Chapter 7
Chapter 7
The foxes kept on coming and cats kept on getting injured. Jayflight wanted to say that it was for their own good letting a loner like Sapphire and her kit Clear sleep in the camp when who knows where they have been how many foxes followed them. Falconstar had told him to stay in the den at all times. They had been discussing his secret.
No! It was no time to think of his secret. The disgusting secret that would get him and her both killed if Stormstar found out. He had broken the Medicancat code and now was not worthy of being a medicine cat. After all those years training with Foxnose. No! Do not think about it Clear needed him and all the other cats that are getting hurt right now needed him. Still, he could not believe that Falconstar even thought of having Clear and his mother in the clan.
"What is going on outside?" Asked Clear
"Foxes" Jayflight snarled back
"Will my mother be okay?"
This did not seem to ensure Clear. Whimpering Clear pushed his muzzle farther into his nest. This made Jayflight feel sorry for him. To tell the truth, this was the first time that he had actually felt bad for the young cat. If his family died of foxes he would be devastated. Just imagine losing his mother gave him the shivers.
"Go to sleep" Jayflight sighed
"What if they need me?" Clear whimpered
"You have a case of greencough. They don't need to get a case of greencough while they are fighting foxes. Your mother should be in here with you, but she was determined to not get herbs for her lepordstail."
Suddenly there was a low growl behind him. Before Jayflight could turn around Clear leaped up and launched himself at the fox. Using quick position he corralled the fox out of the den and off the training cliffs. The brambles that made it so that kits don't come in and get themselves sick from eating the herbs was destroyed.
"How did you do that without any training?" Jayflight asked
"I don't know other than what my mother taught me," Clear replied
The only thing that made it to Jayflight was the prophecy. There will be four. One of each, F has the hardship, S is the last of the last, M has half of what she has, A suffers betrayal. They shall save, protect, and reunite. Four clans to stop the destruction. No, the prophecy could not be starting.
Unfortunately, it did make sense for it to start with the clan almost dying altogether, but why with this loner's son? A sudden realization hit him he had been sitting there for nearly an hour and the foxes had left. There were dozens of cats injured laying around the first one that he decided to check was Sapphire. Who was the most injured? Unfortunately, he was not fast enough. Sapphire had died from loss of blood.
"Mother?" mewed Clear pittefuly.
"She's...... gone," Jayflight said.
Getting up he swiftly ran to his den to grab some herbs and swiftly healed everyone who was healed and then padded over to Falconstar who had laid her head on her paws. Sometimes she was in deep thought and had to be prodded to get her to listen.
"Falconstar, I think that the prophecy has begun." Jayflight whispered
"How do you know?" Falconstar asked startling Jayflight
"Well, Clear chased of a fox with only his mother's training which was run and hide, and the foxes nearly destroyed the clan. This is the first step for you. As the prophecies states, F has hardship. It also says that They shall save, protect and reunite. Four clans to stop the destruction."
"I guess you're right. Appleclan did come and help chase of the foxes."
"What?! Why did you not tell me this!"
"I did not think of it at first, just seeing Sapphire it reminded me of Littlewave."
Jayflight sighed, it seemed that since Littlewave died nobody in Falconclan was happy blaming each other. Seeing this made him sad, mad, and annoyed with himself. This was all his fault. Littlewave had been found with wounds that had been caused by a cat.
"Her death was not your fault Jayflight." Falconstar mewed sadly.
This did not make him feel any better. In fact, it made him feel worse. As he padded over to the entrance of camp it seemed that his white bits of fur was making him walk slower and the black bits of fur was trying to get him to go faster. When he made it to where Littlewave had been found he looked to the right to where the hidden den that was just over the border was.
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