"Gideon, pull up anything you can. Press clippings, newspaper articles, re: NASA circa 1965."
"Certainly, Captain."
"Wait, wait, stop, stop. Right there. I'd recognize that Heywood jawline anywhere."
Callie scoffed at the comment, feeling like nothing had really changed since she had been gone. "Of course you do, pretty boy."
"I need it gone," Callie blurted, rolling over as she turned to face Sara. The shirtless girl blinked in confusion for a second before she realised what Callie meant.
"Right now?" Sara checked, and the second Callie nodded the blonde was on her feet and rummaging through the cupboard for hair dye. Callie watched the way the dim light shined against her bare back, every single scar visible to her eyes.
The girl slid out from under the covers, pulling a loose tshirt on as she grabbed a spare. Walking towards Sara, she passed the girl the old shirt while pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
"What, trying to get me to cover up now?" Sara joked, pulling the shirt over her body as she turned around to smile at Callie. The Merlyn rolled her eyes as she lightly pushed at the blonde's shoulders.
"Shut it," she joked before moving towards the sink. Sara laughed before lying her hair back, opening the box of black hair dye and getting ready to make Callie look normal again.
"Today, NASA Flight Controllers are monitoring "Apollo 13," NASA'S seventh manned mission to the Moon!" Callie heard the tour guide exclaim through the comm link. She rolled her eyes, glad that she was not stuck as a tourist but was with Rip and Ray.
"We need to figure out a way to get into Mission Control," Sara said, looking around at the room before them.
"I don't think that's included in the tour."
Callie stopped still, nudging Rip and Ray as they entered the press room. The two men's eyes widened as they noticed the suited man that was standing at the front of the room, looking exactly the same as he did the last time they met him.
"Commander Heywood is not at Mission Control," Rip said, pressing the link on his ear as he looked at the man. Callie rolled her eyes at his theatrics, knowing that everything they did would be done much quicker if he just explained things faster.
"How do you know that?"
"Because we're looking right at him," Callie blurted, fed up of dancing around their discovery. Rip sent her a side look before clearing his throat and turning back to the front of the room.
"That's the Flight Director of NASA.They're probably debating on how to talk to the press about the oxygen tank explosion on "Apollo 13."" Ray told Callie, his excitement clear in his voice. The girl smiled faintly, while she didn't usually have time for stupid trivia, she was starting to appreciate that Ray was just a very passionate man and there was no way she would ever make him feel unwanted.
"Great to see you all!" Henry said, his eyes skimming the crowd. His eyes landed on Rip, the man smiling at him as he watched him address the room full of press. Henry moved towards Rip, the timemaster expecting a nice welcome from the man, but rather being greeted with a perfectly timed punch across the jaw.
"You son of a bitch!" The man hissed, pulling Rip up to snarl into his ear, before noticing the looks he was receiving from all of his colleagues and press around the room. "Sorry, folks. He doesn't have the right credentials. We take press access very seriously around here!" He shouted to the room, causing Callie and Ray to look down at the small badge that Gideon had made up for them previously.
Henry turned to look at them, his eyes widening as he realised that the legends were there too. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at Ray and Callie.
"Surprise! We're back!" Ray joked, waving his hands in the air as Callie shrugged at the army man.
Callie stood beside Ray as they watched a locked up Rip sit with his head in his hands. Sara smiled slightly at the thought before turning back to look at Nate's grandfather with a serious look on her face.
"Why are you doing this, Henry?" Rip yelled through the one-sided mirror, causing Callie to almost grin at the situation. She followed Ray's gaze to land on Henry.
"I was never supposed to see him again," Henry muttered, thinking back to the exact agreement that he had made with the man many years before. His eyes caught on to Callie's, and while he didn't really know the girl, there was something in her eyes that had changed drastically.
"So you punched him?" Ray checked, confused on his reaction to seeing Rip. Henry sighed, turning around and walking towards Callie.
"That's between him and me," he stated, not clarifying his reaction to the two legends. He looked at them in confusion, his hands in his chino pockets as he stared at the two. "What brings you to 1970?"
"Oh, well, I supposed Nate should probably tell you," Ray answered, Callie feeling a slight comfort rise in her stomach as she saw the man's eyes light up at the mention of his grandson seeing him again.
"Nathaniel's here too?"
Just on time, the door swung open. Callie turned, her hand resting on the back of her jeans where her gun was tucked against her back and belt. Ray noticed from the corner of his eye, his eyes narrowing at how twitchy she had become since being taken from them.
