chapter 19
Oliver smiled, looking at everyone else who seemed confused. Mainly because they still weren't sure whose wedding it was and why they were all invited.
"It's where Callie and Sara first met," he explained, pausing as he remembered the day. "I can't believe they're finally getting married."
"Look, as long as we can keep this from the Time Bureau I'm sure it'll be fine," Jax assured the rest of the team as he spoke softly to them in the corner. They all quickly paused as a loud laugh came from Callie and Sara as the two were in conversation with Diggle and Oliver from the other side of the room.
Everyone else was currently giving the legends a wide berth, clearly being able to tell that the disastrous team was planning another one of their reckless ideas.
"Are you sure this will work?" Amaya asked, her voice laced with uncertainty as they finished listening to the proposition that Jax had laid out in front of them. She knew that his idea was ludacris, but if they could pull it off then it would certainly be worth the hassle.
"Theoretically, yes. As long as we remember to return them and their memories to their previous states then it shouldn't be a problem," Nate inputted, his eyebrows furrowed as he warmed up to the idea that they had all began to deeply consider.
As the team all looked back to where their Captain had been joined by her father they couldn't help but find themselves falling deeper in love with the plan. This was going to be Callie and Sara's perfect day and if there was anything they could do to make it one to remember, they certainly were going to do that.
"Okay," Ray agreed, taking on the mantle of ringleader as he clapped his hands and turned back to look at them. "Let's do this."
Callie watched with a soft smile from the other side of the hall as Sara and Quentin spoke to each other. While they loved travelling through time and occasionally space, there was nothing quite like getting to come home and see your family.
Looking at how the father and daughter spoke to each other caused a small lump to form in Callie's throat as she watched them interact. She used to have that with her own father before he had gone off the rails and tried to literally kill everyone she had ever loved. While she could never forgive him, watching the Lance's almost made her wish that her father had been a better man and had been there with her today.
Oliver nudged Barry as he noticed how Callie was leaning against the bar at the side of the room watching her soon to be wife with a wishful look in her face. Following her eyeline, Oliver felt his heart sink slightly as he realised why Callie was staring at the family reunion with so much emotion in her eyes.
Barry turned to look at his friend, excusing himself from the conversation that they had been having with Alex and Cisco. Thinking back to the conversation that him and Oliver had shared the night before only reminded him of what they needed to speak to Callie about, and there was certainly no better time than now.
The raven haired girl felt slightly more at ease as the two men appeared on either side of her, Oliver passing her a champagne flute as he lightly squeezed her hand in arrival. She smiled, silently thanking him as she accepted the alcohol from his hand and turned away from intently watching the Lances to speak to Barry and Oliver.
"So," Barry interrupted just before she could say anything. "We think we know the answer but I'm going to ask anyway, me or Oliver?"
Callie squinted, confused as to what the man was asking of her. "You do remember I'm marrying a woman, yeah?" She checked with them both as they rolled their eyes at her.
"What he means," Oliver interrupted, a playful scoff on his face as he rolled his eyes at Barry, "is who would you rather walk you down the aisle?"
Callie felt taken aback as she looked between them with a deep admiration for the men. She hadn't realised how much she needed someone to step up in her life for her like this but it reminded her of the one lesson that life just seemed to keep teaching her; that no matter where she was or who she had been, her friends would always be there for her.
"No offence Barry but it just feels right if Ollie gives me away," she explained, the man nodding appreciably as he knew that would have been the likely outcome. "That is, if you will?" She turned to Oliver, her voice slightly higher with nerves as she asked the question.
The man grinned widely, reaching forward and pulling her in for a tight hug as she rested her head against his chest with a sigh. It had been a long time since she had received one of his hugs and she had forgotten how easily they always managed to calm her down.
"Camilla Merlyn, it would be my absolute pleasure."
"This time tomorrow we'll be married," the raven haired girl reminded Sara as she lightly rested her hands on her neck as they shared a quick moment of PDA at the side of the room.
Sara grinned widely, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to her fiancés lips as she thought about the journey that they had taken to get to this moment. Many years had gone into this, even if they didn't know it.
"We'll be starting with our two week break from everything and anything that might try to kill us," Sara joked, her hands playfully squeezing Callie's waist as she joked about their usual activities.
Callie nodded before her eyes furrowed slightly as she looked around the room. As her eyes fell on Mick, she turned back to Sara with slightly narrowed eyes.
"Should we be concerned that no-one from our team except Mick is in sight?"
"What the hell?" "Ehhhh what is going on?"
The male and female's voices were groggy as they adjusted to the sensation that had just taken over their bodies. Ray clapped, his excitement electrifying the air as he moved to lead the two away from their seats.
