Chapter 6.
Priya groaned and leaned against the tub, she had just got done throwing up for the third morning in a row. She was fearing this when Dante didn't pull out, she knew she was pregnant. She didn't want to tell him, fearing he might kick her out, that he doesn't want her anymore now that she is pregnant. She started crying, she didn't want to leave, she loves Dante and hoped he would still love her. She stood up and walked into their bedroom, she looked at the queen sized bed Dante had bought so they could sleep more comfy on it. She put on a dark green tank top and black capris shorts. She looked around the room for a second before sighing and leaving the apartment, going down the stairs to the shop.
Dante was leaning in his chair, feet propped up on the desk. He was reading a magazine and didn't seem to notice her. Priya trembled for a second, she wasn't sure if she should tell him, maybe she should just try and go as long as she can without telling him. No, that would make him angry, and if he wasn't gonna kick her out before then he definitely will. She managed to cease her trembling and she cleared her throat, immediately wishing she hadn't done that. The cambion look up at her and said "Hey, is something wrong? You've been crying." He set his magazine down and walked over, pulling her into his arms.
Priya enjoyed the comfort he was providing, he's so sweet.
Maybe he won't kick me out. Maybe he'll let me stay, maybe he'll even let me keep the baby. Priya thought as she hugged back, but only for a second then she pulled away from him.
"I'm pregnant." She said quietly.
"What?" The demon hunter said with wide eyes, she couldn't tell if his tone was complete surprise or he didn't want to hear that at all. She turned away and started crying again, fearing the worst. Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her and pull her close.
"I want to name the baby," Dante said in a sweet voice. Priya smiled and turned around, kissing her lover. The cambion kissed back for only a second before breaking it and saying "I need to do some research, I don't know how to take care of a pregnant lady." Priya smiled and said "I know how. I had to take care of my mother when she was pregnant with my sister."
"The only thing I know is that pregnant ladies are always hungry."
"That's because the baby is taking all the nutrients."
"Write down everything I'll need to know."
Priya had just finished writing everything down that Dante needs to know and handed the notebook to the demon hunter. He looked over it and hummed. He quickly skimmed through the pages before tucking it under his arm and saying "Put your shoes on, I need to do some shopping and I'm not leaving you here alone." Priya grabbed her black boots that she left by the couch and put them on, then Dante started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Your baby doesn't know you are making love," Dante said with a grin. Priya just blushed and stood up, walking over to her lover who took her hand in his and led her outside. Once they were both in the car, Dante started driving first to a grocery store. Priya rested her head against the seat and smiled, remembering what she thought a week ago.
She looked at Dante and smiled lightly, so glad to have him. The cambion returned the smile before turning his attention back to the road.
He has to be an angel, he's sweet, he's kind, he's helped me so much, and he's absolutely perfect. Priya thought as she watched Dante drive.
He's perfect.
Priya smiled lightly when she saw Hannaford's come into view. That place is amazing, the store always smells good, a lot of the store smells like cinnamon and freshly baked bread. Plus there's a part of the store that smells savory because you can buy stuff like chicken wings or chicken fingers that have just been cooked. The thought of it was making the young girl hungry. Dante parked the car and got out, waiting for Priya. She waited a bit, feeling that something was off. She finally stepped out of the car and took Dante's hand as they walked into the store. Immediately they were hit by the scent of roses, carnations, and other flowers. The entrance is right next to the flower stand. The cambion grabbed a cart and started pushing it around, stopping to get some fruit first. He was about to grab some pears but Priya immediately said: "Please, no pears."
"Why not?"
"I'm allergic to them, not deathly allergic but I'll break out in hives." At hearing that, the demon hunter immediately set the fruit down and grabbed some kiwis instead, remembering that those were on the list of things that would be good for her to eat. He also grabbed some oranges, bananas, apples, peaches, and mangos.
Priya smiled, she loves mangos and her mother rarely bought them. When she did buy them, her spoiled rotten little sister would demand she gets the mangos.
"The few times my mom bought mangos, my sister would demand she have them all despite that I love them more than her, I think she just wanted them so I couldn't have them. I haven't had mangos in years." Priya said, causing Dante to frown. Then he looked behind her and started putting all the mangos in the cart, leaving Priya confused. He put 5 in the cart and that should be enough but he put all 15 of them in the cart. As soon as he did, Priya heard a familiar voice shout in anger.
"Hey! I want some of those mangos!" Priya turned around to see her rotten sister and their mother.
"Too bad, Priya needs and deserves them more than you do," Dante said and took Priya's hand, leading her away. Though he quickly stopped and turned around, looking at the two girls' mother and saying "By the way, Priya is an angel, a lot better than your rotten bitch right there. How Priya turned out to be so amazing when she had someone as god awful as you to raise her is a mystery." With that said, Dante led Priya over to the bakery.
