Chapter Twenty: Fall in Love
Hermione stepped into Remus's study at Hogwarts, letting out a small indulgent sound as Ron immediately got to his feet and snogged her. "Just a moment," she scolded him gently, and went towards Remus's bedroom door and knocked, with a little wave in Ginny and Draco's direction, as she waited for someone to come to the door.
Tonks opened it on the other side, and gave a small smile to Hermione; the young Auror truly looked exhausted, but nevertheless took the bottle that Hermione held as Remus stepped up behind her. "This... This isn't Wolfsbane," Tonks said softly, and Remus promptly took the bottle from her, looking it over.
"That's because it's not," Hermione said softly. "It's Lycanthropy Libation, and it's the latest formula from Professor Snape," she explained.
Remus turned over and over the clear, crystal-cut bottle in his hand, which contained a lavender liquid on the inside. "Is this what I think it is?" he whispered.
"If it's the cure for lycanthropy, yes," Hermione said, giving a small smile towards Remus and Tonks, who immediately gasped with shock. Hermione was as bone-tired as the rest of them, due to sitting in the hospital wing for hours on end with Severus since the final battle, which had been called the Battle of Hogwarts. She had left earlier that day to retrieve the parcel from the owlery, which had arrived earlier, as Severus had sworn not to leave Harry's side.
"Merlin, Remus," Tonks breathed, and turned around then, throwing her arms around Remus and sobbing into his shoulder.
"I'd better try it first," said Remus with a short laugh, as Ron, Ginny, and Draco came up behind Hermione, each boasting a small smile.
Hermione reached into her pocket and drew out a piece of parchment, which had arrived with the parcel earlier. "Here are Professor Snape's instructions," she said, and quickly handed it over to Tonks. "Will you be needing anything else?"
Remus shook his head at her, and smiled. "I think we'll be all right," he assured them, taking a glance at the instructions before handing them over to Tonks. "See you on the other side."
Hermione nodded. "Of course," she replied, reaching out and shutting the door and warding it, before she performed the Portal Spell. She then permitted Ron to lead her over to the chairs beside the fireplace, and he pulled her into his lap, with Draco doing the same to Ginny opposite the two of them. "I hope this works for them," she said softly.
Ron pressed a kiss to her temple. "If anyone can do it, it's Professor Snape. He's been a lot calmer, since the battle..."
Ginny sighed, shaking her head at her brother's statement. "The love of his life has been in a coma since then," she said, her tone slightly impatient as she permitted Draco to gently drag his fingers through her hair. "Of course he's been calm."
"The poor man is exhausted," Draco continued, no animosity in his voice. "No wonder he sent me and Ginny out to Hogsmeade a few days back to the jewelers."
"I, for one, think it's very sweet that he's planning a proposal to Harry," Hermione said. "He needs to be doing something, keeping his brain active, when he can't sleep..."
"I'm just glad that he's promised to tell Harry who survived and who didn't," Ron said, as he pressed his cheek into Hermione's shoulder. "Glad I don't have to have that conversation with Harry... Snape probably knows how to handle him if Harry blames himself."
"Which you know he will," Ginny said softly, sadness ripping into her expression. "He's too kind for his own good. I wish he wouldn't blame himself for all the death surrounding us all, I really wish he wouldn't..."
"How's your mum?" Draco asked, pressing a kiss to Ginny's arm.
Ginny sighed. "Mothering Percy, ever since he quit the ministry," she said, a lighthearted giggle escaping her lips. "As for her battle with that murderous aunt of yours, I'm pleased who won in the end, and that she didn't end up using Avada Kedavra."
"Few people would have deserved it more, love," Draco said softly.
"Well, she can deal with the lacerations she sustained," Ron put in. "And George is using the fact that he's only got one ear left as a selling point at the shop."
"Although I really could do without his and Fred's constant 'hole' jokes," Hermione said, pursing her lips as she cuddled closer to Ron.
"I always thought that Percy hated mothering," Draco said quietly.
Ginny smirked, pleased that Draco had circled back around to that. "Well, given that Bill and Fleur ran off to France to elope as soon as all was said and done here, Mum is thinking that she's done something wrong with raising us."
"How's Charlie?" Hermione asked.
"Back in Romania," Ron reported. "I think he's still single for now, but I do know that he said before that he wanted kids."
"He could always adopt," Draco put in.
Ginny nodded. "Merlin knows we need new blood in the gene pool," she joked.
"You don't think that Harry will be upset about who Sirius has proposed to, do you?" Draco asked, looking around them all.
Ron smirked. "I would think that Percy has more of a reason than Harry to be upset," he put in, giving a knowing look in Ginny's direction.
"You know as well as I do that Percy threw over Penelope during their seventh-year, and that he's been seeing Audrey, that nice girl who works as Kingsley's secretary, for almost two years now, and they're quite happy," Ginny replied, her tone slightly snappish.
