~I just wanted to let all of you know why this chapter so damn long to write. I didn't make up the demons that are discussed, oh no, I spent almost 3 hours in total to bring you all the most accurate information I could. I actually went and studied demonology from many sources, the Christian bible, the satanic bible, devil worship books, the list goes on. The things I do for you guys. ~
I wave bye to Shura, as I walk over to Rin, and she gives a seductive wink before making her way down the opposite side of the hill. "So are you two, you know," he holds up two 'o's with his hands and repeatedly slams them together.
"First off, real mature Rin, and second, no." I give him a fake disappointed glare, and he just laughs.
"Yeah, whatever. I didn't know you swung that way though."
"I don't! Well... I mean... I don't think I do..."
"Well, you coulda fooled me."
We walk back in a comfortable silence until we find the entrance to the cram school. Rin and I take our normal seats, and shiemi comes into the room shyly before grabbing my arm and pulling me up. Surprised, I allow myself to be dragged out of the classroom while Rin just kinda sits there confused.
Shiemi pulls me down the hall a bit before stopping and looking at me nervously, a hint of red rising to her cheeks. "Amare, I have to... Um... Ask you something... Do you... Like Rin?" She stutters.
"Not in that way, why?" She looks relieved.
"Well I got nervous, because I didn't want you to become too attached when he's uh... Batting for the other team... If you ended up getting a crush on him, I'd feel bad because I didn't warn you."
I laugh, so that's his deal huh?
"Thanks anyway Shiemi, but he's just a friend."
She smiles and nods before walking back to class, with me following right behind her.
When we get back, Rin straightens up in his seat, coming to attention as I sit. "What was that about?" He asks curiously.
"Meh, I'll tell you later." I laugh.
Yukio walks in, boring as ever, with a huge freaking book, and I mean giant. "Today we are going over a few different types of demons, and their origins. Please pay attention, as there will be a test on it Monday." Several groans make their way from the class, but to be quite honest, I'm actually curious. Perhaps it could be my chance to see what exorcists actually know about fallen angels, and the demons that came from them.
Yukio flips to a previously bookmarked page, and slides his glasses up his nose, "first, the seven princes of hell, you won't need to know all of them yet, but I feel you should be familiar with the four that most often travel to Assiah. Much like how God has seven Angels, Satan has seven demons, all of whom are his sons. Mephistopheles, the prince of deceit, Amaimon, the prince of earth, Astaroth, the prince of rot, and Lucifer, the prince of light. Mephistopheles, a son of Satan, was born in heaven, and fell shortly after him, he is however the only one of these four to be born in heaven. Amaimon is the youngest prince, however not the youngest son of satan as we are all aware." Rin glares at him menacingly, but his younger twin pays no heed to it.
"Next is Rosiers, although known as lesser demons, their powers of seduction get many humans in s great deal of trouble. Although they don't cause any harm themselves, they enjoy chaos, and can lead to people doing things they regret if not properly dealt with.
"Gressel, is another kind of demon I'd like you to know. These trick People into impurity, and laziness. A person possessed by a Gressel is likely to become housebound, almost never going outside. If left alone, people have been known to die of starvation because they became to lazy to get up."
"Mr Okumura, is it possible for a demon to become possessed by another demon?" Bon speaks up. "You should know the answer is no, but why do you ask?"
"Well I think Rin might be possessed by a Gressel."
"You little!" Rin shouts hurling himself out of his chair. I grip him around the waist, attempting to hold him back, while Shima does the same to Bon.
"Settle down!" Yukio yells, his loud voice creating enough of a distraction for me to pull Rin back to his seat. He puts his face in his hand and shakes his head.
"The last demon you will have to know for Monday's test is a Furculor. This demons are rather unusual, they appear as normal humans, apart from large black wings. As far as we know, these are the only winged demons that come to Assiah. These demons rarely speak, and always appear sad, or lonely. However, no not approach them, as they have been known to attack for no reason.
"Now, the rest of class is free study for the upcoming test, please don't waste your time." While Yukio talked about the Furculors, I swear Rin's eyes bore into my head,but when I look over, he has an odd look plastered on his face. "What," I whisper. He snaps out of his trance, and looks me dead in the eyes, "are you... Are you a Furculor? Have you been lying to me this whole time? Yukio said no other demon with wings is in Assiah... And you... I trusted you." I look at him dumbfounded.
"You damn idiot, of course I'm not. I'm not a fucking demon like you." I hiss quietly. He goes wide-eyed, as I realize what I've just said. He turns forward, and stands out of his seat, and before I can apologize, he just walks out. Did I seriously just loose my first friend?
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