chapter 12
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just end you here," he growled, pushing the barrel tighter against her head. Callie didn't look away, she just kept her eyes focused completely on his.
"I can't. You should pull the trigger," She yelled, the resentment at herself for what she had done flooding her body along with the pounding guilt and grief for the person that she had let herself become.
General Schott didn't need to be told twice. His finger moved, the trigger of the gun pressed by his finger.
"What are you doing?"
Alex didn't turn around as she heard Sara come up behind her. She had no time to pause, Kara was going to die if she didn't manage to get herself home. Kara was her sister - biological or not, it didn't matter.
"Looking for a gun or knife anything. Okay, I don't care how many Sturmtigers they have out there. I'm gonna go save Kara, with or without the help of these people!" Alex ground out, rummaging around the cupboards as she tried to find something to use. Slamming her hands down, she tried to ignore Sara speaking.
"No, you're not," the blonde reasoned, knowing that this was not the way to go about things.
Alex rolled her eyes, not caring for Sara at that moment in time. Kara needed her. "I'm a government agent certified in over 30 military weapons."
Sara smiled softly as she recognised the fire that burned inside of Alex. It was the same motivation that she had seen in many of her teammates and friends. "And you're impressive, I'll give you that. But you still can't fight your way through an army of Nazis alone and scared."
"I'm not scared." Alex argued, not happy that Sara was trying to tell her how she was feeling.
"No, not for you. For your sister," Sara spoke gently, knowing exactly what Alex was going through. She had been through this before, and it was a constant battle that she fought every day.
"I should've done more. I mean, if I hadn't gotten so distracted."
Sara laughed lightly, a smirk on her lips as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and leaned against one of the steel supports that held the building up. Crossing her arms, she allowed a cheeky tone to fall from her lips. "Well, sorry to be a distraction."
"You don't understand. I can't lose her."
Sara almost froze up, realising that Alex really didn't understand how similar they were.
"I understand more than you think," she said, letting out a deep sigh as she decided to open up. "I lost my sister. The anger and guilt that I felt for not being able to save her took me down a dark path."
Alex turned around, her face dropping as she heard the pain and sorrow in Sara's voice. She knew that the woman had a rough lifestyle but she hadn't realised the pain that Sara had been though over the years. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"How could you? I mean, the only thing we know about each other is what we look like with clothes off. Beautiful, by the way," Sara winked, causing a blush to creep up Alex's face. "You also don't know that I protect my team, and you, Danvers, you're on my team. And I promise you, we're not gonna let what happened to my sister happen to yours."
"I'm sorry. I just want to I want to save Kara, and I want to get back to Maggie."
"Maggie is?"
"Yeah. I had a Maggie too and I thought about going back to her all the time," Sara started, her voice wavering slightly before she ran her finger across the band that hung from the necklace on her neck. "And then Callie came along, and that thought faded. Look, Alex. You seem like a pretty thoughtful person. And if you thought it wasn't gonna work out and had to end it, I'm sure that reason was valid. Trust your instincts."
"Yeah," Alex breathed, not really sure if she could do that. Changing the subject, she realised that she had been focusing on herself. "What's the update on Callie?"
Sara laughed lightly, a huff falling from her lips as she removed her hand from the ring that she had been rubbing. "Well, Oliver is pretty pissed at her but she's with him and Barry right now."
"Why aren't you there?"
"If there's anything I've learned about Callie is that she'll open up when she's ready. I'm certainly not going to force her to relive three years where nothing good happened to her."
"You're lucky it was a blank," Oliver gruffly snapped from the corner of the room, his eyes narrowed as Barry wiped the dried blood of the top of her forehead. She rolled her eyes, watching as he angrily paced back and forth in front of her.
"Ollie..." she started, only for him to interrupt again.
"Don't 'Ollie' me Callie. How could you do that to us, after everything we've been though? After everything Sara's been through! We can't lose you again so FOR GOD SAKE CALLIE STOP DOING STUPID THINGS!" His voice rose as his sentence went on, the veins in his neck popping slightly as he let his anger out at the raven haired girl who was sitting in front of him.
Barry moved away from Callie, taking the latex gloves off his hands as he went to bin them. Watching the interaction, he knew that he was in no position to say anything to either of the Star City residents. This was between them.
"Oliver, you don't know what I've done! Three years I've been here, THREE YEARS! Nothing good happened during those years and I thought you would have least understood that more than anyone," Callie snarled, fed up of how he was treating her like a child. She was sure that General Schott was listening into their conversation but she had nothing left to hide.
"The Island was about survival," Oliver replied back without thinking, almost as if it was an instant reflex built into his body. Callie laughed humourlessly as she stood up from the stool that she had been sitting on while Barry had cleaned the cut on the side of her forehead.
"And this place isn't? I killed these people, Oliver. So many helpless people - some of which looked exactly like our friends because I just thought that maybe one day I'd be able to come home. Oliver, this place is the harshest survival game I've ever had to play and I don't think anyone comes out the winner here."
