As Callie settled into the seat beside Jax, she noticed the smirk on his face. Ignoring the rest of the team talking she turned to him, narrowing her eyes.
"You might want to rub off that bit of Sara's lipstick on your face before anyone notices," Jax said, reaching over and rubbing the mark off the side of her mouth.
Callie was silent, there was nothing she knew to say. Well, maybe one thing.
"Jax, shut up or I'll cut your eyeballs out and feed them to you."
"Height of the American Civil War."
Callie sighed as she walked into the bridge slightly late to the legend's group meeting. Sara looked her in the eye for a second before they both diverted their gazes. Jax smirked at Callie as she walked over to stand beside him, earning him a swift elbow in the side.
"It's also the bloodiest year in American history. We gotta watch each other's backs out there," Ray explained to the team, looking at the map that was showing them Mississippi and the Civil War on the screen they surrounded.
"Yes, which is why you will be watching ours from right here," Sara told Ray, not looking up from fidgeting with the board. Callie looked over at Ray and saw the hurt on his face but she understood why Sara was doing this to the man. They all knew he wasn't really helpful without his suit at that point in time.
"If you don't mind, someone has to stay behind as backup," Sara explained, no sympathy in her eyes as she dealt the blow to the millionaire. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the team in sadness. "And if it helps, Callie, you'll also be staying behind to keep him company."
The raven haired girl's eyes shot straight to Sara to see the blonde internally pleading with her to not challenge her in front of the team. Callie knew there was no rational thoughts behind the action - the blonde certainly had their kiss on her mind as she made the decision - but she chose not to cause a fuss about it. If Sara wanted to pretend nothing had happened between them, then so be it. And maybe Sara was being rational; who knew what Callie's bloodlust was caused by.
"Along with comms devices, I also packed sacked lunches. I figured the food in 1863 is pretty lousy," Ray joked, holding up the tinfoil bags as the team began to move out. Callie smiled at him, knowing that he was trying his best and took the bag he had made for the two of them to share while the rest of the team was out on the field.
Callie looked over at them all, scoffing as she saw the ridiculous outfits they were wearing to try and fit into 1863. She nudged Ray in the side just as Sara started speaking.
"Hey, at least we don't look stupid," she joked, causing the billionaire to shoot her a smile of gratitude for trying to cheer him up even though he had just been benched.
"All right, the operation is simple. We isolate the target, we eliminate the timeship, and we get out of there. And all while wearing this dress," Sara stated, casting a hateful look at the dress that donned her body. Callie scoffed, causing Sara to shoot her an apology look for benching her but it was ignored by the youngest Merlyn. The team all breathed in the tension for a second - only Jax really understanding why they were being so strange with each other - before Ray chipped in again.
"Come back safe!" He yelled as they all exited the ship. Callie and Ray remained silent as they headed back to the bridge, the billionaire still very scared of the dark-haired assassin even though she looked like any twenty-something year-old from back home, dressed in her ripped jeans, denim jacket and vans.
"It's Mississippi, 1863. The weather is a temperate 58 degrees. Ooh, a little trivia, you guys are in Hinds County, which was named after General Thomas..." Ray continued to inform the team as Callie sat forging arrow heads from some metal that Gideon had supplied her with. She preferred to trust her own tools rather than someone elses.
"Did you just..."
"Shut off his comms? Yep."
"Guys? Guys?" Ray asked into the comms, Callie also noticing hers had too gone silent. She knew instantly that Sara had cut them off and despite her current mood with the blonde, she agreed with her decision. Ray's useless trivial would only distract the team during their quick mission.
"Hey, at least we aren't out in that temperature," Callie tried to clear the air, feeling a sense of pity for Ray as he slunked away to the communal area. Callie sighed, putting her head down and headphones in as she went back to making more arrow heads.
"Nice job blowing up the Time Pirate's escape pod. Put another win in the mission column!" Ray shouted, causing Callie to pull her headphones out as she noticed the team entering the room. Jax threw his hands in the air at Ray's optimism and Callie noticed the crestfallen looks on all of their faces and knew it hadn't gone to plan.
"Did you not see what happened next?" Jax yelled, rolling his eyes at Ray.
"No, I took a break. Had to go to the bathroom. You okay?" He asked, noticing what Callie had figured out.
"We were attacked by zombies - and someone put sprouts on my sandwich," Mick growled, shooting a side glare at Callie. The girl glared back, he knew it wasn't her who had made the sandwiches so she didn't appreciate the look he was sending her.
"The Time Pirate's distress call referenced something called a TX-90. It's a futurist bioweapon. The infected's condition represents strongly those things... that... I can't say," Stein struggled out, stopping his sentence as he thought about the creatures.
