Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Moonsong paced back and forth. Where was he? Barknose had said that they could go hunting today, so why was he late? He is never late. Hissing under her breath she saw Thunderkit running towards her. Swiftly she moved her tail to block the kit.
"Moonsong I need to talk to Squirrelflow," Thunderkit pitifully mewed
"You need to stay inside the camp," Moonsong said, trying not to take out her anger on the poor kit.
With that Thunderkit stormed of. Moonsong could not help but think that Thunderkit's name should have been Stormkit. Sitting down she looked back up to see if Barknose was coming. It was almost sunhigh and Moonsong was still sitting there when Jayflight raced past not thinking twice about her being there.
"Some respect you have to your deputy," She muttered to herself.
Soon it was almost moon rise and Barknose still was not here. Standing up she was about to storm off when Falconstar came padding up.
"Moonsong!" Falconstar yeowled
"What!" Moonsong hissed
"It is almost time for Stonepaw's, Bluepaw's, and Honeypaw's ceremonies. Do you have any ideas what their warrior names should be?"
"Oh. Honeypaw's should be Honeyspot or Honeycloud, Stonepaw's should be Stonemoss of Stonestream, and Bluepaw's should be Bluewind or Bluemist."
"Cool thanks! I think that I like Honeyspot, Stonemoss, and Bluewind."
With that Falconstar walked off and Moonsong headed to the warriors den where she found Barknose asleep with Rose-eye.
Hissing Moonsong yeowled, "How could you!"
Barknose did not wake up but Rose-eye did, and she was not happy, "What do you want?"
"What are you doing with my mate!"
Drowsily Barknose looked up, "What's going on?"
Moonsong was so mad that she just got up and left, hissing under her breath she padded into Falconstar's den, "Falconstar may I talk to you?"
"Of course." Falconstar mewed
"It is Barknose. What am I supposed to do?"
"Well I can't tell you unless you tell me."
"He was asleep, in his nest with Rose-eye!"
"I would recommend going hunting, take your anger out on the prey, and you would be helping the clan."
So with that Moonsong stormed out of the camp and headed to her favorite spot in the territory. The cliffs. Looking up at the moon she started to cry. The sticky clear tears made her short black fur stick to her skin.
As she yeowlled"Moonclan I don't belong here!"
She almost started to run towards the cliff edge when she could sence another cat coming. She couln't get caught here not now. As she ran Littlecloud stepped out of the bushes. Shakeing out her pelt Littlecloud raced after Moonsong. The two seemeed to leave a trail of black as they ran. Suddenly Moonsong lept for a ledge that was often a home for snakes and other dangerouse creatures. This caused Littlecloud to have to slow down befor finding another ledge. This small pause let Moonsong to find another ledge down lower. Moonsong was too worried that she would be stoped to look behind her so she kept running. Soon she found herself out of the cliffs and heading back up the mountain in the rain. Her short fur was sopping and her paws felt as if they were just going to fall off. So she slowed to a stop thinking that she was not being followed any more.
"Are you done now?" a she-cats voice came from behind her.
Spinning around as she responded, "Why were you following me?"
"The clan was looking for you to tell you that Honeypaw is haveing her warrior ceramony tomorrow."
Moonsong couln't help but notice that Littlecloud was looking as if she had to much to eat. As Moonsong was about to ask Littlecloud groned and mumbled something as she started to walk off. Moonsong slowly padded after wondering what in Moonclan had gotten into Littlecloud. As they headed into the camp there was a fully awake Barknose who was backing away from Rose-eye who had some seeds in her paw.
"Eat these Barknose," she whispered as she crept slowly closer.
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