"I personally think that Harry will be more shocked with the fact that Scrimgeour was killed as a late-comer in the battle," Hermione said after a moment of silence, "and that Kingsley has now taken up the mantle of minister."
Ginny worried her lower lip as she eased further into Draco's arms. "You don't think that any of us have blood on our hands, do you?"
Hermione shook her head. "No, of course not, Gin."
"If it's for defensive purposes, my love, it's never seen as an evil thing to take a life," Draco said, lifting up Ginny's hand and kissing it, which caused a breathtaking diamond surrounded by rubies to shimmer in the firelight.
"I still don't like it," Ron muttered to Hermione.
"And yet, you'll stand by him on the day proper, and serve as a wonderful Best Man, just like you promised the two of them," Hermione said softly.
"I still don't know how I feel about Ginny becoming the mistress of Malfoy Manor," Ron said, his tone that of a grumble.
Hermione laughed softly as they watched Ginny and Draco whisper lovingly to one another, and Ginny gently twirling Draco's own engagement ring, a simple platinum band. "Since Narcissa was arrested for Death Eater activities, just like Lucius, I don't think it will be the same house anymore, Ron," she said gently, leaning into his embrace. "Ginny and Draco will bring life to the house again, and perhaps salvage the family name, so blackened by hate."
"If anyone can do it, it's Gin," Ron allowed.
Hermione nodded. "Exactly," she told him, finding that she was truly happy for the couple—for the girl who had become her sister, and for the boy that she had used to hate, but now come to love as a brother and dear friend. "And I know that we were sad to lose Dumbledore..."
Ron nodded. "Yeah. But Madam Pomfrey says we won't..."
"No, we're not going to lose Harry," Hermione assured him. "She says we won't, and she's quite qualified in her field."
Ron blinked then. "Perhaps that's something to think about."
Hermione turned and looked at him. "Ron?"
"Kingsley's been writing to me, asking me to join the ministry, take my NEWTs early," Ron told her, and Hermione's eyes widened.
"That's brilliant, Ron," she told him.
Ron sighed. "Brilliant? Yes. But he wants to be join the Auror Department..."
Hermione's brows knit together. "And that's not what you want?"
Ron shook his head. "No, and it was merely a suggestion. He said that he'll let me into pretty much any department I want, because they're re-building the institution from the ground up, now that they've imprisoned the Death Eaters and got them out of there."
Hermione nodded. "Which department were you thinking of, then?"
"Not the ministry at all—well, not really," Ron told her, and Hermione could tell that he was nervous to tell her what his future plans were. "I was actually thinking of offering my services to the Ministry of Divine Health," he replied.
Hermione's eyes widened. "For what purpose?"
"To ensure quality care for all wizard kind," he replied. "There are so many wizard and witch families out there who don't have quality health insurance or care because of financial difficulties, and I would ensure that they—plus magical creatures—would get the best care that was out there, so that no one would go overlooked again. And, perhaps, you could help me, as S.P.E.W. would likely be a good frontrunner for the entire operation—"
Hermione's mouth had dropped open at the mention of S.P.E.W., and then she grabbed ahold of Ron and threw her arms around him, kissing him with more passion than he had ever felt in his entire life. "Ron..." She whispered, once she had pulled back.
Ron bent forward then, using the pads of his thumbs to dry her tears. "Don't cry, 'Mione," he said gently to her.
Hermione gave a nervous laugh then, and shook her head. "I've been meaning to tell you that Kingsley is going to be writing to Headmistress McGonagall on my behalf, so that I can sit for my NEWTs this summer as well, but..."
"But what?" he asked.
"It was because of something else," she said, and a nervous laugh escaped her lips.
"What is it, 'Mione?" he asked.
Hermione sighed. "Remember the night before the battle?" she asked. "Harry said that he thought something was coming, and so you and I went for that walk...?"
Ron nodded. "Of course I do. It was brilliant, Hermione. You were brilliant—"
Hermione flushed. "Well, thank you, but it turns out that you and I weren't as careful as we thought, and Madam Pomfrey caught me throwing up earlier today..."
Ron blinked. "'Mione?" he asked.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered, and Ron gasped. "I should give birth next March, that is, if you want me to—"
Ron yanked Hermione towards him then, kissing her deeply. "Merlin, yes," he whispered, and gave her a grin. "We'll ask Mum and Dad if we can have a wedding at the Burrow, and we'll start planning it as soon as Harry wakes up."
Hermione let out a sigh of contentment and nodded. "I'd love that," she replied, before she turned to Draco and Ginny, who were grinning at them, and many hearty congratulations were then exchanged between the four friends.
Harry grimaced where he was floating, and seemed to be lodged permanently somewhere riddled in blackness. He struggled against it, as there was a tearing sensation ripping through him then, as pain threatened to overtake every sense he possessed. When the scent of alcohol hit him, and he knew where he was—and that, first and foremost, he was safe—his eyes snapped open, and he was temporarily blinded by the bright lights around him. But then, he forced them to adjust and pushed himself into a sitting position, although the pain did not improve at all.