"Well, I'm glad you're not going to try to kill us," Leo Snart's voice drawled through the room as the man glided into the tense atmosphere. "Cause we've spoken to the General."
"And after a lot of arguing," Ray continued, looking at the three heroes with a small smile on his face. Callie was standing behind Barry who was almost covering her from them incase they had tried to shoot her like their general had. "He agreed so, we're gonna help you out."
"Now, you referenced 100 guards. I assume most of them are around the perimeter?" Oliver asked, his eyes flickering to Leo as they all sat around a 3D model of the base that they were planning on breaking into.
Callie stood behind Sara, the blonde sitting down as she studied the board intently. Gently placing her hands on her fiancé's shoulders, Callie felt calmed down slightly as Sara moved her hands to rest on her own.
"All right. We fight through them outside. We access the main corridor. What is security like inside the hangar?" Oliver continued to lay down the plan, directing his question at Leo. Just as the man went to open his mouth, Barry interrupted.
"I'll do some recon."
They all paused for a second as the man disappeared in a flash of lightning. Callie opened her mouth to speak when he rushed back in, causing someone's papers in the background to go flying into the air at the puff of wind.
"So the entire facility has meta-human dampeners," Barry spoke, deadpan as he had just discovered his recon certainly was not useful.
Jax shook his head, looking up to Oliver as he leaned on the table. "Okay, we can't take that hangar with no powers, man."
"These satellites indicate a control room off the hangar," Stein spoke, pointing to the satellite direction. "That must be where the dampener is."
"Okay, well, we definitely can't take the main control room with no powers. It's not like we blend in here," Jax pointed out, motioning to the group of misfits around the table.
Callie looked up, feeling a set on eyes staring at her. General Schott was watching them all in the distance, a look of hatred across his face as he stared at her. He didn't know a difference between the Callie she was today and the one she was previously, and he just didn't understand how everyone here was so willing to ignore that.
Her train of thought slammed on its breaks as she realised just how they could blend in. Looking up, she caught Oliver's eye. The man seemed to tilt his head in approval while everyone watched the exchange occur between the two.
"I think I know how to get in," Oliver told them all, his eyes never leaving Callie's.
"Your papers, Sturmmann."
"We don't have papers. This is a special visit."
"Your papers. Now."
"Suit yourself, but, uh, I think you better talk to our boss," Leo told the Nazi guard as he motioned to the back of the truck they had stolen. Callie looked through the darkness at Oliver's face, a stern tight lipped line on his mouth as he stared out of the window at the guard.
"As you were," he gruffed, noticing how the guard's eyes widened as he looked between Oliver and Callie in recognition and surprise.
"Mein gott. My apooogies, sir. Let them through! Let them through! Thank you, mein Fuehrer. Hail, Fuehrer."
Callie watched as the window was raised, a small sigh falling from Oliver's lips as he looked across at her. She reached out, holding on to his hand as she shivered slightly at the sight of the building in front of them. Many of her days had been spent in that building, not a single happy memory from one of them.
Directing Oliver into the control room for her memory alone, Callie found herself standing a little straighter from muscle memory. There had been many a time she had suffered punishment from not standing tense enough to assert her power over those that ranked lower than her.
Looking into the room as they entered, they were instantly greeted with shouts of Earth-X Oliver's codename and the hail motions of the arms. Callie shoved her disdain to the back of her mind as she turned her expression stoic at the sight of Earth-X Quentin Lance.
"Mein Fuehrer, we were not expecting you, nor you Falke, we believed you to be gone," he said, his voice sounding slightly held back with surprise as he walked over to greet the two soliders. Callie knew instantly that he was suspicious, but Oliver was blissfully unaware that their plan was already being questioned.
"Nor was I anticipating being back so soon. Millie was shot in the head and left for dead by those scum," he spat, remembering that she was never called Callie in this world. "And now thanks to your incompetence, the Earth-1 doppelgangers - MY DOPPELGANGER - escaped his execution!" Oliver barked in his face, his tone softening to a growl as he hissed at the man. Callie knew that Oliver was playing the part well but there was something about him that just would not be the same as Earth-X's Oliver - and she knew that was a good thing.
"Yes, he did."
"We are exhausting every possible means to locate them. Would you like us to delay deployment until we do so?"
Callie tensed up, remembering the device that was held in this building. They had only been developing it when she had worked with them, but they must have dramatically increased production for it to have been ready already.
"Deployment?" Oliver asked, sending Callie a small look of confusion as he noticed her fists clench slightly.
"She is inbound and ready. The doomsday device," Lance told them, leaning forward and pressing one of the buttons on the control pad to allow the device to appear in the air on the other side of the glass. "The Wellenreiter is fully operational and at the ready, mein Fuehrer."
The dark Waverider sent a chill through Callie's spine. A place that had once felt like home to her was not supposed to have been corrupted by this world - but yet, just like everything else that mattered to her - it had been.
"Shall we send her through?"
A pause hung in the air as Callie waited for Oliver to speak, afraid he would blow their cover.
"As scheduled."
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