chapter 22
The grey sand felt cold beneath her feet. It's slight blue tint seemed to cover the entire area, stretching as far as her eyes could see without anything but the sand and the darkness. She stood slowly, turning on her heel as she tried to assess her current predicament.
Callie came to one conclusion: she had no idea where the hell she was.
Pacing slightly on the sand, she noticed another set of footsteps sudden begin to appear in the ground beside her. Leaning down to touch them, a sudden pain began to spread from her chest and all the way into her head - a violent migraine that would have taken out anyone.
Clutching her head, she fell forward on to her knees as flashes of red and tan and blue and blonde began to cross her mind faster than she could process. The pain felt like her skull was cracking open and that her chest was on fire, and it was nothing like she had ever felt before.
And then, just as sudden as it came, the pain stopped.
She jumped at the sound of the sudden voice, the familiarity of it filling her body as her eyebrows furrowed. She could see the silhouette of a figure walking towards her, but the darkness that hovered in the air seemed to obstruct her from properly viewing him.
She didn't need to view them, that was a voice she would never forget ever.
Callie flinched as the man suddenly appeared straight in front of her, a smile that was unfamiliar on his familiar face. She moved backwards slightly, a feeling of unease forming in her stomach as his eyes seemed to have a faint red tint to them.
"Callie Merlyn," his voice seemed to drop an octave or two, almost sounding demonic as he titled his head with a sick smile. The image of Tommy almost seemed to flicker, his face switching between Tommy and Oliver's as he prowled closer to the raven haired girl.
Callie continued to move backwards, holding her hands up in front of her as she realised that something was incredibly wrong.
"You're not Tommy," she snarled, a white hot anger beginning to spread through her body at someone pretending to be her brother. As soon as the words left her lips, the figure vanished into thin air as if he was never there.
Turning frantically, Callie started to feel her chest clench as her breath increased. The coldness of the place was reflected in the sight of her breath visible against the cold. She heaved as she rested her hands on her knees to try and regain a sense of normality after that strange encounter with a fake Tommy.
"CALLIE," a loud voice boomed, sending the girl to the ground as the entire place seemed to shake from the boom. The voice was the same that had came from Tommy's mouth, a snarl and a hiss present as it echoes around the room.
"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" The girl yelled, clutching at her head as she tried to avoid the overwhelming feeling of panic that was beginning to spread throughout her body.
"I'm going to make you suffer, first i'll take your friends and then i'll take your love and then you'll have nothing but the darkness left to turn to," the voice hissed, echoing around her as if they were following her every move.
"No, no no no..." Callie muttered, banging her fists against her head as the voice continued to repeat how he was going to end her life.
"GO AWAY!" She screamed, clenching her eyes together as she began to feel her body shake slightly.
"CALLIE! WAKE UP!" Sara yelled, shaking the girl as she trembled in her sleep.
The Merlyn girl jumped up from the bed with a shout, swinging her arms around as she tried to push Sara off of her - still in the mindset from her dream. She continued to shout out, eventually calming down as she noticed the arms holding her down.
"Shhh, it's me, you're safe," Sara muttered, her arms holding Callie to her chest as they took deep breaths in together to try and get the raven-haired girl's breathing back to normal.
Callie sighed as she calmed down, looking at Sara and seeing her completely unharmed. Without a second of hesitation, Callie grabbed her face and connected their lips. Sara was the one thing that would always keep her tethered to reality.
"You okay?"
Sara searched Callie's eyes in confusion and concern, making sure that the girl was okay.
"Just a bad dream," Callie murmured, her eyes still latched on to Sara's as if she would be gone with a blink of an eye. "But it's okay, you're here."
"Good, cause I'm not going anywhere."
"Ugh, I can't believe it's back to reality now," Callie murmured as she nuzzled her head into the crook of Sara's neck, both girls standing on the grass as they awaited the arrival of their very own private jet - of sorts, anyway.
The blonde laughed, lightly pushing the girl as she smiled warmly at her wife. They had had two weeks of nothing but absolute bliss and not a single interaction with their outside world and chaotic superhero-esque lives - despite Callie's strange nightmare the night before.
"I know, but as strange as this sounds I've really started to miss the team," Sara admitted, her hands playing with Callie's fingers as they stood close together.
"To be honest I'm just hoping when the Waverider lands its in one piece," Callie muttered, her eyes shooting up as the familiar whirring noise of the engine of said timeship appeared above them.
The girls shot each other grins as the cloaking mechanism turned off, the ship looking in pristine condition as always. The cargo door opened and they headed into the ship as they said hello to the rest of their friends.
"It's good to be home."
Callie stood with the rest of the team in the bridge as Sara wished a final farewell to Jax. She knew that she could have gone with the blonde, but it seemed best to let the two have their farewell moment without anyone else watching them.
"Is someone smoking?" Zari interrupted Callie's inner thoughts, causing the raven haired girl to look around at the rest of the room and see who was missing. Only Sara wasn't present - and she certainly didn't smoke.
"I don't think so, how come?" Callie asked, looking over Zari's shoulder as she fiddled with one of the control screens where a warning about smoke had appeared.
"Vice-Captain Merlyn," Gideon's voice rang over the bridge, causing them all to squint in the air at confusion as the new title that Gideon had used for Callie. "I believe the smoking is coming from the English man in the trench coat who is approaching the bridge now with Sara."
"Never call me that again," Callie muttered without thinking. Processing what Gideon had just said, Callie had a gut feeling she knew exactly who was about to enter the room with Sara.
