I Know What I Want -29-
When I wake up in the morning Derek isn't there, so I push the blankets aside and climb out of bed. I made a quick stop at the bathroom to pee and I'm sure I have some major bed head so I fix my hair.
I hear Derek on the phone so I stay at the top of the stairs to kind of listen in on what he's saying.
I know but today is not good. I have stuff going on.
I know I promised you, but shit happens. I can't jump everytime you say jump.
Melissa don't do this! I told you I just have a lot going on right now.
Turning around I go back to his room and call Courtney nearly in tears. I ask her to please come get me and she said she would without hesitation.
Heading downstairs not saying a word I grab my skirt from the floor and my shirt. I slide the skirt over his boxers and take the boxers off. Taking his shirt off I put mine back on remembering the buttons have been torn off. So I threw my coat over it and zippered it up. I grabbed my shoe and put it on. Looking out the window I saw Courtney pull up so I quietly snuck out and got into Courtney's car.
"So do you want to tell me what happened?" She asks.
"When I woke up this morning I overheard him on the phone arguing with some Melissa chick."
"What were they arguing about?"
"All I really heard him say was that he had stuff going on, knows he promised but it's not a good day and that he can't jump everytime she says jump. I didn't stick around long enough to hear the rest."
"Maybe it's not what you think. Maybe it's a friend or something." Courtney tries to rationalize.
"I don't know. Let's just go home."
Courtney pulls into our apartment parking lot. Brad's standing at the door waiting. Courtney looks at me and we get out of the car. He flings the door open for us.
"He's waking up!" Brad says excitedly.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes very slowly. The doctor said we can come see him. Do you want to go?"
Courtney looks at me. "Let her get cleaned up and changed, then we will go."
"Someone stay out too late last night?" Brad asked.
"Something like that." And they follow me into the house.
Derek must of realized I was gone because my phone is ringing off the hook and text messages are coming in.
Derek: where did you go?
Me: why don't you start with explaining who Melissa is.
He doesn't respond. I finish getting dressed and go into the bathroom and quickly do something with my hair. When in doubt throw it up. I put some makeup on so I didn't look like I've been drug through the mud and head out to the living room.
"Ready?" I ask putting my coat on.
"Let's go!" Brad says.
On our way to the hospital Derek texts back.
Derek: so you're not at home?
Me: no. We are on our way to the hospital. Ivan's waking up.
Derek: oh. Well I came to talk to you face to face.
Me: Say it over text.
Derek: Melissa is my sister. She wants me to watch her kids today so she can out and party. I told her I couldn't because I had stuff going on. I didn't want to tell her about you because she would have went ape shit on me and I wasn't dealing with it. I have no problem watching her kids but I'm not going to so she can snort coke and shoot heroine.
Me: Oh. Now I feel stupid.
Derek: No don't. I understand why you ran off. But please next time just ask and I'll tell you. I have nothing to hide.
Me: I'm sorry Derek.
Derek: Don't be. Call me when you get back. We can salvage this day 😉
Me: ok I will. Talk to you later.
"Well Melissa is his sister." I say.
Courtney suddenly turns around. "See! I told you it may not be what you think."
"Yeah yeah. I'm human I make mistakes." I say in defense.
We arrive at the hospital and my stomachs in knots. I'm kind of nervous. I don't know why but I am. Walking in Brad puts his hand on my shoulder and asks if I was ok. I tell him yes just nerves and keep walking. Ivan's in a regular room so we all can go in. That makes me feel a lot better.
Walking into Ivan's room he's still just laying there asleep. I don't know what I expected maybe that he'd be up and moving around.
The doctor walks in. "He's been in and out. He's pretty groggy. Everything looks good though. He's coming out of it as expected. Hoping though that there is no damage from the prolonged induced coma."
Ivan eyes peak open, it's like it's a struggle. Brad runs over and sits next to him.
"Hey man! Welcome back."
He struggles to talk and Brad reaches over grabbing him water and he sips from the straw.
"Hey Ivan! Glad to see you awake!" Courtney says cheerfully.
I hesitate and muster up a hello.
The doctor comes back and asks him how he is. He gave him another shot into his IV and that will help wake him up more. the doctor tells us to give him like 20 minutes and he will be less groggy.
Brad fills him with what happened. Tells him about Nancy, the accident, the stabbing and how she was drugging him. He left out the baby part. After about a half hour he finally speaks a lot clearer.
"Ella, why are you all the way over there."
I freeze. "I was just letting Brad have his time."
"Are you ok?" He asks. "I see your boot and I remember you saying I was going to be a father."
My heart drops into my stomach and everything started to spin. I had to sit back down or I'd be on the floor. Courtney looks at me and rushes to my side. She gives Brad a look like that says go ahead tell him.
"She broke her leg in the accident. She did have a cast all the way up to her thigh because she had surgery on her knee. The cast was taken off and her ankle needs some more time." Brad explains.
"I'm so sorry Ella. I'm so sorry she hurt you."
I speak up this time. "She hurt more than just me Ivan. She hurt you, Amy, Courtney and mentally Brad. She's an awful person and forgive me for saying that, but she doesn't have the best track record."
Courtney squeezes my hand and tells me to please calm down. She rubs my back and asks me if I'm ok. I stand up. "I can't do this." I run from the room.
I'm outside Ivan's door and I hear Courtney explain to him about the baby. I can hear him start to get upset. I can't do this right now. This is too much. I draw the line here. I take out my phone and message Derek.
Me: Are you busy?
Derek: No I was just waiting for you to get done at the hospital.
Me: I'm done. Can you please come get me?
Derek: Yeah no problem are you at the hospital?
Me: yeah.
Derek: ok I'm on my way. Are you ok?
Me: I will be.
I look into the room and catch Courtney's eyes. I nod for her to come here. She comes to the hallways.
"Are you alright?" She asks.
"Yeah I'm fine. It was a mistake to come though."
"I'll get Brad and I'll run you home." She says.
"No it's ok. Derek's on his way. I messaged him, I didn't want to take you away from him."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure. Stay with Ivan. I just hope he can understand."
"I'll explain it to him. Do what heart feels is right."
"Thanks Courtney." And I hug her tight. "Don't know what I'd do without you."
"I know. Just remember to follow your heart. Ivan will be ok. He's awake he made it through, his heart will mend."
"Alright I told Derek I'd wait for him at the entrance."
"Bye Ella! Love ya!" She says as I walk away.
"Love you Court."
I head to the entrance and wait for Derek to show up.
"Ella?" I hear from behind me and I turn around. It's Abby.
"Oh hi. Your back here now?"
"Yeah they let me come back. I honestly had no idea she was doing that and hope you believe me."
"Yeah she said you didn't know. She admitted everything." I say.
"Oh good. I stopped in to see Ivan. It's good that he's waking up. Are you happy?"
"Yes I am happy he is awake, but we are not together anymore."
"Oh you couldn't take waiting?" She asks.
"No that's not it. Truth is we only knew each other a week before he ended up in a coma and I ended up pregnant. He isn't my fiancé. I thought my heart was with him but I was wrong. I held on because of the baby."
"Oh I'm so sorry Ella. Yeah you have been through so much recently." Abby says.
"Go see him. Let him know you took care of him." I see Derek pull up out of the corner of my eye and I wave bye to Abby and get into Derek's car.
I look at him. "I don't want to talk about it." And he drives off.
"I want to take you somewhere." He says and he just drives.
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