"Good. Because our friends back in 2016, they need our help." Sara answered, before they all looked to Callie.
"Our world, it's in grave danger."
There wasn't much Callie could say except from one snarky remark.
"Next time, you can solve your alien problem on your own!" She yelled at Oliver, ducking as a fireball went hurling towards her. She spun on her ankle, firing an arrow in the opposite direction just in time to clash with the one that was already heading in her direction.
"You really did it this time, Barry!" Oliver yelled as him, Callie and Barry took cover behind the edge of a building next to Star Labs. Callie had ran over to them as the two had been thrown on the ground next to it.
"Seriously?" Barry scoffed as he peered around the brick wall to see their attackers regroup.
"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, seriously! You come to Star City, you ask for my help, and then, inevitably, immediately, we end up up the creek!" Oliver argued, and Callie couldn't help but nod in agreement. She was getting fed up of this constantly happening.
"Next time, you're both on your own!" She yelled, moving Barry over so she could also peer around the edge of the wall.
"Yeah, okay. That's fair. They're moving in."
"On three, Team Leader," Oliver began but stopped as he shoved Callie downwards to avoid the lasers that suddenly shot through the brick wall. "What's that?"
"That would be heat vision."
"Three!" Oliver yelled after ignoring the lasers.
The three of them jumped out of their hideaway, their weapons at the ready as they came face to face with their attackers.
Callie groaned as she saw Sara and Thea's eyes directly on her, knowing that the two had obviously decided that she was going to be their target. She smiled at them before remembering that would have no use.
"I hate aliens."
"What is this place?" Thea asked as her and Barry walked across the open runway of the STAR labs hangar. She looked around, smiling at how interesting she found the thought of it all as they walked to join some of the others waiting outside.
"It's this old hall hangar thing that S.T.A.R. Labs owns. Or I guess I own it," Barry explained, shrugging at the end as he thought about the hangar now belonging to himself.
"Well, you should do something with it!" Thea exclaimed, her mind wandering back to her days of running Vertigo, the night club that they had used as a cover-up for the Arrowcave - although she hadn't know that for a longer time than she would of liked.
"All right, so let me get this right. Our time-traveling buddies in a flying timeship are supposed to just pop up right here, right?" Diggle asked, holding his hands in the air as he tried to wrap his head around not just aliens, but also time travel. He at least knew that Sara and Callie were going to be two of the people to appear from it, but that didn't make it any less stranger to him.
"Yeah. This is the time and place I gave them, so if they got my message, they should be here... Right now," Felicty started to say before being interrupted by a small ship hurtling down from the sky towards them. She grinned as it appeared, and Diggle felt his eyes grow even bigger.
"You know why I've never done drugs? It's 'cause I was always afraid I'd see weird stuff," he told them all, watching as the ship landed and the doors slid open. The man rubbed at his temples while Thea laughed at his expression.
"Okay, take everybody inside, all right? Tell Oliver I'll be right back," Barry said as Callie was the first to get off the ship. Thea let out a squeal and ran towards her, the raven haired girl laughing and burrowing herself into the hug with one of her longest friends and half-sister.
"Where are you going?" Thea asked, letting go of Callie to turn and look at Barry.
"Well, since we're fighting aliens, I figured we should get one of our own, right?"
"You know Lance, it's been a while since I've seen your room," Callie jokingly whispered into Sara's ear as they began the walk into the warehouse that Barry had brought them all to. Sara scoffed, rolling her eyes at Callie. They were trailing at the back, or Callie wouldn't have been so open with her PDA.
"And we're here on a mission, Merlyn," she reminded, but she had a grin spreading across her face at the memories they had shared in her room and the new ones that Callie was suggesting they could make in it.
"Never stopped you before," Callie sulkily whispered into her ear, her teeth lightly grazing the skin before she grinned and darted ahead to stand in line with the rest of her team. Sara felt her stomach do a flip at the contact before taking a breath and joining the rest of the Legends.
Callie jokingly pushed Sara's side as they stood in their small current teams while Felicity did a small headcount. Sara grinned back at Callie, playfully nudging her with her hip in a way that they both thought was subtle enough for no one to really think anything of it. However, since the team had accidentally already found out about the couple, Ray and Jax shared short grins before trying to hide their shared joke as Felicity began her small role call.
"Team Arrow is here," she said, motioning to where Thea, Oliver and Diggle were standing. "Team Legends is here," she added, pointing to Sara and Callie's small group of misfits. "Is that everyone?"
"I think so?" HR answered her, looking at the two groups that were facing the rest of team flash.
"Nate and Amaya are back watching the Waverider," Callie piped up, a grin spread across her face as Sara finished her sentence.
"The newbies."
They shot each other a side smirk that didn't go unnoticed by Thea and Oliver - who had known the girls long enough to know when something was different. Thea had the exact feeling she knew what was going on with the two, as did Oliver but neither one of them thought they would even be remotely right.
There was a sudden opening of a portal in front of them all, causing everyone's attention to snap to that. Callie watched as Barry, Cisco and a girl in a leotard and cape stepped out of the blue hole in front of them.
"That was cool." The girl breathed as she took a second to regain her footing.
"Guys. Thanks for coming!" Barry said, walking to stand in front of the two groups - choosing to ignore the sudden defensive stance that Callie had adopted as a stranger appeared. He knew that she was a lot less acquainted to life not in the league, so he simply understood that she was always like this around new people.
"Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien," Oliver spoke gruffly, his arms folded as he studied the girl that was walking behind him simply taking everything in.
"And, yeah, we did. Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers, or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl!" Barry yelled out, making sure that everyone could hear what he was saying. Kara waved at them all, also noticing the rough look she received from Oliver and also from Callie.
"What makes her so super? Well?" Jax asked, not convinced.
Barry motioned to Kara and they all watched as she suddenly started levitating above them, her eyes shooting out dual lasers that burned a large S shape in a diamond into the ground behind them. Callie and Sara both shrugged at the same time, taking this as an acceptance to her being classed as Supergirl.
"I'm convinced." Diggle muttered, not wanting to take his eyes off the sight in front of him. It had already been a long day for the man and this was just making things even weirder.
"Best. Team-up. Ever!"
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