chapter 16
Mick rolled his eyes, just wanting to get back on the road. "Boss. Ship's ready."
Sara nodded, waving goodbye to Alex. "Catch you on the other side."
"You hit that?" Mick asked with no hesitation as the three walked away from Alex. Callie sniggered, causing Sara to sigh at both of them. She lifted both arms as she smacked the two of them upside their heads.
"Shut up."
Callie sighed as she rolled over, moving her dark hair out of her face as she smiled softly at Sara. The blonde was rubbing her eyes, still trying to hold on to the last minutes of sleep before they would have to get up and continue on with their time travelling lives. She laughed lightly as Sara smacked at the alarm clock, groaning and muttering to herself as she sat up in bed.
Jumping ever so slightly at the noise that fell from Callie's lips, Sara felt her heartbeat accelerate in surprise at the dark haired girl who was propped up on her elbow watching her with a grin spread across her cheeks.
"Now that's a sight I'm glad to see again," Sara breathed, leaning forward and lightly pressing her lips against Callie's. The raven haired girl smiled into the kiss, using her free hand to gently brush the loose hair out of Sara's face as they pulled back.
Callie sighed as Sara moved out of the bed, tying her hair back as she went to move to get ready for the day ahead. She watched as the blonde barely cast another look backwards at her as she began to rummage through their shared wardrobe on the Waverider.
"You know," Callie mused, a slight rasp in her voice from just having woken up. "I thought that since this was our first day back on the Waverider after everything that's happened, you would maybe consider making up for lost time..."
She trailed off, the sultry suggestion hanging in the air as Sara chuckled to herself. The blonde made no pausing of her routine however as she continued to pick out her outfit for the day while gathering a new set of towels for her morning shower. Callie huffed slightly as Sara disappeared into their bathroom, slamming her head backwards on the pillows as she groaned at her failed attempt to seduce Sara.
Looking up slightly as she realised that the shower was yet to start, Callie almost choked on the air as she saw a half-naked Sara standing against the door frame with a wide smirk on her face. The blonde was studying her intently, a hint of mischief in the air as she laughed at Callie's shock.
"Are you coming or what?" Sara asked, turning around and heading into the bathroom, laughing at the scrambling noises she heard from Callie rushing into the bathroom behind her.
"Gideon said that you wanted to see me," Callie announced her arrival to Leo Snart as she walked into the library, her hair still dripping wet from her shower with Sara and no shoes on her feet - but rather a pair of bright red fluffy socks. He squinted at her attire before shaking his head and remembering why he had summoned the girl to the room.
"Come in. Have a seat," he drawled as he motioned to the seat on the other side of the desk he was sitting at. "You comfortable? I know the Legends have lost a friend. I've been there. I wanna help you guys through the grieving period."
Callie sighed, knowing that whatever he was about to do was not going to be any help in grieving the Professor. She had already compartmentalised it, something that she knew wasn't the best way to grieve but it was what she had always done and would always do. She had cried at the funeral - and she knew that the man wouldn't have wanted them to dwell on his life.
"Oh, you know I think I'm alright actually, I've dealt with this before so..." Callie murmured, beginning to rise to her feet when Leo interuptted her, his hand creeping under the desk to pick something up as he began to speak again.
"I wanna give you the chance to get anything off your chest, anything at all. What would you like to say..." He paused, whipping his hand out from the desk to reveal a Muppet version of Stein. Callie blinked, not sure if she was imagining this. "To Professor Martin Stein?"
"What the...?" She breathed before shaking her head and moving to the door, ignoring Leo's calls for her to come back. Exiting the room she allowed for a small sigh to fall from her lips. "Oh my god, get me back to Earth-X."
Walking into the bridge, Callie smiled as she noticed Sara fiddling about with something that was incredibly reminiscent for the both of them. The black crossbow was different that the one that Sara had been used to seeing Callie use, but Gideon had done the honours of removing the Earth-X Nazi markings off the weapon for the Merlyn girl.
"Careful," Callie warned, playfully smiling as Sara turned around with a small grin on her face at the sound of her lover walking in. "Wouldn't want you to accidentally shoot yourself, but if you're wanting a lesson, I happen to have a decent aim."
Sara moved forward, placing the crossbow on the table as she passed it and looped her arms around Callie's neck. Leaning up to the girl's ear, she rested her mouth just against the side of Callie's ear as she whispered into it.
"I think we both can think of many other uses for our time," she rasped, causing Callie's eyes to widen slightly as the blonde pulled back with a grin on her face. Callie gulped and was about to say something when the whole room shook, causing Sara to hold on tightly to Callie's waist as they tried to regain their balance.
"What was that?" Callie asked, stepping back from Sara as the rest of the team all gathered in the bridge, waiting to find out the exact same thing.
"An Anachronism caused a disturbance in the Temporal Zone, which created a Timequake," Nate told them all as he joined them in the Captain's lounge, jogging into the room as he noticed everyone else had been waiting for him to tell them what had happened.
Ray sighed, a saddened look on his face as he looked around at everyone - and particularly the missing gap where Stein usually stood with a curious look on his face. "And this is where Marty would've said, "Fascinating.""
Amaya rubbed Jax's shoulders as they dropped slightly, not needing reminded that his other half had died to save not just him but everyone else. He looked over at Callie, who was looking at him with a slight hint of sympathy as he nodded back in appreciation. He had been upset. He had considered how unfair it was - that she was coming back from the dead again while Grey had died - but he knew that it wasn't her fault.