"It'll go soon," he explained ushering them towards Zari who was peering out the cargo door entrance of the Waverider. She was waiting on the all clear from Jax before moving on to their next planned checkpoint. Smiling at the two, she quickly motioned for them to move as the flashing torch signal shone in the distance to symbol that it was safe to move.
Just as Ray, Zari and the two strangers almost made it to their meeting point with Jax, Amaya and Nate they were interrupted and frozen in their places.
A loud cough startled them from behind, causing Zari to swear loudly as they all spun around to face a very angry looking suited woman with the familiar sheepish looking intern at her side.
"Agent Sharpe! How lovely to see..." Ray started but was cut off by the woman as she eyed up the two new comers.
"Cut the crap Ray, what have you guys done? We just had a report of a level eight anachronism!"
Nate moved from the meeting point, knowing that he was their best chance at explaining how this was an anachronism that was certainly for the better.
"Agent Sharpe, if I told you that we can fix this anachronism later easily would that make it better?"
"Well, then let me tell you the real reason as to why we can't let you fix it right now."
"You ready?" Oliver asked, slipping into the room while Felicity finished fixing the train on her long white dress.
Callie spun to look at the man, grinning as she noticed that the tux he was wearing had been accompanied by the black and white rose in the pocket that Iris had picked out for them all. She nodded, trying to step herself from crying again. She had already shed many emotional tears this morning and the last thing she wanted to do was to smudge the mascara that Iris had just finished applying.
Just before Felicity was able to make a quirky remark, the door burst open and a flustered looking Nate entered the room in a hurry. Callie scrunched up her eyebrows, a sudden panic filling her chest.
"I knew something was going to go wrong," she sighed, her chest tightening as the panic spread to her body. Nate shook his head frantically, not sure how to explain that something was certainly not wrong - rather the complete opposite. "You guys not being at the rehearsal dinner was a dead giveaway that something was going to ruin this day!"
"CALLIE NOTHING IS WRONG!" Nate yelled, causing the raven haired girl to stop her pacing. Iris, Felicity and Oliver all looked to the man in annoyance for getting the girl so worked up only an hour before she was due to marry the love of her life. "Well, maybe the timeline slightly..."
Mick walked in, having been waiting outside while Nate was supposed to prepare Callie for what they had done. Jax, Amaya, Ray and Zari were already with Sara as they prepared her for her end of the historical alterations, but Mick had grown tired of listening to Nate huff and puff.
"What pretty boy is trying to say is that we decided to break all the rules and get you a wedding gift," he drawled out, not really bothered about the semantics. Callie was already taken aback by the fact that Mick had ditched his usual attire to wear a suit - even if the tie was missing and she was pretty sure there was soot on the bottom of his shirt.
"A gift?"
Callie's jaw dropped as the man walked into the room, a perfect bouquet of black and sky blue roses in his hand as he smiled at her with his perfect smile. His hair was perfectly gelled on his head and Callie knew that while the whole day was going to be perfect, this was the one thing that would make it the most perfect day ever.
She could see her expression reflected in Oliver's face, with Iris and Felicity moving into the corner of the room next to Nate as they witnessed the incurring exchange.
Callie took one step forward, before her instincts got the better of her and she took another step back. Logic was struggling to explain the sight in front of her, but she knew that the team had really messed with history this time.
"What Earth are you?"
"One. This Earth," he answered, the impossibility of it hurting Callie's heart. But she knew those eyes and she could see nothing but the genuine truth in them.
"Your buddies picked me up, only days after I found out about Ollie being the Hood," he started, the memories coming back to her as she remembered how long ago that was. "I was skeptical but they took me to your space ship and they explained everything to me - all about Sara being alive, everything that's happened to get you to this point and why I'm not here."
Callie nodded, trying to process it. "But you're really here? It's really you?"
"Yeah Cal, it's me."
Launching herself across the room, she flung her arms around his body and held him tightly. Ignoring as the flowers dropped to the floor, Callie allowed the tears to pour freely from her eyes with not a single care about the mascara that would most likely be running down her cheeks.
"Tommy," she whimpered, not usually this vulnerable in front of people but she also did not care. "Oh my god, I miss you so much."
The man squeezed her tightly, allowing his twin sister to bawl on his shoulder as she adjusted to getting to see her brother for the first time in almost six years.
Oliver waited at the side, in shock at the sight of his friend but knowing that he would have his chance to reunite with the man in a second.
No-one had the heart to break the siblings apart - even when they continued hugging for fifteen minutes afterwards.
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