Before the rest of the team could say anything, the doors to the bridge slid open and Sara walked in alongside the English man that Gideon had just described. His tan coat was slightly singed at the sleeve, most likely from the amount of times his lighter had caught the material. His blonde hair was ruffled up and messy just how she remembered it from the previous times they had met. The red tie hanging around his neck brought back memories that she really had hoped she would never visit again.
"Blimey. Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you've got here," he drawled out, fiddling with an unlit cigarette in his hands as he moved around the room, studying everything in it. His eyes were yet to have noticed the raven-haired girl standing in the captains office, but she knew that he would soon.
"I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs," Mick scoffed, rolling his eyes as he watched the man walk into the room. Everyone turned to look at the man in disscontempt, knowing that he was being serious with his comment.
"That was Rip?" Sara partially question Mick before shaking her head and ignoring the fact he seemingly couldn't even remember what Rip looked like if he thought these two looked similar. "This is..."
"John Constantine."
Everyone turned around to look at Callie who was now leaning against the wall standing at the top of the mini stairs to the Captain's office. John scoffed, a playful smirk falling across his face as he realised just who the girl who had said his name was.
"Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing." Mick muttered but it went unnoticed by the two who were currently having a staring content.
"Camilla Merlyn, oh it's been a minute," he teased, his hand lightly touching the tie around his neck as he stared her down. "It's a real pleasure to see you again, although the clothes seem optional."
There was an awkward silence as Sara shared a look with Leo at his comment about her wife and Callie seemed to sarcastically smile back at the man.
"John is a warlock," she said, trying to turn the attention away from what the man had just insinuated. She could feel Sara's eyes burning on the side of her face but she didn't want to look at the blonde in fear of the emotion that she would be projecting at her.
"You see, I am an accomplished warlock, an expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus, for those of you taking notes." He directed the last bit at Leo with a wink as he checked the man out. Callie rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, sharing an exhausted look with Nate about the man's flirtatious antics. "The Anansi Totem. That belongs to..."
"Her granddaughter. Same totem, different Vixen. She's from 1942. You were saying about that "warlock" thing?" Nate interrupted Constantine as he started to try and hit on Amaya. Callie smiled ever so slightly at his jealously, and she saw from the corner of her eye that Sara did the same.
"Accomplished warlock, mate. Well, I am charmed to know another who bears the family name."
"It's an honor," Amaya agreed, reaching out to shake John's hand with a smile on her face that matched his. Nate simply rolled his eyes and scoffed, something that Callie knew she would tease him for later.
Constantine seemed to remember his line of thought from before he got distracted by the Anansi Totem, turning back around to check out Leo for the second time. Callie felt Sara move towards her during the slight distraction, the blonde keen to dig deeper into how Callie and John seemed to have some history between them.
"So, what's your story then, handsome?"
"I'm from another Earth, and I'm spoken for," Leo mused, moving past John and heading out of the room with Mick hot on his heels.
"Yeah, his girlfriend's a guy. Anyway, this is too much for me. I'm gonna watch TV."
As they all moved into the Captain's office, Nate caught Callie's arm to get her attention.
"How do you know this guy?" He asked, confused on how both Callie and Sara seemed to know the man but on different levels. Callie looked back to Sara who was sitting in one of the armchairs in conversation with Constantine.
"It's a long story, one that can wait until after this," she mused, nudging the man to join back in with the conversation that was happening without them.
"I broke into the loony bin to perform an exorcism and while I was at it, that demon called your name. Said you'd soon be slipping into the dark with your light not long following. And I figured if Emily's demon knows you on a first name basis you might know something that can help me save you both," John explained, knowing that they were all just wondering why he had appeared in the first place.
Callie furrowed her eyebrows at his words, something about it reminding her of the dream she had just had the night before.
"I don't need saving and I am done fighting demons!" Sara exclaimed, standing up from the seat that she was sitting in, a smirk on her face.
"You think this has something to do with the demon we're fighting?" Nate interupted, Sara turning to him with an annoyed smile on her face for giving away their current issue to John.
"I was speaking of them metaphorically, but yes, I did recently visit the spirit world," she told the man who had tilted his head excitedly at her. "It's a long story, but it's probably how the demon knows my name."
Callie narrowed her eyes, still not liking the fact that a demon had been speaking to Sara - even if their honeymoon had gone without a single demon hitch.
"And the demon's name is Mallus."
"Mallus. Smashing. Very handy, demon names. Just what I need to cast this Mallus wanker out. Now, I don't know what you and your, uh, dishy lot have gotten yourselves into, but I suggest you leave it to the experts. So nice one for the tip. I've got a girl to save," John rambled, going to move away from the office as
"Oh, not so fast. You said it yourself. This is not just any demon, and we've been fighting it before you even knew its name. And if this girl's connected to Mallus, she might be able to help us destroy him," Sara said, beginning her plan to bribe John to let them join him on his exorcism mission.
Callie crossed her arms, not particularly wanting to go deeper into discovering demons and all of that shibang. She knew it was going to end up in disaster and after her dream the night prior she wasn't excited at all.
"You wanna tag along for an exorcism?"
"Yep," Sara said, a smirk on her lips as she looked at the man.
"That's out of the bloody question, love."
"Well, we gave you its name. So you owe us."
"Well, I gave you your soul," John hit back, although his eyes drifting to Callie who shuffled slightly at his words caused Sara's eyebrow to furrow in slight confusion. "So you owe me indefinitely."
Sara smirked, knowing that she was winning. "Hmm, all the more reason for me to help you."
Callie groaned, throwing her hands in the air as she walked out of the brig. "Great, just when I think I can avoid hell, you're bringing it to me."
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