chapter 20
and here it is. the moment we've all been waiting for. 3000 words of pure happiness.
Oliver waited at the side, in shock at the sight of his friend but knowing that he would have his chance to reunite with the man in a second.
No-one had the heart to break the siblings apart - even when they continued hugging for fifteen minutes afterwards.
She could hear her heart beating in her ears. It was so loud, so strong that the raven-haired former assassin was amazed that the small group surrounding her couldn't hear it either. Jumping slightly as a hand latched on to her own, Callie swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she turned to look at the owner of the rough calloused hands.
"You good?" Oliver asked, his voice gruff as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. His bowtie had been fixed by Felicity only a mere few seconds prior but Callie knew that the man was itching to take it off once the ceremony was concluded. His face showed slight concern that she was going to suddenly develop cold feet - but if there was anything that Callie was certain about it was that she was destined to marry Sara Lance.
She nodded, squeezing his hand back as she looked at the other three that were currently standing with her. Tommy was trying to sort his bow tie, not having worn one in a while. Moving towards him, she wrapped her hands gently around his wrists as she tugged them lightly back to his sides so that she could fix it for him.
Her twin laughed slightly, looking over her shoulder to where his non-biological brother stood watching them with a proud grin on his face. Tommy mirrored the grin, pointing in between the three of them as he considered the situation.
"I always knew forcing Callie to come with us to your dad's suit picking out appointments was a good idea," Tommy joked, reminding the other two of the life that they had previously led. The trio laughed, Callie feeling a warmth in her chest as she remembered all of the good times that they had previously shared.
Grabbing on to Nate's arm as he passed by their small group on his way to meet up with Sara in the opposite room, Callie stopped the man in his tracks. He jolted in surprise but stilled immediately as he realised that it was just her - and that she was looking at him in a way that he had never really seen her do before.
"I just wanted to say thanks," Callie murmured softly, her hand resting gently on his elbow as she quickly cast another glance to where Tommy was telling Felicity more stories about their childhood. "Not just for this, but for bringing me on this journey in the first place. If you hadn't burst into Oliver's office that day then I'm not sure if this day would have came as quickly."
Nate smiled widely at her, picking up on the fact that there was no uncertainty for Callie that her and Sara would never end up together - he had simply allowed it to progress sooner than she believed that it would have happened.
"It's no big deal," Nate shrugged, trying not to get too emotional when he still had something else to talk to Callie about. "Actually, while you're here, I do have something else I need to confess to..."
Callie froze as her eyes drifted over his shoulder, a soft gasp falling from her lips as she noticed the person that had just entered the room behind Nate. She figured that this was what he was about to tell her but she really didn't need any explanation to who had walked in. The sudden silence of the conversation between Felicity, Tommy and Oliver from behind her alerted her to the fact that they had also just found out who else the Legends had been messing with.
Callie felt overwhelmed with a couple of different emotions instantly. She was amazed and overjoyed at the girl being here, but there was the large seeping of guilt into her body as she remembered just why she hadn't expected to see her here.
"Don't give me that look," her voice rang out as she walked closer to the Merlyn, grabbing on to her wrists to stop her from moving backwards. "I know what happens to me, and I know that you need to hear this from me. Callie, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done. Sara and the others, they told me that you killed him for what he's going to do to me - and that's more than you needed to ever do."
Callie breathed out, her throat closing up as the words flowed through her like she was dehydrated and they were water. She hadn't realised that all this time she had been keeping her overwhelming guilt locked up but now it was gone, she hadn't realised that this was the one thing that had been keeping her from truly letting herself be free from the past.
"Laurel, I've missed you so much," she croaked, wrapping her arms around the woman at the same time as she flung herself towards the girl. Laughs escaped from both of them as they embraced, with Laurel pulling back to hold the girl at arms length.
"Look at you, marrying my sister of all people!" Laurel exclaimed, a playful smile on her face as she lightly fixed the small golden ring that Callie had resting on the top of her head. "Who could can believe it?"
"I can," Callie told her, nothing but emotion in her voice as she tried to process everything that was happening. "This, all of you, me, her," she paused, her voice cracking as she took a moment, "this, it's all I've ever wanted."
