Therefore, Callie made Quentin a promise. She would not let another one of his children die - again.
So when a crazed historian entered Oliver's mayor office during their coffee break on that fateful morning ranting about Sara and her team being in grave danger, she knew it was time for her to really step up.
"What the hell is going on out here?" Oliver shouted over the grunts of a tall dark haired man who was currently wrestling with his security guards.
Callie snorted slightly as the man flailed around in their arms, casting a panicked look between the two secret vigilantes. The dark haired girl narrowed her eyes at the fight the man was putting up, causing her to think something might actually be going on there.
"Sorry, sir, he broke through the security cordon downstairs," the bulkier guard explained, huffing as he realised he was failing in his job already. It was only his first week, and he couldn't even hold back someone claiming to be a historian.
"Only because they wouldn't let me up without an appointment, but how does a regular guy get an appointment with the Mayor anyway?" He rambled, before turning his attention back to Oliver and Callie. Both of them stood with their arms crossed as they studied the scene before them.
"And you are...?" Callie asked, trailing off as she looked him up and down.
"Heywood, Dr. Nate Heywood," he answered, holding out a hand to shake and puffing from the exercise of fighting off the guards. Seeing their unamused faces, he dropped his hand back to his side. "I'm... here to talk about Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, and the rest of the Legends. I think they're all in trouble," he explained, causing Callie's head to shoot up so quickly she almost thought her bones in her neck had snapped.
Oliver escorted Nate into his office straight away, thanking his guards and dismissing them for the time being. Callie trailed behind, closing the door and making sure there was no one lurking around outside the office before she walked back over to the boys.
"Thank you for not having me arrested back there. Those security guards really overreacted. You know, one of 'em tried to Mace me," Nate explained, reaching into his bag and pulling out a bunch of files while almost letting himself feel at home in the office.
"Dr. Heywood, I only agreed to give you five minutes, which was three minutes ago, because Ray and Sara are friends of mine, but I don't know the first thing about any Legends," Oliver snarked, trying to play it cool in front of the man. Nate scoffed as he flicked through the files in his hands.
"Of course you do, because you're the Green Arrow," Nate said as if it was the most normal sentence in the world without even looking up. "And you're the Falcon," he added, nodding his head in Callie's direction.
"Excuse me?" Oliver almost growled at the man, unsure on how he figured out their secret identities. Nate shot his head up to make eye contact with them, noticing how Callie's hand was resting on the edge of her jeans where Nate was sure a gun was tucked away. "We're done here."
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop a bomb on you like that, it's just, I've exhausted all my normal avenues, and you guys are the only people left who won't think I'm crazy," he softened, meeting their gazes in a pleading look. Callie crossed her arms, but kept them loose enough to allow access to her gun if she needed it. Just because Ollie didn't kill anymore didn't mean she wouldn't.
"Are you sure about that?" Callie quipped, but was ignored by Nate as he continued to stare off with Oliver.
"I'm a historian. I specialize in deductive historical reconstruction. In layman's terms, I'm a time detective, which I really don't have to be to look at a calendar to see one week after you came to this city, Robin Hood showed up," Nate explained and Callie nodded to herself slightly, understanding where he was coming from. "And Camilla, you left for years then suddenly after all of the earthquake drama Falcon suddenly appeared when you arrived back!"
"I don't go by Camilla. It's Callie," she replied, out of habit for when people used her proper name that she had always hated.
"You said that Sara and Ray are..." Oliver interrupted, trailing off as he tried to process the information Nate was throwing at them - even though they technically knew most of it already.
"Traveling throughout time with the other Legends. "Legends" is what they call themselves. Now, for the past six months, I've been noticing subtle changes to history... Almost imperceptible. Actually, if it wasn't for a friend of mine who's a quantum physicist, I wouldn't have been able to detect the subliminal alterations. The point being, I think your friends are responsible," Nate rambled, causing Oliver and Callie to share exasperated looks as they weren't sure whether to believe the man or not.
Nate sighed as he looked at the pair's sceptical glances.
"You're looking at me like you want evidence. Evidence, okay, an illuminated manuscript from 1216 depicting a knight... Looks a lot like your friend Dr. Palmer... Same nose and and chin. Erratic text describing a woman in white with a bo staff. Uh, hieroglyphic from Mesopotamia depicting an albeit crude ship that flies through the air and disappears," Nate rambled again, showing them pictures of proof.
