"That's who was the last face your brother saw, the one who took the final blow," Eobard told her, pointing to the last person.
"Who is she?" Callie asked, a sudden bloodlust inside of her being awakened at the thought of his girl killing her brother in cold blood.
"That's Sara Lance."
"So this Rip Hunter guy, he'll lead us to the woman who killed my brother?" Callie asked as she walked in between her father as his platinum-haired associate. They were walking through 1967 California, on the orders of Eobard. She looked to her father as he nodded back at her, rubbing her back lightly as he agreed with her statement.
"Wherever Rip Hunter goes, the Legends arent far behind," Darhk answered verbally, adjusting the hat he had fixed upon his head. Noticing the lack of heat and sun, he scoffed as the trio walked shoulder by shoulder down the pathway.
"So much for sunny California," Damien joked, causing Callie to snort lightly at his point. She had never really been to California much, but when Oliver's father had taken them on trips as youngsters, she remembered it being much warmer and remarkably sunnier.
"When we're done here, we need to go to the 1600 block of Vine Street," Malcolm said, a giddy tone to his voice as he thought about finally getting to see one of his favourite tributes to his favourite singer.
Callie rolled her eyes, having heard from her dad many times about why he wanted to see the star on the Walk of Fame. She was sure that he would forever be sad that he hadn't became an actor instead of a business man in his past.
"Why, pray tell?"
"It's where Frank Sinatra's star is on the Walk of Fame," Callie answered for the man, rolling her eyes to show Darhk that she didn't share the same interest in sightseeing as her father did. She felt the cold metal of her father's replacement hand rest on her shoulder as he waved a hand in the air.
"I have always wanted to see it."
"I'm not sure if that's part of our little trinket's itinerary," Damien sassed back, holding the amulet up to remind the Merlyn's what the stakes were. Eobard was promising them the chance to change reality as they knew it, all if they just followed his plan.
"I said when we're done. As far as magical artifacts go, this one is frustratingly unspecific."
"Actually, like most magical artifacts, its ways are nuanced," Darhk began, but he was cut off by Malcolm as the man scoffed at his usage of words. It was like he purposely picked stupid words just to wind him up.
"That's just a fancy word for vague."
They continued to walk down the street for a minute before Callie paused, causing the two men to stop and turn back to see why she had stopped. Her eyes were trailing away down a back alley, and they moved to see what she was looking at.
"I'm getting tired of walking."
"True, we could use some transportation," Damien agreed, seeing the exact same thing that she was.
The three assassins dashed across the road and into the alley, Callie clicking the bones in her fingers as they approached the three motorcyclists. Slowly her pace, she walked slightly behind her two associates as she winked at one of the bikers. The man smirked back, before his attention was turned to Damien and Malcolm.
"Afternoon, fellas!" Damien said as the three men dismounted their bikes and began to advance towards them. Callie felt a bigger grin fall on to her lips as she watched them bring out knives from their pockets. She almost felt sorry for them, they had certainly picked the wrong people to try and mug.
"Not so fast, buddy. Wallets. Now!" The ringleader yelled, brandishing the knife in front of him as he stared at the three assassins.
Damien rolled his eyes, motioning to the bikes that they had ridden in on. "Just give us your motorcycles," he demanded, not wanting to be tested by this man that he deemed to be scum on his shoe.
"Excuse me?" The third biker asked, his eyes still not leaving Callie as they trailed up and down her body. Malcolm noticed and made a mental note to kill him first. Just because he was using his daughter for his own selfish needs didn't mean that he would allow her to be disrespected like that.
"Give us the bikes, and we'll let you live," Malcolm spoke slowly, almost spelling it out for the men. They scoffed even harder, confused as to why two middle-aged men thought that they could take on a biker gang with no visible weapons on them.
"What are you, some sort of comedians or something?"
"Or something," Damien's grin dropped, no longer in the mood for playing around. He moved to the left as the knife that Callie had thrown from her sleeve imbedded itself straight into the neck of the ringleader.
The two other bikers tried to rush back to their bikes, realising that they had poked the wrong lion head. Damien and Malcolm were quick to copy Callie's movements, taking the other two members of the gang out.
"We'll confront Rip, while you enter the room he's been hiding in while present in this time period and try to discover where he's hidden any of the pieces of the spear of destiny," Malcolm told Callie, the raven-haired girl nodding as she slipped into the accommodation building that Rip had been sleeping in.
Callie rolled her eyes as she finished turning the apartment room upside down. There was no sign of the spear at all - not that she really knew what it was that she was actually looking for in the first place.
Tucking her gun back into the waistband of her white jeans, she stood up, feeling the weight of her crossbow resting across her back. She snarled to herself before feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge.
Holding the crossbow ready to fire, she swung around to come face to face with the speedster himself. She snorted, lowing the weapon as Eobard smiled at her.
"How nice of you to finally show," she teased, tilting her head as the man seemed to check his watch before rolling his eyes. He moved across the room in a flash of lightning, grabbing tightly on to her arm as he pulled the hood of his suit back up.
"The other two are in dire need of our help, again," he informed her, shrugging his shoulders as he loosed up in preparation for their run.
Callie held tightly on to his shoulders, feeling the nausea flow through her as all of her surroundings whizzed by in flashes of yellow and red. The girl groaned as Thawne literally released her in a wasteland, causing the girl to roll across the rubble until she hit a skip.
She could hear her father and Darhk snarl at Eobard as she pushed herself up from her position against the skip behind the rubble.
"About time you showed," her father grunted, causing a small smile to find its way on to her face as she thought about how it mirrored the exact thing that she had told the man when he appeared for her.
"Where were you?"
"Always busy, gentleman and yet, never late," Thawne answered vaguely, not really answering any of their questions as he turned back to look at the team of Legends who were struggling to stand after being wiped to their backs. "So who do we kill first?"
"That would be me," a voice called out, one that Callie was sure she had heard before. She peered out from behind the rubble, keeping herself hidden from the others so that when she did attack it was with the element of surprise.
Rip Hunter was standing, his space pistol raised directly at her team as he approached from the Waverider.
"Captain Rip Hunter. It's been ages. I was beginning to think you were dead!" Thawne yelled out, a smirk on his face as he began to notice how differently this Rip Hunter was behaving to the one he had met before.
Callie noticed the nervous twitch in the man's eyes and fingers as he held the gun in his hand - alerting her to the obvious signs that the man had never held the weapon in his life.
"On the contrary, for the first time in recent memory, I am finally, truly alive," he said in a thick London accent before it slipped, with his American one shining right through it as he failed to shoot the gun. "Oh, crap. Hey, does this thing work? Oh, screw it. Gideon! Fire! Fire everything!"
Her father stopped his laughing as the large timeship rose from behind the man and began to release hellfire on them all. Callie took this as her queue, rushing to her fathers side and notching back the string on her crossbow as she fired at the legends. Just as the arrow was about to pierce into Amaya, a steeled-out Nate managed to snatch it midair.
A blast sent Callie and her father flying into the air, but it also provided Thawne with the time he needed to snatch Rip Hunter away from the doors of the ship as it took off. Callie caught sight of the blonde assassin that her father had told her about, and as the girl kept her eyes trained on where Rip had been, Callie knew that she would do anything to tear the girl apart. Sara Lance was going to pay for the death of her brother, and Callie sure as hell wasn't going to make her death quick.
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