted to the ground, now not held up by their power anymore. Everything inside you burned from the pain, so when your eyes finally closed, it was a small mercy.
The last thing you saw before your world was consumed by darkness was the evershifting face of God, cold and stoic, no emotion behind their eyes as they gave your sword away to someone else.
You welcomed the numbness with open arms.
"I hear it all trying to fall asleep-"
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