"All right, everybody, I know you're sad, so this is what we're gonna do," Sara told them all, turning to face the rest of the team as she took charge of the situation. Callie smiled softly at her attempt to try and cheer everyone up, but she knew that the advice that was about to leave her lips probably wasn't the best. "I want you to take all of your feelings about Martin and put it in a box, and then, I want you to close the box, and then, you're gonna lock the box."
"Well, that sounds healthy," Leo interrupted, an annoyed look on his face as he tried to figure out how they managed to stay in concentration with everything they did.
"League of Assassins technique," Callie murmured, shrugging as everyone looked briefly at the girl.
"Maybe not, but we got a job to do," Sara told Leo, nodding at Callie as they remembered their League training. There was a slight awkward pause in the air - from Sara's advice and from the reminder that Callie and Sara had lived in rougher situations than the rest could imagine. "Gideon, the Anachronism, please."
The red circle appeared on the screen, everyone squinting as they looked at the number that had appeared in front of them.
"Uh, Level 12?" Zari questioned, confused about whatever the League was and also as to what a Level 12 was.
"Level Ten didn't do it justice. Leif Eriksson's Vikings set up a colony in the New World around 1000 A.D," Gideon informed them, cutting off as Nate began to talk over her.
"Little known fact, the Vikings "discovered" the Americas 492 years before Columbus, but due to Eriksson's adoption of Christianity, the Vikings decided to pack up their bags and head home.
Sorry, Gideon, you were saying?"
"In this version of history, the Vikings stayed and conquered all of North America, or as it's called now, New Valhalla."
"All right, let's go!" Sara exclaimed, motioning to the crossbow on the table as Callie picked it up. She had a strange feeling that they were going to need it where they were going.
"So, I checked the lunar calendar, and today is Yuletide," Nate explained, holding up a scroll for Ray, Sara and Callie to see what date it was.
"Oh, like Christmas?" Ray asked, excited as he realised what date their anachronism was occurring in.
"Well, before Christians rebranded it, wreaths, trees, elves were all Norse traditions first. And tonight, Leif is throwing a huge Yuletide feast. Which is the perfect cover for us."
"Oh we could dress up as Norse Gods and order them to head back to Greenland or face our wrath!" Ray exclaimed, putting on a stupid accent towards the end as he turned to face the other three.
"Worst idea you ever had." "That's a terrible idea."
Sara and Nate said at the same time, shaking their heads at the scientist while Callie hummed in agreement - but not with them.
"I like it. Feels like something that Jake Peralta would do. I like that," Callie murmured, rolling her eyes when they all turned to look at her in surprise that she would know something like that. "What? Felicity used to play it when Oliver and Diggle were busy and I was training."
She was interrupted by Gideon, the AI almost having a slightly giddy tone in her voice as she addressed the four Legends that stood in the room.
"Incoming transmission from Agent Sharpe."
Callie's ears piped up, her head moving quickly between the other three as she tried to figure out who was calling them and how. "Agent who now?"
She watched as Nate and Ray moved out of the room, confusion on her face as she tried to figure out why they would leave Sara alone to speak to some Agent.
"Oh Put her on," Sara yelled out to Gideon as the boys began to leave the room, Callie sitting out of sight of the camera at the side of the room. "Agent Sharpe, it's been awhile, thankfully."
Callie furrowed her brows as a tall, blonde woman in an official looking suit appeared on the screen. She had a slight sneer on her face but Callie couldn't help but notice the way that she had given Sara a quick look up and down.
"Captain Lance."
"Let me guess, you saw that there's a Level 12 Anachronism, and you're calling to lecture me on everything - that we're doing wrong," Sara piped up, making Callie think that there obviously was some sort of relationship here that she didn't know about.
"No. Okay, yes. But I also heard about Martin Stein, and I'm calling to express my condolences."
Sara seemed taken aback by this, but she kept her composure as she addressed the woman. "Well, thank you, but my team and I, - we have it under control."
"I hope so, because the Legends fixing a Level 12 under normal circumstances would be a Beebo Day miracle."
Callie perked up, a grin on her face as she instantly caught on to what the issue here was. She laughed slightly, ignoring the look that Sara sent her while thinking about how stupid the name sounded.
"Did you just say Beebo Day?"
"December 25th, Beebo Day, when families exchange gifts and sing silly songs and discover that they can no longer live under the same roof? Beebo Day's part of the Anachronism, isn't it? Yeah, never felt right."
"This Anachronism is cementing fast, and to be honest, my team is still pretty raw from losing Stein. We could use an outside perspective."
Callie's eyebrows shot down again, a snarl on her lips as she watched how the Agent's mouth seemed to twitch in response to Sara's proposal.
"Are you asking for my help?"
"No. Okay, yes."
Callie scrambled to her feet in surprise when some sort of portal opened to her left, the woman walking through as it shut behind her. The raven haired girl stood with her arms crossed as she watched the woman smile across the room at Sara.
"All right what's the plan?" She asked, before noticing the angry looking girl in the corner of the room. "Sorry, have we met?"
Callie eyes narrowed as she considered that this Sharpe lady was maybe trying to flirt with her finace. "Sara's fiancé, also a part-time assassin and Damien Darhk's killer, but you can call me Callie. You are?"
The woman opened and closed her mouth for a second, trying to process the information that had just left the girl's lips. She had known that the Legends had recently lost a team member, but she hadn't been told that one had suddenly came back from the dead.
"Ava, Ava Sharpe," the woman breathed, holding out her hand to be shook. Callie stared pointedly at her hand until the woman dropped it, a glare on her eyes as she studied the woman. Watching as Nate entered the room and interupted, causing Ava to begin to speak to the man, Callie continued to glare daggers at the woman.
Crossing the room, Sara lightly smacked her head as she reprimanded Callie for her stand-offish behaviour.
"Play nice."
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