chapter 29
"This one was from when I thought it was smart to ride it down the biggest hill in our neighbourhood, spent 2 hours in the ER while my mom was crying thinking I was going to bleed out..."
Callie furrowed her eyebrows as she walked into the kitchen, noticing most of the team - minus Sara - spread out across the sofas as they all seemed deep in chat about a small mark Nate was pointing to on his ankle. The team all laughed as Ray began to tell a story about a mark on his bicep.
Noticing Callie had entered the room, Ray immediately stopped and announced her presence to the rest of the team.
"Callie! We were just talking about our stupid scars from stupid things we've done," Ray informed her, moving over so that the girl could slip into the space next to him on the sofa. She smiled gratefully at him as she sat down, clasping her hands as she looked around at the room to see how happy everyone seemed that she was sitting with them.
"Scars huh?" She mused, not sure whether or not her involvement in this conversation would make them all uncomfortable or not. "I've got a few of those."
Mick grunted in response to her comment, raising his beer in what she assumed was solidarity before he took a large gulp. Callie looked at him for a moment before deciding that it wouldn't do any harm to add her input into the conversation. She stood back up off the couch, almost feeling like she was playing musical chairs from the fact she had been sitting down for less than twenty seconds.
The team watched eagerly as she rolled up the hem of her shirt and moved the band of her pyjama shorts down slightly so they could see the scar that rested on her hip. She smiled as she ran her finger along the line, twisting so that everyone in the room got a good look at the small mark.
"I got this one from tripping on a rock and landing on my own arrow," she informed them, causing barks of laughter to erupt around the room. Callie laughed with them all, throwing her head back as she tried to explain it to them. "And this one, this was from chasing my dad after he had beaten my mom, me and my brother at monopoly."
She pointed to the small scar above her eyebrow that they'd never really noticed - a tiny little circle that only Sara had realised wasn't a freckle. The room all laughed, the sound dying off a little quicker than previously as they remembered just who Callie's dad was and what he had put everyone through. The girl chose to ignore it, not wanting to start a fight of who had the worst parents out of them all. She knew she would win that one.
"Ehm, then there's some of the ones I got from training with the League," Callie continued with her scar tour knowing that while some people would be ashamed of her scars, she certainly wasn't. Pointing to a few scars on the sides of her legs, the team couldn't help but notice how well they had healed on the girl. If it wasn't for her pointing out some of her older scars, they'd probably never really have noticed. "Mostly arrows. That thicker one was a katana and these ones were swords but yeah mostly arrows."
"Jeez Callie," Amaya sighed, looking at the girl with a deep sympathy in her eyes. She knew that the girl had been through hell but she didn't expect this.
Callie waved her off with a short laugh, knowing that there was nothing any of them would have ever been able to do to prevent any of these scars. Despite the damage it had done to her body, Callie knew that if she was taken back in time and given the opportunity to not join the League then she still would have taken the same path she was on today. Maybe minus the Earth-X hell part.
Tugging at the top of her shirt, Callie pointed to one of her more recent scars that rested just at her shoulder.
"This one was when we fought the dominators," Callie explained, making a side note to Zari that she would explain that story to the girl when she had the chance.
"From my hand," Sara's voice rang out as she entered the room. There was the familiar look of regret behind her eyes that only Callie was able to pick up on, but the raven haired girl wasn't having any of it.
"Your mind controlled hand." Callie corrected her instantly, reaching her hand out to gently squeeze Sara's hand as the woman moved by her to take her place where she had briefly sat on the sofa.
They all watched Callie as she took a deep breath. The smile that had been on her face the entire time faded slightly as she was about to show them something that only Sara had really ever been shown - and even then they had never really discussed it.
Turning around slowly, Callie moved her hair to the front of her body as she lifted the back of her top up so that the team could see her back fully. She heard the soft gasps and exhales of them all as they looked at the newer gashes in their full glory. They weren't like the others in the sense that the others had been done quickly and were acts from a battle. These ones were rough and had clearly been done slowly - to torture the girl.
"I'm sure you can guess where I got these," she murmured gently as she let her top sit naturally over them, turning around with a slight haunted look in her eyes as she leaned back against the table. The room all knew the answer but no one wanted to let the name fall off their lips.
