chapter 17
Callie eyes narrowed as she considered that this Sharpe lady was maybe trying to flirt with her finace. "Sara's fiancé, also a part-time assassin and Damien Darhk killer, but you can call me Callie. You are?"
The woman opened and closed her mouth for a second, trying to process the information that had just left the girl's lips. She had known that the Legends had recently lost a team member, but she hadn't been told that one had suddenly came back from the dead.
"Ava, Ava Sharpe," the woman breathed, holding out her hand to be shook. Callie stared pointedly at her hand until the woman dropped it, a glare on her eyes as she studied the woman. Watching as Nate entered the room and interupted, causing Ava to begin to speak to the man, Callie continued to glare daggers at the woman.
Crossing the room, Sara lightly smacked her head as she reprimanded Callie for her stand-offish behaviour.
"Play nice."
"I know what you're trying to do, by the way," Jax muttered to Zari as the two played one of the video games that they had on board the ship. Callie sat in the back corner of the room, having been put on time-out with the other two members of the team as Sara and the others had decided that it wasn't best to rush her back into the field so quickly. She had agreed, knowing that there was still a lot of conditioning that she needed to get rid of.
"What's that?" Zari asked, trying to play it cool and not show that she was trying to take the boys mind off things.
"Tying to distract me."
Zari paused for a second, slamming her controller slightly as Jax managed to get another punch on her character in the game. Callie looked up from the book she had been reading ('How to find your zen in a busy living situation' co-incidentally) and peered across the room at where they were sitting on the ground. She knew that they had both tuned out that she was sitting there but as a former assassin it was in her nature to pick up on other conversations.
"I'm also trying to beat you. Is the distraction working?"
"I still wanna warn Grey."
"So do it. I would've warned my brother, if I had the chance."
"Yeah, but Sara..." Jax hesitated, knowing that Zari still didn't understand the way protecting history worked compared to how the rest of them understood it. He knew that he was going to fall into a rabbit hole any second, but he really didn't want to have to lose and damage his year-long friendships with the rest of the team because of it.
"Just 'cause she's the Captain doesn't mean you have to do everything she says," Zari snorted, before her eyes widened and she spun around in her place to look at the black-haired girl in the corner of the room. Callie raised an eyebrow, wanting to know where the girl was going with this. "No offence Callie."
"None taken. She's my fiancé, not my mother - nor is she yours," Callie told them both, looking back to her book with disinterest for the conversation they were currently having. She wanted Jax to save Stein - and while she knew the consequences could be disastrous, she was selfish.
"Yeah, no, I know, but we..."
Jax was cut off by the man himself entering the room and looking at the three Legends situated inside of it. Martin smiled at Callie, taking a step slightly farther away from her in fear. She wasn't sure why the young Stein feared her but she presumed someone had told him her assassin status from their previous encounters.
"Ah, Jefferson, there you are. Forgive the interruption, but I would very much like to return to my Clarissa and Lily, with or without that wretched Beebo."
Jax looked to Callie for approval. The girl shurgged, rolling her eyes and turning her head back to her book for the umpteenth time. She was getting fed up of the distractions now - as she conveniently opened the next page to reveal a chapter about avoiding conversation.
"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll take you in the jumpship."
"Yo. This is your chance. Find some loophole, like I did with Helen of Troy. You can save your friend's life," Zari reminded him, nudging him as he walked towards the door.
"That was unexpected. I mean, not the Darhks showing up. They seem to enjoy altering history. You retreating," Ava told Sara as the team all gathered back in the Waverider after the surprise appearance of Damion Darhk himself, alongside his equally evil daughter Nora.
"Well, Vikings are one thing," Sara told Ava, barely paying attention to the woman as she tried to figure out where Callie was. If anyone was going to tell her that the man she had spent her past few years frantically trying to kill was back, it had to be her. "If we're gonna tangle with the Darhks, we have to get our heads on straight."
"I, for one, am glad you're treading cautiously," Ava informed her, nodding in approval as she looked at the rest of the Legends itching to leave the room and get out of the uncomfortable clothes that they were all wearing.
"We've arrived safely in the Temporal Zone, but I'm afraid the Anachronism has..." Sara cut Gideon off, a deep groan falling from her lips as she slammed her hands down on the table she was standing beside as she tried to load up the cameras on the Waverider to find Callie.
"Let me guess, it's worse. Thank you, Gideon!" Turning to look at the woman that had come to help them, Sara sighed as she did the one thing she swore that she was never going to do. "Ava, can you call the Time Bureau for backup?"
"Wait, wait, wait, are we really that desperate?" Ava asked, confusion written across her face as she looked between Sara and Ray. Ray shrugged, looking over at Sara as the blonde rubbed at her face in annoyance.
"Well, the last time we faced Nora Darhk, she put Sara in a coma," Amaya told Ava, watching as the agent's eyes shot up in surprise at that. Nodding, she pressed the button on her watch and opened a portal to the Bureau directly in the bridge.
"Right. I'll, uh, speak to Director Bennett," she agreed, stepping through and waving a quick goodbye to the rest of the team as the portal shut behind her.
