chapter 35
"So, do any of these flashing screens actually do anything?" Damien asked as they stood in the Waverider bridge, trying to act like he wasn't even the slightest bit unnerved by Camilla Merlyn standing in the corner of the room, her hand resting on the gun attached to her hip. He knew he would be able to stop the bullet, but he would be lying if he said the girl didn't scare him slightly since she had managed to kill him before.
"Focus, Damien," Sara snapped, her eyes glancing over to Callie for the shortest second before looking back at the man who was looking around the ship in amusement. "How do we capture your demon daughter?"
"Um," Rip started talking, and Callie almost wondering if her bullet would be more useful inside the man instead of Damein. Rip had constantly pitted the team against each other and used them for his own gain time and time again, and she would be lying if she said the man didn't anger her. "If we coordinate a strike between the Legends and the Time Bureau, we might be able to take her down."
"How did that work for you in Victorian London?" Damien questioned, rolling his eyes as he looked between them all. "Besides, my little angel's only gotten more powerful since."
"Well your little angel will need put down if we can't get Mallus out of her, so I'd suggest you start being a lot more helpful if you don't want me to kill another Darhk," Callie told Damien, moving from where she had been standing in the corner of the bridge to fall into place beside Ray. The scientist had paled slightly at her words, and the rest of the team all shared looks knowing that while Callie was jumping the gun she was right - if they couldn't get Mallus out of Nora they would probably need to kill them both.
"What if we just ask Nora nicely? I did have a bit of a connection with her in Berlin..." Ray started, causing everyone - especially Damien - turn to look at him with a ridiculous look on their faces. Surely Ray wasn't suggesting what they all thought he was. "Not that kind."
"All right, maybe she'll listen to her dear old dad," Sara suggested, getting more frustrated by the conversation as it went on.
"Not anymore. Nora only listens to Mallus now. He's always in her ear."
"That's it!" Ray exclaimed, even making Callie jump at little at how sudden it was. She knew a lot of her assassin traits had slowly been getting rusty since joining the team and they somehow always seemed to catch her by surprise these days. "What if I got inside Nora? Not like that. What if I shrunk down, flew into her ear and pretended to be Mallus?"
Everyone all shared thoughtful looks as Damien looked frantically between everyone trying to see if they were being serious or toying with him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he studied the shared look between Callie and Sara which seemed to almost feel like the two were both thinking the same thing.
"Okay, new guy on the team here. Is that a joke plan or a real plan?" Damien asked, noticing that Ava and Rip shared the same fed up expression that he wore. He sighed deeply as he noticed the Legends hadn't confirmed it was a joke which most likely meant they were being serious.
"We are so screwed," Ava muttered, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Callie shot her an annoyed look as the agent avoided looking at the raven haired girl. She was well aware that Sara and Ava had fallen out, but she didn't think that Ava should be brushing aside suggestions that she knew the team would actually consider just because she was upset about the whole 'being a clone' thing.
"No, this could work," Callie spoke firmly, everyone turning to look at her as she looked across to Sara who slowly nodded in agreement.
Sara snapped her fingers, catching on to her wife's train of thought. "We just have to convince her that it's actually him."
"This is how you would serve your city. You would risk its utter ruin. That's it. I did what I judged to be right. What you judged to be right? You sent the Ring of Power into Mordor, in the hands of a witless halfling!"
Everyone immediately stopped talking as they heard the voice ring throughout the bridge, Callie and Sara's heads instantly snapping round to the source of the sound while everyone else looked around in confusion. It sounded almost identical to Mallus' voice, and Callie found herself almost letting out a startled laugh when she realised that it was coming from the film that Mick was watching.
"Whoa, the vocal similarity to Mallus is uncanny," Rip spoke, before Mick yelled at him to shut up. Sara rolled her eyes at the man before shouting out the ship's AI.
"Gideon? Who is that actor?"
"And how can we get him without dealing with his agent?"
While Ray went out to try and convince John Noble to record some lines that he would use against Nora, Callie and Sara had stayed on board the Waverider to make sure that Damien Darhk didn't escape their sight. They had been taking it in turns to keep an eye on him, and Sara had sent Callie to go get herself something to eat while she took over on Darhk Watch as they had dubbed it.
They had managed to capture Nora on board, but the girl wasn't exactly resembling herself at all anymore. She had thick black veins running across her face and her eyes shone a deep red that would make anyone shiver at the very sight of.
"You must be enjoying this, seeing your nemesis with a broken heart," Darhk told Sara as he watched the girl from the corner of his eyes.
"I didn't know you had a heart to break," Sara told him as he turned around to look at her, a hard look in her eyes as she stared straight back at him with no emotion. "Where was it the night you murdered my sister?"
"Look, what I did was unforgivable. But back then, I hadn't loved anyone enough to understand the pain that I caused," Damien told her, knowing that he needed to get her on his side enough so that she wouldn't try and murder him as soon as the plan went sideways. "Not that it's any comfort, but if I could take it all back, I would."