"And if that infected Time Pirate is out there spreading this virus, then our work is not done here," Sara explained, trying to not look at Callie who was now beginning to pace in the corner of her eye. She could see the metal arrowheads on the table and knew the girl was annoyed as it was what she had always done to calm herself down.
"No kidding. Having zombies, or whatever they are, running around the Civil War is not a good thing," Nate explained.
"Speaking of not good," Callie muttered, pointing to where Mick had just collapsed on the ground loudly. Everyone stared at him for a second before Sara shouted for him to be taken to the MedBay so they could figure out what was wrong with him.
As the team hurried out of the room, Callie stayed behind as she continued to work on shaping the arrowheads to get the perfect dynamic - a trick her father had taught her many years before. She missed him, well, the old him. The one who had shown her that there was more to life than partying and being afraid.
Her train of thought was interrupted as Sara wandered back in, dressed normally this time. Callie tried to ignore the eyes that were resting on her, but she knew that Sara was going to speak whether or not she acknowledged it.
"Callie, look," she began, pausing to see if the girl would even look up. "Whatever your bloodlust thing was the other day, it can't happen again. That's why I benched you," Sara continued, still being ignored by the girl.
Sara took a breath before speaking again. "Callie, you're all I have left from home. I haven't seen anyone from home until you, and you're the closet thing I have to family."
Callie paused for a second, an action that Sara caught with her eyes. She resumed making the arrowheads without saying anything, waiting on the girl to leave. Sara let out a frustrated breath before turning on her heel and walking away.
If she had looked back, she would have seen the heartbroken look that followed her.
"Raymond, please hurry. I don't like the way this is going," Stein begged as he watched Mick shake in the MedBay chair. Callie stood against the door, her bow on her back as she fiddled with the arrows in the holster on her leg. Stein eyed her carefully, afraid she actually might kill Mick.
"You don't like the way this is going?" Mick snapped back, adding different chemicals into his conical flask to try to create a vaccination that would prevent Mick from turning into a zombie.
"How close are you to formulating a workable vaccine?" Callie asked, twirling one of the arrows in her hands. The new arrowhead she had been making earlier that day glinted in the glow from the MedBay lights.
"Very. I think." Ray stood up with the vaccine gun in his hand as he approach Mick. He went to insert the needle, but the man grabbed his wrist before he could do anything else.
"Raymond. I'm counting on you," Mick murmured, and Callie felt a hint of sympathy for the man. He was nothing but gruff usually, but times like this showed that he really was afraid of dying like they all truly were.
"Don't worry, Mick. I got you. Here we go."
He inserted the serum into Mick's arm, stepping back as the three uninfected members of the team watched carefully. Mick suddenly let out a roar, then a scream that left two of the three scrambling towards the door as they studied the medstats.
"What's happening?"
"His heart rate's spiking. Gideon, administer the sedative now!" Ray yelled, both of the scientists screaming as Mick began to contort into a zombified version of himself. Callie instantly nocked the arrow on her bow, raising it to be level with the man's forehead as he began to rip himself free from the chair bindings.
"Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!"
"Screaming isn't helping!" Ray shouted back at Stein, dragging the older man out of the room. "Gideon, put the ship on lockdown!"
"Lockdown mode activated," the voice of the AI broke the silence, causing an alarm to start ringing.
The two scientists made it outside the medbay, with Ray grabbing Callie by her jacket and pulling her out of the room just before the door shut and just before she had time to release the arrow. She shoved the man off her as she turned around to face the two.
"He was... he was... he... he..." Stein breathed irrationally.
"Calm down, calm down."
"We're going to die."
"You just need to calm down."
"I will not calm down. He was threatening enough before he was one of the walking dead! Why didn't your vaccine work?" Stein yelled at Ray, accusing him for the failure of the plan.
"I-I-I don't know. It could be that subcutaneous delivery needs more than one dose?" Ray questioned.
"Oh, and that didn't occur to you while formulating your serum?"
"At least I'm not the one with an irrational fear of zombies."
"There's nothing irrational about my fear of zombies. He's a zombie!"
"Look, I'm pretty sure that I stunned him."
"Oh, you're pretty sure?"
"And if he's knocked out cold in the MedBay, all we have to do is go back in there and inject him again."
"And if he's not, I'm pretty sure he'll kill us! So, me and my irrational fear are staying right here."
"Listen to me, Marty... Can I call you Marty?"
"You have to help me. If you don't, and I get bitten, then you'll have two zombies to deal with," Ray pointed out to a paled-out Stein.
"Oh, my God." Stein breathed in the realisation.
They both paused for a second but Callie interrupted the bickering scientists. She glared in-between the two of them as she swung the bow back over her shoulder.
"Mick's a rabid dog. You know what the league do to uncurable rabid dogs? We put them out of their misery, so either you guys sort this, or I'll put Mick down."
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