"Sir? They say they know you," the officer said, motioning to the three that were rested behind him. Sara, Nate and Amaya entered the room with wide smiles as they stared at the man.
"You could say that," he breathed, seeing his best friend standing in front of him.
"Amaya. As I live and breathe!" He smiled warmly, hugging her tightly while smiling. He hadn't seen her since she disappeared in the night with the Legends after the death of their friend Rex Tyler.
"It's good to see you again, son," Henry said formally, confusion falling on his face as Nate simply barked out in laughter and dragged him forwards into a hug.
"I thought I'd never see you again. Look at you, you still got it!" Nate yelled ruffling the mans hair as he stared on in confusion. His grandson was so much more hyperactive than he was, that's for sure.
Callie smiled at Sara, a cheeky smile playing on her lips as the blonde walked towards her. Sara reached out slightly, grabbing on to the girl's hand and giving it a quick squeeze. Just before she went to say something to her, her eyes landed on the glass that Callie was standing in front of.
"Is that Rip? Get him out of there!" Sara exclaimed, not seeing anything funny about the predictment that Rip had suddenly landed himself in. Callie and Nate shared a small smile at the thought of their supposed 'leader' being the only one that wasn't able to help.
"As soon as one of you explains what in tarnation is going on," Henry argued.
Callie moved forward, her mind and body fully aware of the soft hand that Sara had resting against her wrist. Henry wasn't one to really notice these things, but he could tell instantly that they shared the same bond that he had once seen himself share with his wife. The bond of two individuals that were made for each other.
"We're here for your fragment of the Spear of Destiny," Callie explained, flicking her hair slightly away from her face as she stared at the man across the room. There was a tense pause before Nate jumped in, trying to explain the situation a little bit more to the man.
"See, there's a Legion of villains who are hunting anyone who is trying to protect it," he began, only for Amaya to continue the explanation.
"We have Stargirl's fragment. But Mid-Nite died trying to protect his," she spoke softly, the sorrow laced in her voice as she thought about her friend. Henry paused for a second, the idea that another one of his friends was dead was becoming more unbearable for him as time went on.
"I appreciate your concern, but I hid my piece of the Spear somewhere safe," he spoke firmly as he listened to them. There was no way that his piece would ever be able to be gotten back, even by him. Callie narrowed her eyes, before she started to think about where he could have hid it.
"Believe me, there's no place on Earth safe from these guys," Sara informed the man, thinking of just how far the villains were willing to go to get what they wanted from people.
"Exactly," Henry murmured, his eyes looking over at the photo on the wall of Neil Armstrong on the moon, the small flag in his hands.
"You old fox you," Nate said, his eyes widening as a large grin sprouted across his face. The rest of the team looked at him in confusion as they realised that he had figured it out before they had - something that they were becoming more used to as the days went by.
"You want to clue us in?" Sara asked, crossing her arms and releasing her gentle grip on Callie's wrist. The raven-haired girl let out a small breath before composing herself and turning to look at Nate.
"He hid the Spear in the flag Neil Armstrong planted on the moon."
There was a moment of silence before they all let out small sighs and chuckles at how clever an idea that had been. Callie and Sara shared amused looks before they all turned back to look at the man who had once been a superhero.
"Well, that is pretty ingenious," Amaya said, a grin falling naturally into place on her lips as she thought about the effort that he must have had to put into being able to pull that off.
"The whole reason I worked my way up through NASA was to make sure my piece of the Spear remains safe. Speaking of, I really should be getting back to Mission Control," Henry murmured, everyone completely having forgotten about freeing Rip from his current holding cell.
Ray smiled, knowing exactly what he would be on his way to fix. He had loved hearing all about the NASA missions when he was growing up, and he had always kinda dreamed of being an astronaught as a kid. Callie knew too what he was excited about, having read the book that Martin leant her and also having grown up around Robert Queen's love for it all.
"Yeah, I guess you gotta figure out how to save the "Apollo 13" astronauts," Ray said as the man began to turn away. He stopped moving, turning to look at Ray as his words sunk in.
"What are you talking about? The mission is textbook!" The whole team paused at his words, everyone looking over at the man in silence. Just as Nate went to open his mouth, he was interrupted.
"Didn't an oxygen tank explode and the moon landing get aborted?" Callie butted in, everyone turning to look at her with confusion. She shrugged, knowing that she only knew this because the Queens father had been a massive fan of space. The team all looked back at Henry, knowing something had gone wrong.
"No, everything is going great up there. Unless..." Henry started but was finished by Sara.
"Unless history's changed."
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