Oliver looked at Callie, reaching out and patting her back as the girl waited for the ceremony to begin. She could hear the chatter of everyone inside of the Queen Manor banquet hall waiting on her and Sara to be walked in, but she knew that there was one last thing she had to do.
As Oliver let go of her hand and went to walk forward, she grabbing his hand and held on to it tightly. There was a small smile on her face as she watched him turn around with confusion in his eyes.
"You can't have me walking down the aisle myself," Callie teased, watching as the man's eyebrows furrowed. He looked around in confusion before turning back to her and giving her hand another reassuring squeeze.
"I thought Tommy..." he trailed off as Callie shook her head with a strong smile at the man.
"I sent him in ahead with Laurel."
"Callie, why?" Oliver started, looking almost concerned at the fact she wasn't wanting her brother to walk her down the aisle.
"He'll always be my brother Ollie, but it's you that I want to walk me down the aisle. You brought me and Sara back together, and it's only right that you're who finishes the circle."
Oliver nodded, trying to hide the tears that pooled in his eyes as he realised just how far they had came together. They truly were family - even if their blood wasn't the same. Just before he could do another other than engulf her in a tight hug, the chattering inside seemed to die down as the soft piano music brought their attention to what was about to happen.
"You ready?"
"I've never been more ready in my life."
Walking down the make-shift aisle was a feeling like no other. Callie could see all of her friends and family gathered in the room, with everyone grinning from ear to ear as she entered. Oliver had his hand gently resting on her own from where it was looped through his arm, a grin on his face as he looked down at her. She grinned back, noticing where Felicity was standing with his son.
"Don't let me fall," Callie murmured to Oliver as they continued to walk.
The woman was smiling widely at them both, her hand resting around William as the wife and son of her best friend watched them in joy. Diggle was standing next to Felicity, nodding at her as she passed by. Callie laughed lightly and nodded back, knowing that the man had watched her turn into the person she was today.
Looking to her right, she noticed that the Legends had somehow managed to make it to the wedding in one piece - something that really amazed her. She noticed that there was an unfamiliar man in a suit standing next to Amaya, but since Agent Sharpe also seemed to have found herself a seat at their wedding she figured that he must have had something to do with this Time Bureau that she was still learning about.
Barry and Iris were the next people she noticed, the couple holding on to each other as they genuinely were glad for the two women. They hadn't been able to pull off a wedding without Nazi's interrupting, but so far it seemed like Callie and Sara might be the first to save the day. Caitlin, Cisco, Wally and Joe stood next to them, all of them grinning widely at the due as they neared the front of the room.
Callie found herself slightly surprised that Kara and Alex had managed to find themselves near the front of the room, but by the looks on their faces that must have been down to sheer accident. The two sisters were grinning at the raven-haired girl as she passed them, knowing that while they hadn't known her as long as anyone else that she deserved this more than anything.
Finally slowing as they reached the make-shift alter, Callie grinned at Tommy and Thea who stood waiting her. While Oliver was her best man, it would have felt wrong for her to not have her two biological siblings up there with her too.
As she moved into her place, she smiled across the altar at Laurel and Jax. Sara had recruited the younger boy to be her best man before he was to depart the team and take the time off that he desperately needed after the loss of Stein. Just as Callie went to continue her train of thought, she was cut off as the doors at the bottom of the hall opened for the second time.
It was like she couldn't breathe. Sara would always take her breath away when she entered a room, but Callie was sure in that moment that she would never forget this as being the single best moment of her life.
The blonde was gliding towards her, a matching grin spread across her face as she held on to her father. The older Lance was smiling warmly at Callie, knowing that there was no-one else he would have been happy to give his youngest away to. Callie could feel eyes on her as people turned to watch her reaction to seeing Sara, but it was as if the rest of the world had faded away.
This was right, this was real and this was the only thing that she knew wasn't uncertain. They were meant for this.
Wiping away a tear from her eye as Sara stepped up beside her, the blonde shot the raven-haired girl a cheeky smirk as she also blinked away tears from her eyes. The minister took a moment to compose himself, allowing the two to share a quick exchange of words before the ceremony continued.
