chapter 31
Callie held her head in her hands as she let out a yell of frustration, moving behind Ray and Sara as she peeked between her fingers to see the floating guitar move side to side as if it was taunting them. The ghost that had its hand grasped around the neck faded away again but the guitar continued to move slowly in its hovering spot.
"I'M SORRY BUT WHY IS DEAD ELVIS FREAKING PRESLEY HAUNTING US?" Callie yelled, being ignored by the other two as they tried to figure out what in the world was going on. They'd faced many things in their time, but ghosts weren't a specialty of theirs.
"Whoever you are, just put the guitar down," Ray pleaded, hoping that whatever spirit was here to attack them was friendly. Callie rolled her eyes at the request, knowing that she needed to sit down and make him watch every ghost movie ever if they survive this.
"Doesn't look like he's taking requests," Sara quirked back to Ray, moving her hand behind her to lightly grasp on to Callie's hand to comfort her wife. She knew this was one of Callie's top fears but really she was also just grateful it was seemingly Elvis haunting them and not one of their previous villains.
Ray grimaced at her point, watching as Sara slowly began to move towards the floating guitar after having releasing Callie's hand. The raven haired girl moved so she was standing shoulder to shoulder with Ray, having calmed down ever so slightly from the initial shock of seeing a ghost.
"Maybe the preacher was right about rock and roll," Ray noted, causing Callie to turn to look at him with a quirked eyebrow. "You know what never hurt anyone? A nice show tune."
Callie scoffed, rolling her eyes as she quickly reached up and tied her hair into a tight ponytail with the bobble that was on her wrist. "You clearly never watched Mr Schue on Glee."
Ray shot her a confused look before they both turned their attention back to Sara. They both jumped in surprise as Sara lunged towards the guitar, it narrowly avoiding her grasp and throwing itself across the room. They both shared looks as all three of them began to try and grasp it.
Just as Sara almost reached the guitar, the ghostly figure appeared from the floor and smacked her off her feet and flying into the air. Ray and Callie both yelled out in surprise again, before rushing towards Sara and the guitar. Callie crouched down beside Sara, checking her over quickly to see if she was alright while Ray ran towards the demonic instrument.
"I got it!" He yelled as Callie helped Sara back to her feet quickly, both of them exclaiming in surprise as Ray too was knocked over by the mysterious ghost. Callie almost growled as she felt her fighting instincts kick in as she stalked towards where the guitar had began to hover again.
She lunged for the neck of the guitar, only for it to swing out of her grip and hit her in the back of the neck full on. She yelped in pain as she fell forward, rolling over with a groan as she saw Ray and Sara also fall back on to the floor as the guitar zoomed out of the room.
They all breathed heavily for a moment, looking at each other in shock before Callie let out the thought they were all having.
"Did we seriously just get beat up by A FLYING GUITAR AND A GHOST?"
"All right, so, I talked to Constantine about our totem," Sara told them all, re-entering the bridge where they had all finally managed to catch the guitar after Nate had informed them it was actually being possessed by Elvis' dead twin brother Jesse. Callie hadn't really felt anymore relaxed by this story, but rather took to busying herself by neatly stitching up the cut on the back of her own neck while Ray held the mirror up for her to see. Sara rolled her eyes at her wife showing off their League training before continuing with her sentence.
"He compared it with his notes, and this is what he found."
They all moved over to where Sara had brought the files up on the table. Callie squinted as she tried to make out what exactly the files said, having not gotten as used to reading off the table as the rest of the team were.
"Death Totem?" Zari voiced, her mouth hanging open slightly as she thought about the intensity that that totem must have carried with it. "Pass."
Callie nodded her head in agreement with Zari. She was more than certain that the reason they'd never heard about the death totem was definitely to do with its name - and it wouldn't surprise her if anyone told her that whoever wore the totem was also bound to become a member of the death party too.
"Yeah, whoever wields it has domain over the dead," Sara confirmed, a grimace on her face as she thought about the concept of it. "Which is why we need to keep this totem with us and safe at all times."
"Elvis needs his totem back!" Callie almost groaned at Nate's timing as he and Amaya reentered the room, rolling her eyes at how nothing in this team was ever just as simple as fixing the problem and moving on. It always just seemed that the solution would always have a hundred extra problems attached to it.
"You have no idea what we are dealing with," Sara told Nate, turning around to look at him and Amaya in frustration. The duo stared directly back at her without a since ounce of hesitation that kind of made Callie think that they too had already figured it out.