"Madam Pomfrey!" he managed to get out, although his voice was scratchy and hoarse from lack of use, and the mediwitch promptly swept into the room.
"Merlin, Potter, you gave us all quite a scare—"
"She's coming!" he yelled then, not wanting to hear the matron's feelings on the matter of his momentary drowsiness—that's all it was, right? "My daughter..."
"Oh, Merlin," Madam Pomfrey said, yanking the duvet back and nodding. "Ah, yes. The seem to cut along has already made itself know," she said, and nodded her head down to Harry's overtly swollen stomach, where a deep red seem seemed to be stretched along it. "Well," she said, and flicked her wand, summoning a Wiggenweld Potion and handing it over, "you'd best drink this and have it work its magic before I proceed with the cutting—"
Harry yanked the potion out of her hand as the pain continued to course through him, which slightly eased the ache in his throat. "Where's Severus?" he demanded, once he'd finished drinking it, and his eyes darted around the room.
"An urgent meeting with the headmistress, along with Professors Flitwick and Sprout," Madam Pomfrey replied patiently, taking the empty potion bottle from him and banishing it somewhere that Harry couldn't see.
"I need him here—"
"We'd best not bother him, Harry—"
"He is the father of my daughter, and I will have him here!" Harry yelled, narrowing his eyes at the mediwitch, to the point where she visibly drew back.
"Very well, Mr. Potter," she said formally, and gave a short nod. "Who else would you like to have here?"
"Bugger," he muttered, wanting this done quickly, and turned away from her. "Dobby!" he called, and, once the crack sounded, found himself with an armful of elf.
"Dobby knew that great Master Harry Potter sir would pull through—!"
"Dobby, this is important," Harry said, cutting him off, and the house-elf stared at him, eyes wide. "My daughter is coming, and I need Severus and Hermione here. Can you fetch them both for me, please?"
"Dobby can do that!" Dobby crowed, nodding his head, and Harry bit back a laugh at how his ears flapped. "Dobby will get them now!" he said, and vanished with a crack.
Harry leaned back in his bed, never having to like raising his voice with anyone, but he was sick and tired of people automatically assuming that they knew best out of any given situation which involved him. He was through with that, now that he'd risked his life for the Wizarding World so many times over. He turned then as the hospital wing doors opened, and let out a cry of relief as Severus rushed across the threshold, and grabbed up Harry into his arms.
"I am never letting you out of my sight again, brat," he said, whereupon he repeatedly kissed Harry, and Harry laughed, holding him tightly. "Why was I not called immediately?"
"Because Madam Pomfrey said you couldn't be bothered," Harry muttered.
Severus momentarily glared at the mediwitch before turning back to Harry. "Are you feeling all right, my love?" he asked.
Harry nodded. "Just an ache, now that I've taken some Wiggenweld Potion," he assured him, as he nestled deeper into his arms.
"I'm afraid that Miss Granger returned home to her parents' house, and won't be able to come for a while," Severus said softly.
Harry smiled. "That's all right... I hope you don't mind, but I've asked that she and Ginny be our daughter's godmothers," he said softly.
Severus smirked. "I'd figured as much. But no, love, I've no problem with it," he assured him, before climbing behind him in the bed, and holding him against his chest. "All wizarding births are done this way," he explained, "with the non-bearer holding the bearer against them."
Harry nodded; he thought he recalled seeing such a thing in the massive tome from the library, so long ago now. "Who did we lose?" he whispered.
"Please," Harry begged. "I need to know."
"Dumbledore, as I'm sure you saw..."
Harry nodded. "Yes."
"Bellatrix, Avery Jr., Nagini, Rookwood, Dolohov, the Carrows, and Knott from their side of things," Severus said softly. "As for our side, Horace Slughorn, Parvati and Padma Patil, Lavender Brown..."
"Seamus will be devastated," Harry said, and Severus inhaled sharply then, causing Harry to turn around to face him. "Severus?"
"Seamus was a casualty, I'm afraid," Severus told him.
Harry's eyes prickled with tears. "That's awful," he whispered, and Severus promptly moved to pull him closer.
"Colin and Dennis Creevey," Severus continued, and Harry let out a small sigh, "and then, of course, Riddle."
"How did he...?"
"I was all prepared to slaughter him as soon as he had cursed you, my love, but, it seems, you had the power with you all along," Severus informed him.
Harry turned slightly and gazed at his lover. "I killed him?"
Severus smiled slightly then and reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled something out, whereupon he unshrank it and passed it over to Harry. "I don't suppose your doing so well in potions these past two terms had anything to do with this, did it?"
