Chapter 20
After, well everything, they were both just cuddled up on Izuku's bed. They had only spent a weekend without each other, but you wouldn't believe how long a weekend could actually be.
"Hey Denki? Can we go get food? I didn't really eat a lot at lunch." Izuku said awkwardly, not wanting to think about his few hours of weakness.
Kaminari nodded and got up. "Wanna piggy back ride?" He offered with a smirk, knowing that he wouldn't be able to refuse.
"Heck yes!" He cheered as Kaminari stood with his back to the bed, making it easier for him to grab Izuku. Once he was situated on his back, they were off to the kitchen.
The hadn't noticed the time, and were surprised when they reached the kitchen and the whole first floor was filled with their classmates. They weren't nearly surprised as their classmates though.
"About damn time you grew some fucking balls." Bakugou grumbled while grabbing an apple off the counter.
"Kacchan! Language!" Izuku shouted, appalled by his choice of words.
"Shut up Deku!" Bakugou shouted back.
"Don't tell me boyfriend to shut up." Kaminari said back sassily.
Nearly everyone on the first floor froze. "Boyfriend?" Everyone, including Izuku asked him.
Kaminari turned his head to the side and up, catching the sight of his boyfriend. "Well, I just thought that with the whole, being in love with each other thing, we were dating, for real this time. Did I interpret that wrong or?..."
"No! Not at all. I'd be happy to be your boyfriend, for real this time." Izuku said with a content smile on his face.
"For real?" Oh, so Todoroki was still alive.
That couldn't be good.
Izuku made a move to slip off of Kaminari's back, but he held a firm grip on his legs, preventing him from leaving. He walked over to the counter and placed him down on it, moving to stand in between his legs. At this point, he was just trying to push all of his buttons. Karma's a bitch.
He looked over at the duel haired boy, who was once again, basically steaming from his left side. He threw him a lazy smile. "Oh yeah, we were faking it before. Izu wanted to get you and Uraraka off his back, but it seemed only one of you took the hint." He looked over at Uraraka, who was happily chatting away with Asui in the living room.
"So you guys weren't even actually dating?" Todoroki asked, slight disbelief present in his voice.
"Nope, but I was just such an amazing 'fake' boyfriend, bunny over here fell for me. And I mean, who wouldn't be head over heels for him." Kaminari said, placing a kiss on his forehead, and then pecking his lips, just to piss him off even more.
He was having way to much fun with this whole revenge thing.
"Then what was with the 'break up'?" He asked, putting air quotes around 'break up'.
"With my line of work, I didn't want to get him involved. I figured it would be safer for him if I ended it. That's what you do when you love someone. You put their safety before your own happiness." He said, venom seeping into his voice on accident. He had been so good at keeping his voice casual and nonchalant, up until that point.
"What about now then? Did you stop caring about his safety?" Todoroki shot back. He wasn't about to back down so easily.
"I realized that he could protect himself, and even if he couldn't, I'd be there, ready to help him. He was falling apart, we both were. Mental safety is just as important as physical safety." Kaminari said. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist, keeping his eyes on Todoroki, but feeling his anger slowly leave him. Izuku seemed to have that affect on him.
Izuku had been quiet up until this point. He knew that he had been the one to create most of the tension between the two, and he knew they both had things they needed to get off their chests. He elected to stay out of their way while they did so.
"I'm sorry Todoroki, about earlier. I was... just really upset and hurt. I didn't mean to hurt you at all... and I'm really sorry if I did." Izuku said, looking up at the other boy.
Todoroki's gaze softened when it met Izuku's. He wasn't mad at him, he wasn't even sure he had the capacity to be mad at him. He wasn't necessarily hurt either. He had known what Izuku was doing from the beginning and he had still just gone with it. He didn't have a reason to be hurt.
"I know Izu." He said.
He threw one last glance at Kaminari. It was threatening or cold, more of 'you won, so I'll leave you alone, but I'm not gonna be friends', type of look, before walking out of the kitchen and back up to his own dorm.
Once he was gone, Izuku let out a long breath of air and placed his forehead against Kaminari's. "It's been a draining past couple of days." He said.
"Yeah, yeah it has." Kaminari agreed with a small laugh.
"Wanna go watch some anime?" Izuku asked with a small smile, already knowing the answer.
"Fuck yeah! But only if I get to pick this time. You're terrible at it." He said, scrunching up his face as he remembered the horrors of 'Angel Beats'.
"Oh c'mon, it was one bad pick!" Izuku defended, but couldn't stop the giggle that escaped his lips.
"One too many! I have yet to chose a bad anime, therefore I'm the superior picker and I shall pick the next one." He said, getting sort of posh and formal at the end, causing Izuku to double over in laughter.
"Fine, whatever, but as soon as you pick a bad anime, it's over for you bucko!" Izuku teasingly threatened.
"As if that day will ever come." He scoffed.
Izuku lightly laughed at their banter. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asked the blonde standing in front of him.
Kaminari pretended to think about it for a second. "Ya know, I can't recall. Maybe you should tell me again, just in case." He suggested.
Izuku lightly hit his shoulder as he started to laugh. Once it died down, the green haired boy laid his head on Kaminari's shoulder.
"I love you Denki."
"I love you too bunny."
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