"Earth-X." Wally breathed out, knowing that the girl was still suffering from her time spent over there. She had been hiding it from everyone so well since returning but it was killing her from the inside out.
"Yeah," she murmured, watching as the room fell silent at their show and tell turning sour very quickly. Turning to look at Sara, she decided to move the atmosphere back to slightly more at ease. "Babe?"
Sara took the hint instantly, standing with a newly found smile on her face as she pointed to a scar on the bottle of her calf. "Grenade."
Everyone's jaws dropped as they waited for Sara to say that she was just kidding. Nate looked between everyone in amazement, his eyes shooting back to Sara as he took in what she had just said.
"This one was Callie's payback for my mind controlled self stabbing her," Sara joked as she rolled her top up and pointed to the scar on her stomach that she had from when Rip and Callie had both tried to kill her. "Well, mind controlled Callie anyway."
Everyone laughed as they thought about how insane it was that the wives had both been attacked by each other when under mind control. In some sick way, Callie guessed it was because the feelings they had for people when they had been mind controlled had been flipped so their strong love became strong hatred.
"I'm sorry, what?" Zari interrupted, confusion written across her face as she tried to process that both Sara and Callie had clearly been mind controlled while in a killing mood before. "You both got mind controlled?"
"Oh yeah. Hers was Aliens but it's alright cause mine was just my dad, Damien Darhk and Thawne."
Everyone laughed again at how Callie was trying to play it off like any everyday occurrence when that kind of stuff never would be expected to happen in real life. Zari even cracked and joined in with their laughing, still really confused but knowing that if they could find it funny then it obviously wasn't a touchy subject anymore.
As Callie sat back and listened to the story of how Ray got the scar on his bicep that he had been trying to tell before she entered the room, she couldn't help but take a moment to smile at the team that perched around her. She knew they were her family and she loved them with all of her being.
Some families were connected much deeper than just blood.
"Which brings us to the kitchen," Zari told Wally as the speedster followed her and Callie into the next room on their tour. Everyone had been incredibly surprised when Callie had volunteered to help Zari with the tour of the Waverider, considering she usually didn't make time for anything that involved wandering around.
Callie smiled at Wally as he looked around in amazement at the size of their large kitchen. He had already been told by the Merlyn about the food fabricator and how it could replicate almost any food he wanted, whenever he wanted. It was something he was looking forward to using especially as he had been missing Belly Burger while he was out out the states.
"We divvy up cleaning duties by Ray's chore wheel, which uses a complex system I pretend to not understand until he eventually does my chores for me," Zari told him, a soft smirk on her face as she admitted her evil plan as Wally picked up and spun the dial on Ray's chore wheel.
Callie barked with laughter as she turned to face Zari with slightly widened eyes. "Hey, I do that too! I thought I was the only one..."
Zari, Wally and Callie all shared a moments laughter before the boy looked back at the piece of cardboard in his hands with a slight grimace on his face at whatever the dial had stopped on. He looked up with a raised eyebrow as he turned to the two women.
"Wipe down food fabricator?" He almost questioned, not having realised that a ship that could make anything clothing wise or food wise appear from thin air wouldn't be able to clean itself. He guessed that some things would never change.
"Bet you thought time travel would be seeing Woodstock, saving Shakespeare, and having ethical debates while standing over baby Hitler," Zari joked, a girl spread across her face as she watched Wally putting the chore wheel back down on the counter. "Trust me, it takes time to get used to life..."
Callie could see in Wally's eyes exactly what he was about to do. She didn't have time to warn Zari of his clear plan, but even if she did the look on Zari's face after Wally had sped around them in a yellow and red flash and fully cleaned the kitchen would certainly have made her go back in time and stop herself from saying anything.
"Cool, so what's next?"
Callie laughed as she excused herself from the rest of their tour, knowing that Zari was only just about to discover how annoying living with speedsters could really be. She had had her fix of the tour for the rest of her year, so she decided to head off towards the bridge to see what disaster was inevitably about to ruin their chilled out day on the Waverider.
Zari and Wally waved their goodbyes as they turned left at the end of the corridor and she took a right. Her long black hair was slightly curled today and she was wearing her new favourite colourful yellow crew neck sweater that Thea had sent Oliver to give to her when he got the chance. The team had noticed that since she had came back from Earth-X, Callie was barely really found wearing all black.