"Wow, that's, uh, quite the getup," Zari said, entering the room as she noticed all of the outfits that the rest of the team were wearing. Sniggering slightly, she shut up as Sara turned around to speak to the girl.
"Where's Martin and Jax?"
"Uh, they're on their way back to Central City. Gotta get Martin home for the holidays," Zari covered, her voice slightly off pitch as she lied to the blonde.
"Good, at least he's out of harm from Darhk," Nate said, looking down at the shoes he was wearing as he shuffled from foot to foot uncomfortably.
A slamming noise caused all of them to look up suddenly, realising that they had forgotten to tell Callie what had just happened. The girl stormed into the room, a fire in her eyes as she glared at them all from the entrance to the bridge.
"Did you just say Darhk?"
Callie sat in the corner of the room with her arms crossed as she watched the rest of the team pace back and forth. They had told her everything - from Sara almost dying and being in a coma to Damien Darhk having his powers back - and it was safe to say that the girl wasn't taking the news well.
"Okay, here's the deal. Backup is not coming," Sara told everyone else as she tried to not focus on a brooding Callie. "The Time Bureau thinks the Darhks can't be defeated, and they're probably right. Leo asked us to talk about our feelings. Well, my feeling is that history needs us to stop the Darhks, but after losing Stein, I can't lose anyone else. I need you guys to take the Waverider and leave."
Everyone started to complain, but it was Callie who sprung forward to wrap her hand gently but firmly around Sara's arm to make the blonde look at her in the eyes.
"You can't face Darhk alone," Nate pointed out, but Sara wasn't paying attention to the man.
"I'm not leaving you Sara, I can't. After everything we've been through, I said I was never going to leave again and I sure as hell mean that," Callie murmured lowly so that the rest of the team couldn't properly make out what she was saying. It was an intimate promise, one that she was yet to break and she wasn't planning on breaking it anytime soon.
"I have a plan," Sara told her, pleading with her to just take the damn ship and leave to ensure her safety along with the rest of the team. Callie shook her head, raising a hand to place against the side of her cheek as she looked her girl directly in the eyes.
"Then we'll do it together."
Having been forced to sit this mission out due to not only her lack of training with the legends but her personal vendetta against Darhk, Callie found herself springing to her feet as the team all arrived back - surprisingly with no injuries except from Sara telling everyone that she was in an alternate dimension.
Callie watched as Ava questioned the woman about it, but she knew that she would hear the full story from Sara's mouth later on that night so she simply left them to it. Looking around, she noticed Jax standing at the door of the room looking directly at her. Nodding to the corridor, she took the hint and followed the boy from the room.
"What's up?" Callie asked, looking at how he was nervously fiddling his fingers while avoiding eye contact with her. She furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that whatever he was about to do was not going to sit well with her.
"I can't stay here," he started, stuttering as he tried to get it all out. "I know you only just got back but everywhere I go I just hear him, I see him! I think I need to go for a while."
Callie swallowed the jump in her throat, confusion flooding her veins followed by acceptance. She had known deep down that the boy wasn't going to be able to stay; just like how she would never have been able to stay if anything had happened to Sara.
"Oh Jax," Callie sighed, tugging her unbiological brother in for a tight hug as she held the boy close to her. Her head rested just under his chin and they stayed there frozen in time while Callie processed the news. "There'll always be a home here whenever you need it."
"You didn't really think we were just gonna let you sneak out of here without saying goodbye!"
Jax jumped as the lights turned on in the kitchen, the whole team surrounding a large feast of food as they grinned across the room at the boy. He smiled widely, chuckling as he dumped his bag on the ground and reached out to hug them all.
"Yeah, we can't celebrate the holidays without the whole family."
"Happy Yuletide."
Sara lifted her glass, looking around at them all as they settled back into their seats. She sent Callie a small smile before turning back to look at everyone.
"To the ones we lost, or left behind."
Everyone clinked their glasses, laughing as Gideon started to play soft Christmas music throughout the room. Callie smiled gently at Sara, quickly pressing a short kiss to her fiancé's lips as they all cheered for Jax to get up and do a speech..
"Oh Okay, all right. Uh, when Grey first dragged me onboard this ship, uh, I thought it was the last place that I wanted to be. I mean, you were all a bunch of screw-ups, uh, B-list superheroes, washed up bank robbers, no offense, but, uh the thing is, when you get a bunch of broken pieces, and you put 'em all together the right way, they make something new, and suddenly, they don't feel so broken anymore and I'm pretty sure that's what a family is. So, uh I don't know what happens next, but I know I'll always have a family here with you guys."
"Damn right, little brother," Sara said, letting out a yell as everyone cheered the boy on.
"Well it's been an honor, Captain," he said at the end of the meal, picking up the duffel bag that he had dropped at the start of the dinner.
"Come here. Hey, I'm sure it's only gonna be a matter of time before some Aztecs with jetpacks invade Central City, so and the honor's been all mine."
Just before Jax finished saying his goodbye's, a sudden thought spread across Callie's thoughts as she thought about the things that she was going to miss having Jax around for - and the one thing that he was going to miss. That was, unless she did something about it.
"Actually, before you go Jax, I have something I want to do while we're all still around, but I think we're gonna need to call some friends first."
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