Harry cradled his copy of Advanced Potion Making, which he kept hidden in his robes constantly over the past two terms. "Everything to do with it, actually," he admitted. "Whoever wrote this is bloody amazing, Severus..."
"I know he is," Severus assured him.
"It's an older edition," Harry said softly, running his hands over the cover. "Did you go to school with the bloke?"
Severus chuckled. "I did," he said. "I am a Half-Blood, Harry, and my mother is Eileen Prince, making me..."
"You're the Half-Blood Prince?" Harry whispered, turning about to face the man again. "All this time, it's been you?"
Severus smiled. "Perhaps so," he replied.
Harry inched closer to the man and pressed a kiss onto his lips. "Merlin, I love you," he whispered throatily.
Severus promptly wrapped his arms around Harry. "And I you," he replied.
"So... Wait. How did I end up vanquishing Riddle, then?"
"The Killing Curse rebounded off the book you held and came crashing back into him," Severus explained in a patient manner.
Harry blinked. "And me?"
"Naturally, the impact and residue of the spell likely clung to you. That, combined with years of training and exhaustion you were put through, finally seemed to catch up to you. Madam Pomfrey suggested the coma to charge your batteries, so to speak, but, when it came time to wake you, you just didn't come back to us."
Harry sighed, running his hands over his swollen belly. "Perhaps Lily thought it best to have me get some beauty sleep before she made her debut," he replied.
Severus blinked. "Lily?"
"Yes," Harry replied. "Lily Eileen Potter-Snape, if you've no objections."
Severus pulled Harry closer. "None at all."
"Well, then, boys," Madam Pomfrey said, breezing into the room a moment later, "the potion should have been acting by now. How are you feeling?"
"Fine, thank you," Harry replied.
Madam Pomfrey nodded and leaned forward, putting gentle pressure onto Harry's stomach and nodded a second time. "It appears as if your daughter is in position," she said, and lifted her wand, holding it aloft. "Diffindo," she said then, a red light bursting forth from her wand, and expertly cutting along Harry's midsection, where the line had formed. "Ah, lovely," Madam Pomfrey said, summoning a linen from somewhere beyond their sight and leaning down, before pulling at something, until she was holding a squalling infant in her arms. "Congratulations, Harry and Severus; it's a beautiful baby girl," she said, and Harry relaxed against Severus as they watched Madam Pomfrey move over to a basin, which had already been set up across the room with warm water and gentle soap, and she proceeded to clean the child.
"She's here," Severus whispered, pressing a kiss to Harry's temple.
Harry smiled, about to say something in reply, but felt something jarring from within him then, and he could barely speak. "Sev... Severus?" he whispered, looking at him with worry in his eyes, his voice trembling.
"It will be the placenta, love—"
"No... No," he said, shaking his head. "Something's wrong..."
"Poppy?" Severus demanded as the doors to the hospital wing opened, and Hermione came into the room, seeing the expression on Harry and Severus's faces.
"How can I help?" she asked, rushing forward.
Madam Pomfrey turned around, and had meanwhile cleaned up Lily and wrapped her in a bolt of pink linen. "Take her," she said.
"Take... Take Lily!" Harry managed to get out, and Hermione darted forward, taking the newborn into her arms and walking over to the window, where the sunlight could stream onto her face and she could coo softly at her.
"Mr. Potter, let us see what's bothering you, shall we?" the matron said, upon stepping back towards the bed, and stumbled slightly, looking inside.
"What is it?!" Severus demanded, as Harry trembled in his arms.
Madam Pomfrey snapped her fingers, and another bolt of linen came out from the storeroom, and she dove inside, grabbing at something, and, a moment later, there was a second squalling infant in her arms. "Twins," she whispered.
"What?!" Harry and Severus demanded together.
"Hidden twins are exceptionally rare in the Wizarding World, but a bit more common in the Muggle one," the mediwitch explained, taking the other child over to the basin, and snapped her fingers again, exchanging the bloodied water for some clean warm water, and dipped the baby into it. "There now," she whispered consolingly. "It's a son," she tossed over her shoulder, and Harry let out a small sigh. "Severus, you may check over Harry," she said, and Severus got to his feet, sanitizing his hands and rolling up his sleeves, before he too reached in, and pulled out two blob-like objects which visibly disturbed Harry.
"The placentas," Severus explained. The man then conjured a bowl to place them in, and banished them to the storeroom in the back, before performing a deep Cleaning Charm upon his hands and then to Harry's insides. "Poppy?" he called.
"Stitch him back up, Severus," Madam Pomfrey replied.
Severus removed his wand from his robes and said, "Reparo," and Harry felt his stomach suddenly seizing together, and mending itself of its own accord. Severus banished the blood around him then, before casting a non-invasive Cooling Charm, which helped Harry considerably, to the point where he was feeling much better.
