Chapter 13
Katie's POV
I woke up in a pile of mad and a slight sound of crackling fire behind me. I looked behind me and saw a crater with what was left of my home in, burning away. I covered my mouth with my hand and let the tears escape from my eyes. My home was gone. I can't believe hat films would do this. I can't believe Duncan was right, they are monsters. I sat still ,paralysed, staring at the mess my home had become, wondering if Duncan and/or Kim got out alive, when I heard a mumbling. I didn't bother to look what it was, I was to busy staring at the massive crater, then I suddenly felt big arms wrap around me
"You're back with me," it was Ross. Suddenly I felt a rush of anger spread through my body. Why would he do this?! I pushed him away and screamed
"What is wrong with you?!"
Ross' POV
"What is wrong with you?!" Katie screamed, pushing me away
"Wha-" I said but Katie screamed
"Why would you do this to my home?! Why would you blow up my cousin and friend?! I thought you were better then this!" Her words made me feel like a ton of bricks had hit me and I started to feel guilty of what I did and horrible of what Katie was saying
"Katie I-,"
"Duncan and Kim called you monsters and I stood up for you and said you weren't! I guess I was wrong," she said. She thinks I'm a monster? My heart completely sank. Did she really think that?
"Now goodbye! I never want to see you again!" She yelled and ran of.
"Katie wait," I said but she was already gone.
"What have I done?" I sobbed as tears started to fall from my eyes. I curled up in a ball and cried
"Katie, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,'
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