The Crash -21-
I couldn't get into Courtney's car any faster. I was ready to burst. I bet Courtney can tell something's wrong. I just don't know what to do my whole world is being turned upside down!
"Ok spill it." Courtney says pulling over.
I begin to sob uncontrollably. "I really fucked up!"
"What do you mean Ella?"
"I slept with Derek! Not once but twice."
"Oh lord, ok we will figure this out."
"There's nothing to figure out Court! I fucked up!
"No Ella. You are lonely. You're an emotional wreck. Don't worry it's between you and I."
"What if Derek tells people?"
"He won't. Call him. Tell him that you are scared."
"I'm just going to text him."
Me: Derek can you please please please keep what happened between you and I between us? At least until I figure things out.
Derek: Ella, don't worry it's between us. I love you. I won't deny that. I'm going to give you time.
Me: thank you so much! You are incredible!
Derek: don't thank me, just come back to me.
Me: ❤️
"So he says he won't say a word." I say.
"Well good. Do you have feelings for him?"
I sigh. "That's the thing, I do. I've always liked him but never thought he felt the same."
"Oh love. Do you think you are holding onto Ivan because of the baby?"
"I don't know, maybe. I'm so confused Courtney."
"We will figure this out. Just you and I!"
Courtney puts the car in drive and pulls off. We are heading to the mall to shop. That's what Courtney does when she needs therapy. We have about a 45 minute drive before we get there so I have Courtney stop for coffee. Continuing toward the mall we turn onto Pine Road. Pine Road is a desolate road. One of the only roads you can take around here to have a quiet drive. We drive in silence. Courtney is probably trying to process my screwy mess and I'm trying to process what I want.
Courtney turns the radio up and headlights appear out of no where. The car begins to swerve erratically. "I think they are drunk!" I say. Courtney nods her head agreeing. The car is close to us now and speeding up coming next to our car. The car gets directly next to us and Courtney brakes allowing them to get ahead of us. The car slams on the their brakes getting next to us again. "What the fuck is this car doing?" Courtney yells.
"I'm calling the police!" I say dialing 911.
Courtney steps on the gas and is trying her hardest to pull ahead, but whoever is driving this car is relentless. The car is now swerving at us. "I think this persons trying to run us off the road!" Courtney says. Courtney brakes allowing the car to pull ahead and the person brakes too. Courtney then slams on her brakes completely stopping the car. The person driving the car throws it in reverse and slams their backend off of our front end. I slam my head off of the dashboard. The car is now stopped so Courtney puts the car in drive and floors it. The car floors it too and flies next to us again. This person in this car is really trying to hurt us. The car slams into the side of Courtney's car causing her to slide off the road. Courtney regained control of her car and gassed it. The car flies up again slamming into the side of Courtney's car. This time we went off the road, skidding and the car starts rolling. It rolled a few times before everything went black.
I start to come too when I hear Courtney screaming in pain. My legs feel trapped and I have quiet a bit of blood coming from somewhere. Then I feel it. The immense pain. I realize we are completely smashed in. I see Courtney's hand and I reach for it. Courtney's head is covered in blood. I hear sirens in the distance at least I think I do.
"Just hang on Courtney. Helps coming." I try to sound positive.
I can tell Courtney is in too much pain to talk. The rescue squad is here and asking us to call out. I do the best I can to tell them we are trapped but alive and losing a lot of blood. I hear them using their tools to get us out and they pop Courtney's door off. The paramedic assesses her injuries and see a broken arm and head injury. They carefully remove her from the car laying her on a back board.
"Get Ella, please help her. She's pregnant." Courtney cries.
They work at popping my door off. Once they do the same paramedic is at my side assessing my injuries. I can't tell where all my pain is. I hear the paramedic tell the firefighter that my legs are pined. They are now bringing over a tool to lift the dashboard to get it off of my legs. Paramedic calls to the other that I have a broken leg, head injury, possible broken ribs and bruising on my abdomen. Heart rates pretty high. He asks me how far along I am and I tell him about 2 months. The other paramedic arrives with another backboard. The one paramedic carefully lifts me out of the car. I hear she's crashing and everything went black again.
I wake up in the hospital. I look over and Courtney is sitting there with a pink cast on her arm.
"Hey you are finally awake. I had them give you a pink cast to match mine."
I look down and I have a pink cast on my leg clear up to the middle of my thigh. I wince in pain trying not to move too much but I need too adjust myself.
"How do you feel?" Courtney asks.
"I'm alive. What happened?"
"Do you remember the accident at all?"
"Yeah I remember up until they pulled us out of the car. I mean what happened that I'm still here and you are obviously in better shape than I am?"
"You have a lot more injuries than I did. I broke my arm and split my head open I got 6 stitches. You broke your leg had to have surgery they put a plate in on your shin and had to repair part of your knee. You leg was more or less crushed by the dashboard. You broke a few ribs and had emergency surgery for internal bleeding. You also split your head open and had to 5 stitches. You've been out for 5 days." Courtney explains.
"What about the baby? Please tell me my baby is ok?"
"I'm sorry Ella. When they got the heart monitor hooked up the didn't find a heart beat. The injuries you sustained caused you to miscarry." She reaches over to grab my hand and I sob.
"My babies gone?" I ask between sobs.
"I'm so sorry Ella." And she climbs onto my bed to hold me.
"Do they know who did this to us?"
"No they haven't caught the person yet. I gave a very detailed statement."
"They killed my baby! How does someone get away with that?!?!" I cry.
"They think it was Amy, they found the car but it was stolen so the person it was linked too, the owner has a valid alibi."
"My baby though, Courtney. My babies gone. My beautiful baby."
The doctor steps in and I'm sobbing. "I'm sorry for your loss Ella. We tried everything we could. It was too late. You will be ok though and yes you will be able to have children someday." The doctor explains.
"When can I go home?" I ask.
"I want to keep you at least one more night now that you are awake. I want to make sure no more bleeding occurs and that you are stable. I see no reason of why you cannot go home tomorrow."
The doctor leaves the room and I just can't control my sobs. Courtney is hugging me tight and let the tears flow. I'm so mad, I'm angry and I'm hurt! Brad comes in.
"Hey it's good to see you are finally awake."
"Hey Brad." I say wiping tears from my eyes.
"I'm sorry Ella. I can't even begin to imagine how bad this hurts you. But we are here and we will help you through it."
"Thank you, I do appreciate it." I say. "How's Ivan? Anything new?"
"No he's still out. They started more rehab for his muscles. Another nurse comes in to do that." Brad says.
"Are the doctors saying anything more about his condition?" I ask.
"They may try a new medication." Courtney says.
"What will the new medication do?"
Brad starts to explain when his phone rings. It sounds like Nancy. He tells her I'm awake and not taking the news of the baby very well.
Courtney looks at me "it's supposed to help wake him up."
The doctor comes in and says that visiting hours are over. Courtney and Brad both hug me good bye and tell me they will see me tomorrow. The doctor gives me some more pain meds and I am out like a light.
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