Harry gingerly pushed himself upwards in the bed, watching as Madam Pomfrey finished bathing his and Severus's son, and wrapped him in a blue swaddle. He then witnessed both Hermione and the mediwitch bringing his twins over to him, and Harry promptly opened his arms and gathered them close. "Lily and Albus," he whispered, as Madam Pomfrey and Hermione disappeared into the matron's office.
"Albus?" Severus asked.
Harry looked up at his lover. "The name I chose, if the baby was a boy," he explained, and gave the man a smile. "Albus Severus Potter-Snape."
Severus casted an Extension Charm onto the hospital bed, and he slid in beside the man he loved, and gently took ahold of his son into his arms, while Harry soothed their daughter. "I think those names are wonderful, love," he said softly.
Harry put his head onto Severus's shoulder. "He wasn't all bad," he said softly. "I mean, sure, he could have told me what was happening with you..."
"He only wanted what was best for us, love," Severus told him.
Harry sighed. "No one will take you away from me again."
Severus smirked. "Well, considering that we now have twins together, I certainly hope not," the man replied. "Although, your seventeenth birthday isn't for another week."
"Don't care," Harry replied. "I've done enough. I just want you."
Severus sighed, kissing his son's head, which boasted a dusting of black hair. "I suppose I should tell you what the meeting with Minerva was about."
Harry blinked, looking up. "Yes?"
"I told her of our relationship, as well as the fact that we were due to have a child together, and that we were intending upon marrying," he began.
Harry sighed. "How did she take it?"
"She was shocked, to say the least, but when I assured her of our love for one another, she promptly asked that I return as potions master, Head of Slytherin House, as well as the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts, all with Albus's, Filius's, and Pomona's approval," he said, smirking as baby Albus proceeded to grip at his finger, which he'd given him to play with.
Harry nodded. "Is that something you may want?"
"For now, it is," Severus admitted. "I informed Minerva that I would take the job and keep it, providing that you and I could live together, with our children, in my rooms, for one year. You will then graduate with your NEWTs, and we'll re-evaluate what we may want then."
Harry smiled. "And her reply to that?"
"She said that she wanted us to marry before the summer is out, and I said that that would all depend upon you," said Severus.
"You know I want to marry you," Harry said softly, looking down at his daughter, who had a generous amount of red hair upon her head.
"And I want to marry you," Severus replied.
"So, we'll marry," Harry said, "but on our own terms. I'm sure Minerva can be persuaded if we're just engaged by the summer."
Severus sighed. "We shall see."
"Oh, I think everyone owes us plenty, Severus."
Severus laughed. "You're acting like quite the Slytherin, aren't you?"
Harry turned to look at the man he loved. "I don't believe I ever told you the tale of my sorting, did I?" he asked.
Harry's seventeenth birthday at the Burrow had been a one for the books, as he no longer had to hide his relationship with Severus. Everyone was positively glowing at the event; Harry, because he was finally sleeping regularly, with the man he loved, and the family he wanted; Hermione, because she was expecting hers and Ron's first child; Ginny and Draco, because they were enjoying being an engaged couple, especially after the news that Headmistress McGonagall had permitted them to share Draco's solo room next term; Remus and Tonks, whose wedding was in a month and they couldn't be happier; and Sirius and Penelope, because they were finally being open about their relationship.
Living with Severus had been surprisingly easy, and Harry was pleased that the pair of them had reached a compromise about Sirius and Remus visiting. The men had to call beforehand, and Harry and Severus would have to discuss them potentially visiting at length before an executive decision was made on the matter. Harry knew that, despite their love for him, that they wouldn't be visiting often, due to Remus and Tonks planning their wedding, and Sirius asking Penelope to move into Grimmauld Place with him. Harry smirked at the thought of Sirius and Penelope running into Draco and Ginny, but knew that, since they were all family now, that everyone would find an appropriate time to have a laugh about it.
Hermione, who was pregnant with a girl, and Ron were frequent visitors to the extended suite of rooms that Harry and Severus currently resided in inside the Hogwarts Dungeons. Severus, much to his relief, didn't seem to mind their visits, as Ron always made Harry laugh, and Hermione was a wonderful person for Severus to have conversations with. So when the second Sunday in August arrived and Ron and Hermione made themselves known, Harry was all too eager to speak to his friends, although Severus whisked him out for a walk on the Hogwarts Grounds.
"But Ron and I were going to Fire-Call Ginny and wish her a 'Happy Birthday'," Harry said as they meandered down the corridors, towards the Entrance Hall.
"You can do it later, Harry. Ron and Hermione want some much-deserved time with their godchildren," Severus said, for Ron and Draco had been proclaimed godfather of Albus, while Luna was his godmother, and Neville Longbottom the godfather of Lily. "Let them have a few moments."
Harry rolled his eyes as they stepped out into the sunshine. "I still can't believe you accepted their appointment, or that of Ginny's, Luna's, and Neville's."
"Neville may not be competent at potions, Harry, but our twins have taken a definite shine to him, and he's good with babies."
