chapter 15
"For the Professor," Sara confirmed, a small nod as she got ready to give the signal to move.
Callie smiled widely, knowing that Sara was about to deliver a final line - something that she always did. Looking at Cisco who was standing beside her, she winked at the man.
"Wait for it..."
"Now let's go kick some ass!" Sara yelled, throwing her hands in the air.
Callie stretched her neck from side to side as she fell into place with the line that they had formed against the approaching Nazi's. Looking around the line as everyone else stared forward, a sudden thought sprung to her mind as she turned to look at Sara who was a few down the line from her.
"What about a Spring wedding?" She mused, everyone in the line turning to look at her with the same expression of confusion. Sara squinted slightly, knowing that it was such a Callie thing to pick this moment to try and decide when they were going to get married.
Oliver coughed slightly from Callie's right, causing the girl to turn away from Sara and look at her best friend. He was smirking slightly - something that Callie knew her brother would have also done had he been able to see this turn of events - but he motioned to the events in front of them to try and regain her attention.
"Right, sorry," Callie apologised, her hand grabbing on to the handle of the bow that she had picked up from the Waverider. "Maybe Summer." Laughing as Oliver shot her another exasperated look, Callie launched forward in time with everyone else as the Nazi's neared them.
She found herself fighting back to back with Leo Snart, his thick jacket hood up while he sprayed rays of ice at the Nazi solders they were squaring off against. Just as one went to swipe at her, she found herself jumping backwards as a ray of fire shot past her and burned the soldier.
"Excuse me! You can't just go around roasting people!" Leo yelled, turning to look at Mick in offensive. Callie raised an eyebrow, not used to this more morally correct version of the man.
"Why not?"
"You ever heard of due process? Rule of law?" Leo continued, noticing that the blank expression on Mick's face hadn't changed in the slightest. Callie let out a soft chuckle as the pyro man simply grubbed out a no before storming away and continuing to burn the soldiers.
Rolling her eyes, Callie found herself suddenly swept off her feet. Grappling with the person that had just tackled her, she instantly knew that she was up for a tough fight here. Snarling in her face was Oliver - not her Oliver, but Earth-X's. Her Oliver was moving to his feet from the corner of her eye, clutching his stomach from a previous blow.
A sudden explosion above their heads distracted everyone from the fight as Overgirl seemingly combusted right in front of them. The Nazi leader screamed in pain and anger at the death of his wife, turning around and looking at Callie with a fire in his eyes. The girl had her crossbow raised, pointing directly at him as she thought about taking the shot.
"You can't kill me, you're too weak," he spat, reaching for one of his own arrows that rested in the quiver on his shoulder. Callie's eyes followed his movements but the girl made none of her own. The only difference was the satisfied smile that crossed her lips as she tilted her head at the man.
"You're right, I can't," she mused, watching as he faulted in his steps from not expecting her response. "But he can."
The archer barely had time to process what she was talking about. Turning around, he changed his arm for her Oliver but the man in green was a long way ahead of the dark archer. Releasing the arrow that he had notched on to his bow when Callie had been speaking to the man, Oliver sent an arrow straight through the heart of the Nazi leader.
Watching as he fell backwards, his eyes rolling into his head, Callie looked over at Oliver with a deep sigh. The man moved, letting the girl wrap her arms around him and burry her head into his chest.
She was finally free.
"Uh, Clarissa asked me to say a few words. But, as you all know, it was Grey Martin who was the wordy one. But I got used to hearing his voice inside my head. And, uh, even now I can still hear him. 'Cause even though he's gone, he's still a part of me."
Callie sniffled slightly as she watched everyone around her mourn for their teammate, their family member. She knew that there would be casualties of this war, but she knew that if anyone least deserved it then that was Stein. Her heart clenched as Jax let his tears pour, trying to finish the eulogy that he had spent hours trying to perfect with her help the night before.
"He's still a part of all of us. He was the best man right until the end. The best teacher. Friend. Husband. Father," Jax finished, Sara squeezing Callie's hand tightly as they watched the coffin be lowered into the ground. Taking a step back, Callie allowed those who had been chosen to empty the dirt on to the top of the coffin move forward.
"Good-bye, my love," Clarissa choked out, causing a lump to form in Callie's throat.
"Thank you for believing in me, and letting her come home," Sara said, causing the breath in Callie's throat to pause as she fully understood the sacrifice that Stein had made for not just their team but everyone standing around them.
"Tell Ronnie I miss him," Caitlin asked as she tried to stifle a whimper. Losing one half of firestorm had been the hardest thing ever for her, but the last part of Ronnie left was also now gone.
"Thank you for bringing me home to her," Barry finished, moving backwards as everyone took one last look at the wooden contraption where Stein's final resting place was forever more. Breathing deeply, Callie allowed Sara to hide her face in her shoulder as everyone moved away from the grave.
Their team had just gotten a little lonelier.
"So, you're going to another earth, and I'm going to another time."
Alex let out a laugh as her and Sara came to a pause on the soft grass. The red-head could see the slight outline of the Waverider disgusing itself only a couple hundred metres from where they stood.
"Yeah, that's kind of how we roll, huh?" She joked, turning to properly face Sara as she tried to process everything that had happened between them in the short period of time that they had known each other.
"Totally normal," Sara joked.
Sharing a quick hug, Alex looked at Sara sincerely as she thought about the conversation they had shared in the base on Earth-X.
"Um, thank you for putting things in perspective for me."
Sara quirked an eyebrow, thinking back to the same conversation. "Does that mean you're gonna take my advice on Maggie?"
"Yes, I'm gonna trust my instincts. I mean, there's got to be somebody else out there for me. Right?" Alex checked, trusting Sara's judgement on the situation. "Just like there was somebody else out there for you and for more than just a night."
"That's funny. That was my takeaway too," Sara informed her, both of them turning around to see Mick and Callie walking towards them. The raven-haired girl pulled Alex into a hug, surprising them all as she smiled warmly at the woman.
"If you ever need anything, we're here."
Mick rolled his eyes, just wanting to get back on the road. "Boss. Ship's ready."
Sara nodded, waving goodbye to Alex. "Catch you on the other side."
"You hit that?" Mick asked with no hesitation as the three walked away from Alex. Callie sniggered, causing Sara to sigh at both of them. She lifted both arms as she smacked the two of them upside their heads.
"Shut up."
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