"The Death Totem? The most volatile of all of the totems lost for eons along with the sixth tribe of Zambezi," Amaya read from the table, a defeated look falling across her face as she read the latter part of the sentence. No-one would have wished that upon anyone. "Maybe they suffered the same fate that's about to befall Memphis."
Nate turned back to face Sara at this, the stupid hat on his head annoying Callie. She knew that it wasn't anything against Nate but she would forever get defensive when any of the team talked to Sara in anything but a happy tone.
"You don't understand."
"No, you don't understand," Callie interrupted Nate, not letting him start whatever spiel he was about to give Sara. Seeing a ghost that looked like a decomposed human being had really been enough for one day. Sara shot her an appreciative look before continuing on.
"We are talking about a Death Totem, and it could turn this whole place into a ghost town!"
"Elvis has a session at Sun Studios. That's where he cuts his first demo. That's how he gets discovered, okay?" Nate tries to explain to Sara who was still adamant that the stone was going to remain on the ship guarded by the team. Callie felt slightly bad for interrupting Nate so quickly however as she finally realised what he was about to say.
"We do not have the time for Elvis to get his groove back."
"Jesse has to be there!" Nate begged Sara, knowing that this needed to happen for history's sake.
"Nathaniel, I understand how important this is to you but we can't give Elvis a totem just to save his music," Amaya pointed out, agreeing with Sara that it wasn't safe to just be giving totems out to anyone and everyone.
"It's not about the music, okay? Rock has inspired many historic milestones. Protests, revolutions, me losing my virginity," Nate said, causing everyone to grimace at the last part. "Elvis doesn't need a totem forever. Just one song that changes the world. Please."
Sara looked between Nate to Amaya to Callie before finally turning back to the historian with a deep sign and a disapproving look on her face. She knew what he was saying was right but she really wished this totem would have been easy to get.
"Fine. You take it to him, you let him record with it, and you stay with it at all times. At all times!"
"We're gathered here in remembrance of our dear friend Axl."
Callie paused as she shared an exhausted look with Sara and Mick. She'd been through a lot already that day and the dead rat was the last thing on her list of importance.
"Oh my god, is he in my shoebox?" She asked, finally realising why Ray had the cardboard box from her newest pair of heels sitting on the table in front of them. She moved away from it slightly, her nose crinkled in disgust as she thought about the dead rat being on the table.
"Right. I'm outta here," Mick told them, rolling his eyes as he turned to walk away from the table.
Sara nodded in agreement, sharing a slight look of disgust with Callie. "I'm with him."
"Wait, you need this. We... we all need this!" Ray yelled, almost begging them to all stay with him for this rat ceremony he wanted to hold. Callie looked good Sara to see what her wife wanted to do, not wanting to break Ray's already fragile heart.
"Fine, but when I mourn, I drink," Sara told them all, walking just past Callie to pick up one of the decanters of whiskey that frequented the office. She poured a glass for all of them, sending Callie a small wink as she made sure to give the raven haired girl a little more than the boys.
Callie rolled her eyes at the blonde but accepted the glass with a small grin on her face before turning back around to face Ray with a more solemn face. While she had never been fond of Axel, she knew that this maybe would be good for Mick to get over his only proper pet.
"Fair enough."
"Charles Dickens once wrote, "Life is made of ever so many partings, welded together." Axl is one such parting. And while we may lose some, they are never really gone. And they certainly can't be replaced. They'll live on in the memories we shared with them and the lessons they taught us. And it is because of that that we can embrace the change," Ray told them all, launching into his speech without any hesitation. Callie downed her whiskey, the drink barely burning her throat after how much of it she had drank to help her sleep during living on Earth-X. "I still remember the first time I met Axl. It was in the vents. I was tiny Atom. He was a big rat. And he tried to eat me. I knew we'd laugh about it one day together."
Ray trailed off, chuckling slightly as the other three stood with unimpressed expressions as Ray gave them a heartfelt speech about a rat Callie thought she'd maybe seen twice the entire time she had lived on the ship. He turned to face Sara with a small smile on his face that they all supposed was meant to be comforting and not creepy like how it came across.
"Sara, I believe it's customary for the Captain to share a few words."
"Oh, no, you... You're doing a great job. Thank you," Sara declined, taking another swing of the whiskey as Callie rubbed at her forehead in pain. All of this nonsense with ghosts and dying rats was beginning to give her a headache.
