Chapter 3~ Not every monster is nice
For some reason the voice sounded off to you. As if it belonged to a child or a teenager and not to a monster that could use something as hard and powerful as this.
Well you were going to find out who caught you soon anyways.
The blue magic slowly turned you around and you were meet with a face of a skeleton child. It was rather short and big boned, one of it's eye sockets being fully black while the other one having white pupil with blue glow around it. One of its hands was pointing at you, surrounded by the same blue glow that's holding you up. It wore a blue hoodie, black shorts slippers?
"Well..I...ummm...uhhh..." You didn't know what to say. What were you supposed to tell that kid? 'Hey kid I'm basically the reason you're trapped here and I have so high L.O.V.E cuz I killed probably hundreds of your kind in the war.' Yea... that's a no for you.
The skeleton glared at you and you yelped as he put you too close to the edge for your liking.
"H..h..hey! What are you doing!" You said as you tried to get away from the edge, but his magic hold you there.
"I don't trust you human! Who knows who you had killed!" Okay. That kid has a point. You could be dangerous, but you doubted you could do any harm in the state you were in right now.
They put you even closer to the edge, your feet floating centimeters from the certain death.
"L..let's not act before thinking shall we?!" You stammed nervously, trying not to get killed. "I...I swear I dont have bad intentions! I just got kinda lost!" From the looks he gave you, you knew he kinda didn't believe you.
Closing your eyes you got ready for horrific dead from the hands of a kid when both of you heard a scream for help. It sounded like a kid, even younger than the one holding you right now.
The skeleton seemed to recognize the voice as he put you down and ran that direction, not even giving you another glance.
You being you, you quickly ran after them and saw them not to far from you. You quickly picked them up, not stopping to run after the voice.
The kid looked like they wanted to object at first, but when he saw you were running in the right direction, he just went silent and let you carry him.
In few seconds you saw the owner of the voice, another skeleton, smaller than the one you were holding yet a lot slimmer. They were surrounded by weird looking, melted monsters and from how scared the skeleton looked, you knew they weren't friendly.
"Papyrus!" The skeleton in your arms yelled, making the smaller one turn to you with hopeful eyes. "Sans!" Papyrus yelled back and almost ran to you if not for the fact that the weird, melted monsters tried to attack him, making him back up to where he stood.
You wanted to help even tho you didn't have any weapon, so you put Sans on the ground and jumped in between two of the monsters, trying to shield the poor kid from them. You weren't doing who knows how great job as the monsters were circling around you, so no matter how you tried some were still behind him.
One of the monsters decides to finally attack you, so you quickly picked Papyrus up and held him close to yourseld, trying to shield him from the blow.
A white bone surrounded by yet the same blue glow went right through the monsters body, making it back up, growling.
You saw that the bigger skeleton was now besides you, more of the same looking bones floating over his head.
He turned to you, giving you determinated expression and then started to attack the monsters. You put Papyrus down and he hid behind his brother, scared out of his mind while you went to at least try to be useful, which meant kicking and punching. At least you were holding them back a little.
A bone started to float besides you, it was longer than the ones Sans was using to hit the melted monsters.
You turned to Sans and he gave you a nod, as if encouraging you to to take it. You knew that it could hurt you, but hesitantly took a hold of it.
The glow went dim around it, but didn't dissapear completely. It felt wierd to hold it but you didn't complain, at least you had a weapon to use now.
You swung it few times to make sure you know how to fight with it. You smirked, holding the bone like a spear. "Come." You said to the melted monsters and jumped right into action.
Swinging your weapon around you and Sans took care of the monsters, fighting together.
In no time there was only dust left of the weird monsters, leaving only you, Sans and Papyrus. The bone you had in your hand disappeared and Sans eyes stopped glowing. You could see he was tired.
You went quiet and watched as Sans checked if his brother is all right. You smiled slightly.
Papyrus looked at you and then ran over to you, hugging your leg. "Thank you for help!" He told you, making your heart melt at his cute expression.
"You're welcome!" You answered, smiling brightly at him.
You could feel Sans was looking at you, being weary of your every move. Couldn't blame him for that. You still were a human and now he knew that you were a good fighter. In one word-Dangerous.
You looked at the children, wondering where were their parents, of they had them that's it.
"Do you have any parents, or know where they are?" You asked, hoping to get the kids to safety.
"Yea actually we-" Papyrus cut out when a purple glow picked you up.
You turned to glare at Sans but he looked at you, just as confused as you.
"O-oh..." Sans said and you noticed a dark figure walking in your direction. You could notice that one of it's eyes was glowing blue mist while the other glowing red one.
The glow threw you at the nearby tree. You noticed a broken tree branch, well whatever was left of it.
You winced and closed your eyes, getting ready for the blow.
You let out a scream as the rest of the branch dug into your back.
Without even caring, the force pulled you away from the tree, the wound and branch soaked in blood.
It was about to throw you at the tree again, but Papyrus and Sans ran over to the figure.
"🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧✏ 💧✌☠💧✏ ✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆 👌⚐❄☟ ⚐😐✌✡✍✏👎✋👎 💧☟☜ ☟🕆☼❄ ✡⚐🕆✍" The figure said, making you confused.
You tried to make out any looks of the figure, but everything started to get black and fuzzy, probably from the blood loss.
"👎✌👎✏ 💧☟☜ 💧✌✞☜👎 🕆💧 ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟⚐💧☜ 🕈☜✋☼👎📪 💣☜☹❄☜👎 💣⚐☠💧❄☜☼💧✏" You heard the answer from someone, from the voice you guessed it was Papyrus.
The figure let out a gasp.
"💣📬📬📬💣☜☹❄☜👎 💣⚐💣💧❄☜☼💧✍" The power holding you stopped and you feel to the ground.
You couldn't hear the rest of the talk as the world began to get even more blurry and in no time you passed out from the blood loss.
"How do you stay so strong-"
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