The Beginning -1-
It was early October, the color of the leaves began to change and you could smell the fall in the air. Cars whizzed past and one hit a puddle as Ella was walking in the direct line of fire. She was soaked and to make matters worse it was so cold outside. Ella bent over to pick up her bag that she had dropped it in shock of what had happened. As she was standing up she noticed a handsome man that had to be in his late 20s walking toward her. She blushed and tried to put her head down out of embarrassment.
"Hey are you ok?" He asked as he was about to pass her, noticing she was a bit distraught after being soaked to the skin.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking. Just my luck to be right next to a puddle as a car drove through it." Ella had sheepishly answered.
"Where are you off too?"
"I'm just heading home from studying at the school library."
"Where are my manors, here's my jacket, my cars right here let me drive you so you don't get sick."
"No really it's ok, I'm only a block away. But thank you."
He was so good looking! Dark hair, ice blue eyes, broad shoulders. Oh god I'm staring! May as well have my mouth wide open while I drool. I can't stop looking though as I take in the stubble on his chin, the deep dimples when he smiles and his perfect teeth. Just then the wind blew and I caught the scent of his cologne. He smells amazing, so amazing I wish I could bottle up the scent and smell it forever.
"Are you sure? Let me at least walk you so I know you made it home safely."
Hmmm should I be creeped out? He's handsome but the fact that this complete stranger is insisting to walk me home is weird. He could be a serial killer for all I know, he could burst into my apartment and rob me of all I have.
"Look I appreciate your offer...but I'll be ok."
"Ok, it's late and you don't know what creepy people could be out here at this time of night"
"You're telling me, but thanks again I'm going to get going I need to get into some dry clothes."
"Oh how rude of me! I'm Ivan."
He extends his hand out to me, and I shake it with a smile.
"Hi I'm Ella, guess I was a bit rude too."
"Well Ella, I hope to see you around it was really nice meeting you."
"It was really nice to meet you also Ivan. See you around."
I quickly head to my apartment. I want to look over my shoulder and make sure he's not following me. Just something about him made me feel uneasy. I see him drive by and he honks as he passes me. I give a little wave and let out a sigh of relief. I unlocked the door to the 2 bedroom apartment I share with my best friend, Courtney. I hear her and boyfriend having a spat in her bedroom. I shut the door and walk down the hall toward her bedroom and tap lightly on her door.
"Yeah?" Courtney answers.
I crack the door and peak in. "I'm just checking to make sure everything was ok."
"Ha yeah we are ok, we are just arguing over which movie to watch."
Brad is laying on the bed annoyed and he says. "She never lets me pick the movie. How fair is that Ella?"
"That's Courtney for you!" I grinned shutting the door.
I decide to take a shower to get rid of this chill, from wearing soaking wet clothes. I go in my room first and pull out a nice warm pair of pajamas and head to the bathroom. Courtney comes bursting out of her room.
"Wait I have to pee! Wait what the hell happened to you?"
"I was walking home from the library and a car drove past splashing me with puddle water. I'm soaked and I'm freezing!"
"Oh boy, ok let me pee really quick!"
Courtney walks out of the bathroom leaving me to a nice warm shower. The sound of the water hitting off of my skin is so soothing. I decide to let the bathtub fill up and I laid there for what felt like hours. I started to drift off when Brad pounded on the door.
"Hey are you almost done?"
I must of actually fallen asleep because the water was cold and Brad knocking on the door made me jump out of my skin.
"Uh yeah I'm sorry, give me a minute."
I climbed out of the tub dried off and threw on my pajamas.
Opening the door I asked "how long was in there?"
"Oh only about 2 or so hours. We watched a whole movie." He chuckled.
"Wow then I for sure fell asleep."
"You should call it a night. Oh by the way my friend just moved here, thought maybe we could all go to dinner."
"You're not trying to set me up on a blind date are you?"
"No just trying to help him meet some people here. Could be rough being the new guy."
"Yeah sure we could do that."
"Heyyyyy did you happen to mention to Ella about dinner?"
"Yes actually I was just filling her in, she's game."
"Ok cool! How about tomorrow at 7?"
I hesitate. "Uhhhhh...."
"Come on Ella..." Courtney pleaded.
"Fine 7:00, I'm going to bed now. Apparently I need some sleep according to Brad."
"Goodnight Ella!!" Brad and Courtney say in unison.
I climb into bed and pull the covers up to my chin. I begin to think of Ivan. Why? But he has a gorgeous smile and those killer eyes. Maybe I should have let him walk me home. I'm kind of regretting it now, but I was so embarrassed, soaked to the bone and extremely cold. Wasn't really the time to sit around for a chat. Maybe I'll see him again, I yawn, just maybe and I finally drift off to sleep.
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