chapter 7
"Sara, I told you last time we were separated," Callie spoke gently, thinking back to the last time that Sara and her had shared a dramatic reunion. "I'll always come back to you."
They kissed once more as they realised that this was really happening. Sara laughed slightly as Callie squeaked in surprise at the sudden kiss attack that she had sprung on her.
In the background, Oliver knew that the couple would have plenty of time to continue with their reunion later - but there were more pressing matters at hand. He cleared his throat, a smile on his face as his childhood friends both turned around to look at them with shared smiles.
"Now, Callie, I think we've got a long conversation to get started on."
"So I thought I'd surprise you guys, but when I got to the loft none of you were in," Callie told Oliver as everyone gathered in the medical bay while Cailtin, Stein and Cisco ran tests on the girl. They wanted to make sure that nothing else had been done to her that was going to potentially danger them in the future.
Oliver shrugged, the rest of them having already figured this out. Sara lovingly was looking at Callie from across the room, trying to keep herself from getting in the way of the scientists as they continued to check on the physical condition of their friend.
"Then they just jumped out, clocked me over the head and that was that," Callie informed them, realising that she was forgetting the major detail - who "they" were.
Barry furrowed his eyebrows, going in to ask more about the whole situation. Unfortunatey for them all, Felicity came jogging in with Cisco on her tail. The two techs were out of breath from the speed they had ran through to the room with.
"We know what they're trying to get!" Felicity told them, causing the rest of the teams to all jump into action. Callie blinked a few seconds longer than the rest, trying to let her brain jump into the action the way it used to. Three years of being away from the teams, her team, had certainly taken a little bit of a toll on her. They all started moving quickly, darting around the room and taking part in fast paced conversations.
"We can't all go," Alex and Sara both declared at the same time, the two sharing an awkward look before the red-head stuttered and blushed slightly, not meeting Sara or Callie's eyes. Callie furrowed her brow slightly as she caught the look that was shared between the two but she shoved it to the back of her mind as the rest continued their conversations.
"Team leaders?" Iris suggested, not liking the idea of sending Barry out against an enemy they still weren't sure of but she knew that he was more suited than her little brother or any of their team was to handle an unknown threat. Oliver let out a rough mumble of agreement as he turned to look at Kara, the alien nodding in agreement.
As the room fell silent, everyone turned to look at Sara to see what she was going to do. The blonde tilted her head slightly as she pursed her lips.
"I know it's a serious situation, but I'd really like to sit this one out," Sara informed everyone. She was expecting at least one comment from someone about how there wasn't any time for her to take a step back but no negativity came near her. It was as if everyone understood that while the end of the world might have been on their doorstep Callie and Sara deserved a moment to be reunited without everyone watching them.
Callie watched everyone move out of the room, the only person staying behind being the blonde that she still hadn't had a moment alone with since she discovered exactly what Earth she had travelled to with the Nazi versions of themselves.
The blonde smiled, walking across the room to stand in front of where Callie had been sitting perched on cabinet beside the medical sink in the room. She was rubbing slightly at a small cut across the top of her face that Caitlin had just finished stitching up for her.
Dabbing at the dried blood on her neck with a damp towel, Callie smiled softly as Sara walked closer until the sides of her body were lightly touching Callie's kneecaps. The raven-haired girl almost laughed as she realised she was the same height as Sara even when she was sitting on the cabinet.
"Why didn't you go with them?" Callie asked Sara softly, the blonde having reached out and taken the damp towel from her hand and placing it in the sink beside them. Sara smiled just as softly back, the familiar twinkle in her eyes back now that they had been reunited.
"I told you a long time ago that I would always be with you - no matter what," Sara said, the exact moment that she was talking about crossing Callie's mind as the words echoed in her head. It had been in a situation just like the one they were currently in. Callie had been dabbing a cut as she sat on the counter when Sara had comforted her.
"Our first kiss," Callie interrupted, a slight gleam in her eyes from where a tear had built up as she became overwhelmed with emotion from the memory. A lot had changed in them both since that day but they knew that their love stayed the same.
"That was the moment I knew we were meant to be together," Sara told Callie, running her hand through the girl's raven hair as she leaned in, connecting their lips just like they had done in the bathroom on the Waverider all those years (in Callie's case) ago.
Just as they pulled back, Callie raised an eyebrow as she titled her head playfully at Sara. She had came to a conclusion during the conversations about who was going to go and confront the Earth-X attackers.
"So," Callie asked playfully as she had a soft smirk on her face. "When were you going to mention that you slept with Kara's sister?"
Callie leaned into Sara as they leaned against the wall beside the elevator. The blonde had her back pressed against the console as they shared a passionate kiss, getting caught up in the moment as they waited for the lift to arrive. Iris had told the raven-haired girl that there were some clothes that she could borrow for the time being in one of the rooms upstairs instead of wearing her Nazi issued costume.
The two girls broke apart just as the lift dinged, Callie moving to step into the lift without looking to see that someone had just been stepping out of it. Smacking into each other, Callie groaned slightly as she stumbled back into Sara. The blonde caught her easily, helping her to regain her balance while the other person stumbled on their words.