Priya smiled and blushed as they stopped in front of one of the display windows. He called her an angel and said she was amazing. She put on a straight face as Dante told her to pick something. She looked at the window and saw all kinds of pastries and baked goods. She was so hungry she wanted everything, though she knew she didn't really want all of them, it's just her pregnancy making her feel like that. She saw a giant muffin top. Half of it was coated in dark chocolate and the other half in white chocolate, she wanted it so badly but she couldn't. Chocolate has caffeine in it and she has to avoid caffeine during the first trimester to avoid a miscarriage. Instead, she looked at everything else, immediately finding something she thought would be amazing.
"That one, please," Priya said and pointed at a cranberry macadamia nut muffin. Dante paid for the muffin and gave it to her, quickly leading her to other parts of the store.
"Thank you," Priya said happily and kissed the cambion's cheek. She ripped off a piece of the muffin and handed it to him, but he just shook his head and said: "Nah, you eat it and keep you and our baby healthy." Priya smiled brightly, he didn't call it her baby, he called it their baby. The young girl ate the piece of muffin and didn't fight the smile that wanted to stay on her face.
Priya felt sick when she saw how much everything cost, $367. Dante didn't seem fazed by it, he just pulled the money out of his pocket and handed it to the cashier. He had taken some very well paying jobs recently, he has about twenty-five thousand dollars saved up, maybe a little more than that. Priya looked at the cart then, he did get a lot of stuff, leaving the young girl thinking that the cambion is unsure of how much a pregnant lady actually needs to eat. She watched as he pushed the heavy cart out of the store with ease.
Wow, he's really strong. I guess that's why he was able to get me out of Pleasant Ville so quickly. He was running as if he wasn't carrying me. Priya thought as Dante pushed the cart all the way to his car.
So strong, I know he'll be able to keep our baby safe. Priya thought with a smile.
Dante opened the trunk and started putting the bags inside, Priya tried to help but the cambion just told her to not worry about it, that he can handle it and to just get in the car. The young girl smiled and kissed him before getting in the car. She looked in the rearview mirror and watched the demon hunter put the bags in the trunk. She then looked out her window and saw that her sister had just stolen someone's car and was driving it right her. It would crush the passenger side and Priya, plus her and Dante's baby. She let out a scream and tried to get out of the car, fumbling with the door handle. Suddenly there was a horrible crunching sound, leaving Priya confused when she opened her eyes and saw that the car didn't hit her. She looked out the window and was shocked at what she saw.
Dante was standing in between her and her sister, he had crushed the entire front end of the car, not killing but severely injuring Priya's sister. But one thing didn't make sense, Dante was completely unscathed. Priya finally managed to get out of the car and looked at the incident. When the car got close, Dante had punched the front end.
How did that not hurt him? Priya thought, but then she noticed something was wrong with Dante. His eyes were red. She immediately grabbed his hand that he used to crush the car and examined it, relieved but even more confused when she saw it was perfectly fine.
"How did you do that? And... Why are your eyes red." Priya said quietly.
Dante was pissed, he wanted to kill that little bitch, she did try to kill Priya and their baby so he should get to kill her. He loves Priya, way more than he thought he did. He ignored what Priya said, he was trying not to let his anger win because if it did, he would kill her sister. Suddenly a loud slapping noise had brought him back to reality. He saw that Priya's mother had slapped her.
"You bitch! You're stupid boyfriend almost killed Serena!". Dante looked at the ground to see Priya crying and holding her cheek.
Okay. I've had enough.
Dante roundhouse kicked the mother in the jaw, causing her to go flying. He ran over and picked her up by her neck, squeezing it hard.
"Your rotten little bitch, that you obviously didn't raise right because you are a horrible mother, almost killed her sister, your daughter, and my girlfriend and my baby. I should kill you right now and have both your daughters watch. Serena would be terrified but I know that Priya would get satisfaction at watching you die a horrible death." He punched her in the stomach as hard as he could and threw her so she slammed against a truck, smashing through the front windshield.
Priya didn't watch any of it, she just remained on the ground and cried. She didn't know why her mother hated her so much but loved Serena. Serena doesn't do anything, she demands everyone does stuff for her, gives her everything she wants, and she walks all over people. Priya did everything at home, she cooked and cleaned and yet she never got a single thank you or even a small praise. Suddenly she was picked up and held in loving arms. She looked up and saw Dante was holding her.
"You okay?" He asked. Priya wiped away her tears and nodded. He set her down and poked her stomach, saying "What about you, little guy, you okay?" That made Priya giggle, it even made her feel a little better.
"Get back in the car, I'll finish putting everything in the trunk and then we can go." The demon hunter said and kissed his girlfriend's forehead. She smiled lightly and did as told, getting in and buckling in.
She closed her eyes and smiled lightly, glad that she finally has someone who actually cares about her. She yawned, very tired now. She let her head droop to the side, completely forgetting what she saw. Priya yawned once more before falling asleep.
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