"And Ginny and Luna?"
"Ginny is due to become a Malfoy in the next couple of years, as you well know, and her Bat-Bogey Hex is legendary," he continued. "As for Luna, her mother was a potions extraordinaire, and it is most unfortunate that we lost Pandora Everglade-Lovegood so young."
"Who would have thought it?" Harry chuckled, as they walked by the Whomping Willow and meandered down towards the lake. "Severus Snape has a heart."
Severus mockingly growled at Harry. "Don't you forget that, my brat." They continued down to the edge of the lake, which was sparkling brightly beneath the late summer sunshine, and Severus turned to look at Harry. "I thought we might swim."
Harry flushed. "I've no trunks with me, Severus."
"That's all right," Severus replied. "Hagrid is in France, Pomona is at an herbology convention in Glasgow, Minerva is visiting a nephew of hers in London, Filius is at the annual European Charms Expo in Paris, Sybill is in the tower and cannot see us, and the rest of the professors are doing things either off or on campus that won't take them out here."
Harry swallowed. "And Ron and Hermione?"
"Are in the dungeons with our twins," Severus replied, already taking off his shoes and starting to remove his turtleneck.
Harry sighed, but quickly stripped down to nothing, taking Severus's lead, and dashed into the lake, giggling as the cool water lapped at his skin. He turned around as Severus drifted into the water after him, and a mewl that Harry was unable to call back escaped from his lips as Severus pressed closer, and gently dragged Harry into his arms. Harry wrapped his legs around the man's body, letting out a slight gasp at their mutual hardness.
"Severus?" he whispered.
"I won't pressure you," Severus said softly.
Harry pressed closer. "I want to," he whispered. "It's been too long."
Severus reached beneath the surface of the water slowly then, and gently teased at Harry's opening, feeling himself stiffening at Harry's gasp and arching up against him. He smirked, and slipped a finger inside him, and Harry groaned, putting his forehead against the man's chest, pulling him closer. Severus wetted his lips then, using his other finger to tilt Harry's chin up, and pressed a kiss to that beautiful, wanton mouth of his. He was unsure who moaned first, or who moaned last, as he slowly sank another finger inside his lover. Once he had stretched Harry with three fingers, he slowly withdrew, before gently pushing himself inside.
Harry gasped. "Oh, Merlin," he whimpered, arching against Severus again, and pressing his lips to his, to prevent himself from crying out.
Severus gently nipped at his lips, and Harry broke away, lifting his chin, and thus permitting his lover access to his neck. Severus gently bit down on Harry's collarbone as he continued pumping into him without mercy, and Harry wailed at the duel sensations of pleasure. "Harry," came the man's whisper, "oh, my Harry..."
"Severus... Fuck!" Harry cried out then, desire coming at full-force to his groin, as he suddenly spasmed, coming in between them, a little cry escaping his lips as Severus too emptied himself inside of him.
"Merlin, Harry," Severus groaned, tilting Harry's chin up with his nose, and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips.
"That was incredible," Harry groaned, gently letting his legs down as Severus slipped out from him, but not turning him lose.
"Fancy a lie in the sun?" he asked.
Harry giggled. "Anything with you," he replied.
The sun was peeking out over the trees once they got out of the lake, and Harry was pleased to see fresh clothes and towels waiting for them. There was also a red and white checkered blanket nearby, which had a wicker picnic basket placed upon it. Severus made a grab for the towels and painstakingly dried Harry off before drying himself, but the two men dressed themselves, while all the while casting admiring glances over each other's bodies as they did so.
"Come," said Severus, taking Harry by the hand and leading him to the blanket. Severus gently pulled Harry down so that he was sitting, and casted a Cleaning Charm on his hands before he opened the basket. Inside, there was a loaf of French bread, several kinds of cheese, fruit, meats from the butcher shop at The Magic Neep, a bottle of champagne, and a treacle tart for the two of them to share.
Harry blushed at many of his favorite foods, plus his favorite pudding, being present. Sitting back and admiring his lover, he watched as the man prepared a plate for him, with a meat and cheese sandwich on the bread loaf—which looked fresh—with some fruit on the side, as the pudding would likely be eaten later. He accepted the plate, along with a flute of champagne, and turned back towards the lake, giggling at the sight of the mermaids lying upon the surface of the water, the giant squid entertaining them.
"Hmm?" Harry asked, taking a sip of his drink and biting into his sandwich.
Severus sighed. "You know I love you, right?"
Harry nodded, slowly popping a grape into his mouth, and smirked around the piece of fruit as Severus visibly stiffened. "Of course, Severus. I love you, too."
Severus lowered his plate onto the blanket and sighed. "I don't want to suddenly wake up one morning and find you gone..."
Harry lowered his flute of champagne and shook his head. "Severus, where is this coming from?" he asked. "I love you. We have two children together. The war is over, and I am finally of age. I'm not going anywhere."
