Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Barknose sighed, Whiteleap had not been here before. Sure sometimes he would not be here when Moonsong and himself were up before the rest of the clan but never this late. That was when the smell hit him, Appleclan.
"Moonsong! I smell Appleclan!" Barknose yowled
"What?! This close to the camp I doubt it" Moonsong mewed
"Well, I do."
"Go check it out. If he is there bring him back."
Barknose had not even left camp yet when Whiteleap and a she-cat holding a kit came into the camp. All the senior warriors looked up at the scent of Appleclan but, the only one who got up to see what was happening was Snowfall.
Her fur was flat but, her eyes were curious yet cautious. Falconstar padded out of her den her eyes wide.
"Whiteleap, why did you bring an Appleclan warrior to our camp as well as a kit?" Falconstar asked.
"I am no Appleclan warrior. I just seek refuge to keep my kit who is six moons of age until he is nursed back to health. You must help me get my sweet little one..." the she-cat started when Honeywind interrupted her.
"Please let me take your kit to Jayflight. He will help him."
"No cat will take my Clear like they stole my Sky!"
This got the whole clan worried about Sky and worried about the health of Clear. Barknose was not worried about Clear or Sky. He was worried about Whiteleap and the mysterious she-cat.
"Please, Sapphire. Let Honeywind take Clearkit to Jayflight." Whiteleap said
"Fine but his name is not Clearkit, it is just Clear." Sapphire hissed
Swiftly Honeywind raced up gently picked up Clear only to get swiped in the muzzle.
"I can walk on my own!" Clear yowled
"You are six moons aren't you," Falconstar said
"I need to ask your mother something"
Barknose growled that conversation was not a good sign. Was Falconstar going to accept this loner's kit into the clan? It would immediately be made an apprentice. It would be the only apprentice. Barknose had been so caught up in his thoughts that he had accidentally padded into Jayflight's den.
"Barknose!" Jayflight hissed
"Hm?" Barknose said
"If you do not need anything then get out of my den!"
"Oh! I am so sorry!"
"You better be."
Jayflight was always grumpy when a kit or an apprentice had to come in and get healed. That hadn't happened in years though. Ever since Grayfoot, Mumbleheart, and Whiteleap all complaining of feeling sick.
Jayflight checked for symptoms of Leopard's tail Greencough and Whitecough but they ended up faking it and missing four weeks of training. Jayflight was not pleased and they could never fake it again. Racing out of Jayflight's den he went over to the prey pile and picked out a juicy vole.
He was about to leave the pile when Moonsong came up and asked: "May I share that with you?"
"Shure." He answered
"You know that kit and it's mother, Sapphire"
"I think that the clan should keep them."
Barknose had clearly not been expecting this.
"Yeah, the clan could use an apprentice," she said
"But we do not need a loner and her kit in a clan where they are likely just going to leave anyway" Barknose responded
"Well if you don't want to talk about this we can talk about why it seems that falconclan seems to be under a lot of stress since Falconstar's mother died."
Suddenly they heard a yowl." No cat belongs here without Littlewave! She died because of all of you!"
Spinning around all Barknose could see was Moonsong beside him and the fur of the foxes crowding in.
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