"Hang on. I don't think she's an imposter," Rip said as he studied the way Sara's face moved under Nate's touch. "This is the genuine Ms. Lance, Ms. Merlyn and Mr. Jackson."
"W-what? But you told us never to revisit our past. Why would they do that? And where is Callie's OTHER ARM?" Ray asked, looking frantically between them all as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.
"You'll have to ask them that."
"They almost made it off the ship with this," Stein said as he entered the room, the original team on his heels as they all filtered into the bridge of the Waverider. Callie eyed up the former version of herself, feeling a little emotional as she noticed the fully functional arm that rested at her side.
"All right," the original Sara began, looking across the table at the future team, ignoring the fact that there was only half of the team actually seeming to have been impersonated. "Who's wearing whose faces?"
"We are not the Legion. Believe it or not, we are actually future iterations of yourselves who've travelled back in time to prevent some form of calamity!" Rip sighed, throwing his hands in the air as he tried to convince the assassin that they were definitely not the legion. Callie could see herself looking at where her missing arm was with a slight snarl rested on her lips.
"Well, if any member of the Legion is missing a limb - which my father is," past Callie spat out the syllables, still angry about them brainwashing her to think that the team was the enemy, "he's clearly going to be the one impersonating me."
The teams were all silent as they watched both of the Merlyns glare across the room at each other, identical fires burning in their eyes as they tried to work each other out.
"I don't believe it," Sara said, ignoring Callie's remark. "Why would Rip Hunter break the first rule of time travel?"
Future Callie nodded slightly, understanding where Sara was coming from. Even though she hadn't spent as much time with the man as the rest of the team had, she knew that he wa certainly one for not breaking any rules when it came to inter-dimensional time travel.
"I'm asking myself the very same question," he muttered, rubbing at his face as he heaved a sigh of exhaustion.
As if matters weren't already worse enough, the doors to the bridge opened from behind Jax and they all watched as past Rip entered the room. Upon instantly locking eyes with his counterpart, they both groaned and released a swear from their mouths. Callie gripped on to Sara's arm to help her balance as the ship quaked beneath them, the girl finding it harder to maintain balance now that she only had one arm.
"What the hell was that?" Past Jax yelled, throwing his hands in the air and looking around at the rest of the team to see if anyone had an answer. Fortunately for the boy, both versions of Rip knew exactly what was occurring.
"It's a timequake," future Rip explained, with his counterpart finishing his sentence.
"The result of us interacting with ourselves."
"Well, that wasn't so bad!" Future Nate exclaimed, sharing a look with Callie who seemed less than impressed that he now had better balance than the assassin. He grimaced slightly, noticing that the bandages wrapped around the stub on her shoulder had began to faintly seep red again.
Moving forward and ignoring the gazes of the rest of the room, he reached out and pulled a fresh one from his pocket. Turning away from the past versions of the team, Nate quickly switched the bandages round, ramming the blood speckled one straight into his jacket pocket with the mental reminder to bin it later.
Callie nodded in thanks, squeeing his hand before letting it go and turning back to face the rest of the teams. Sara placed a soft hand on her back to remind her that she was there for her too. Callie noticed that the past versions of herself and Sara were watching them closely while sharing subtle looks between the two of them.
"Yeah, give it time."
"Whose bright idea was it to do the one thing that could jeopardize all of time?" Past Sara yelled at all of them, the spear clutched tightly in her hand. Callie could tell that her Sara was uncomfortable seeing herself holding on to the one thing that had resulted in the death of all of their friends.
"Yours," Sara told herself, almost a smug smirk on her face as she put herself back into her place. Callie rolled her eyes at the stand-off, not sure why it was even happening when they were on borrowed time anyway.
"What the hell are you staring at?"
"Just imagining what you'd look like without teeth."
Callie turned to face both Micks, her eyes narrowed as she watched them square off against each other. She barely had the capabilities to put up with one version of the man not let alone a second rendition of him.
"Knock it off, Rory!" Both Sara's yelled, shooting each other small glares as they realised what they had just done.