"Well then, please join me in a chorus of "Sweet Child of Mine'," Ray told them all, his mouth opening as he began to hum. Callie groaned under her breath, sending Sara a look of misery to try and make her wife stop this torture.
"This is making me miss Earth-X," Callie grumbled, causing Mick to snort in agreement. He'd only been there once and it wasn't in his plan to return any time soon either.
"All right, I'll say something!" Sara cut off Ray just before he got into the song, shooting Callie an annoyed look as she tried to rack her brains for something to say about the mouse. "Mmm. Axl was a friend. Our friend. Some might say he was the best of us."
"Nice job, babe," Callie murmured, giving her a quick thumbs up as she tried to reduce the chances of Ray singing.
"To Axl."
They all copied Sara in raising their glasses, clinking them together in a toast for the dead rat - and fallen comrade, Callie guessed.
"To Axl."
"Okay, Mick. Time to send him off."
Just as they went to move the shoebox from the counter, it appeared to shake for a moment before a white wisp materialised from inside the box. It quickly formed the shape of a large rat and Callie dug her hands into her hair in frustration as she realised what had just happened.
"Axl lives!"
"You just had to throw a rodent funeral, didn't you?" Sara hissed at Ray, all of them watching in amazement - and horror, in Sara and Callie's case - as the rat ghost started to run around the room.
"I have had enough of ghosts, I actually can't take this anymore," Callie yelled, slamming her hands against the table and startling the rat ghost. It hissed at her before jumping into one of the air vents, gliding through the metal as if it was no problem.
"Where's he going?" Ray asked, his eyebrows furrowed as they wondered what was going on.
"I'm not saying this to be rude, but I actually don't care. I'll be in my room ignoring any signs of any ghosts until further notice," Callie announced, turning on her heels and storming out of the bridge. Sara watched her go with a smirk on her face, knowing that if there was anything that Camilla Merlyn had always been afraid of since they were kids - it was ghosts.
"You rang, Captain?"
Sara and Callie turned around with smiles on their face as Nate sauntered in, his hair back in its trademark quiff that they were used to and not the floppy look he had been sporting all day.
"Hello, gorgeous. Mm-hmm. Look at that volume. So sexy," Sara and Callie teased, both trying to touch the bounce in his hair. The man playfully ducked and dodged them, well aware that the trained assassins would have easily been able to touch it if they really were desperate to.
"So, the ghosts are definitely all gone?" Callie checked as the rest of the team began to fill the bridge, smiles on their faces at successfully having collected another totem.
"Yes wise Falcon," Nate joked, using the code name that Callie had once gone by when they actually bothered using them. "We are officially ghostbusted."
"Well, well, well. Look who got his swagger back!" Wally announced, pushing Nate slightly as he entered the room before moving over to pull Callie into a small side hug. She smiled and ruffled his hair too before moving to stand back beside Sara again.
"Ah, me? Just because I saved rock and roll and reinstated the King to his proper throne..."
"Doesn't give you an excuse to hog our one bathroom," Zari cut in, rather unimpressed about how long it took Nate in the morning to perfect the quiff in question. "Some of us need to..."
"Celebrate the fact that we beat the Darhks to the Death Totem!" Ray announced, cutting off the argument about the bathroom before it could really begin. Callie laughed at that, noticing the playful disapproving look Zari shot her direction after her lack of support. "Although I don't imagine our acquisition will stay off the radar for long."
"Well, think of it like this. We're four totems up in the fourth quarter. Time's running out for those idiots," Mick pointed out, proud of himself for actually listening into the conversation.
"Yep, even though they still have mine," Amaya added as she too entered the room, causing Callie to wonder if they had all just been waiting to make the perfect entrance line instead of just walking into the room together.
"Well, they'll be Time Stoning back two whatever hell they came from once we get your totem back," Nate promised Amaya, a fire in his eyes as he looked across at the woman he loved. Callie and Sara shared a knowing look before their captain spoke.
"Yeah, and in the meantime, we need to make sure we keep that Death Totem on lock."
"Agreed," Callie said, something not sitting right in her stomach as she looked at the box in Ray's hands. "Something about this totem just... doesn't make me feel good."
Everyone hummed in agreement before Ray rapped on the box in his hands to answer Sara's previous statement. "Box. Lock boxes. I... I got it covered. I made encrypted lock boxes for each one of the totems."
Everyone nodded in agreement. Sara turned to watch as Ray dropped the totem into the box before slamming the lid shut.
"Well, good. The Death Totem's powers are not to be taken lightly."
A statement that the team would discover very quickly was incredibly underestimated.
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