chapter 30
"That's it, Elvis. Put a little sauce on it. Yeah, swivel!"
Callie shot Nate a look of amusement as she sunk back slightly in the church pew. It had been Sara's wise idea for them all to blend in with the church service that Gideon had informed them about but she just couldn't relax. There was something uneasy in her stomach about all of this, and she had gut feeling that this was more than just an anachronism.
Looking back to where Elvis was performing one of the songs that Nate had just referred to as "Grandma songs", she could't help but find her eyes drawn to the guitar in his hands. Watching carefully as his fingers moved along the guitar, Callie mused at the sight. Something about this service in this church really wasn't sitting well with her but she couldn't' quite figure it out.
Noticing Zari stand up on her right, Callie rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath to the newest member of their team for her to sit down. When sudden gasps from other church goers got her attention, she realised that Zari was not standing up but rather had began to float in mid-air.
"Satan's got ahold of her!"
Callie looked over at the woman who had announced the incident to the entire church, causing rounds of yells to break out throughout the building. Sara and the rest of the team were on their feet now too, staring at Zari in a mix of disbelief and concern as their teammate seemed to hover while her totem shined brightly.
"What the hell's going on?" Sara yelled at Zari, worried that the woman had done something to cause this. The girl simply shared a confused look with them all as she threw her hands upwards into the air.
"Ugh, my totem. It's reacting to something."
"Well, make it not react!" Callie replied to Zari, noticing that some of the church goers were getting anger rather than more scared. She was pretty sure that if this all didn't stop in the next few seconds that they would start making torches and welding pitchforks.
"Be gone, Satan!" One of the women screamed at Zari, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Callie who had held her hand up towards the woman to try and make her stop talking. The woman almost hissed at Callie's actions, causing the raven haired girl to almost move past Zari and square up to the middle aged woman.
"Well, I think she's talking to us," Sara muttered as Zari managed to regain control of her totem. The girl slowly lowered to the ground as Sara motioned for them all to leave the church before this situation got any worse. Shoving Callie slightly as she noticed her wife having an intense glare-off with one of the worshipers, she guided them all out of the room. "Come on."
"Behold what you have seen with your very eyes! Witnessed in this house of God! That is the act of Satan!"
Callie scoffed as they walked away from the church, the minister still yelling about Satan's presence in the building. Rolling her eyes she knew that this day was only going to get even weirder as it progressed.
The team stopped walking once they had gotten a little bit away from the church, Sara trying not to be too stressed by the situation that had just occurred before they had even properly started their mission. She noticed that Callie seemed very off about it all and couldn't help but share the same sense of dread that the blonde had been feeling ever since they watched Elvis pick up that guitar.
"I guess Elvis is the King of rock and roll. One hip shake, and Z loses it," Sara tried to joke, still unsure of what had just happened in there. She had a slight teasing to her tone but even Wally could tell that she was just as confused as the rest of them were.
Nate nodded confidently beside Callie, a small grin spread across his face as he thought about his idol performing in front of him. "Yeah, tell me about it, sister."
Callie turned to look at him in disbelief, a small chuckle leaving her lips as she noticed Nate get flustered as Zari insisted that she didn't lose control of her totem because of Elvis' hips. He quickly tried to recover by insisting that he hadn't either, but Callie saw right through his cover up of his fan-boy personality. She wished she couldn't relate, but ever since she had gotten back from Earth-X she had developed quite the fangirl attitude towards Harry Styles and Taylor Swift - separately obviously, although she did think that Haylor maybe suffered from the well known "right person, wrong time" trope - but that wasn't the point.
"My totem was glowing, and so was Elvis' guitar," Zari informed them all, the conclusion she had started to come to all forming for the rest of the team.
"But that means that Elvis is..."
"Yep," Zari said, interrupting and continuing what Amaya was about to voice. "Elvis is a totem bearer."
"So Elvis is the bearer of the long lost sixth totem. Consider me all shook up," Sara said, looking at the digram that had been drawn up for them all to map out where each of the six totems were. Callie stared at the board in confusion, mixed up on who had what totem and what they all actually did.
"So he has to join the team, right?" Nate hypothesised, looking like an excited puppy as he thought about the king of rock and roll becoming a legend. Callie sighed as she heard Sara instantly say no but was ignored by Nate. "I mean, we can't defeat Mallus unless we have a full set. We could get Gideon to fabricate him a spangly jumpsuit, and he'll fit right in!"
While Callie wished Nate was wrong with the second part of his statement, he actually had a good point. If you gave Elvis a jumpsuit from Gideon he probably at this point would just look like another member of the team. She rolled her eyes playfully before tuning back into the conversation.
"What totem would choose a guitar-toting choir boy as its bearer?"
"Isn't it obvious? It's Elvis we're talking about. It's gotta be..."
"A sandwich totem."
Callie and the rest of the team turned to look at Mick in amusement, forgetting that the man was even in the room. He was eating some sort of sandwich that Callie could only assume was the infamous 'Elvis sandwich' that he had been hyped about earlier on. She felt her stomach flip as she thought about how disgusting all that grease must be before Nate continued the conversation.
"I was gonna say music."
"Just imagine what the music totem would do for my upper register. I could finally give local theater a shot!" Ray almost jumped on the spot with his excitement for theatre, while Callie reached up to cover her small smile with her hand. Sara shot her an unimpressed look at how she was finding it hard to take this all serious, but the blonde was just glad that she was actively taking part in missions again. "That is, after we use it to destroy Mallus."
