Making it New -33-
"She said yes! She said yes!" Derek runs into his grandparents house screaming and pulling me behind him.
"What's the yelling about boy?" Papa asks.
"Papa where is Mama?"
"She's coming." Papa says as Mama enters the kitchen.
"Mama, Papa. She said yes!" He grabs my hand showing them the ring.
"Oh thank goodness! Congratulations you two! And it looks absolutely lovely on you Ella!" Mama says.
"Well I'll be damned! You found a way to tie this wild horse down!" Papa says.
"That ring has been passed down starting with my great great great grandma." Mama says.
"Oh wow! I'm honored!" I say.
"We also have some more good news to share." Derek says.
"Please don't tell me you all are pregnant." Papa says.
"No Papa. And what's the big deal if she were?"
"No big deal, but get married first." Papa says.
"Well Papa we are not rushing babies yet."
I can't help but cry. Feeling embarrassed I run from the room. Not too long ago I was with Ivan we were going to have a baby and then it was all taken away from me. I know everything happens for a reason but my baby didn't need to die.
Mama steps into the room. "Honey are you ok?"
"I'm fine." I say wiping my tears away.
"What's wrong dear? You can tell me."
"I was pregnant a few months ago and lost my baby when I was 2 months pregnant because of a severe car accident."
Mama looks at me sadly. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry. Derek's baby?"
"No. But he was ready to step up and take care of the baby and I."
"He's a good man Ella. He loves you. He's loved you since freshman year. He would show me your picture and say one day Mama I will make her my wife."
"Really? I had no idea."
"He didn't want to push it with you sweet girl. He came to me for advice the fourth month of your freshman year. He said you two had talked for hours at a party."
I smile. "I remember that day. I remember thinking that we had an immediate connection. I wanted to kiss him, but my best friend Courtney interrupted."
"I told him that love takes time and when the time is right it will happen and it did."
"Thank you Mama."
"For what sweetheart?"
"For making me feel better about all of this."
"Ella dear....that Ivan wasn't a good man. He wasn't the one for you. Derek told me everything. I'm so sorry honey."
"Thanks. But I'm just going to learn from it and move on. Plus I love Derek so much and I'm loving where life has taken us so far."
"You remind me so much of myself and Papa when we got together."
I smile and she takes my hand leading me back into the kitchen to talk with Papa. I know Derek wants to tell them about reopening the bed and breakfast.
"You ok baby?" Derek asks.
"Yes I am now." I answer.
He takes my hand and turns to his grandparents. "What Ella and I wanted to tell you was that we decided that we are going to reopen the bed and breakfast."
"Now why the hell would you do that?" Papa says.
"Well I believe with some advertising and some special offers we can get this place booming again. Ella took a look at today and it just needs super cleaned which Ethan agreed to help with that." Derek says.
"I'm going to see if Courtney and Brad would look at houses this way and get their help too." I explain.
Derek looks at me surprised. "Do you think they would come help?"
"Doesn't hurt to ask."
"We can even get Ethan hired on full time too if he is able too." Derek suggests.
"Well it sounds like you two have a pretty good plan in effect and whatever you think will work we will go for." Mama says in agreement.
"We can get the bed and breakfast cleaned up and once it is get it inspected. We can then start advertising to get people in here. We can take some pictures and post it to"
"How about we head over and talk to Ethan now?" I ask.
Derek agrees and we walk to the bed and breakfast to talk to Ethan. I'm so excited for everything! We reach the bed and breakfast and Derek opens the door. Ethan has been busy, the whole hallways is spotless. No dust, no cobwebs! Spotless!
"Ethan!"Derek calls out.
"Up here!" Ethan's yells and we head upstairs.
Ethan is in Room 1 putting the blankets on the bed. The room too has been cleaned. I hear a flushing of the toilet and a beautiful middle aged woman appears.
"Derek, Ella this is Cammie my girlfriend. She's been helping me clean up."
"Hi Cammie, it's nice to meet you!" I reach out shaking her hand and Derek does too.
Ethan hugs Derek. "My have you grown up Derek. It's so good to see you."
"Good to see you too and you haven't changed a bit."
"Your girlfriend is pretty amazing to get you back here to help out and did she tell you what she wants to do with this place?" Ethan asks.
"My "fiancé" is amazing and yes that's why we are here trying to get a plan going."
"Woah has that changed in the last few hours?" Ethan asks.
"Yes I went back home and he proposed." I say.
"Congrats you two!"
"Thanks man. Well we were discussing the bed and breakfast. We'd like to know what we could do to get you to be fully on with this place? I mean Cammie is doing and awesome job at cleaning also."
"I'd be honored to stay on full time!" Ethan says excited.
"Cammie would you like to be the cleaning lady? I will help as well." I ask.
"Sure! I'm not really working right now which is why I was able to help Ethan." Cammie answers.
"Well that settles that. You two can stay in room 3 for as long as you need too." Derek tells them.
"Oh great!" Ethan says. "Will you be getting anyone else in here?"
"Not sure yet. It will probably be between the 4 of us to get it running and once we start getting busy and more bookings we will hire more." Derek explains.
"Sounds good, thank you both of you." Ethan says.
That went really well and it seems like they really want to help us. Derek puts his arm around me and we head out of the bed and breakfast. He leads me behind the bed and breaks and shows me that there is a huge lake in the back yard.
"Wow this is beautiful!" I say.
"We can stock it when it warms up more and the visitors can fish. Maybe even some paddle boats."
"That sounds great Derek. I can't wait to see this place up and running."
"Baby it's going to be fucking amazing!"
"Didn't seem like your grandfather was on board?"
"No he wants to see the place thrive and not be brought down. He's just going by that one guy who told him they needed to shut it down and just run the winery."
"Well we will have this place running awesome in no time. " I say.
We continue walking to the cottage and there is a figure standing on our porch. As we get closer I realize it's Courtney.
"Courtney hey! What are you doing here?" I ask.
She turns around and there are tears streaming down her face. I run to her and hug her tight leading her inside.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting down and Derek sits next to me.
"It's Brad....."
"Courtney! What about Brad?"
"He was arrested. Nancy and Ivan brought him down with them."
"What do you mean?"
"Before Nancy was arrested she was apparently able to frame Brad. Brad swears he knows nothing about it. He's not playing dumb Ella. They made it look like Brad was the ring leader and now I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get him out of this."
"Of coarse Brad would never do this. We know he wouldn't. Do you have a lawyer?" Derek asks.
"Yes and they've searched everything in the apartment and they will be coming here since you moved your stuff out. They are looking for anything and everything. They didn't find anything at the apartment, in his car, or at his work."
"So how is it being pinned on him?" I ask.
"I'm not sure how. I don't know too much. All I know is he is in jail and I don't know how to help him." She starts to sob again.
Mama walks in. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had company."
"It's ok Mama. Does Uncle Harry still practice law?" Derek asks.
"Yes and he's actually here. He wanted to see you."
"Can you have him come here?"
Derek's uncle steps in and Derek walks over giving him a hug.
"Your grandmother told me you came home."
"Yeah. Ella and I going to help the winery grow."
"Good to hear that!"
"Listen. While you are here, can you help us out with something?"
Uncle Harry listened to the situation and he agrees to help. He said he should be able to get him out of jail no later than tomorrow. He asks if Derek and I would take him to Ivan's house and we agreed to take him first thing in the morning. Courtney is relieved to know that they will get the help they need. Operation save Brad starts now!
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