Severus sighed. "It's not enough."
Harry felt a lump rising in his throat then. "Oh," he whispered.
"But it is all right," Severus said quickly, and reached into his pocket, and drew out a ring on a silver band, with several emeralds imbedded into the surface. "I know exactly what I want, Harry, and what I want, is for you to be my husband and bond with me."
Harry's eyes suddenly filled with tears. "What?" he whispered.
Severus smiled, taking Harry by the hand and sinking down to one knee upon the blanket. "Harry James Potter," he said, "will you do me the most wonderful honor imaginable, and consent to being my husband and bonded mate for all time?"
"Yes, Severus, yes!" Harry cried out then, suddenly launching himself at the man—careful not to upset their food or the picnic basket—and landed firmly on top of him. "I love you, and I'll never leave you, and my answer will always be yes to marrying you."
Severus smiled, gently easing them back upright and slipping the ring onto the third finger of Harry's left hand. "I love you," he whispered.
Harry leaned closer then, brushing his lips with Severus's. "I love you," he replied.
Epilogue: Fifteen Years Later
It had been one week after Severus proposed to Harry that Remus and Tonks were married on the Hogwarts Grounds. Hermione and Ginny served as Co-Maids of Honor, Penelope, Luna, and Fleur were Bridesmaids, Sirius was Best Man, and Harry, Ron, Neville, and Draco served as Groomsmen. Harry was simply relieved that he hadn't had to hide his relationship with Severus at a wedding of all places, and Lily and Al were the stars of the show, as Flower Girl and the Ring Bearer respectively.
Ron and Hermione married just one day before the first-term of their seventh-year, with Hermione positively glowing on that day. She and Ron were simultaneously studying for their NEWTs, preparing for parenthood with their daughter to be born in six months—whom they'd already decided to name Rose—and working with Draco to establish prominent healthcare for the Wizarding World. Now, they'd already expanded all across Great Britain, plus France and Spain and Scandinavia, and were making their way across the pond to America next. It was just the ticket, in everyone's eyes, to salvage the Malfoy name in an appropriate manner, in that it would be enough for Ginny's upcoming marriage to Draco to be seen as socially acceptable to all the rags out there.
Harry and Severus arrived by Floo to their expansive house and property in the countryside of Paris, and moved towards the French doors and opened them, moving to sit out onto the patio which overlooked their impressive courtyard, herb and potion and flower garden, greenhouse, pool, orchard, hammock, and rolling hills. Harry nestled closer to his husband of fifteen years, whom he had married on the first day of his seventh-year.
"What is it, my brat?" Severus asked.
Harry shook his head. "Nothing. Just waiting for the owl like you are."
Severus smirked. "Of course," he responded.
"Lily and Al's appointment of prefects for Gryffindor and Slytherin earlier this summer was certainly a wonderful thing," Harry said brightly.
Severus gave a nod. "Yes. I'm quite positive they will do their houses proud." He hesitated for a moment and shook his head. "Just hope that Lily doesn't sustain a head injury as Quidditch Captain this year..."
"...or that Al will blow up the lab as President of the Potions Club," Harry joked, knowing that neither was possible, as Lily was a Quidditch expert, as Al was a potions one.
"I'm just saddened that Hagrid's relationship with Madam Maxime didn't work out," Severus put in, and Harry smirked, knowing that the man would never admit that in person. "Of course, it gives our Ruby someone to look up to as President of the Magical Creatures Club, although I'm convinced that Hagrid only favors her because she's your daughter..."
"Our daughter, Severus, and don't forget, it was a shock to us all when she sorted Ravenclaw, as everyone was betting on Gryffindor or Slytherin," Harry said patiently. "Besides, she's only just started her third-year. She's got plenty of time to make a name for herself in her chosen field, and perhaps it'll be Magizoology like Luna."
"I'm just worried that Jeremy," Severus went on, mentioning their youngest son, who was a first-year and all bets were that he'd be a Hufflepuff, "will be lusting about Andromeda..."
"Andromeda Lupin?" Harry asked, laughing at the mention of Remus and Tonks's youngest child, named after Tonks's mother, Andromeda, and who was younger sister of their son and oldest child, Teddy. "You know very well, my Severus, that she goes by 'Andi', as her dear grandmother goes by 'Dromeda'. Differentiation is important to children so young, as it gives them a proper identity."
"Andi," Severus sneered, causing Harry to laugh, "will sort Gryffindor."
"She certainly could, although Teddy sorted Hufflepuff," Harry put in.
"I just know that Hermione will put the pressure on Rose to make the fifth-year Gryffindor prefect next year," Severus said, playfully rolling his eyes. "At least Hugo has a way to go of it yet, and won't be pressured..."
"I don't know," Harry replied. "Jeannie could get it," he said softly, referring to Ginny and Draco's oldest daughter, Luna Jean Malfoy, who went by 'Jeannie', and who had sorted Gryffindor three years previously.