"Let's skip to the part where they're in trouble."
"UFO sighting, New York City, 1942, multiple witnesses report a flying machine diving into the Atlantic, which matches not only the Mesopotamian hieroglyphics but..." Nate continued, causing Oliver to snap a little at the man.
"The part where they're in trouble!"
"Contemporaneous with the sighting were multiple reports of an underwater detonation of an atomic bomb! Now, the government has denied this," Nate started and Callie cut him off this time.
"You said 1942. That's three years before..." She began to say but he spoke over her too.
"Before the atomic bomb was supposedly invented, yes. I told you history was changing," he finished, looking between the two heroes.
Oliver and Callie shared similar reactions, panic flaring up in their chests. Callie took a few deeps breaths, remembering her promise to Quentin about protecting his only surviving daughter since she hadn't been able to save Laurel.
"Dr. Heywood, if the Legends' ship met an A-bomb, they're not in trouble... They're dead," Oliver finished, watching Callie out of the corner of his eye.
"The ship's keeping him in stasis," Callie explained as they came across who they believed to be one of Sara's team. After a quick check with Nate, he confirmed this theory. They had found the ship on the bottom of the ocean floor and she really hoped that Sara was alive here somewhere.
"How do you know that?" Nate asked, while Oliver nodded his head towards the board that clearly stated he was being kept in stasis by the ship.
"Oh," Nate muttered, wondering how he had missed that. Moving towards the board, he reached out and pressed his finger to the spinning circle on the screen that resembled a button. Once touched, the lights in the ship instantly lit up.
Callie scoffed as she looked around at the impressive room. Her and Oliver jumped slightly as Mick started to breathe and gasp heavily, causing Oliver to put an arm out in front of Callie to stop her from getting hit by his swinging arms.
Grabbing on to the man, Oliver pinned him back against the medical chair he had been resting against.
"My name is Oliver Queen and my preference is to not break your arm, so I want you to calm down and tell us what happened to your team," he growled out, noticing that Callie had pulled out the gun that was tucked in between her belt and her skin the whole time.
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," Mick snarked, eying up the girl holding the gun level in the corner of his eye.
Mick got up, shoving Oliver off him and lead them towards a room with a table. He slumped into a seat, resting his feet up on to the table before them.
"All I remember is being knocked out by that skinny, little Englishman. Very embarrassing." He took a swig of his beer as did Callie, having been the only one of the three to accept one from him.
"I know that Sara told her father she was leaving to protect history," Oliver stated.
"Why?" Callie continued.
"Why does history need protecting?" Nate begged, wanting to know everything he could about the alterations.
"Because the idiots who were protecting it... The Time Masters, were blown up," Mick answered as if it was the simplest question he had ever been asked.
Callie groaned slightly, not surprised that something like that would have ended up happening. Everyone she knew and was friends with always had the worst luck so of course it would have happened to Sara.
"So you and the Legends took over?" Nate filled in, causing Oliver and Callie to share a fed up look.
"Mm. Chasing down time criminals and fixing the parts of history they screwed up. Aberrations the captain called them. We were chasing them for about six months without a problem. Well, the occasional problem," Mick started to trail off, allowing Callie and the boys to see he was having a flashback from what they guessed was one of those occasional problems.
He started to explain it to them, about how they had tried to help save a King in olden France from assassins with future tech.
"Wait, how'd you go from the court of uis XIII to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?" Nate jumped in, confused about what the relevance of this was to finding out what happened to the Legends.
"You said you wanted to hear the full story."
"We do, just some of us have lives that we'd like to get back to," Oliver butted in, nodding to himself and Callie. The raven haired girl was still sipping on the beer she had been given and raised in as a sign of confirmation to Oliver's statement.
"We got ourselves in trouble by visiting a time we were told not to," Mick continued to explain.
"1942?" Nate more stated than questioned, beginning to understand the importance of what Mick was saying. The man grunted, taking another swig of his beer. "Who told you not to go to 1942?"
"Some guy in a hood named... Rex Tyler. Said if we set foot in 1942 we'd be all screwed, and then he just vanished," Mick explained, causing Callie to sigh again.
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