"Hey you," Sara mumbled, a smile falling off her lips as she looked at Callie. The raven laughed lightly, a soft and gentle sound that Sara knew she would have engraved in her mind forever.
"You look..." Callie trailed off, unable to find the right words. Sara laughed, but before she could say anything the minister turned back to face them with a smile on his face.
"Let's begin."
Callie was sure that she had tuned out of most of the wedding just to how in shock she was that this day was finally coming. Looking back to Oliver, the man gave her a quick thumbs up before she turned her attention back to the minister as he began to reach the end of the ceremony.
"Sara, do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?"
Looking at Callie with a massive grin across her face she couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "I do."
"Camilla, do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?"
"I do," she grinned, feeling the tears pool in her eyes as she stood at the alter. Oliver patted her shoulder quickly in reassurance and she found both herself and Sara sharing a chuckle at that.
"Now, time to declare your wedding vows to each other," the minister continued, a smile on his lips as he looked at the two. Callie nodded, wetting her lips as she took a breath in.
"From the very first moment I laid eyes on you, the universe had decided we were going to be together. While we surely didn't know it - those closest to us had managed to figure it out pretty soon. When you left that day on the boat I was sure that I would never get to see you again. When I watched you die, twice, I was sure we would never see each other again. When I was stuck on Earth-X, I really thought that was the end of our luck. But Sara Lance, I guess it just seems that we always find our way back to each other. Loving you has been the greatest honour in my life. A wise man once told me that even if people like us aren't destined to get the happy ending, you and I sure as hell deserved it. I wouldn't change a minute of the experiences we've shared together, and I never will regret any of my time that I've spent with you. So Sara, I choose you. I don't choose my family, I don't choose the normal life, I don't choose simplicity; I just choose you in better and in worse, in health and in sickness and in the past and the future."
Callie laughed lightly at the end, wiping the tears from her eyes as she reached back out for Sara's hand. The blonde had identical tears of joy pouring down her face as she listened to the raven haired girls vows in delight.
Oliver was trying to hold back the water that was forming in his eyes, the man standing just behind Callie with the largest grin that he had worn since his own wedding festivities. He could see that Quentin was doing the same from where he stood just behind Sara and they both shared a small smile before turning back to listen to Sara speaking.
Tommy was standing proudly beside him, knowing that he wasn't really meant to be there but also knowing that his sister was the only thing that mattered to him at that point in time. He smiled across the alter, looking at where the Laurel was standing next to Quentin.
"I spent a long time trying to decide what I was going to say but after a long talk with a trusty advisor," Sara started, a laugh falling from her lips as she shot Barry a quick wink, "I discovered that there is just too much that I could have said. We were only school children when we first stumbled into each other. You were flying down the stairs, Oliver and Tommy hot on your heels before you collided with me. Laurel had laughed with the boys as they watched us, knowing that a truly great friendship had formed. When Moira Queen paid for us to attend camp with Thea that summer we had no idea the bond that would be formed - especially when Thea didn't even end up making it to the camp. From then on, our fate was solid. Now, having spent a few years travelling through time and looking at what is set in stone in history I would have never expected this date to have been cemented in place. But it is. Camilla Merlyn, you are the only reason why my life feels finally complete. Callie, I vow to love you for the rest of my life endlessly, when we're old and grey or when we're sick and sad or even when we're trapped in a different time period, I don't care where or when we end up, all that I care about is that I'll be with you forevermore. So, let's do this."
Sara grinned widely as Callie laughed, knowing that the blonde's vows were so much more meaningful to her than to anyone else. There were so many moments that the two of them had shared that no-one else would ever really be able to understand or make sense of, but this intimate moment in front of everyone just reminded them that they were cemented in history.
As Sara and Callie exchanged rings, the room all shared joyful laughter as both of the women's hands shook while trying to place the ring on the other. Once they finally had managed to stop their excitement and get the rings on their fingers, there was only one thing left to do.
"I officially announce you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"
And while their friends cheered and hollered as they shared their first kiss as a married couple, Callie swore that her life had never felt more complete than in that moment.
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