Humming to herself as she headed towards the bridge, she tried to think about what threat they might end up facing next on their search for the totem stones.
'At least we haven't had to deal with ghosts', she thought as she walked into the bridge, a smug smile on her face for a moment before she headed straight to the captain's office where her current book had a brand new chapter awaiting her.
"A scan of the timeline reveals a change in Memphis, Tennessee, 1954," Gideon informed them all as they gathered in the bridge. Callie was trying to hide her grin at Nate's new hairstyle while also trying to avoid Mick's fury about Axel suddenly having been renamed Josh Groban. She figured that this was maybe one of the weirder side effects that they had faced yet.
"Oh, says here Memphis became a ghost town after a mysterious bout of mass hysteria in July, 1954," Ray told them all, standing next to Callie as he read the history timeline that Gideon had pulled up from them all.
"A what now?" Callie asked, her shoulders slumping as she thought back to her content moment literally five minutes ago when she had been grateful there had been no run ins with ghosts. She had enough figurative ghosts in her life that she really wouldn't know what to do with if they suddenly became physical and real.
"That's what caused the changes!" Nate exclaimed, snapping his fingers before realising that the rest of the team had zero idea where he got that connection from. "Memphis is the birthplace of rock and roll. If rock never makes it out of Memphis, then none of these things exist. Your pet rat's namesake, electric guitar..."
Wally cut him off, pointing to his deflated hair with a small smirk on his face as he noticed Callie holding back a laugh at the sight too.
"Your hair gel."
"It's not hair gel, Wally," Nate snapped, slapping Wally's finger away as he ran a hand through his hair and turned back around to face the team. "It's Royal Crown pomade.It's the same product used by -"
"Elvis Presley."
Callie moved to stand beside Sara, looking at the same screen that her wife had just read from. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she noticed what the blonde had.
"See, she knows what I'm talking about."
Sara rolled her eyes, shooting Callie an exasperated look before turning around to make eye contact with Nate.
"No, dodo," Sara snapped, "Look. While the population fled in hysterics, one person was left standing in the aftermath, a local teen named Elvis Presley."
"Don't tell me they messed with the King," Nate breathed, a sad look falling across his face as he thought about the Darhks terrorising Elvis. Callie looked at Nate in disbelief for a second before looking at where Ray had pointed at.
"Whatever he saw drove him crazy. He was taken to the Bolivar State Hospital. Treated for insanity."
"If Memphis is abandoned in '54, then rock doesn't hit the mainstream, which means there's no Howlin' Ray, Little Richard-"
"The Elvis sandwich... Peanut butter and banana fried in greasy bacon fat. The man was a visionary."
Everyone shot Mick a bit of a disgusted look as Zari took over. The futuristic girl hadn't really learnt that much about Elvis in her time but even then they all knew that he was a music legend. Callie squinted as she tried to picture the sandwich that Mick was talking about but instead her stomach started doing a few flips that made her instantly erase the thought from her mind.
"But if it didn't show up on the anachronism map, then..."
"Darhks." Nate came to the conclusion, Callie clenching her fist slightly as she pictured that cocky blonde bastard Damien smiling at her when he killed Laurel. "The only people evil enough to wanna kill rock and roll. Oh, and I bet you that sick bastard likes ska."
Sara gave Callie's hand a quick squeeze before addressing the team. "All right, let's go check this out. We need to find Elvis before panic sets in."
"Elvis Presley's uncle preached at the Church of Zion every Sunday. The boy never missed a service."
"Thanks Gideon," Callie muttered, trying to control her anger at the thought of coming face to face with Damien Darhk again.
"You heard the lady." Sara said, growing instantly uncomfortable as no-one moved but instead continued to stare at her. She looked at Callie for support but found that the raven haired girl was doing the exact same as the rest of the Legends. "What? Why are you staring at me?"
"I dunno, waiting for you to do - the thing you do."
"What thing?"
"You know, you usually send us into the field with a little more pizzazz!" Ray reminded Sara, noticing how the blonde sighed and adjusted her ponytail before straightening up.
"All right, Legends, put on your Sunday best, because we are going to church!" Sara yelled, throwing up some jazz hands as she moved away from the table. Everyone nodded in confirmation and content that she gave them one of her iconic one-liners.
"That was pretty good."
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