A blast sent Callie and her father flying into the air, but it also provided Thawne with the time he needed to snatch Rip Hunter away from the doors of the ship as it took off. Callie caught sight of the blonde assassin that her father had told her about, and as the girl kept her eyes trained on where Rip had been, Callie knew that she would do anything to tear the girl apart. Sara Lance was going to pay for the death of her brother, and Callie sure as hell wasn't going to make her death quick.
"Uh... hello? Hello? Is anybody there?" The confused Rip called out, unsure on where he was. He could feel that he was restrained to a cold chair, and since he couldn't see anything he also presumed that he was sitting in complete darkness. He sucked in a breath as there was the noise of electricity crackling around him.
"Hey, man!" He breathed in shock as Thawne sped into the room to stand beside him, the lights flickering on in the process and illuminating the room in a blue dim. He nervously stared at the man as he glowered back at the forgotten time-travelling man.
"Welcome, Captain Hunter," Thawne said slowly, testing the name on his tongue as he began to circle Rip.
"You know I was bluffing, right? I am not actually Rip Hunter. My name is Phil. I am a full-time film student and part-time recreational drug user. Seriously regretting the latter!" The man blabbered out, shaking his head as he realised exactly what he was telling this obviously supernatural man.
"Oh, I know exactly who you are. I know that you're one of the protectors of the Spear of Destiny, and I know that you know where the other pieces are hidden," Thawne told the man, shaking a finger as he got closer to Rip. The man in question squirmed frantically and uncomfortably as he tried to convince the man that he really didn't know anything about anything.
"I-I don't know anything. I-I-I-I swear. I am not Rip Hunter! I am... nobody. I... I can't believe this is happening to me. You're gonna torture me, aren't you?" He trailed off, the sudden realisation as to why there were tools on a tray beside him now settling into his mind. He could only imagine the things the man would do to him.
"Oh, I'm not gonna torture you, Mr. Hunter."
"No. They are," he said, motioning to where Damien and Malcolm appeared from the shadows, sick grins on their faces. "And if that doesn't make you break, she certainly will,"Thawne continued, pointing to the girl dressed head to toe in black with the knife in her hands. Callie smirked at the man, walking forward slowly as she ran the blade around her fingers while sliding on the balls of her feet.
"My name is Damien Darhk. In 2016, I was murdered by the Falcon, otherwise known as Camilla Merlyn. But I was removed from the timeline 31 years before my death by a speedster from the future named Eobard Thawne. Together, with Malcolm Merlyn, a former head of the League of Assassins, and his brainwashed daughter, the four of us are going to locate the Spear of Destiny; a mystical object which can rewrite reality itself. With the Spear in our possession, we will change our past and our future. And the world as you know it."
"Dude, how did a girl like you end up in bed with these lunatics?"
Callie rolled her eyes as the thick accent tried to talk to her from the opposite side of the room. While the man didn't know he was Rip Hunter, she certainly did. He was one of the exact reasons that Sara Lance thought she was invincible, and it was taking every ounce of her strength to not snap his neck with every breath he took. The fact that he was still trying to talk to her after being tortured by Malcolm and Damien was almost stupidly brave, but she took it as an obvious sign of desperation.
"I will not hesitate to snap your neck with my bare hands," she told the man, not looking up from the chair that she was perched on as she carved a new arrow head.
Even though the man was terrified at the whole situation, he knew that the girl wouldn't kill him. It had been made clear by the three older men that they needed him alive for the time being.
There was a pause before he found himself beginning to speak again.
"But really, how did you end up here?"
Callie growled slightly, looking up at the man and realising she might as well tell him since she thought the plan was to kill him after they gained access to what they needed.
"My brother was killed by an assassin called Sara Lance; the blonde girl on the team that you spent time with in your past that you seemingly are unable to remember. We had trained together at the same league of assassins that my father had attended. They had tricked me into thinking my father had killed my brother for all these years but now I know the truth," she spoke harshly, the venom in her mouth flowing with every hiss.
Rip's eyes widened as he listened to the girl speak with such hatred in her voice. There was something about her that reminded him of the character in his script, Carla, who was the friend of the blonde assassin.
"My father and his partners rescued me, returning my mind back to normal." She finished, ignoring the way he was tilting his head and squinting at her.
