Chapter 8 ~ After Spring
I met Aarav at the flower shop; After Spring when I was just 8 years old. It was the first time we met, the moment still hold a special place in my heart whereas for Aarav, he didn't even remember it. Because If he did, he would have had already knew it, it was me the very second when I told him my name was Selena.
I was a chubby kid and had spectacles up on my nose bridge since I was six, that happens when you stay long at night reading storybooks under your blanket with a torch.
So, from the starting I was a classic definition of an antisocial nerd.
One day, my mom decided to checkout the newly opened flower shop that was situated down the street corner, diagonal to our Salon shop Hair with Flair. We went together to visit it and I just loved it at the first sight.
It was managed by an old couple who, shifted recently there with their grandson.
Mom liked the shop too, which was astonishing because she was a very picky person and she hardly likes anything.
While, she was having elderly chat with the other lady, I noticed a boy of my age behind the counter in a blue shirt buttoned up to the collar, he was engrossed in doing something, I moved forward to see, his small hands were tying a package with the red ribbon so skillfully that I was amazed, feeling my eyes on him he looked up and a smile popped up on his lips showing his teeth. I shied away hiding behind the rack between us.
"Serena..."my mother tailed using my full name to gather my attention.
We picked a small cute bouquet of Lavender tulips and had the biling done, where Aarav the boy's name,he gave me a chocolate and said, "Thank you Selen--naa, Please Come again" his speech was so weird with a stutter that I found it adorable.
I opened my mouth to correct him but closed it, once I noticed a small red bud type thing fitted in his right ear. I knew that it was a hearing aid. My grandfather had kinda similar one.
I accepted the chocolate with a shy grin and rushed after my mother who was already heading out.
I never ate that chocolate, I had kept it like a treasure in my refrigerator until one of my annoying cousins stole it.
I wanted to go to that shop again but I was too afraid of I don't know about what, hence I couldn't make myself go there again but that didn't stop the things turning otherwise.
A week after it,
Aarav came to my shop to get a haircut. Like him, I used to also hang around at the shop not child labor actually, I didn't just like staying back at my empty house so I was there with my mom doing homework while she worked .
When I saw him there, I didn't believe until he waved at me with that kind smile,"Hey Selena!"
Soon, we became friends because he was so easy to be around he always did the talking and smiled at me while I sat quietly doing my homework like my typical self. Eventually, I told him my actual name once I got some nerves and my mom scolded me for being always so hesitant.
At school, I didn't have many friends no one liked me unless they wanted to copy my homework. So, Aarav was my only friend the real one, the more I opened up to him the closer he became to me. I thought of him as my best friend, He didn't like studying much so I completed his homework and he gave me chocolates and flowers, he knew I liked tulips, so once he and his grandma together prepared a tiara out of lavender tulips for me. That was the happiest day of my life.
I gazed down at the picture in my hand we were around 10 years old sat at the bench on the piano. I had that garland around my head.
For someone who can't hear much properly, Aarav had a great interest in music.
I suggested him; why don't you learn to play some instruments?
He asked me, which one would suit him?
I told him, without missing a beat, Piano
He had this slender figure; fair and tall like some prince. A charming nobel Prince who care about everyone.
He took my advice and found his passion. He was so talented and that he got an offer from the prestigious school that had phenomenal music teachers; St. Xavier.
And that was how he forgot me.
For me he was my world, my friend my best friend, the only person who smiled at me without any judgement, he considered me as an actual person showed interest towards me to know what I like. To make me smile. So, you can't blame me when I thought, I had fallen for him
But for him, I was just an awkward antisocial girl.
Nothing special, it didn't take much time for him to forget me, once he made new friends and met some actual cool interesting people. I didn't even hate him for that. Who would even remember me?
I don't know what happened in his life after that. Once he started studying at St. Xavier, he was found less at the flower shop and when he was there he didn't even glance at my way. I was worried, when I saw him losing his smile, his ever angel like face with warm inviting expression was now closed off with bruises and frown. He didn't look at me ever, and when I tried to speak to know, what did I do wrong? he got away quickly.
It hurt.
I stopped trying after that but still I couldn't ignore it. I decided to talk to him impersonating as a different person. Someone cool, someone just like his new friends. It was a very lousy plan but he was my best friend the one who made sure to make me smile twice a day was suddenly losing his.
I thought, I would stop there once I knew he was fine.
But, he wasn't fine ever since joining that school
And I could never knew about what was going on.
I failed.
I couldn't tear the picture, wanted to erase the memory so that I can get rid of the weight of it. But I knew I can't do either of them, so I slowly placed the picture back in my sketchbook.
"Serra, Morning!" Faisal hollered spotting me, once I was out of the room, waking up with my messy hair and big tee having a quote 'I am not lazy, I am physically conservative' .
I woke up late like finally!! at last was able to sleep without having an alarm bursting at 5 am.
It was 11am now, I rarely slept too long. And I was groggy..
"Gorgeous" Dhruv complimented dryly, glancing at me when I passed by him and dropped on the couch like a sack of potato. I thought waking up late would make me active but it was the opposite.
"Graceful too" Dhruv continued, "someone is after my heart today!" he mocked.
I glared up at him with one eye. He cocked his eyebrow, while holding the juice carton in a drinking pose. With Come on, fight me? Look.
"Alright alright! Kids settle down we gotta discuss about our plans for today," Faisal spoke coming between us before I threw one of my flip flops Dhruv's way.
"Wait what plans?? And where are others?" I asked, shuffling up in a sitting position then looking around for-
"Sahil and Soumya are out on a romantic date"Faisal replied, cruelly making a heart with his hands.