"So we're gonna vanquish a time demon with our killer harmonies. It's gonna go great."
"Every totem is growing stronger in response to Mallus' threat. What if the preacher was right and Elvis' music literally drives Memphis insane?" Amaya asked, knowing that whatever the totem was it could potentially ruin a lot of people's lives. She knew that the rest of the team meant no harm by joking about a totem's powers but she had seen first hand the trauma that the mystical objects had caused.
"Then we have to get it before that happens," Sara informed her, just about to launch into her plan for how they go about getting the guitar from Elvis. Just as she opened her mouth to split everyone into teams, there was a bright flash of yellow and red and Wally was standing in front of them with a large grin on his face.
Callie laughed at Zari and Nate's deflated expressions as they noticed the very familiar guitar that he was clutching in his hands. The boy looked like an excited kid as he looked towards Sara for some sort of praise for saving them an extra mission to get the object.
"I got it. Elvis' guitar totem."
"So, I'm not the only one who finds that annoying, right?" Zari breathed, not noticing that Wally deflated ever so slightly at her calling his powers annoying. Callie shot her and Nate a harsh look as they both agreed that the boy was annoying them with his powers before turning her attention back to the West.
"We're good to go, right?"
"Are we?" Nate interrupted, causing everyone to sign as they turned to face the historian to see what his issue was now. Callie didn't want to sound rude but she missed the times with Oliver and his team where everyone just laid out the plan and got on with it, rather than this back and forth speculation. "'Cause Elvis hasn't recorded his first single yet. And without that guitar, he may never record it. Which means rock and roll history is..."
"Josh Groban."
"Mick, you really don't follow much do you?" Callie addressed the man, sighing as she leaned slightly against Sara. The blonde woman let out a hum of agreement as she lightly rested a hand on Callie's arm to give her a slight bit of comfort.
Sara looked around at them for a moment, noticing the guitar was almost taunting her in Wally's hand. She wasn't sure why her and Callie were both feeling so uncomfortable by a music totem but it was a very strange situation that she wanted sorted right away.
"What if we have Gideon fabricate a ringer guitar and drop it off to the future King?"
"Great idea. I call A-mission. Amaya, come with me. I will teach you what rock and roll is all about," Nate said, instantly moving out of the room. Callie and Sara raised an eyebrow at each other as the man rushed out of the bride, excited to meet Elvis properly this time. "Till then, everyone shake, rattle, and roll!"
There was a pause in the room as everyone noticed he had used one of Sara's iconic one-liners. Callie looked at the blonde in disbelief only to find Sara was waving it off.
"Let's just pretend that didn't happen," the Lance said, shaking her head as she tried to get the image of Nate trying to copy her out of her mind. Everyone smiled slightly at that before they all jumped into action. Callie found herself staring at the totem on the guitar for a second longer, a cold chill running up her spine.
She had a gut feeling that they were wrong about that totem.
Callie took a cautious step backwards as the totem on the top of the guitar flashed angrily at Sara. The blonde was trying to pry it off the neck of the guitar as Ray hadn't been able to but they were just having no luck. Callie had already tried too, but even she was no match for the glue that must have been used to keep the guitar and totem together.
"Whoa, that was weird," Ray announced, making Callie take another step backwards to try and put some more distance between herself and the strange totem. She wanted to reach out and pull Sara back towards her, but she knew the girl had a job to do as Captain of the Waverider.
"Yeah," Sara breathed out, Callie instantly noticing how the temperature had dropped and saw the steam from Sara's breath float out of her mouth. The lights flickered as the three of them all looked around nervously. "You feel that?"
"Yeah, it's freezing," Ray and Callie said at the same time, everyone's goosebumps on their skin visible as they shivered slightly at the drop.
"I am detecting an EMF reading of six milligaus that is disturbing the ship's electrical servers. "
"E-M-what?" Sara asked Gideon, rubbing Callie's arm comfortingly as the other woman began to shift her weight cautiously. She didn't like where this was going, and she had the deepest feeling that it was the totem in front of them that was causing it.
"Electromagnetic field. It's a scientific term that's been wrapped up in a bunch of paranormal nonsense."
"Guys, I don't think that's a music totem," Callie murmured, looking at how the totem seemed to be swirling with dark energy. Sara nodded in agreement before realising what Ray had just said to the dynamic duo.
Sara slowly turned around to follow Ray's line of sight, noticing the hand print appearing on the glass board across from them. Callie groaned slightly as she saw what they were seeing, having the impression that she knew exactly what they were about to discover next.
"Paranormal, as in..."
Callie spun around as the guitar suddenly lifted itself into the air, almost as if it was taunting the trio. She yelled out in fear as it wiggled a little bit, the strings plucking themselves as it moved ever so slightly closer to them. Ray grabbed on to the woman and moved her behind him instantly, making sure that he was in front of Callie and Sara.
She squealed in surprise as a shadowy figure wearing a leather jacket and looking almost identical to Elvis materialised next to the guitar, before turning into a floating almost transparent alien looking man.
"DON'T SAY IT!" She begged them, thinking back to that morning when she had literally said that this was the one thing she was glad they hadn't been faced with. She had really believed ghosts were not real and now her worst nightmare was literally happening in front of her.
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