Chapter 9
Katie's POV
I've been living with the hats for a week. Me and Ross got together. Smiff is a maniac and always calls me kid, like Duncy does. Trott is strange and I don't mean because he's a talking walrus with legs he's just... strange. They all find it weird how I'll sleep on the floor like a wolf but then I remind them I'm half wolf.
I was playingaround with my tail on the floor while the hats were out finding stuff to eat as they were running low on food. When suddenly I heard the guns ,outside, firing at something. I quickly ran to the window to see what they were firing at but there was nothing there. I scanned around to see the slightest amount of movement ,my ears pricking up to hear anything as well, but there was nothing until I heard something coming from a big rock half way between the guns and the forest. I locked my eyes onto it then saw a blur run into the forest. I was going to see what it was but then I just thought it was a harmless animal and nothing more. Then I curled up on the floor ,like a dog, and went to bed.
I woke up to Ross, Smiff and Trott arguing
"If you hadn't of done that then we'd have more food!" Ross screamed
"We had plenty in the first place so I don't see how one animal that got away matters. Besides if Trott would've gotten of his lazy ass maybe we could've caught it!" Smiff yelled
"Don't blame this on me! It was Ross' idea not mine!" Trott shouted back
"Can you three please shit up I'm trying to sleep," I moaned
"Sorry Katie," Ross apologised "none of this would have happened though if these two would've listened to me,"
"I did listen to you but Trott couldn't be bothered to do anything," Smiff spat
"Oh please like you did anything!" Trott boomed. I groaned then got up
"I'm going to go exploring in the forest," I said walking out the door
"Be careful then," Ross said before I shut the door.
I was walking round the forest when I saw two peoples back's that gave me a smile as big as a mile. It was Kim and Duncy!
"Guys!" I yelled running up to them. Duncy turned around and gasped with a smile on his face
"Katie!" He cheered running up to me to. When we reached each other I hugged him so tight like I wouldn't never see him again.
"You're you're you're alive," Duncy sobbed
"Of course I am Duncy why would you think I wasn't?" I smiled
"You've been missing for three weeks and I found your bandana ripped and covered in blood," he replied fighting his grip around me
"Oh well I'm fine. Three people-"
"We have to go they'll be looking for you!" Duncy panicked
"Who will?" I wondered
"The monsters that kidnapped you," he hissed
"But no one-"
"Come on," Duncan said and he grabbed my arm and him and Kim started running with me stumbling behind them.
"Duncan stop I need-"
"Shh they'll hear you," he whispered carrying on running. I tried to ask Duncan and Kim what they were going on about and trying to stop them and tell them about Ross but I couldn't. Then after a half an hour of running we went through a portal that took us back home.
"Okay can you please tell me what's going on?" I asked them
"Katie are you okay? Why do you have bandages on? Did hat films hurt you?" Duncan and Kim asked ,completely ignoring my question and why would hat films hurt me they're really nice sure Smiff's a maniac but theyre really nice the only reason Ross hurt me was because he wasn't in his right mind.
"I'm fine ,as I told you in the forsest. I have bandages on because my friend turned into a werewolf and attacked me. And why in the whole wide world would hat films hurt me?!" I replied
"What?! What do you mean why would hat films hurt you ,they're monsters!" Kim yelled
"No they're not they're really nice Smiff's a manic but apart from that they can't be sweeter," I replied feeling really confused and a bit angry of what they were calling my friends... and boyfriend
"No they're fucking not! They destroyed our old base. They're nothing but lieing bastards!" Duncan boomed. Now I was angry they aren't anything what Kim and Duncan are saying
"No they aren't how dare you say something like that about them. They helped to heal me and for the past week I've been fucking conscious they've been nothing but nice to me! Sure Ross hurt me but-"
"I told you,Ross hurt you! They're aren't nice and what do you mean " the past week you've been conscious?" Duncan hissed
"I was hugging out with Ross for the whole day until night and then Ross relized it was a full moon and he turned into a wolf and attacked me then I fell unconscious for two weeks!" I boomed
"He attacked you. How can you be saying they're nice to you when Ross made you fall unconscious!?" Duncan yelled
"Ross wasn't in his right mind. He turned. Like every werewolf does on a full moon night. But when he was in his right mind he took me back to his base and him ,Smiff and Trott helped to get me conscious again!" I screamed
"They're trying to turn you against me and Kim," Duncan spat
"How? They never mentioned your names!" I hissed
"They were attacking nice to you so you would think that they're your friend and when you see us again you'll like them more then us so you'll help them kill us," Duncan hissed
"Duncan you did the part where I like them more than you by yourself," I spat then turned around and started walking towards the door
"Katie you aren't leaving this place!" Duncan boomed
"But I want to see Ross and no matter how hard you try I'm not staying here forever!" I screamed
"Why do you want to see Ross!?" He asked
"Because I love him!" I boomed then Kim and Duncan's changed from angry to surprised. Then Duncan stomped at me and grabbed my arm squeezing it so hard I could feel his hand on my bone. I got really scared. He's never acted this way before
"You're never going to see that bastard again," he spat then pulled me to my room. He chuckled me in and locked the door. Tears started to form in my eyes. Why is he acting like this? And why won't he let me see Ross again? I curled up like a ball on the floor and started crying.
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