chapter 36
It was like clockwork. A well oiled machine where with every move Callie Merlyn made, Damien Darhk countered in just as fluid movements. The rest of the team were still all knocked out from their attempts to fight Darhk but Callie wasn't going to stop. She knew that she should be going after Nora but her sight was simply red as she focused on Damien, knowing that the man would never truly be sorry for all that he had done to her.
Just as she lunged for the man again, a loud roar echoed throughout the room and caused the both of them to stumble slightly as the rest of the team all seemed to raise to their feet around the sparring duo. Sara was the first to dash outside with Darhk hot on her heels to see what the noise was - even though they all knew exactly what it was going to be.
Callie took once glance at Ray before dashing out of the tent with the rest of the team, her mouth dropping open as she followed Darhk's line of sight to see Nora - or rather, what Nora had became. She had seen plenty of surreal things during her time with the Legends and Team Arrow but this was... something else entirely.
"No," Darhk breathed, a hand flying to his mouth as he looked at what his daughter had became.
Callie had never felt bad for the man, but she felt the smallest ping of sympathy as she looked at the winged creature that stood directly in front of them all with its wings extended and a snarl on his face. Sara gripped her wrist lightly, knowing that neither of them had ever seen a threat this big before in their entire lives.
"Mallus is taller than I thought," Ray told them all, Callie snorting at the understatement of the century. When she knew they were fighting with a demon from hell, she expected it to be like eight foot tall but certainly not eighty. To be quite frank, she wasn't even sure how they were going to go about fighting the demon when they barely reached its kneecaps.
"My name is Malice, you fools."
Everyone paused for a second as they exchanged confused glances, having been so sure that they were saying the demon's name right the entire time. Weird thing for them to have been bothered about, but after all their priorities never had been quite on point when it came to saving the world - and that's what made them legends.
"I knew it! Sounds way cooler," Nate told them all, jogging over with the earth totem hanging off his neck. Callie had a quick glance around to see the totems on her friends necks with a small flash of hope settling in her stomach before Mallus - or Malice - got their attention again.
"Hand over the totems, or I will lay waste to your world!"
Callie jumped slightly as Amaya brushed past her, storming directly towards the demon with a powerful stance on her body. She almost groaned as the woman challenged him, knowing that they were severely under equipped and unprepared to try and fight the demon.
"You want the totems? Come and get them."
Mallus obviously took that as an invitation, letting out a loud primal screech as he flapped his wings and started hovering closer towards them with the intent to literally rip them to pieces. Callie fell into place behind Sara as the blonde moved her backwards as the rest of the team started using their powers - Wally attempted to trap Mallus in his spot by running at the speed of light around him, while Zari started shooting her waves of wind towards him too. Ray, Nate and Mick all started throwing their elements at the demon too.
Callie flinched as Amaya was slapped backwards by the demon, rushing to the woman's aid at the same time as Nate. She grabbed her arm as she helped her to her feet, Nate also holding on to her other side as he attempted to help the woman get back up too. Meeting eyes with Sara, Callie knew instantly what the blonde woman needed to do to protect her team and their chances of saving the world.
"All right, everyone fall back. Rip, we're gonna need a evac. We're in over our heads here," Sara said, touching her ear as she activated the comms to the British man that was waiting on the Waverider for them. Callie still wasn't any happier about his presence but she knew that if it meant stopping Mallus and potentially Darhk at the same time then she couldn't really complain much.
"If my read of the situation is correct, what you need is a miracle," Rip told her back, causing Callie to roll her eyes dramatically and consider punching the man the next time that she saw him. She was getting fed up of his sarcasm and lack of help. "I'm going to buy you some time."
Sara nodded, turning around and motioning for the next of the team to follow her as they began to attempt to escape from the angry Mallus. The last thing they needed was for the demon to be able to get all of the totems and cause complete world annihilation.
"Wally, can you please create a distraction?" Callie asked as they all rushed back, the boy looking to her as he nodded in agreement. The boy had thought a lot differently of her since first meeting her and they had started to make an incredible friendship.
"Got it," Wally replied, disappearing from their side in a flash of yellow and red. Callie smiled briefly at the colours before continuing to rush forward. Nate looked at them all as he, Zari and Amaya ran at the back of the pack, shouting up to the rest of them to voice the exact thoughts that they all had been having.
"I'm starting to think letting Mallus out of his cage was a bad idea!"
"Gideon, get me eyes on Rip," Sara told the AI as they all rushed into the bridge, very aware that Rip was no longer on board. Callie had a sudden overwhelming feeling that his distraction was about to be more than just that, and she was slightly overcome with guilt for ever thinking lowly of the man when she had a piercing idea of what he was about to do.
"I have a visual, Captain."
They all watched as Rip crouched down near Mallus to open a box, Callie's eyes widening as she caught on to what the man's plan was: it was nothing but a suicide mission in her eyes.
"What the hell is he doing?"
"Rip disengaged time drive, making it unstable. When it reaches critical mass, it will consume Mallus," Gideon informed them all, with the team all realising exactly his plan at the same time. Sara grabbed Callie's hand for a brief second and the raven haired girl wondered if this is what it must have felt like ever time they watched her try to sacrifice herself for the team.
"And Rip," Sara breathed, her eyes widening slightly as she thought about the plan.
"Gideon, time-jump us out of here," Zari told the AI, knowing that they certainly didn't want to be around for when the time drive reached critical mass and took out not just Rip and Mallus but themselves too.