"We all have regrets but we can't undo the things that we've done," Sara spoke firmly, not giving any emotions away as she continued to stare at him with her piercing gaze. She knew that she had many regrets that she wished she could undo but she also knew that that wasn't how the world worked.
"True," Damien agreed before trying to spin the conversation slightly. "But even the worst of us can be made whole again. You, for example. League to Legend to killer to captain. That's not a bad makeover, is it?"
"It's not good enough."
"Why? Because you put on the Death Totem and almost killed your entire team? Because you've repeated put your dear Camilla into harms way?" Darhk pushed, his voice a little harder as he tried to get through her tough resolve. He knew Callie would never forgive herself for what she had done, and he knew Sara was the same.
"But you didn't kill them, did you? And you know why? The same reason I'm spilling my guts to a woman who's imagined my death 1,000 times over," Damien continued, his voice raising with slight desperation as he continued his speech to the blonde who had yet to take her eyes off him for a split second.
"More like 10,000," Sara shrugged, trying to act like she wasn't really listening to what he was saying. She would never have any amount of respect for the man no matter what he was to say to her at all. Using Callie's name in his speech had only made her hatred for the man a lot deeper but she couldn't show that yet as they still needed his help.
"Love! Sara. 'Cause without it, people like us, we're left alone with the darkness. That's not good for anyone, is it?"
"So you're working with Damien Darhk?" Amaya asked them all after Sara had finished explaining the plan they had came up with that would hopefully save Amaya's village and stop Mallus once and for all. Callie shrugged slightly as the woman looked to her, knowing that if Callie was agreeing to the plan then it was obviously their last resort.
"Please, don't rub it in," Sara told her, with a soft eye roll as they stood around the control panel again. Callie was thinking that she might as well just permanently stay in the bridge these days as they seemed to spend all of their time making up new plans in there.
"And you're letting him wield the Death Totem," Amaya continued, double checking that she had heard the plan correctly. She would never have thought about letting the man wield a totem but she knew this was truly desperation in play.
"In order to do justice for someone I love" Darhk spoke, making them all roll their eyes as they turned to look at him. Callie had almost forgot that he was standing in the same room as them as he'd kept his childish taunts to a minimum. "Sure you can understand that."
"Thankfully that is our only similarity," Amaya told him, narrowing her eyes before sharing an eye roll with Callie who hummed in agreement at her displeasure towards the man.
"So, who gets Earth? Who gets Water?" Wally asked, a small part of him hoping that he would be offered one of the totems even though he was very aware it was rather unlikely that he or Callie were going to be offered any. Callie had already expressed her disapproval of receiving a totem before and he was the least experienced on the team when it came to carrying out Legends plans.
"Well, as a man of steel, which is an element, I always felt a strong connection to the earth," Nate started, making everyone turn to look at him in disbelief as he began his lie.
"Actually, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon," Ray interrupted. Nate shot him a quick look before continuing on, acting as if the scientist hadn't correct him at all.
"Also, I've watched every single episode of "Planet Earth" on Blu-ray, and I was only stoned all of the time. Can I just please have the damn totem? Thank you."
Sara threw the totem to Nate, her hand resting on the water totem as she looked around at the rest of them, waiting to see who would have a claim for the water totem. "And Water? Anyone?"
As soon as Ray started talking to them about water, Sara put her hand on her head while Callie and Amaya shared exasperated looks, wondering why the men wouldn't just ask for the totem instead of giving these long and wasteful speeches about why the totem was important.
"Actually, water is really powerful. It... it's crucial to life on Earth. And did you know that we are made up of 60% water? If..."
"All right, I think we get it. Take a totem," Amaya cut him off, not wanting to stand here all day when she had a village to save.
"Oh, I wasn't making a pitch for one."
"Just take the totem!" Sara and Callie both yelled at the same time, sharing a small smile between each other as Ray moved across the room to pick up the water totem with a grin on his face at the concept.
"All right, so is there, like, an instruction manual? A YouTube video?" Nate asked them all, playing with the green gem that rested around his neck. Callie poked it slightly with her finger, sniggering as the man slapped her hand away in fake annoyance.
"You better figure it out. Warlords are coming, and that means Mallus is about to make his debut."
Callie watched as they all moved into action, an empty feeling in her stomach that their plan was certainly not going to work out how they hoped - but then again, what was a Legend's plan if it ever did?
"This place has been sacred to my people since the dawn of time. The totems will be strongest here," Amaya told them all as they stood in the hut in Zambesi, Callie not sure why she was there when she didn't have a totem but knowing that she'd at least maybe be able to help out with the Warlords if needed.
"Well, they'd better be, 'cause mine's not turning on," Nate told them all as they watched a bound and possessed Nora fight against the restraints that had been put on her. Callie wasn't sure why she was feeling so nauseous at this plan but she couldn't help but feel like there was something they had missed. Giving Sara's hand a squeeze as gunshots and shouting began in the distance, they all knew that it was time to begin.
"It's time."
