Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Moonsong gasped as she watched Falconstar whip past her and up onto tall rock.
"All warriors old and young come to tall rock for an urgent meating!" Falconstar called.
Moonsong could hear mumblings from the younger warriors as they gathered.
"I whent to Dripping Rocks and Moonclan told me to help Stormclan. From what I don't know, but we have to help ..." Falconstar called
Falconstar had gotten interupted by a howl from a wolf. This small event caused caose in the camp.
"Quiet!" Falconstar yelled to get the quakeing clan's attenchen back, "This proves that we need to help Stormclan! We never know if the wolfs would come up through the foresty part of the mountin to our camp and attac us to!"
"She's right!" Moonsong, Flamesky, and Barknose called.
"Flamesky and I will stay and protect the camp incase we get attacked we will allso have Mumbleheart, Whiteleap, Snowfall, Bluepaw, Clearhop, and Honeywind! All the other warriors will go with Moonsong and Barknose!"
Swiftly Moonsong and Barknose gathered all the warriors exept for Flamesky, Falconstar, Mumbleheart, Whiteleap, Snowfall,Bluepaw, Clearhop, and Honeywind. Suddenly Squirrelflow bolted off.
"Squirralflow! Where are you going?" Barknose called
"I need to find Stonepaw!" She called back
"Yes?" Stonepaw asked padding up from behind the nushrey.
"Come on we need to leave!" Squirelflow hissed
Raceing they caught up with the others and Moonsong sighed in relif as she padded to the front. Leading her clan into battle brought back memorise of Grayfoot. She had to be strong swiftly she lead the clan away from the foristy bit of the mountin and leaped onto a leadge. Hopefully she padded down the leadge till there was another leadge on the other side of the cliff. Leaping to that leadge she reapeted that same pattern with the rest of the warriors beheind her. Once they reached the bottom they raced for the Stormclan border. A strong stinky sent hit them as they crossed the boreder and headed to where the wolfes were howling agein. Suddenly she allmost fell heads over tails into a badger den by the smell of it (the badgers were long gone, but it was still scary), but with a sharp turn they swiftly whent around and headed into the cavern of a camp where there was a sharp smell of fear, wolf, and Stormclan. Moonsong heard hissing, cries of pain, and one mewle of a kit possibly no older than 2 weeks old cut short. Hopeing that they were not to late Moonsong ran in to find a queen crying over a dead kit.
Raceing up to the queen Moonsong meowed, "Please you can not die to we can help"
"I can not leave Birchkit!" Wailed the queen getting several nearby wolves attenchen.
Swifftly Moonsong picked up the Birchkit and pushed the queen to a smaller section of the cavern. Gently she set Birchkit down and ran out to help a Lionfang protect Cherryfruit the Stormclan elder also Lionfang's mother from a redish-brown wolf. After the wolf had so many injerys that it fell over right before leaving. It swiftly got back up and limped ran away. Moonsong took in the fight not shure where to go. There was at least two warriors on every wolf and the only cat who died so far was Birchkit as far as she knew. Suddenly she heared a howl of pain and raced over to where it was comeing from. Seeing an apprentice trying to fight of a wolf to save another apprentice who was bleeding badly from her side was horrafing even if the wolf was a smaller then the other ones.
"Who are you?" the ingered apprentice asked.
She must have lost so much blood to not know me. Moonsong thought in horror
"Moonsong help her pease!" the other apprentice begged as he tried to fend of another attack from the wolf.
Moonsong disided that she would first help the apprentice fighting other wise he would end up like her. Then she would find Leafheart the Stormclan Medican cat as fast as possible. The two took forever to chase the wolf of. The minute that they had chased off the wolf the apprentice wipped around as if he werent tired and knelt next to the other apprentice.
"Don't die Turttlepaw. Don't die, please" He wispered
Moonsong padded up to him and said "Her name is turttlepaw then, well you can tell me yours as I take her to Leafheart."
"His name is Snifflepaw and I don't think you should move her." a voice mewd from behind her
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