"Oh" I whispered, felt my heart dropping down in response.
I got up tiredly then sighed,"anyway you guys carry on I am going to sleep" I told them slowly making my way back to the room, deciding I will lie there in my bed under the blankets untill Zombie apocalypse happens.
"So Ms. Newton came here to sleep, eat and repeat?" Dhruv said with a disapproving look.
What was his problem?
I gritted my teeth keeping the plate of my breakfast loudly on the table,"I, for sure haven't come here to argue pointlessly with a JERK! And shut it already with Ms. Newton!"
Dhruv remained unfazed just looked around, clueless then shook his head at Faisal, "Faisal you are definitely not in Ms. Newton's good books"
Faisal fake cried rubbing his eyes with his fists
"Biker!' I warned Dhruv counting backwards, "don't provoke me!"
"Or what? " He asked sounding bored while his eyes were glittering with interest. He ran a hand through his wavy hair, when I continued trying to look intimidating. I noticed he was in a white shirt and black jeans today, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing dark ink covering his left forearm with veins and sturdiness from workout made it look like an artwork. I dragged my eyes up to his button up shirt that had a skull locket in chain around his neck.
gotta admit, the boy knows how to carry himself well.
"Take a picture it will last longer," Dhruv suggested rolling his eyes.. Faisal offered his mobile, smiling.
I snapped out of it, "I wasn't staring at you!" I lied through my teeth.
"Calm down Ms.Newton I am not holding it against you, you can stare at me all you want" he said kindly. As if to prove his point he advanced towards me.
My eyes widened I shifted backwards freaked out shouting, "stay there, okay! I don't want to stare at you! you are really not worth it"
He continued moving without paying any heed to my excuses, he then leaned on reaching me all the while holding my eyes without even a blink.
My hands fumbled back on the table to find something to defend myself against him. I squirmed when he literally towered over me with his huge frame and me being just little old me tripped back striking against the table that was right behind me I hate tables! he caught me instantly by my waist then raised his hand, I shut my eyes angling my face away holding my breath in dreadful anticipation.
"You are so easily flustered, Ms. Newton" he complained, withdrawing away tossing the apple he got from the table, he caught it swiftly and whirled around swaggering back with no care.
I breath out deflating then narrowed my eyes at him then at my plate with breakfast, bowl of cereal and I grabbed it and before I knew what I was doing. I jogged towards him and dumped the contents on his head.
I froze on realising my actions late.
I took a step back while Faisal clicked photos of Dhruv, he was so enjoying the show munching on the packet of chips.
Dhruv stayed still.
Dangerously still.
Then turned around all of a sudden scaring the life out of me. I yelped shrinking back almost falling.
His hair was dripping with milk and cereal stuck, face happened to cover less damage because milk didn't leave a blemish on his pale skin rather it shone highlighting his cheekbones. And that was turning red with anger. I guess.
The actual sign and my time to leave.
"Sorry, I am not sorry" I said sheepishly.
"That's the first time" he spoke glaring at me,"someone dared to cross me"
"I am honoured"I said, stepping back quickly then turned to rush and hide in my room but he clasped my arm immediately before I could implement and spoke from behind me in my ear,"be prepared for the outcome," he paused deliberately shaking his hair on me dropping the milk and all the stuff. I cringed elbowing him,"right now" he completed, lifting me and throwing me like I weighed nothing on his back.
I screamed while Faisal waved a good-bye."it was nice knowing you Serra!"
I yelled, protesting hitting his back with my fists. "Put me down you jerk!!"
I sulked down inspecting my fingers for any sign of suds.
"So like I was telling about the plan for today before you kids started-
"Just cut it out, dude" Dhruv interrupted Faisal, sounding annoyed.
I glared at him, he glared back at me from across to where he was leaning against the door with folded arms. His hair was wet and combed to one side and he was back to black graphic t shirt again.
He made me wash his hair and his shirt, I tried to say to him, why don't you just buzz off biker!? but he carried me back to the bathroom like a caveman and jerk he was. When I agreed or he made me agreed (after series of throwing things him dodging each time) at last to wash his hair and his shirt which wasn't even that spoiled!, he nagged all the time how wrong I was doing it and didn't even know the basic. I need to learn to do things besides being physically conservative. I was a bookworm, noob and worst washerwoman of the history.
"We are going out to start searching for Selena the reason we are here for" Faisal continued ignoring the enmity in the air.
I sat alert at Selena.
Dhruv too now appeared focussed.
"Yes," Faisal nodded getting the desired attention. He paced up and down with a thinking face in the room.
"How are we gonna do that?" I asked, keeping my voice steady
"You tell us, you are Ms. Newton among us" Dhruv countered back,looking serious and suspicious.
"I?" I blurted.
Faisal looked at me,"Sahil is least concerned about Selena right now because he wasn't the one who was held under supervision, it was us. Me and Dhruv. So, I don't think so he would be a great help though we can't trust him. We have to find her before he does"
I asked, "why's that?" I wanted to ask more about under the supervision thing
It was Dhruv who answered,
"Because worst could happen if he finds out Selena before us, the one thing that Aarav loved the most yep not his passion, his dreams but Selena. And Sahil will destroy her, he would stop at nothing believe me it would be worse than being sent behind bars"
I chewed my lip with terror and disbelief.
"So Serra what do you say from where we start the hunting for Selena?"Faisal asked, interested for my answer.
"St.Xavier" I said the first thing that flashed in my mind. The long corridor, the music room, the cursed school ruined my Aarav's life.
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