2 years later, I'm sitting in the hospital with Courtney waiting for her baby boy to arrive. With each contraction she cries and screams out "where the fuck is the asshole who did this to me!"
I try to call Brad again and this time he finally answers. "Hello."
"Jesus Brad it's about time! Babies coming now!" I yell at him.
"What right now? Ok I'll be there."
He hangs up and I soothingly tell Courtney he will be here soon. I call Derek to let him know what is happening.
Derek answers pretty quick and at the same time talking to Bryce to have him grab Gabby's juice. Gabby is crying in the back ground and Bryce sounds wound up.
"Hey babe, how's it going at home?" I ask.
"We are hanging in there. Where are you?"
"Well Courtney went into labor. So we are at the hospital right now."
"Oh wow should I come there?" Derek asked.
"No Gabby sounds cranky and Bryce seems wound up."
"You aren't kidding. Keep me updated. Did you get ahold of Brad?"
"Yeah he's on his way. He must have been working on the cottages in the woods because I've been calling him for at least 2 hours."
"Go figure. I'm going to call Dana and Ethan and see if they will take Bryce and maybe watch Gabby."
"If you want to do that, that's fine."
I look down at my own swollen belly as it growls. We had just sat down for lunch when Courtney's water broke. So needless to say lunch didn't happen and now I'm a starving pregnant woman!
I got pregnant with Gabby right as Bryce had come into our lives. In fact probably the day before they moved here and now I'm 8 and a half months pregnant with our second one, the gender is a surprise.
I got a text from Derek telling me that him and Brad are on their way and that Dana is with the kids.
Within the last 2 years we all got married, I've had a baby girl, Courtney is about to have a boy, Dana and Ethan were engaged last weekend and the winery is doing amazing. We've tripled our profits, we are building cottages for people to camp and the wine tours are taking off!
Mama and Papa have stepped back. Papa has since gained some health issues and we are making him take it easy and let us all do the work. Mama is having some knee troubles and will soon need a knee replacement.
Bryce has been pretty amazing to have around. He helps with Gabby a lot and takes care of the horses. He is eight years old now and a really great kid. He does really well in school and looks more and more like Derek as he gets older, they even have the matching glasses and Bryce can't wait till he gets older to get tattoos. Gabby loves him so much. He's such a good big brother to her and he cannot wait until the baby arrives. It was a really good transition when they moved here and Dana a Derek work together flawlessly with custody.
Brad and Derek arrive and my hero has brought me some food! Derek is great and I'm so happy to be with him, to be married to the man of my dreams and to have his children. I'm so glad I did not walk away from him.
Brad is now next to Courtney trying to comfort her and she's calling him every swear word in the book. When I had Gabby I was calm as can be the doctor even said that they would not have ever known I was having a baby. To see Courtney like this is hilarious. Can't do anything but laugh at her.
The doctor came in and she is 6 cm dilated. I can't wait to meet baby Dylan!
"Thank you babe for the hoagie. How did you know I needed some food?" I asked.
"Call it instincts." He smiles and rubs my belly. "How are you feeling today?"
"Tired and over these braxton hicks."
"Not too much longer Ella, not too much longer."
Courtney calls me over and as I stand up my water breaks. I look at everyone embarrassed and Derek rushes over to me. Brad runs out to get the nurse.
"Um nurse! We have another one in labor." Brad says.
She looks at him confused and comes in while I sit there and apologize over and over.
"Looks like we are going to need to get you a room." The nurse says.
"No!" Courtney yells. "I want her in here with me! We need to do this together."
Nurse shakes her head and moves Courtney's bed over and gets someone to find another one.
"Ha we have to be complicated don't we Courtney?" I say trying to laugh ignoring the contractions.
A male nurse comes in with a labor and delivery bed and Derek helps me to it. He pulls the curtain closed between me and Courtney so I can get in a gown. He instructs us to leave the curtain closed so the doctor can come in and check me. He hooks me up to the heart monitor to monitor our babies heart beat. Luckily we already have a boys name and a girls name. I say another girl and Derek has a feeling it's a boy.
"Looks like it's a day for babies." The doctor says checking me to see how dilated I am. "Well it looks like you're moving along very quickly. I'd say you will have your baby within the hour."
"Thank you doctor." I say.
He goes over to Courtney next and checks her. "I'd say these babies want to be born together. I'll be back in about 20 minutes to check you both again."
Courtney pulls back the curtain. "What are the chances?!?! I'm pretty excited how about you?"
"Of coarse I'm excited!" I say. "You may want to call Dana and tell her that our babies coming too."
"Should I ask her if she will keep Gabby?" He asks.
"Yeah if not you will have to just bring her here."
"I'll call your parents too." He says dialing his phone. "Hey Dana. Ella's water just broke, can you keep Gabby possibly?"
"Wait the babies coming already?!?!"
"Yep looks like her and Courtney had the same plans today."
"Yay! Of coarse I'll keep her. Do you want me to bring her to you or wait until the baby is here?"
"Probably just wait then she could come meet her brother or sister and Bryce too."
"Alright give Ella a hug and kiss from me and good luck!"
"Thanks Dana I will."
He tries to call my parents and he got the voicemail so he left a message. The doctor comes back and Courtney is yelling that she feels like she had to push. The doctor checks her and says its go time! Another doctor steps into the room and checks me and says I'm ready to go too.
Courtney and I both began to push and within 10 minutes Courtney is holding her baby boy. I look over and he's absolutely perfect.
"Meet Dylan." She says tipping him up to so I can see his face.
"Ok Ella this is the one! Give it one good push!" The doctor says and I push with everything I have and next thing I know I'm hearing my baby cry. "It's a girl!"
"I knew it!" The doctor goes to lay her in my arms when I feel like suddenly I have to push again.
"Hold on Ella let me check what's going on. Looks like we have another baby in there. Go ahead Ella let's give it a good push."
Derek looks shocked. "But we've had ultrasounds and they never said there were 2."
"Well looks like you have twins. Ok Ella breath for a minute and push with all your might."
One good push and the baby is out. "And we have a boy!"
"Looks like we were both right hun." He's smiling. "Meet Sage and and Oliver."
He texts Dana and tells her the babies are here and she can bring Gabby and Bryce here.
20 minutes later Dana shows up with Bryce and Gabby and boy are they shocked to see 3 perfect babies. Gabby immediately wants hold her baby brother and baby sister. Just like the day I had Gabby, Bryce was in awe.
The doctor insisted on us all getting together for one big picture. Just as he was about to take the picture my parents walked in with Mama and Papa. Now the picture will be complete. We are one big happy family and I couldn't be any happier than I am today.
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