Callie felt a laugh escape her throat as she realised just who was standing in front of her and was blushing furiously red at the situation. Sara also had slightly turned red, both of the women uncomfortable with what was happening.
"Well, well, well..." Callie joked, crossing her arms playfully as she smirked at the two women.
"Hey! Callie! Sara! Wow! Hey!" Alex blurted, her mouth rambling frantically as she realised the situation she was currently in.
"Hey," Sara answered smoothly, her face still red but she was finding this a lot easier than she expected. "How are you?"
"Um, well, punching Nazis, that was definitely as satisfying as I imagined it would be," Alex sighed, her mind changing direction as she noticed how the two women had fallen back instantly into being deeply in love with each other. It made her think of Maggie, thoughts that she had been repressing springing straight back into her mind.
Callie furrowed her eyes as she noticed the sudden change in the woman, nudging Sara slightly to reword her wuestion.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Oh, me? No. I'm-- I'm fi--I'm ok," Alex began to ramble, Callie and Sara both finding themselves wearing matching smirks as they eyed the woman. Alex knew that she would be lying if she said that the couple didn't intimidate her, and it wasn't just the fact that they were both assassins but the fact that they were attractive and they knew it. "I'm completely ok. I'm ok, ok
There was a pause as they all nodded before Callie and Sara entered the lift without another word. Just before the doors closed, Sara turned around with a little click in her tongue as she looked back to Alex.
"This isn't gonna be a thing, right?"
"Yeah. No, no, I'm--I'm ok. I'm good."
The doors closed, leaving Callie to blink a few times at the situation they had just found themselves in.
"You know something?" She asked Sara, turning to face the blonde as she snapped her fingers. "I feel a bit like that part in that Grey's episode where Derek and his women are all in the lift at the same time and I'm Mark Sloan?" Sara rolled her eyes, barely paying any attention to Callie. "Also, don't you think that Alex looks really similar to Lexie?"
Sara moved her head from side to side as she contemplated it. "You know, Ray said that but I don't really see it."
"Yeah, you're right," Callie agreed, her lips pursing together. "They don't really look THAT similar I guess."
"I take it back. The bottom line is that we have to catch these parallel-earth goose-steppers."
Callie and Sara entered the room at this moment, both of them wearing a fresh pair of clothes as they tuned into the conversation that the rest had been having while they were out of the room. A sudden thought flew across her mind as she watched everyone trying to figure out who and where the Earth X versions of their leaders were.
"Guys, I've just realised I've left out some major information..." Callie started to say but was cut off as Barry entered the room. They had returned from trying to stop the evil versions of themselves from getting the red prism but they had failed after requiring to stop a building from falling to the ground.
"Yeah, you really did," Barry huffed, knowing that it wasn't Callie's fault that she had been too overwhelmed by everything. "This might help."
Holding out a green tipped arrow in his hand, everyone narrowed their eyes as they tried to figure out why there was blood coating the one arrow that was only intended for one person - who just so happened to be a member of their teams.
"Is that a kryptonite arrow?" Alex asked, pain present in her eyes as she reached out to take it from his hands. She knew what effect something like that would do to her sister and the blood on the tip along with her absence wasn't giving her any good vibes.
"I know I shouldn't have to ask this question, but I have to ask this question. Oliver didn't shoot Kara, did he?" Felicity rushed out, her eyes concerned as Callie winched slightly as she knew that they were all about to find out why her time in Earth-X had really been hell.
"Sort of. The other Archer and flying woman are Oliver and Kara of Earth-X."
The room fell silent as they all processed this information. There was about a pause of three seconds before everyone turned to look at Callie in shock with this information, especially when they knew that she had been living with them for three of her years.
"When you said that Earth-X was horrible, you might have undersold it," Cailtin told Wells, noticing how Callie had shut her eyes as she found herself re-living the moment that she too had found out who they were.
"Wait a minute. How--how could there be another Kara?"
"Well, there are 53 karas, just like there's 53 Kryptons and 53 Earths - hence how they got away with replacing a dead version of Miss Merlyn with herself," Wells explained, looking over at where the girl was still emotional. Sara was watching her, but she knew better than to touch her when she was pacing.
"And the Thawne from our earth is working with them," Barry finished.
"Ok, if that arrow has not-so-Supergirl's blood on it, we could..." Felicity started but her train of thought was carried off by Cailtin.
"We could track it using quantum analysis. We could."
They all nodded before Alex interrupted the rest of them. "Hey, guys, I think I might have a quicker way. These red blood cells are suffused with shortwave radiation."
"Solar radiation?"
"Yeah, incredibly high amounts. Like nothing I've ever seen."
"Icarus." Callie mumbled, memories coming back to her. She had tried to forget a lot of the things that had happened in that Earth but this one was suddenly sticking out to her.
"What?" Felicity asked as she was concerned her friend really had lost the plot.
"She flew too close to the sun," Callie said, a little louder and with a lot more confidence. She was no longer pacing and she had moved to stand next to Alex so that she could see the screen.
"Can you track it?"
"Well, I once caught a deranged serial killer off his face cream, so..." Felicity started but trialed off as she realised they were all squinting at her. "No joke."
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