Chapter 3
Moonsong started to pad towards Falconstar's den. She was still curious about what had happened yesterday and why Blackwing had blamed Mumbleheart who was a kit that Jayflight brought back that she had pretty much adopted. She had not been surprised to see Whiteleap and Greyfoot rush up to try to help Mumbleheart only to be stopped by Barknose and Squirrelflow. She had also adopted Whiteleap though Whiteleap and Mumbleheart still felt like her birth-kits. When she got to the den Falconstar was not there. She must be at Jayflight's den. She thought walking over to Jayflight's den was not that hard it was just in the secret cave on the other side of a tall rock.
"Jayflight!" Moonsong yowled.
"Yes?" Jayflight asked coming out.
"Have you seen Falconstar? She was not in her den and Flamesky did not see her when he led the set patrol."
"No. Though I think that she will be back soon she had come to me for just enough traveling herbs for the day last night."
Suddenly there was a call from the tall rock.
"All warriors old and young come to tall rock for an urgent meeting!"
"That is Falconstar!" Moonsong sighed in relief.
Racing to the front of tall rock Moonsong had managed to find her a spot beside Barknose and behind Greyfoot, Whiteleap, and Mumbleheart.
"There are dogs in our territory! We can not let them get any nearer to camp then they are! Greyfoot you lead Snowfall, Honeywind, Bluepaw, and Whiteleap. You will go and work together to separate the dogs! Then you, Squirralflow" Falconstar called and Squirralflow stopped talking to Littlewind "You lead Stonepaw, Sandypool, Flamepelt, and Barknose to attack one dog. Then Moonsong you lead Honeypaw, Sweetface, Clearhop, and Rose-eye you attack the other dog. Then I will be in charge of the rest of the warriors here at camp to protect the camp." Falconstar said
Moonsong got Honeypaw, Sweetface, Clearhop, and Rose-eye then they headed out and got into the spot where the second dog was supposed to run. Climbing a tree she and Honeypaw sat and waited for the second dog. Suddenly she saw a cat running for its life of in the dissidence. I hope that cat is not Greyfoot, Whiteleap or Barknose she thought. The only reason that she knew that it was not Mumbleheart was that he was back at camp with Falconstar. Looking over at Honeypaw she thought Falconstar will take care of my kit and it is my responsibility to take care of hers. Suddenly there was a screech and Moonsong was launched back from her thoughts to see the dog from on the hill chasing Greyfoot. She wanted to hiss and attack but she had to wait. That dog was so huge in fact she did not see the smaller dog right behind. When Honeypaw jumped she jumped on time and landed right on top of the big dog and Moonsong jumped a little late landing squarely on top of the small dog. After nipping the dog a few times she jumped to the bigger dog and bit him on the neck. Suddenly she was thrown off. Trying to get up as fast as she could she was still too late. The dog had raced over to Greyfoot who was laying on his side panting. Grabbing Greyfoot the big dog and bit down hard. All Moonsong could hear was the crunching of bones. Then the dog dropped Greyfoot and almost all the cats chased the two dogs out after a lot of hard work. Honeypaw had snuck up to Greyfoot and started to shake. Moonsong walked up then started to cry. The SquireFlow, Sandypool, Stonepaw, and Barknose came racing up.
"The dog never came. We should get Greyfoot back to camp so that Jayflight can get a look at him." Squiralflow mewed.
"Ok I will carry him there" Moonsong whimpered
"No, you go ahead and tell Falconstar. He was her apprentice you do remember that and all mentors are close to their apprentices."
Moonsong sighed and got up after licking some of the blood clean. Walking away from her son was so hard. When the others were out of sight she started to run. Running back to the camp was even harder than she had thought. She was nearly back at camp when Mumbleheart spotted her.
"Falconstar! Moonsong is back!" Mumbleheart called
Racing in Moonsong ran into Falconstar and started to cry.
"What is it?" Asked Falconstar
"It's Grayfoot. He is dying from the dog." Moonsong whimpered
"No." whispered Falconstar
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