Stein interrupted the bantering back and forth, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the future versions of the team. "I can't believe that even we would do anything so foolish, unless something went terribly wrong the first time you were here."
There was a soft silence until Ray interupted them all, Callie feeling a pang in her chest as she looked at her friend standing alive in front of her. It had only been an hour, but she had missed his optimism so much.
"Uh, I can't help but notice Not all of us came back with you," he noted, causing the rest of his team to frantically look around to realise just who was missing. Nate locked eyes with Amaya, her death flashing through his mind before he broke the eye contact and turned to share a look with Callie.
"What happens to us in the future?" Past Callie murmured, her eyes still stuck on the place where herself was missing her favoured arm. Callie shifted under her gaze, her eyes meeting Mick who decided to answer the question himself.
"Well dead, dead, good as dead, almost was dead," he listed off, pointing to Amaya, Ray, Stein and Callie respectively as he grunted at them. There was a strong silence in the room. The past team tried to process what they were all saying while the future team was just trying to take in that they were seeing themselves before everything had gone even more wrong than it had before.
"Look, the Spear ended up in the Legion's hands. Bad things happened and it sucked but if we prevent the Legion from ever getting the Spear in the first place, everything goes back to normal and you all get to live," future Sara told them all, pausing as herself stormed by with the spear still clutched in her hand. "Where are you going?"
"To think."
Callie watched as she stormed out, a small smile on the corner of her lips as she remembered just how often the blonde would do that. Looking over at herself, she found her counterpart looking at the blonde with such admiration that Callie was almost surprised. She knew she loved Sara, but there was something about getting to see the look on her own face that just truly reminded her of how much.
"Perhaps you should go with her," Callie murmured into Sara's ear, nudging her towards the door that the blonde had darted out of. "Two heads are better than one."
As Sara squeezed her waist once more before following after herself, Callie noticed that the other members of the team were trying to interact with themselves and their fallen team members. Catching her own eye, she nodded her head towards the passage way behind her to indicate that she wanted to speak to her alone.
They stood in silence out of the room for a second before she spoke to her past self.
"Look, I know that I'm the last person that would be giving you advice on this sort of thing but listen to me," she began, watching as herself seemed to follow her every syllable and movement. "I know you love her, and I know that you know that she knows that. But, my god, you've got to tell her more often. You've got to tell her just how much she means to you. We both know exactly what you were thinking of this morning before everything changed. Do it, because I didn't and everything has changed."
"Everybody clear on the plan?" Past Sara asked them all, looking at her team before turning around to look at the remaining members of the future team.
"Run like hell. Try not to die." Callie muttered, her palm slightly sweaty as she gripped on to the cross bow that rested in her hand. She was craving the ability to hold a bow like her past self was doing in front of her, but sadly that required two hands. And while the crossbow technically should be used with two hands, Callie knew she could somewhat manage it with just one.
"What about you guys? You ready?" Sara asked the future team, her eyes staying on Callie slightly longer with a hint of worry before turning back to look at herself.
"Other than the fact that I can't Firestorm, Callie doesn't have her arm and Nate can't Steel? You bet your sweet ass we're ready!" Jax told them, anger in his eyes as he studied the members of the Legion that were waiting ahead of them.
And just like that, they were off. Callie darted under Ray taking off in his suit, dropping down slightly as she dodged one of the rays that Darhk had fired from his weird space gun. Watching her father and Darhk drop the guns, Callie murmured a string of curses under her breath as they both pulled out the exact weapons that they had spent years mastering in the League just as she had done.
Knowing that she would probably have a better chance of simply just getting past them than defeating them in a fight, Callie began to work out the easiest way for her to avoid having to fight them - especially as she was not going to be any match to them with only one arm.
Allowing a yell to fall from her lips, Callie found herself changing her plans as she watched Darhk stab Nate through his chest. Running up beside herself, Rip and Sara she watched as Amaya crumpled to the ground beside the future version of her lover.