"As soon as Esi defeats the warlords, our fight against Mallus begins," Amaya confirmed, sending Callie a nod as the girl lifted her crossbow so that she was holding it at firing height. Her and Wally moved backwards slightly, allowing everyone with a totem to have a little more room for when they'd need to start channeling the powers. Sara stayed alongside the bearers, not wanting to let her team down.
"Should we help your daughter?"
"Esi's got this."
As the shouts outside got slightly quieter, Callie and Wally shared a glance as the rest got into more defensive stances. She watched as Nora groaned and grunted on the ground in her magic chamber, before her eyes furrowed.
"Looks like it's time to meet our monster."
"Or our maker."
"I'm not dying today," Mick told them all, his arms crossed as he waited on the signal to go ahead. Callie smiled at him, before looking at the backs of everyone else.
"None of us are dying today," she told them all firmly, knowing that they couldn't afford to lose anyone else. The team had been through so much since they were formed, and Callie was refusing to let them go through losing someone again.
As soon as the words left her mouth, Nora threw her head backwards and let out an ear-piercing screech, making them all grimace in displeasure. She snapped her head to look at them all, grunting in a rhytmatic manner as her red eyes seemed to bore into them all.
"Why isn't she transforming?" Wally asked as he moved slightly closer to Callie's side, knowing that they could protect each other without a totem well. He could always zoom them both out of there or Callie had enough training to protect them both in combat.
"Rip, what gives?" Sara asked in her comm, waiting to hear what the man had to say about it all.
"The historical record is showing that Zambesi's still destroyed."
"That doesn't make any sense. The battle's over. The good guys won," Ray pointed out, but was instantly interrupted by a loud road and screams. The team all looked at each other frantically, but Callie's eyes weren't on the team as they spoke to Rip and tried to understand how their plan failed. Her eyes were staring directly at Damien Darhk who was looking back at her with the slightest of apologetic looks on his face.
"You bastard," she softly spoke, her eyes widening as she began to move towards him. "You released Grodd."
The team who had all just had the same realisation from Rip all turned to look at the scene as Callie lunged towards the man, slamming him into the side of the hut and holding him against the wall as she snarled towards him.
"I had to. She's my daughter," Damien breathed as Callie pressed against him, Sara and the others watching in disbelief as they looked at the man who had managed to trick them yet again. "I need history to run its course."
He slammed his hands against Callie's chest, sending her flying backwards and into Wally. The duo stumbled to the ground as the team all squared up against Darhk, the man also having just thrown Amaya out of the hut and leaving Nate to run out after her body. Sara's head snapped to Callie but once she saw the girl and Wally were getting back up, she turned back around to try and reason with the man.
"Damien, Mallus is coming. This won't save Nora!"
"If there's a chance in hell, I'm gonna take it."
"I'll handle this," Wally said confidently before Callie was able to stop him, rushing towards the man who was already prepared for it. Damien held out his hand, using his powers to slowly drain Wally of all of his energy while choking him in the air. Ray moved slightly, helping Callie get back up to her feet as they watched Damien almost kill Wally before Zari stepped in.
"Always incapacitate your speedster first. That's day one stuff," Damien told them just before Zari let out a blast of air, demanding Damien to let their friend go. Sara kicked his leg, making him drop his hands and Wally with him. The speedster hit the ground, his head smacking against the concrete as he was knocked out straight away.
"I'm warning you, don't stand in my way," Darhk told Sara as the blonde moved to try and take him on. "I was powerful before I had this trinket, but now I'm unstoppable."
"Yeah, we've heard that one before," Sara said as she jumped up to try and drop kick him, but was immediately sent flying backwards with his power. Callie narrowed her eyes as she felt for the knife in her waistband, getting ready for her turn to try and attack the man. She watched as her friends all rushed him at once, leaving them to get hit by his power and falling unconscious too.
"I don't want to kill you. I want to kill them to save my daughter! Why can't you understand that?" Damien roared at them as his attention turned to the sole attacker left to stand in his way: Camilla Merlyn. He quickly spun around, using his foot to release Nora from the prison she was trapped in and sending her on her way before turning back to where Callie was preparing herself to attack him.
He rolled his eyes, knowing that he should have expected this one. It somehow seemed fitting for them to be here, Callie with nothing to lose and Damien with absolutely everything to lose here. It was a complete role reversal of the last time they had battled to the death, and he knew exactly how it had played out then.
"You sure about this?" Damien asked, knowing that he could just shut her up with a wave of his hand, but knowing that it would give Nora more time to get out of the Legends grasps if he fought with the girl for a bit.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life."
so we are coming up to the last few chapters of this story which is sooooo exciting to me cause the whole Callie Merlyn saga has been going on for so long now! Its been hard writing this story in the past year or so as I kinda lost my direction with it, but I'm going to give it the most satisfying ending which I found naturally falls at the end of season 3 - but there will potentially be a bonus chapter of the Crisis storyline which will be quite a big chapter but will round the story off nicely!
hope you liked this chapter!
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