Monday -14-
The last couple days went fast and in a blur. It's Monday now and I decided to go back to class. Jeremy is giving me another week to rest up so at least I have a bit more time. I hear Courtney in the bathroom but knock on the door and walk in.
"Good morning." Courtney says.
"Morning. Mind if I use the bathroom while you are here?"
"Nope feel free. I take it you are going back to class?"
"Yep and off work another week." I say yawning.
"How was Ivan last night?"
"The same. Still in a coma but stable. They are however weening him from the vent, he's slightly breathing on his own."
"That's a good thing! Brad's going after work. Will you be home for dinner?"
"Yeah, my short lived life is now in the hospital so I'm going no where."
"Alright I'm thinking fried raviolis."
"Sounds good to me."
Walking over to the shower I pull the curtain back and turn the water on. The water is warm and feels amazing. However the water stings as it hits off of my breasts. Man are they tender! Finishing up my shower I turn the water off, grab my towel and dry off.
Walking into my room I pick my phone up and I have 4 messages. Ones from my mom, ones from Jeremy and 2 are from Morgan. Starting with my mom I read her message.
Hi baby girl, just want to check in on you and to see if there's been any changes with Ivan.
My response: I'm ok mom. No changes with Ivan. Taking it day by day.
Jeremy's message is next so I read it next.
So rumor has it you are preggers? My mom ran into your mom and she told her. She thought it was Johnny but she told her that it's you.
My response: yes stupid birth control failed me. I was hoping my mom would stay quiet for a bit about it.
Now to read and respond to Morgan's messages.
Hey I wanted to see if maybe tomorrow we can do lunch?
Oh and it will be my treat! Need to get you out of the house.
My response: lunch sounds great. Where would you like to go?
*ding ding*
Mom: alright, I will check on you later on.
Me: it's ok mom. I'm ok. By the way thanks for telling Jeremy's mom about me being pregnant.
Mom: I'm sorry. The more I think about it the more excited I get. Gotta get back to work talk to you later!
*ding ding*
Jeremy: well she seems very happy. Get some rest!
Me: I'm heading to class then home!
Jeremy: good. Ttyl!
*ding ding*
Morgan: how does the real grill sound?
Me: sounds good. 1:00?
Morgan: sure can't wait! Should I meet you there, pick you up, you pick me up?
Me: we can meet there.
Morgan: see you tomorrow.
Hopping off my bed I go to my closet to pull my clothes out. I throw on leggings so I don't have anything rubbing on my stitches. I go tomorrow to have them removed in the morning. Snatching my grey long sleeve tunic from the hanger I throw it on. I decided to go with my boat shoes. Bending over to tie shoes is impossible. The stitches pull at my skin. Heading into the living room I grab my sweater off the coat wrack and sling my messenger bag over my shoulder. As I went to open the door there was a woman standing there and her face was tear streaked.
"Oh hi" I say startled.
"I'm so sorry, is Bradley home?"
"He is not. He is at work. Can I take a message and let him know you stopped?"
"I'm his mother. You can call me Nancy." She says extending her hand to shake mine.
"Oh Nancy! He speaks highly of you! You have amazing children. It's nice to finally meet you."
"You must be Ella?"
I shake my head yes and smile.
"Ivan's description of you does not do you justice. Much prettier darling."
"Thank you." I blush. "Please come in."
"No it's ok darling it looks like you are leaving."
"I was just going to try going to class today even though all my works done. I'm not due back in class until next week, but I'm getting bored."
"Let me take you to lunch and then we can head to the hospital to see Ivan."
"Ok but I'll buy."
"No darling I insist."
We head to her car and she drives across town to the little diner Ivan and I had gone too that one morning, Donna's Diner.
"I love this place! Ivan brought me here for breakfast on our first date. Never knew it existed."
"Ivan brings me here too everytime I come into town. Brad is more of the Real Grill kind of guy."
"So when I opened the door, I noticed you were crying. I didn't want to say anything but I want to make sure you were ok."
"Oh darling yes, I'm just really upset about Ivan. He may not be my blood son, but he became my son the minute he walked into my house."
"Ivan told me about it all. I'm so happy he found you. He's a good man and deserves happiness."
"I couldn't agree with you more sweetheart. That boy was so broken when he came to live with us. I didn't think we were going to be able to tame him."
"How did you get through to him?" I asked.
"We treated him the same way we treated Bradley. Like he was no different. He was included in everything we did, he was praised when he got good grades the same we did with Bradley. He eventually realized we weren't going to treat him the way the other foster homes treated him. He was loved and we wanted to keep him."
We sat there and talked for a long time. I let her know that we had to say I was Ivan's fiancé so I would be able to visit with him. She made me feel really good when she had told me that he would be lucky to have me as his fiancé. Brad and Ivan were right. Their mother is pretty amazing.
The check came and again she insisted on paying and then we got into the car and headed to the hospital. The drive was quiet but comfortable. We pull into the parking lot and Nancy puts her car in park and turns to me.
"I'm glad you are here with me. He's going to wake up right?"
I don't know what to say to that so I just say. "One day at a time."
Nancy tries her best to smile and squeezes my hand. "Come on let's go see him." She says getting out of the car.
Walking down the hallway toward Ivan's room the nausea returns. I do my best to hold it in. I don't know about her knowing now about the baby. It's still pretty early too. I'll just concentrate on making the nausea go away and hope I can successfully hold it back. We reach Ivan's room and the visitation rules are one person at a time. I tell Nancy to go ahead and I was going to go use the restroom.
I practically run to the bathroom but when I get there the nausea has passed. I take a minute to splash some water on my face. Once I'm sure that the nausea for sure has passed I head back to Ivan's room. Nurse Abby is in talking to Nancy. I peep my head in the door and Abby waves for me to go ahead and come in.
"Hey Ella! How are you feeling dear?" She asks.
"Much better thanks. How is he today?" I ask.
"Well I was getting ready to fill Nancy in so I'll just fill you both in. Starting last night he's had some movements. Mostly his hands. He's wiggled his toes also. The doctors feel that this is a huge improvement. I know when you had mentioned that he squeezed your hand Ella that I told you most likely its reflexes, but now I feel differently. I can't say he's going to wake up today or tomorrow or even a week from now but this is a step in the right direction."
I look down Nancy is holding his hand rubbing the top with her thumb. I think she's secretly hoping he would squeeze her hand. Abby steps out of the room and Nancy and I stay for a bit longer. When Abby pokes her head in to tell us that visiting hours are over for now, Nancy stands up squeezes his hand and gives him a light kiss on his cheek. She steps out of the room and I give him a kiss and whisper in his ear to keep up the good work.
We leave the hospital and when Nancy takes me back to the apartment Brad's car is still not there so she drops me off. She gives me a hug goodbye and tells me she will see me soon. I stand on the side walk and wave as she drives off.
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