Chapter 18
Izuku cut Kirishima off. "Thanks for trying to help, really, but it's pointless. He doesn't love me, and he never did." He said, holding back tears.
Todoroki appeared from the doors, making Kirishima scowl at his presence. He really didn't like the duel haired boy right them.
"What's going-" He stopped himself when he saw Izuku, the first tears streaming down his face. "What happened?" He asked, pulling the smaller boy into his chest.
"Nothing, Kaminari just-" Kirishima was promptly cut off again.
"What the fuck did he say this time?" Todoroki growled.
"N-nothing. Don't worry about it." Izuku said, burying his hands into the fabric of Todoroki's shirt.
It clearly wasn't nothing, but he decided to let it go. "Want to just skip the rest of the day?" He whispered to the green haired boy.
Surprisingly, he actually nodded.
Todoroki reacted quickly, not wanting him to change his mind and back out. "You want to walk or do you want me to carrying you?" He asked, knowing that he had to be emotionally, and maybe physically, exhausted.
When Izuku didn't respond or move, Torodoki had his answer. "Jump." He whispered and Izuku listened. He was now clinging to Todoroki like a green koala.
Todoroki carried him all the way to the dorms and plopped him down on the couch in the common room, earning a giggle from the smaller boy. "What'd you wanna watch?" He asked him.
Izuku seemed to think about it for a second, before shouting, "Star Wars!" Excitedly. Todoroki smiled fondly at him and then put the first movie in. Izuku wanted to watch them all, in chronological order.
He was out like a light before the second one finished.
Todoroki was actually relieved. His bags were to dark for comfort. He looked like a mini Aizawa, and that was just a bit disturbing.
Izuku had passed out, curled up on Todoroki's chest. He seemed almost touch starved and it made Todoroki realize just how affection he and Kaminari must have been. It sucked to think about. He just kept telling himself that he was there, now, with him and Kaminari was in class, probably realizing that they both were gone.
He hoped he was thinking they were doing something... not quite so innocent.
And boy, was his hope accurate.
Kaminari had snapped two pencils already, and it had only been twenty minutes of being back in class. Mina had to reach over and take his last one, so he'd actually have something to write with when it came time for homework.
Aizawa gave them time finish their assignments and they were allowed to move around in work in groups, if they wanted. Mina and Kirishima pulled up chairs, sitting on either side of Kaminari, who was still scowling at his paper. Bakugou, realizing his boyfriend wasn't coming to him, reluctantly got up and joined them.
"You know you did this to yourself, right?" Kirishima asked him. He realized that it wasn't a gentle way to put it, but he needed to hear it. He needed to pull his head out of his ass and just admit that he was in love with Izuku, before Todoroki fucked it all up.
"Did what? I'm fine." Kaminari said through clenched teeth.
Clearly he was fine.
"Shut the fuck up dunce face. For a genius, you're fucking stupid. Right now, Deku and half and half are back in the dorms, doing god knows what, and you're sitting here pouting like a fucking baby. It's pathetic. Either man the fuck up and tell him you love him, or let him the fuck go. You can't act like this, telling him you don't love him, and then get all pissy and jealous when he's with another guy. You're fucking with his head." Bakugou said seriously. He had kept his voice down, not wanting anyone outside of their little group to hear him sounding concerned about Izuku and Kaminari. Not that he was or anything! That's just what all the damn extras would think.
Kaminari took a deep breath, thinking through everything his explosive friend had just told him. He knew he was right. He knew he had to decided. If he would give in or give up.
"I-I love him. Happy now? I love him, okay? But I'm scared. It's not like my job comes risk free. If something happens to him, and it's my fault... I don't-" He was close to breaking down in the middle of class. He wasn't about to let that happen, so he shut up.
"Look at you, putting your fucking big boy pants on. Now stop tell us, we already know. Go fucking tell him." Bakugou said with an eye roll.
Kaminari's eyes widened. "Now?" He squeaked.
"Yes asshat, now." When he didn't move, Bakugou used more force. "Go!" He yelled, letting off a tiny explosion.
Kaminari may have been more trained and better with his quirk than Bakugou, even being able to easily take him in a fight, but he had been drilling 'fear' of the other boy into his head for the past three years, so he found it easy to jump up and run from the classroom, no one even batting an eye.
He ran all the way to the dorms, but stopped just outside the doors. He had to prepare himself for whatever was going to be in there. Whatever might have happened. He was nervous, obviously, but he also knew that Izuku wouldn't have done anything to extreme. Willingly.
He pushed the doors opened and cautiously entered. The first thing he noticed, was Star Wars playing in the living room area. He walked over to it and found both Izuku and Todoroki, asleep, and cuddled up to each other.
He'd be lying if he said that his heart didn't clench at the sight.
He shook his head, telling himself that Izuku was just hurt and upset. He knew exactly how much Izuku didn't like Todoroki. There shouldn't even be worries about them together.
He quietly moved towards them. He really just wanted to pick Izuku up and run, but he knew that the small boy wouldn't appreciate that, at all. Instead, he leaned down and rubbed his thumb over his cheek, trying to wake him up.
It took him all of two seconds to lean into his touch, causing a smirk to appear on his face. 'Take that Todoroki. He prefers me, even in his sleep.'
"Izu, bunny, wake up. We need to talk."
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