"Hmmm," Severus acknowledged. "I'm just glad we got out of there while we still could, my love. I mean, Hermione and Ron had two; Draco and Ginny had three; Remus and Tonks had two; Luna and Neville had four; Sirius and Penelope had three; Dean and Susan had four; and we had four..."
Harry swallowed. "About that..."
"Yes?" Severus asked.
Harry opened his mouth to speak, but let out a laugh then as Galentine in all of her smoky beauty came flying gracefully through the air, a letter tied to her leg. Harry got to his feet and untied the letter, and gently stroked at Galentine's feathers. "You know where your treats are, girl. Go and rest up," he said gently, and Galentine hooted before flying off.
Hedwig and Alexander had remained together until Hedwig had passed away just five years after Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Dean, Susan, and everyone else in their year had graduated. Alexander had hung on for another three years before he died, with Hagrid saying that it must have been from a broken heart, but Severus clearly stating that it was from owl flu. It was a delight, however, that Hedwig and Alexander had had one more egg, in addition to Galentine, and that was a boy chick that Draco had named Francis, and kept with him and Ginny in Wiltshire at Malfoy Manor.
"What is it?" Severus asked, getting to his feet as Harry opened the letter.
"It's from Minerva," Harry said.
Dear Harry and Severus,
I do hope that you are finding Paris and your much-deserved retirement well. I wanted you to be among one of the first sets of parents to know that I am retiring at the end of term this year, in June, and will officially hand over the reigns to Filius, as my Deputy Headmaster. Pomona will then become Deputy Headmistress, as the next senior staff member, although Sybill is already predicting that there are several things wrong with this. I just think that she's in a tizzy that she wasn't chosen to have a position of authority.
Lily and Al are both settling in especially well in their new roles as Gryffindor prefects. I've got a feeling that Gryffindor will get the Quidditch Cup this year, now that our Lily is its captain, and that Slytherin House will place first in the Potions Expo, now that Al is at its helm. They are both exceptionally gifted students, and are therefore a credit to both of you.
Ruby is quite an engaging little thing, and I'm reminded so much of your mother, Severus, in her enthusiasm for learning. Hagrid was just saying the other day how much of a benefit it is to have her so involved in Care of Magical Creatures, that he thinks she could be anything from an animal healer to a Magizoologist. Given that she has such good marks in all her classes, I believe that if she keeps this up, she can do whatever she likes.
I wanted to also let the two of you know that Jeremy Draconis Potter-Snape, your lovely little boy, has sorted Slytherin this evening. You both should be very proud. He has your eyes, Harry, and something tells me that he, too will do great things.
Much love,
Minerva McGonagall,
Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Harry smiled fondly then and folded up the letter, knowing that he and Severus would likely have the woman over during her retirement. "I'll go and start dinner, shall I?" he asked, and moved to walk back into the house.
"Harry, wait," Severus said, catching ahold of his arm. "What did you want to say before?"
Harry sighed. "Nothing important."
"I quite doubt that, my brat," Severus stated, and gently turned him about. "Come on. Tell me, my love. What is it?"
Harry swallowed. "I..."
"What, my love? It cannot be so bad, can it?"
"Is another baby a bad thing?" he asked, before he could stop himself.
Severus's eyes widened. "Another baby?"
Harry nodded. "Yes. It's a girl..."
Severus nodded. "When you were ill over the summer... Your contraceptive must have failed due to the potion I gave you," he said quietly.
Harry rolled his shoulders. "Look, if it's a bad time..."
"Don't say that, my love," Severus told him, his tone gentle. "Expanding our family is never a bad time, or a bad thing, I assure you." He stepped closer then, and gently placed a hand upon Harry's belly, and felt magic swirling around from within. "A girl, you said?"
"Yes," Harry replied.
"Perhaps we can call her Ginevra Joanne Potter-Snape. Or 'Ginny-Jo', if you so prefer," said the man with a smile.
Harry felt his eyes wet with tears then. "I love it," he declared, and wiped his tears away with a shake of his head. "Damn hormones," he muttered.
Severus grinned. "I like your hormones, my Harry," he said, and stepped forward completely, and, as he leaned down, whispered, "but I love you."
Harry let out a contented sigh, before standing on his toes and pressing his lips to Severus's. "I love you, too," he whispered back. "Forever," he said.
"And always," Severus declared, looking out over their expanse of land.
It had taken the pair of them so long to achieve the freedom that they had both wanted. It had come at a price, with many sacrifices along the way. Their separation, forced by the people in power at the time, was a difficult topic of discussion, so it was hardly ever discussed in their household in the beginning but, now, could be viewed as what kept their love strong all along, and had all been worth it. And, in the end, neither Harry James Potter-Snape, nor Severus Tobias Snape would have changed a thing.
All was well.
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