Sara turned to look at the two Callie's, slight relief on her face when she realised that despite being out-armed her Callie was safe. She reached forward, placing the spear she was holding into Rip's outstretched hand just before she went to turn and face Darhk. Using her hand, Callie reached out and tugged her back, making sure their lips connected for what was probably going to be the last time.
"Go," Sara murmured against her lips, "I love you."
Callie shook her head, dropping her crossbow at her feet before turning to glance at Darhk who was stalking towards them both. "I'm not going. Not now, not ever."
They both spun in their defensive stances to look at the blonde man that was smirking evilly at them. He had been wanting to finally get the chance to take them both out ever since he had laid his eyes on them both.
"Oh I've been waiting for this," he snarled, lunging forward and slashing his sword through the air.
Callie and Sara whirled around the man, dodging and ducking as he tried to stab at them with the sword. Kicking Callie, the girl groaned as she fell backwards into the trench with a thud. Seeing this, Sara snarled as she smacked her foot into his chest to make him fall into the trench too.
Jumping down after him, Sara looked to Callie as the girl moved her hand and threw a sharp metal blade towards her. The blonde caught it effortlessly, her hand wrapping around the handle as she clashed against Darhk. Callie went to stand up, but the sudden realisation hit her just as Sara and Sara teamed up to knock out Darhk.
"What are you waiting for? Do it." The man ordered, a smirk on his face as he realised that they weren't going to kill him even after everything he had done to them.
"Death would be too kind," she snarled, allowing herself to punch him in the face.
"Nice work. Both of you. Where's the Spear?" Rip asked, appearing next to the two Sara's and barely noticing Callie on the ground at the side of the trench.
"Guys," she murmured, but it was so quiet that all three continued to talk over her.
"You took it to the rendezvous point."
"Oh, did I? Right," he murmured, remembering that there was another version of himself running around the battlefield. "Miss Merlyn, are you ready to go?" He asked turning to look at the raven-haired girl for the first time. His eyes widened, his mouth opening as he noticed the girl properly.
"Sara," Callie softly spoke, a cough at the end of her word. Both of the blondes turned around to face the girl instantly at the sound of their name.
There was a pause before Sara, her Sara, was falling to her knees next to her. Callie's hand was wrapped around a metal blade similar to the one that she had thrown to Sara. It was coated in her blood, but that was to be expected when it was poking through the side of her waist. While she hadn't felt the pain at first due to the adrenaline, she had landed on one of the blades that had been sticking up.
"I don't feel too good," she murmured to the blonde, tears rolling down her face as she heaved slightly from the pain beginning to settle in. Callie could see over her shoulder that all of the remaining members of the teams had gathered in the trench, watching as she struggled to move.
Sara firmly but gently placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her in place while trying to swallow the lump in her throat. She knew that there wasn't any chance in being able to fix this wound.
"Shhh, it's okay," Sara breathed, holding on tightly to Callie's hand as tears poured out of her eyes. She ran a hand through the girl's hair as she tried to calm her.
"I- I - Love- I love you," Callie stuttered out, trying to look at the girl properly for what might be the last time. "I never got to say it," she rambled, her breathing getting a little bit erratic as she realised.
"It's okay," Sara tried to calm her, clutching even tighter to her hand as she knew the end was coming.
Callie shook her head, looking at herself over Sara's shoulder. The past Callie understood what she was trying to say and looked to the future Sara. She took a deep breath before speaking softly to the blonde.
"She wants to know, if she had asked, would you have married her?"
There was a slight pause before Sara turned back to look at the girl on the ground. She nodded frantically, a sad smile spreading as she looked down at her.
"I'd do anything for you."
Callie nodded slightly, a smile spreading on her blood stained lips as she looked at Sara for the last time.
"I like that," she murmured, before her eyes seemed to lose their focus on Sara and fall numb. The grip on her hand loosened as Sara pressed her lips gently to Callie's for what was going to be the last time.
And for what seemed like the first moment that day, silence fell across the battlefield.
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