"She can't," Callie and Sara said at the same time before Callie motioned for her wife to continue with their explanation. "Rip has our time drive."
"Yes, but there is another one," Gideon interrupted, causing Zari's eyes to widen as she looked at them all.
"On the Jumpship."
"Wally?" Sara asked, while the boy zoomed away knowing exactly what she was about to ask of him. "Gideon, put me through to Rip. Rip?"
"I'm a little busy at the moment, Sara."
"Look, you didn't tell us that you were buying us time with your life."
"Listen carefully. This gambit will not kill Mallus. It will only delay him long enough for you to make an escape," Rip told them, no fear in his voice as he addressed the blonde captain that had accepted his mantle years prior.
"There has to be another way!" Sara argued, while Callie rested her hand on Sara's forearm, knowing that the woman was going to beat herself up for this loss. While Callie might not have ever clicked with the man, he had been Sara's mentor and friend for a long time - even if they hadn't always been on the best of terms.
"No, there isn't. It's all right, Sara. I should very much like to see my wife and son again. I will miss you, Captain Lance... you and the rest of the Legends. My one hope is that you all live up to that name."
Sara leaned back into Callie's embrace, wiping at a tear on her face as she watched Rip's heroic sacrifice unfold infant of her very own eyes. Zari wasn't as tearful as the others since she didn't really know the man but she knew that they all had deep history with him the same way that they all had deep history with Callie that she was only just starting to learn more about.
"Captain Lance, the time drive is reaching critical mass."
"Can we jump?" Callie asked, knowing that Sara was trying to gather her thoughts together at what was happening in front of them.
"Ms. Tomaz has finished making repairs. We have 15 seconds."
"Good-bye," Rip's voice rang through the speakers, Callie scrunching her nose slightly as she felt her own eyes water slightly. Wrapping her arms around Sara, she pulled the blonde into a tight hug.
"Good-bye, Captain," Sara said, blinking for a moment before wiping at her eyes and composing herself for the benefit fo the team. "Gideon, get us out of here."
"You don't drink," Mick grunted from the steps as Ray took the glass of whiskey from his hands, pouring himself one with a crushed look on his face.
"Yeah, well, we lost Rip," Ray replied, slumping down on the arm of the chair that Callie and Sara both rested in. The raven haired girl knew that the blonde was grieving how they were trained to by the League, but she knew that Sara would need time to properly process it once this was all done.
"Okay, somebody's got to say it, so I'm gonna say it," Nate said, looking at how Callie was curled into their captain who was yet to actually say anything about the death of her predecessor. The blonde was clutching her own glass of whiskey in her hands and they all knew she could handle the drink very well.
"This is all our fault."
"Apparently I'm not gonna say it, but, yeah, we let Mallus out," Nate pointed out after Zari interrupted him. The team all failed to make eye contact with each other as they all sat around the Captains bridge in despair and grief.
"Well, whose stupid idea was it to fight him with some magic necklaces?" Mick pointed out, tugging at the totem around his neck as he tried to hide his own grief at the man dying. He might have pretended not to care, but the Brit had been growing on him ever since he stepped foot on the ship.
"It wasn't the totems that failed. It was us," Amaya told them all, her unwavering faith for the totems causing Callie to grit her teeth. She knew the woman was right but she hated having to watch the team attempt to master something that had taken the other woman years to master in less than a tenth of the time that she did.
"Yeah, we might want to rethink that whole, "We screw up things for the better," motto."
Callie snorted slightly as she took a sip out of her glass, still not looking up at the rest of the team. "I mean, has that ever really been a great choice in motto anyway?"
"Okay," Nate sighed, knowing that if anyone had any idea on what they would do now that it would be Sara Lance. "So, what's the plan, Captain?"
Sara squeezed Callie's hand as she looked up at the rest of them, playing with the glass in her other hand as she tried to focus on the task at hand. She knew that the team needed to follow her lead to get through this and she also knew that there was plenty of time for her to cry once this was all over and everyone was safe.
"All I know is that Rip gave his life so that we could take the totems somewhere that Mallus can't find them," Sara said with a sigh, before her grasp on Callie's hand tightened as she shot up with a moment of pure realisation. "So that's what we're gonna do."
"And where is that?" Zari asked, knowing that a plan had obviously just formed in Sara's mind. The blonde was staring at Callie and almost by magic it was as if her wife had formed the exact same thought that she had too.
"The Old West," Callie murmured, causing everyone to shoot up too and turn to look at the couple in amazement at themselves not having had the same thoughts too.
"Salvation, North Dakota. It's basically a temporal blind spot," Ray told her, with Amaya furrowing her eyebrows behind him as she thought over the suggested plan that was forming in front of her own eyes.
"Wait a sec, we just unleashed an ancient time demon who's about to lay waste to all of history, and our plan is to hide?"
"Yes, it is," Sara agreed, nodding her head slightly as she watched Callie try to hide a small smile at the chaotic energy that they all seemed to thrive in these days. She looked up for a second before speaking to the Waverider's AI. "Gideon, plot a course."
"Everyone gather your cowboy boots, we're going to a rodeo," Callie told them, watching as they all turned to look at her with an unimpressed look. Sara smiled into her shoulder before rolling her eyes and patting her back as they all started to leave the room without saying a word. Callie pouted for a second as she sat her glass down, unamused that no one got hyped from her one line. "What, no response?"
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