"That's quite deep," he spoke, trying to ignore the part where she had announced that both her and her fathers were internationally trained secret assassins.
Callie stood abruptly, fed up of his conversation already as the thought of the blonde assassin crept back into her mind. Anytime the girl thought about the woman she felt her bloodlust growl from deep within her and fill her with the bloodiest of images in her mind as to how she could kill the girl.
"It's almost as deep as this knife will be imbedded into your skin if you don't shut the hell up," she snarled, pressing the blade against his throat just as her father re-entered the room.
"Callie, leave us," he spoke, the girl retracting her knife from Hunter's throat as she glided out of the room without even so much as a look back over her shoulder.
"What's to keep Hunter's crew from finding the rest of the Spear before Merlyn finishes unscrambling Hunter's brain?" Damien voiced just as Callie re-entered the room, placing her stack of new arrowheads on the table that they had set up for weapons. Damien picked one up, nodding in appreciation as he noticed how finely made she had worked them.
"The workings of the Medallion are lost to history. Trying to get it to reveal its secrets will prove difficult. Plus, we have an additional advantage over them," Thawne told Damien, but also was now addressing Callie too. The girl looked up at the same time as Darhk, notching an eyebrow.
"Enlighten me."
"They don't know we have Callie," he muttered, and the two both nodded before Thawne continued. "And besides, they're idiots."
"It may not be in the best condition, but then again, Captain Hunter is British," Damien said as he held the bloodied tooth at his eye level. Callie squinted, as the realisation of what he had done to the man began to sink in.
"You pulled out his tooth? As torture goes, isn't that kind of bush league?" Malcolm asked, not impressed with Damien's theatrics.
"Dude, that's gross," Callie told Darhk, her eyes narrowed in on the tooth in his hands.
"Look closer."
"Thank you, but no," Malcolm said as both Callie and Thawne leaned forward to check out the tooth. As Damien turned it, they noticed a light shining on one side of the tooth.
"There're some markings on here, like a barcode?" Thawne noted, Callie and Damien both nodding their heads as they too looked at the markings.
"No way, let me see!" Callie said, snatching the tooth from his fingertips. She looked as it closely, trying to figure out what the markings on the tooth meant.
"Account information. From a security deposit box in Switzerland," Damien answered before she had even voiced her question. Looking up in surprise, she passed the tooth back to Thawne and Darhk.
"Who puts that kind of information on a tooth?" Malcolm asked, moving forward so that he could catch a glimpse of the markings.
"A Time Master. That's no ordinary security box."
"No-one just puts normal stuff in one of those anyway," Callie added but was ignored by the three middle-aged white men.
"My thinking exactly. Now, it's possible the box could contain his son's birth certificate and the like, but... Given the exotic nature of the care that's been taken here, I would have to assume..." Damien began to ramble but was cut off immediately by Thawne.
"It's the rest of the Spear. When was it last accessed?"
"January 2025."
There was a small silence before the alarm on Thawne's watch that they had grown accustomed to started to beep. Callie narrowed her eyes as the man began to move.
"Oh, you got somewhere to go? Funny, just like clockwork..." Malcolm said as a more concerned Thawne began to pace slightly.
"Take the Time Sphere back to 2025 and secure the rest of the Spear. The next one of you who screws up will lose more than just a tooth!" Thawne yelled, swishing out of the room in the blink of an eye. Callie rolled her eyes before watching Damien try to intimidate her father.
"Well, I'd hate to see you lose another hand, Malcolm," he poked, trying to get a reaction from the other man. Fortunately for him, Callie already had one covered.
"And I'd hate to see you die again, Damien."
"Get up," Callie snarled as she pulled the rope bindings off Rip's wrists. The man sighed in relief, stumbling off the chair and to his feet.
"I always knew you were one of the good guys! What's our escape plan?" He asked, excitement coursing through his veins as he thought about the stories he would have to tell once they escaped the building.
"I'm not helping you escape, you moron," Callie sassed at the man, rolling her eyes as she led him to the basin that had been inserted in the sleeping area they had created.
"Then what are you doing?"
"I'm getting you to help me dye my hair while we wait for the other three to return from the bank," Callie noted, reaching into her bag and pulling out two boxes.
Rip squinted at the girl, not sure if this was some part of test that they were trying to use to torture him even more.
"So, what do you think? Platinum blonde or just a casual brunette?"
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