Chapter 7~Almost like a mo-
Gaster rushed out of his home, holding his papers under his arm. His eye flashed blue and in a second he was standing in front of his lab in Hotland.
Gaster opened the door and slid inside with a calmer expression now.
Few of the scienceists greeted him, Gaster giving them a nod of acknowledgment.
He got into his office and sat down with a sigh. He got called into his work early as there were some problems with the CORE and didn't even have time to make breakfast for his sons. He hoped that there were some leftovers in the fridge.
He shook his head and went to work.
After few hours the CORE problems were taken care of and he could take a small lunch break.
He went to get some coffe for himself and let out a relaxed sigh, sipping the black substance while also looking through the papers.
There was a knock on the door and he spun around on his chair as a bunny monster walked in.
"Doctor W.D Gaster? The king is requesting your presence in the castle." The monster told him.
Gaster nodded. "Of course. Tell him that I will be there as soon as possible." Bunny nodded, gave him a bow and then walked out of the door.
Gaster finished his coffee and put the mug away. He quickly organized his papers on the desk and then walked out of his office.
He made his was to the New Home where the castle stood.
The guards saw him and opened the door, giving him a nod. "Dr. Gaster." They said with respect when he passed them.
He walked into the throne room and bowed. "King Asgore, Queen Toriel" He said respectfully to the two monsters sitting on the thrones.
Asgore and Toriel smiled, walking over to the skeleton. "Ah! Gaster! I see you got my invitation!"
Gaster nodded and looked up at him. He was tall that's for sure, but even he was shorter than the king. "Of course your highness."
Asgore chuckled. "We talked about it Gaster. Call me Asgore." He told the skeleton, putting one of his hands on Gaster's shoulder.
Toriel smiled and clapped her hands together. "Gaster would you want some tea? I made my butterscotch-cinnamon pie!"
Gaster nodded. "Gladly."
Toriel excused herself and quickly walked out of the room, probably to get everything ready.
Asgore chuckled again at his wife's excitement and turned to Gaster. "Let's take a small walk shall we?" He said and began walking, still having his hand on Gaster's shoulder.
Gaster followed the king, quickly catching up to him. "Now, let's talk about why I called you here. How is the construction of the CORE working?" Asgore asked.
"The CORE construction is going fine. There were some small calibration problems but I had taken care of them. In few months it will be finished and ready to be used." The king nodded, satisfied with Gaster's answer. "That's a wonderful information." He hummed, patting Gaster on the back.
The two monsters got down the giant, golden hall and finally to a room where light was shining down onto a field of small, golden flowers. In the middle a table was set up, Toriel already sitting there, waiting for them.
Asgore sat down besides his wife while Gaster sat opposite of him. Toriel poured the golden flower tea into their cups and cut the pie. Gaster quietly thanked the queen and began to slowly sip the liquid. Asgore kissed his wife's cheek and then turned to the scienceist.
"Now that we're all here, I wanted to discuss with you another matter. How is the human doing?" Gaster almost choked on the pie, but quickly regained his posture. Toriel looked at him, worried.
"(Y/n) is doing fine. Her wound is healing properly and in few days she will be all...good." Gaster trailed of, his voice getting more quiet at the end when he realized that. No matter how much he tried to denny it, he actually enjoyed the time they would irritate each other, or when they simply talk. He hoped that the queen and king didn't hear the way he said that.
But Asgore and Toriel did hear it. The goat monster looked at his wife, as a small smirk apeard on his face. He turned to Gaster with smug expression.
"Did you warmed up to the human? Every time we talked about them you refused to even use their name and called them human or they. What's with the sudden change?" Asgore asked innocently and blinked.
Gaster looked at them with blank expression, causing Toriel to hold back her laughter.
"No! Of course not! She was just nagging me so much about me not calling her by her name it turned into a habit!" It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
Asgore looked at him, as if wondering if he should go a little further or not, but decided not to.
"Okay then Gaster. We're going to drop the topic...for now."
Gaster sighed in relief, thankful that they are dropping the topic.
The three monsters soon lost the track of time, having a nice meal together. When they realized it, it was past Gaster's work time, so they told him to get back home.
He said goodbye to the couple and bowed, going out of the castle.
He decided to take the longer rout and walk instead of teleporting. He needed some time to think anyway.
As he walked through the New Home and then Hotland, he wondered what to do with the human after she's done healing. He could let her stay with him and his sons, but what if she tries something? He could let her stay with the Dreemurrs, but she could try to take Asgore's soul and leave.
He sighed and speed up, now walking through the Waterfall.
Gaster shook his head, deciding to leave the topic for now.
He soon found himself in the familiar Snowdin, snow crushing under his foot, leaving footprints in it.
He opened the door to his home and quickly tensed, being welcomed by silence and not his children. They wouldn't go to sleep without a bed time story.
He became even more pale than he already is, if that's even possible, as panic took the better of him.
He rushed up the stairs, scared that the human did something to his sons, only to stop, hearing soft snoring from the brothers room.
A little confused, he quietly tiptoed to the door and peeked inside. He was meet with cute and heartwarming view.
There you were laying, hair covering part of your face and with a book still in your hold, hugging both Sans and Papyrus, them nuzzled close to you.
A ghost smile appeard on Gaster's face, seeing that you took care of his sons.
Almost like a mo- He shook his head, stopping himself from finishing that thought.
He let out a quiet sigh and his eye flashed blue as he carefully picked you up with his magic.
Sans stiffened and lightly opened one of his eyes, only to go back to sleep seeing that it was just his dad.
Gaster walked out of the room, making sure you wont hit your head on the door frame.
He made you float in front of him, so he wont have to worry about you hitting something when he's taking you to your room.
As he walked, he noticed something on your back. A black line of something, lightly visible as the rest was covered by your shirt. He will have to make a small research about it later.
He layed you in your bed, put a blanket on you and walked out, going to the kitchen as he hasn't eaten anything except the rushed breakfast and a slice of Toriel's pie.
He noticed something on the counter and walked over to it. He unwrapped it and saw that it was (f/f). He took the paper that was laying besides it and noticed that it was a note.
There was nothing to eat for the boys so I made some (f/f). I guessed that you would be hungry when you get back so we left some for you.
A small smile appeard on Gaster's face again as he put the note down.
Maybe this human wasn't so bad after all...
"A fallen angel-"
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